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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

As a Iranian nationalist, the current breakdown of Arab sovereignty and unity truly warms my heart. And to my joy, Iran has a big hand in it all.

May the current schism continue for ages.
@Saif al-Arab @HAIDER

I don't want to get into this discussion much, I'm not proud of what's happening or the bigger schism within Arab world between MB and others that might follow. It's gone too far at this point that I have nothing left to say. I used to lean towards MB camp a little more than others, no longer that is nor do I find any fascination with any other camp, although in some examples I see MB as victims.

I don't buy the official explanations. It's not about MB this time around, at least not from KSA's viewpoint, as KSA under King Salman resumed relations with almost all MB branches in the Arab world. Similarly relations with Qatar were very close and problem-free until very recently. Something big must have happened behind the lines. Not a too big fan of any conspiracy theories but this is not a normal reaction. I also doubt that this has anything to do with Iran or Israel. I think this might have something to do with Yemen. That's my guess currently. Either that or US/Western pressure to end all support for Sunni Islamist political movements. Or this is a deliberate action to raise the oil prices or test Qatar's resolve. I find it really strange. Just to take the big conspiracy hat on, it would not surprise me, if external forces are involved with an aim to weaken the GCC, in particular in a time like this and after those 3 historic meetings in Riyadh.

As a Iranian nationalist, the current breakdown of Arab sovereignty and unity truly warms my heart. And to my joy, Iran has a big hand in it all.

May the current schism continue for ages.

Nothing like the schism that exists in Iran on a political, ethnic and regional level. All waiting to erupt once again. You are not involved in anything in this regard. Also be careful for what you wish for. The Iraq-Iran war should have been a clear warning of how bad it can end or the past 40 years of sanctions and isolation that put your country decades back on almost every front and resulted in a mass-migration of which you are a descendant like millions of others.
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My feeling, perception of this situation is that something out of ordinary has taken place and behind the scenes negotiations have failed totally.

As I said earlier GCC doesn't operate like this...especially all out media warfare... goes against the established norms of the ruling families' modus operandi...

Anyhow, instead of further speculations I shall choose to be an avid observer... wishing peace to pervail. Bad situation no matter who 'wins'.

As long as there is goodwill towards Pak and Pak peoples and China is in the Game... I am happy.

You take care and hold your famous temper... emotions should not dictate our thoughts too much.

One thing I have observed of last three decades that KSA is pretty nasty enemy to be had. There was this open spat between your last king and Qadafi... look what happened to him... Saddam also crossed the redlines... and then there are a couple of cases must remain hidden.

I shall keep studying this development. In my opinion something really big has happened for this to come out like this... especially seen through the lens of last couple of weeks @The SC and this is an arabian affair/internal family feud nothing to do with Iran.... but then time will tell.

US official: Qatar's actions are very troubling to its neighbors and to Washington

A senior US administration official told Reuters news agency that many of Qatar's actions were troubling to its neighbors in the Gulf and the United States.

The United States does not want to see a "permanent rift" among the Gulf states after some Gulf and Arab countries cut ties with Qatar over its alleged support of Islamists and Iran, the official said Monday.

However, the official said, "There is recognition that many of Qatar's actions are quite disturbing not only to its neighbors in the Gulf but also to the United States." "We want to get them back in the right direction."

The White House said in a statement Monday evening that Trump was committed to working to ease tensions in the Gulf after some countries cut ties with Qatar.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told reporters in Sydney on Monday that the decision would not affect the "fight against terrorists" and that Washington had urged its Gulf allies to resolve their differences.

Nothing like the schism that exists in Iran on a political, ethnic and regional level. All waiting to erupt once again. You are not involved in anything in this regard. Also be careful for what you wish for. The Iraq-Iran war should have been a clear warning of how bad it can end.

You are living in fantasy land. Iran is an island of stability compared the state of the Arab world. And we have a big hand in this all. Can you grasp my aversion of your pathetic tribe to such extent that I, as a child of Iranian political exiles, cheers the Iranian government's role in the Middle East? I'm smiling all day.
Some Arab countries, which never united against Zionism, got united against Qatar in a few hours.

On which planet are you exactly living on? Turkey and Qatar, two countries that have played NO ROLE WHATSOEVER, in the wars against Israel and other anti-Israeli actions (oil embargo etc.), are now supposedly the bastions of anti-Zionism?

The same Turkey that has the closest ties to Israel of all Muslim countries? That recognizes Israel, host Israeli embassies, buys weaponry from Israel, has a significant trade and which shakes hands with the likes of Ariel Sharon? Aside from being a NATO member and home to a US base? That anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist entity?

Or is it Qatar which has the closest ties to Israel of all Arab countries along with Egypt and Jordan (who normalized ties with them). That Qatar?

If you are the average Erdogan supporter in Turkey, I am not really surprised that your country has had a very hard time in the past few years.

Please tell me that you are joking.

You are living in fantasy land. Iran is an island of stability compared the state of the Arab world. And we have a big hand in this all. Can you grasp my aversion of your pathetic tribe to such extent that I, as a child of Iranian political exiles, cheers the Iranian government's role in the Middle East? I'm smiling all day.

A fantasy land where tiny UAE alone has a bigger economy than Iran? Is this your version of peace and stability? The GCC is much more stable than Iran where the crime rates are much greater and where you monthly hear about deadly border clashes from Pakistan/Afghanistan in the east to Iraq/Turkey in the west.

Like Arabs care about the barking of 50 million Persians that will always play second fiddle to Arabs and the Arab world on every front like they do today. Even a comparison is laughable. Anyway the feeling is mutual with your likes and the Iraq-Iran war should have been a clear example of what can happen to your likes.

Keep telling yourself that you are "involved". The next time a car accident occurs in Jeddah you will also shout that the Arab Mullah's ruling you are involved.

Yet the Mullah's might be anti-Arab (not denying that) but they are first and foremost anti-Iran by ruining your economy, progress and everything (almost) that they have touched for the past 40 years. Not only that they are openly executing (in public) people of your ideology that voice it publicly and who actively oppose their iron-hand rule. Is it now that I have to say that long may their rule continue or what?
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It is good time to share this old folk music with you guys.
enjoy it

I think Iran as state should be neutral in this conflict however most of the people in Qeshm, Bastak, charak, Bandarlengeh and many other cities and villages with dominant sunni population (and even Shiraz) in south of Iran like to see Qatar as victor.
I really feel sorry for Abu Dhabi stance in recent conflict and for Dubai to follow this stupidity.
US official: Qatar's actions are very troubling to its neighbors and to Washington

A senior US administration official told Reuters news agency that many of Qatar's actions were troubling to its neighbors in the Gulf and the United States.

The United States does not want to see a "permanent rift" among the Gulf states after some Gulf and Arab countries cut ties with Qatar over its alleged support of Islamists and Iran, the official said Monday.

However, the official said, "There is recognition that many of Qatar's actions are quite disturbing not only to its neighbors in the Gulf but also to the United States." "We want to get them back in the right direction."

The White House said in a statement Monday evening that Trump was committed to working to ease tensions in the Gulf after some countries cut ties with Qatar.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told reporters in Sydney on Monday that the decision would not affect the "fight against terrorists" and that Washington had urged its Gulf allies to resolve their differences.


Ah, my KSA Friend,

You know that I am a well wisher of advancement and progress in your country. Especially for young people who deserve a great future like Young Paks!

We both know the level and depth of KSA influence in DC all the way to New York. So media going KSA way is not surprising at all. Let us call it Great Influence!

I still say something is off. And frankly, I can't percieve it.... yet.

Hence, I shall avoid making any comments about what giveth... apart from my desire for Peace in this region.

Please, do tag me when you think that news/developments might be educational for me.

My sense is this is family feud gone horribly wrong... nothing to do with state to state affairs. This is not how it works down your alley. Iran or MB is just to add extra layer.

For all intents and purposes GCC ruling families are quite tight when it comes to their Core interests... some ruffling of feathers every now and then...but nothing serious.

Certainly after Desert Storm... old men got together and made certain decisions.

Let Peace come back and development start... young people deserve it.


East Pakistan belongs to Pakistan not to the traitors Hassina or Khlida who pissed off Erdogan by killing a senior Islamist leader few months ago, believe me the consonant help you get from Indians or Americans will never halt down the efforts to bring you back to your original country Pakistan.

Not sure what you mumbling about. No one in Bangladesh like or accept indian interference. That being said, you are unable to participate in meaningful arguments rather acting on overwhelming urge to protect image of house of saud. That is futile.
A fantasy land where tiny UAE alone has a bigger economy than Iran? Is this your version of peace and stability? The GCC is much more stable than Iran where the crime rates are much greater and where you monthly hear about deadly border clashes from Pakistan/Afghanistan in the east to Iraq/Turkey in the west.

Like Arabs care about the barking of 50 million Persians that will always play second fiddle to Arabs and the Arab world on every front like they do today. Even a comparison is laughable. Anyway the feeling is mutual with your likes and the Iraq-Iran war should have been a clear example of what can happen to your likes.

Keep telling yourself that you are "involved". The next time a car accident occurs in Jeddah you will also shout that the Arab Mullah's ruling you are involved.

Keep being mad. In the meanwhile, you sword-dancing bedouin-turned oil sheikhs are begging for American protection and intervention because you fear the very same mullahs you laugh at. In the meanwhile, we keep having a military presence in the heart of the Arab world, while your greatest historical cities are getting bombed to rubble by both regional and international forces.

And now your precious GCC is falling apart despite all your economic fortunes. Haha! You Arabs have a patent on disunity and schism.
The same Turkey that has the closest ties to Israel of all Muslim countries? That recognizes Israel, host Israeli embassies, buys weaponry from Israel, has a significant trade and which shakes hands with the likes of Ariel Sharon? Aside from being a NATO member and home to a US base? That anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist entity?
Severing ties with Israel for the sake of Arabs was a mistake anyways.
I don't buy the official explanations. It's not about MB this time around, at least not from KSA's viewpoint, as KSA under King Salman resumed relations with almost all MB branches in the Arab world. Similarly relations with Qatar were very close and problem-free until very recently. Something big must have happened behind the lines. Not a too big fan of any conspiracy theories but this is not a normal reaction. I also doubt that this has anything to do with Iran or Israel. I think this might have something to do with Yemen. That's my guess currently. Either that or US/Western pressure to end all support for Sunni Islamist political movements. Or this is a deliberate action to raise the oil prices or test Qatar's resolve. I find it really strange. Just to take the big conspiracy hat on, it would not surprise me, if external forces are involved with an aim to weaken the GCC, in particular in a time like this and after those 3 historic meetings in Riyadh.

For every nation that cut ties, they all have their own reasons likely. The general interpretation of the public will be about the MB rift thing, which means it just won't get better, and the schisms are on a popular level. Which is why I'm not proud of it.

The US on other hand, is not disappointed with Qatar with the exception of hosting Hamas. That's all they want out of them. I doubt the US will go further and suggest cutting ties with all Sunni political movements, especially with its position on Syria, it doesn't make sense. If that is the agenda we are going to see under Trump administration that also will bode very badly and much deeper than just MB rift, it will be a rift between everyone in the public arena.

Keep being mad. In the meanwhile, you sword-dancing bedouin-turned oil sheikhs are begging for American protection and intervention because you fear the very same mullahs you laugh at. In the meanwhile, we keep having a military presence in the heart of the Arab world, while your greatest historical cities are getting bombed to rubble by both regional and international forces.

There is nothing to keep in mind. Everything that I wrote was the cold-hard reality which is not going to change. All what you have to clutch to is a civil war in Syria that has nothing to do with you other than your Arab Mullah's supporting the Al-Assad while which really does not matter as Russia (the real backer) was there all the time. Your "military presence" is occurring with the blessing of the Iraqi and Syrian regime. A military presence that has costed you billions upon billions of dollars and 1000's of lives. For nothing really as the Al-Assad regime is on loan. Even if it will take 10 more years, the Syrians will get rid of him eventually.

The Arab world is home to the oldest continuously inhabited cities on the planet and Damascus (which is not as destroyed as you think) can easily be rebuilt as can everything else in Syria. Not only "can be" but it will be. Paid by the international community.

Severing ties with Israel for the sake of Arabs was a mistake anyways.

That's none of my concern. I am just puncturing his nonsense anti-Zionism for all to see. In fact embarrassing him.
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