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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

The Shocking Trigger Behind Today's Gulf Scandal: Qatar Paid Al-Qaeda, Iran $1BN In Hostage Deal

"around $700m was paid both to Iranian figures and the regional Shia militias they support, according to regional government officials. They added that $200m to $300m went to Islamist groups in Syria, most of that to Tahrir al-Sham, a group with links to al-Qaeda."

full article:


very good, some more $$$$$ for arming Popular Mobilization Units with new weapons, paying salarys, R&D money for Iran.......
none of the countries had tie with Israel (Turkey, KSA, Qatar, Egypt, Jordan) gained anything but trouble. Egypt, Turkey and Jordan already have fair share of hostility and back stabbing by zions. Qatar is latest example. Saudis will have same fate down the road.

Will these countries come to sense, most likely not.

But house of saud argument was Qatar is promoting terrorism. That is 100% true. Then again house of saud promoting terrorism in much bigger scale and for longest time.

Both are guilty. So, are Turkey in large extent. If any of these countries think they would gain regional influence using terror, they have another thing coming. US and Israel will exploit them until there is no use and throw them away.
For every nation that cut ties, they all have their own reasons likely. The general interpretation of the public will be about the MB rift thing, which means it just won't get better, and the schisms are on a popular level. Which is why I'm not proud of it.

The US on other hand, is not disappointed with Qatar with the exception of hosting Hamas. That's all they want out of them. I doubt the US will go further and suggest cutting ties with all Sunni political movements, especially with its position on Syria, it doesn't make sense. If that is the agenda we are going to see under Trump administration that also will bode very badly and much deeper than just MB rift, it will be a rift between everyone in the public arena.

We will see what this is really about and what it will mean on the long run after a while. Nothing that has been done or said so far suggests that any major conflict is erupting.

Here on PDF, you have the usual Arab-obsessed (or Arab rulers-obsessed) individuals trying to beat the drums of doom and gloom, war, Qatar leaving the GCC, coups, KSA invading Qatar etc. nonsense. That's to be expected and I am obviously going to call that out and the hypocrisy involved if nobody else is willing to smash their skulls online.

I would not include the MB in the equation here post-King Abdullah. It just does not make sense given the past 3 + years of developments. I know because I noticed a change in discourse in the local media and the Arab media overall in this regard. Nowadays after this diplomatic row, the old rhetoric has returned on both sides but this was to be expected. In any case 200.000 big Qatar cannot really kickstart something as big as that nor will people allow it. Already now most locals within in the GCC (if you take a look at Arab forums, media, social media) understand that this is mostly a part of the usual games of thrones and the people have no relation to this. Many inside KSA disagree with having any hostility towards Qatar. Not necessarily pro-MB people. I too disagree with such a policy but I look at this as a message rather than something that will continue for a long time. However until and when we will know what is really going on, first there, I will draw my conclusions although I have a feeling that this has to do with Yemen first and foremost.
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Well---he is busy with this criminal case in the court against him---. he is not fit to be the prime minister at this time.
Good hiding alibi..

Closing the land border was the most idiotic thing the Saudis so far did in this dispute. Turks and Iranians will gladly export agricultural products and foodstuffs to Qatar. From a long term perspective, Qatar will be more independent from Saudi Arabia. You just lost another leverage against Doha.
It about $400 million trade for KSA and $300 million for the UAE, it is no big deal for them..Also Iran said that food can reach Qatar in 12 hours if asked for.. but it is not big business..
How is the agriculture industry in Iran?
How is the food industry in Iran?
Self sufficient?
Now exporting food to Qatar, good, again $$$$$ for Irans economy
Nice to see most of the Arab countries taking a tough stand against terrorism and Qatar.
There was never any 1000 years old. There was 400 year old (1517-1917) rule by mostly non-Turkic elites where Arabs constituted the largest population and had influence in all fields. Not only that only 1/3 of the Arab world and mostly through local rulers that acted independently most of the time. Negligible cultural influence too.

Compare that with 400 years of Arab rule in half of modern-day Turkey (Anatolia) and almost 500 years of rule in Central Asia and centuries of eunuch and slave soldier occupation.

I am not fat (as if that is supposed to be an insult, lol) but you should not be talking.

Anyway keep having your fantasies. Try to mess with Arabs or in particular KSA. Good luck.

Lol- Turks wasnt even in anatolia in them times, when Oghuz Turks moved away from the Altai's towards the caspian area and only after around 10th century came towards the middle east and anatolia.

Most pakistanis have hindu ancestor as well---so would it be a problem if some relate to them---like our prime minister Nawaz Sharif---?

Did you take a survey on the subject to determine the conjecture that most of our ancestors were Hindu? Please provide the statistic. Pakistani's shouldn't be ashamed of their past history if they were Hindu and we do share some cultural links with the Indian side of Punjab, if you want me to be brutally honest. However, what separate us from them is our religion which is different to culture, hence why the two nation theory. At the same time we can't deny our history from the Arab, Persian and Turkic world.
As a Iranian nationalist, the current breakdown of Arab sovereignty and unity truly warms my heart. And to my joy, Iran has a big hand in it all.

May the current schism continue for ages.
Thank you for being true Kurdish where you let your stubborn mind speaks without any fear or reservations. Let the Persians enjoy their coward taqiyyah, and it is perhaps time for you to drop your utopic affinity with them too.

Feel free to curse me if you feel like it though!
The same concept is applied to Turkey. Unlike you I don't follow any leader or country like a cult and have the guts to criticize them. Turkey should leave NATO and join hands with Russia in my opinion.


lol join hands with Russia.:disagree::disagree::disagree:

From the Golden Horde, to the Crimean Khanate etc Russians and Turks are political enemies and had so many wars and there is always a deep hatred, at every stage in history for over a thousand years.

Our own fate is in our own hands, not NATO not Russia. We just have to be self sufficient, especially if a conflict breaks out and stand on our own feet.
Turks from Central Asia who settled in Afghanistan (Sebuktagin, Mahmud Ghaznavi etc) and in India (Aibak, Iltutmish, Balban etc) have nothing to with modern republic of Turkey. The ones in our areas were proper Turks, looked like Turks (Altai looks). While majority of the people in Turkey are linguistically Turkized people just like Sudanese are Arabized people, not proper Arabs. They were ruling elites of India who cared less about indigenous people, your ancestors. Turk rulers of India were plainly racist.

How do you know who my ancestors were? I know its the month of Ramadan, but please don't make dumb statements. From my paternal side I have Persian ancestry and from my maternal side I have Arab ancestry so why the hell are you making an assumption when you know diddlysquat. If you have ancestors who were Hindu, then you should still feel proud of your history. Why were the Turk rulers of India racists...have you been reading BJP propaganda? So in your opinion the Ottomans are not Turks?
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