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Saudia Arabia - before the oil.

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What an idiotic thread by this obsessed Pashtun. He might take a look at the wonderful state of his native lands today and their equally "wonderful" state 100 years ago.

You are making a thread about KSA before oil was discovered and in order to do so you are posting black and white photos of a one of the few people who lived/live in the Rub' al-Khali (empty Quarter) in the Southernmost part of KSA (Najran)? Afro-Arabs mostly. How is that remotely representative?

Here are some photos of the isolated (historically too) and impoverished Pashtun inhabited areas of mighty Afghanistan and Northwestern Pakistan.


Mind you my post shows Peshawar (largest Pashtun city back then too) and not a bunch of nomads in the Rub' al Khali.

I could post some 100 year old photos of Pashtun Kuchi nomads (if they even exist) but I can do with recent ones instead to prove the point.

You are trying to belittle people who created 3 of the 11 largest empires (more than any other ethic group in the top 15) who hailed from modern-day KSA and Arabia, who ruled most of the Muslim world for 800 years and whose linguistic, religious, cultural, architectural, military etc. influence is only rivaled by that of very few other peoples.

As for wealth, Arabia was one of the richest areas of the planet millennia before oil was even discovered.


You are also trying to portray Arabia, the second longest inhabited place on planet earth and home to some of the oldest recorded civilizations and cities, and to almost 20 World UNESCO Heritage Sites alone, as the equivalent of your native lands (Pashtun inhabited lands of Afghanistan and Northwestern Pakistan).

But yes, most of modern-day KSA was poor and survived on agriculture, livestock, sea trade etc. and sparsely populated compared to today but which region of the Middle East and Muslim world was not that? You can find such photos and worse in each country of the region and Muslim world back then. Be it Albania or Indonesia.

Those obsessive clowns think that Arab history began 100 years ago so in order to somehow "prove" that, contrary to logic, history, facts and everything else, they nitpick by posting black and white photos of mostly Afro-Arabs living on the edge of the Rub' al-Khali. What this is supposed to proof nobody knows but I don't think it is should be a surprise that what is modern-day KSA and all of the Muslim world 100 years ago, especially on the countryside or when nomadic peoples are used as an example whatever their ethnicity, was mostly poor agricultural/livestock based economies and that most people, especially villagers, lived simple lives.

At least there were no famines in what is modern-day KSA, people were independent (not under foreign rule) and they somehow survived rather effortlessly compared to many other regions of the Muslim world back then. Moreover that time period was one of the worst in Middle Eastern history.

A few examples:

Killed 3 million people:



Killed as many as 8-10 million people (over 50% of the population)

I wonder how it was back then for such a thing to occur. Probably everyone else in the Muslim world lived as people do in Dubai too.

You are comparing oil rich state with afghan kuchis? who are nomads..? :lol:

Above pics are of traders and nomads..
Anyway KSA is the size of Western Europe (12th largest country on the planet) and is home to numerous historical regions which have their own unique culture and history. Life in metropolitan Hijaz 100 years ago or Eastern Arabia differed greatly from that of farmer or average villager in say Najd. Or from genuine Bedouins (who roamed the deserts, steppes, plains and mountains on their own) who lived on their own as other nomadic peoples did 100 years ago across the world and as some continue to do today across the world.

Anyway this below for instance is a traditional Najdi village and traditional Najdi houses.

Such a village relied on farming, agriculture, livestock and trade. I do not see how such a village and village live differed from village live 100 years back anywhere in the Muslim world or world for that matter.

In the coastal regions of KSA (over 3000 km of coastline) be it in Hijaz or Eastern Arabia, fishing, was a great source of income. In Eastern Arabia pearl fishing too. Anyway trade was the greatest source of income overall though regardless of region.

Houses were either made by mud, bricks, wood or stones or a combination.

Examples of one such traditional village (Ushaiger)

Then you had typical traditional mountain villages (half of KSA is covered with mountains) and houses like those below . Very common in Hijaz and Southern KSA.



Or ancient port towns like Jeddah and its old quarter (a World UNESCO Heritage Site today) which for the past 1400 years has been a gateway to Makkah and Madinah thus welcoming Muslims from all corners of the Muslim world.

In the North you have a more "Levantine" feel (given that parts of Northern KSA belong to Levant historically and it neighbors Southern Levant directly) in the cities and a common thing for instance is the prevalence of olive fields.

etc. etc. etc.


May I also finally add that Arabia is one of the richest areas of the world in terms of minerals, gold and natural resources in general outside of just oil and gas?

In Hijaz you can find the oldest continuously working gold mine (5000 years) and the largest in the Middle East called Mahd adh Dhahab. It was known locally and in the region as the cradle of gold.

Cities back than have such large populations and people lived inside walled forts

Bala Hisar Fort Peshawar


Renowned historian Dr A.H. Dani in his book Peshawar-Historic City of Frontier writes that when Hiuen Tsang, a Chinese traveller, visited Peshawar in 630 AD, he spoke of a "royal residence".

He says that Chinese word "Kung Shing" used for its significance and is explained as fortified or walled portion of the town in which the royal palace stood.

Bala Hisar Kabul (another Pashtun city 1879


Rohtas Fort 1541


Rohtas Fort full view.jpg


Sher Shah tomb

Sher Shah tomb.jpg


Khilji empire


dont mock Pashtuns...

Also some of the pic u posted are from anglo Pashtun war..

During the 1973 Arabi-Israeli war, when King Faisal cut off oil from supplies and deprived the west from oil for supporting Israel,
Kissinger said: “if Saudi Arabia doesn't lift the boycott, America will come and bomb the oilfields.”

King Faisal replied back: “You’re the ones who cannot live without oil. you know, we come from the desert, and our ancestors lived on dates and milk and we can easily go back and live like that again.”
What an idiotic thread by this obsessed Pashtun. He might take a look at the wonderful state of his native lands today and their equally "wonderful" state 100 years ago.

You are making a thread about KSA before oil was discovered and in order to do so you are posting black and white photos of a one of the few people who lived/live in the Rub' al-Khali (empty Quarter) in the Southernmost part of KSA (Najran)? Afro-Arabs mostly. How is that remotely representative?

Here are some photos of the isolated (historically too) and impoverished Pashtun inhabited areas of mighty Afghanistan and Northwestern Pakistan.

Pashtun warriors during Anglo-Afghan/Pashtun wars..
Pashtun Mujaheedin Ghazi Fedayi Anglo Afghan War (Pokhton)

In 1935, a dangerous earthquake changed the shape of the city and thousands of people died within a few seconds and the beautiful city was badly damaged with thousands of people becoming homeless.

Quetta Earthquake 1935...

Old Peshawar 1890

Caravan Serai, Peshawar, 1920

Traders - Serai = place to rest
Probably hindus...1880


atalbrave: A Kuchi family (Pashtun nomads) gather before a fire, baking bread. #AFGHANISTAN. National Geographic. https://t.co/TEfClDjESB - 2016-07-18 11:41:14
Read more at http://twicsy.com/i/S5XCVj#M6FzBLaDCZJJ0bvH.99


Mind you my post shows Peshawar (largest Pashtun city back then too) and not a bunch of nomads in the Rub' al Khali.

I could post some 100 year old photos of Pashtun Kuchi nomads (if they even exist) but I can do with recent ones instead to prove the point.

You are trying to belittle people who created 3 of the 11 largest empires (more than any other ethic group in the top 15) who hailed from modern-day KSA and Arabia, who ruled most of the Muslim world for 800 years and whose linguistic, religious, cultural, architectural, military etc. influence is only rivaled by that of very few other peoples.
Kutchi are nomads/gypsies...

Kochis or Kuchis (from the Persian word: کوچ koch; meaning "migration") are Afghan nomads similar to Arabian Bedouins


What an idiotic thread by this obsessed Pashtun. He might take a look at the wonderful state of his native lands today and their equally "wonderful" state 100 years ago.

The Pot is calling the kettle black... Before discovery of oil, your Saudis and other Bedouin tribes were living in tents, with camels, sheeps and goats as livestock......

We are in the same shoes , my "Muslim" brother

Amazing turn of events, isn't it? Got to give it to the government of Saudi got utilising its wealth in a fair share, no wonder even their poorest are better off than some average class of most nations. Let this be a lesson to those countries who're going through tough times and believe things never will get better: it will.

The key here, again, is for the natives to utilise its wealth. NOT any foreign invader/occupier.

Interesting thread by the thread starter and some quite interesting pictures thanks to good old camera

Thankfully majority of Saudia now has Education and the cities and villages are educated still have some way to go with certain aspects of society but what a change in 100 years

What is the relation between Saudis and Yamanis the attire these folks have look very similar to Yameni
If I'm not mistaken then the royal Saud family have got roots in current day Yemen, maybe that's why.
The Pot is calling the kettle black... Before discovery of oil, your Saudis and other Bedouin tribes were living in tents, with camels, sheeps and goats as livestock......

We are in the same shoes , my "Muslim" brother

No, before the discovery of oil Saudi Arabians had founded 3 of the 11 largest empires in human history and influenced the world profoundly religiously, culturally, linguistically, militarily, architectural wise etc. Ruled much of the Muslim world for 800 years. From France in the West to China in the East. Including conquering your ancestral lands, ironically. Nobody had seen such a large empire ever. Until the very short-lived and incredibly brutal Mongol empire emerged 650 years later.

Before that the Arabian Peninsula, which is the longest inhabited area of the planet outside of East Africa, was home to some of the most ancient civilizations and oldest continuously-inhabited cities and settlements.

You have provinces and historical regions of KSA that are bigger than Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Bedouins (another word for nomadic Arabs) were almost exclusively found in Najd. All other regions of modern-day KSA be it Hijaz, Eastern Arabia or Northern Arabia were settled. Even much of Najd was settled.

I am a Hijazi Hashemite from Hijaz. A region of the Middle East and the world that is home to some of the oldest continuously inhabited cities. My ancestors were city dwellers for at least 3500 years. I and millions of other Hijazis have nothing to do with Bedouin culture.

I don't expect you to know anything about this.

Anyway in your long list of animals you forgot the most important of them all. The world famous Arabian horse (most famous and most expensive horse).

And obviously this thread is a troll thread. Do you think that photos of some black and white photos of Afro-Arabs and Bedouins taken before the foundation of modern-day KSA, in the southernmost regions of KSA (Najran) at the edge of the Rub' al-Khali (where nobody lives) is remotely representative?

The point is that nomads and village live across ALL of the Muslim world 100 years ago was almost identical everywhere. But this "portrayal" is obviously as useful as used toilet paper.

If I'm not mistaken then the royal Saud family have got roots in current day Yemen, maybe that's why.

No, the House of Saud is part of the ancient (3000 years old) Anazzah tribe which is an Central Arabian tribe that is found in large numbers in Arabia, Sham and Iraq.


BTW the people pictured are Afro-Arabs and from Najran which is next door to Yemen.

The Banu Lam tribe (genuine Arab members of the tribe) do not remotely look like that neither do Yemeni Arabs.

Those are members of Banu Yam:

Tall robust Arabians. Typical of the region.

They live in the southernmost of KSA.

Their genealogy (Qathanites)

So no, there is no comparison with your people nor does it change anything that I wrote.

But maybe some Pashtun historian (specifically) will claim that Pashtuns have a greater legacy than Arabs. If he is high on opium that is.

As for Yemen, this is one of the oldest civilizations on the planet and one of the most rich in terms of architecture and historical leftovers. A simple google search will confirm this. I have never seen anything remotely similar in Pashtun-Inhabited areas in either Afghanistan or Pakistan.


So no, as a people we were much greater than we are today millennia before oil and gas was discovered. In fact gas and oil has only been a curse mostly expect for some material wealth that is of no use and importance at the end of the day.

It's hilarious to see outsiders belittle Arabia and Iraq and its history and other oil rich regions of the world and pretend that history began 100 years ago in those lands that are some of the longest inhabited and most historical by far. It's a joke. Especially if it comes from people who belong to ethnic groups whose achievements (objectively speaking) cannot compare with ours. Call this arrogance or whatever but I don't care by now. I see anti-Arab nonsense too frequently not to reply in a "harsh" way". In fact I see arrogance from uninformed, biased and Arab-obsessed individuals who call 2 meter tall people for dwarfs when they are barely 1.5 meter tall themselves. You get the point.

I don't see a damn single Arab user here belittle any ethnic group or nation out of nowhere or unless provoked. So find another hobby, we don't care about your blabberings.

@Full Moon

@Khafee bro you speak Urdu or whatever language those guys will understand and I know that you are incredibly diplomatic despite the nonsense that is often aimed at Arabs by those individuals so please "take over" from now on. I simply do not care any longer and I have already written several factual and detailed posts. On a foreign forum yet thanked by Pakistanis.

I risk getting banned as previously for returning the favor from those trolls. After all I am not on some objective forum or an Arab forum but on a forum where it is assumed that those trolls, solely due to belonging to the same nationality, will logically have a greater support than those given to outsiders be they Arabs or non-Arabs.

Fact of the matter it is no damn wonder that 90% of all Arab users (from across the Arab world) have left PDF in recent years. I should too soon, I am afraid. Then let those trolls waste their lives on their nonsense here that won't change any historical ground realities or facts. Maybe they will feel better this way.


So I posted photos of the richest people back then. Ok. Anyway you don't know the thread starter and the history that he has with most Arab users here. I already swore on my mothers life that I have nothing against Pashtuns. Read my posts. They are long but you should read them to get the entire picture.

All I am saying is what I have written in this post and previous. This thread is by no means representative and actually laughable. I already proved this by actually posting photos of village live in various parts of KSA (mountainous regions, desert, plains etc.)

I hope that you will understand this. If not I cannot do anything. And quite frankly I don't expect Pakistanis or foreigners in general (non-Arabs and non-neighboring people) to know much about such details or even the history of Arabia and the remaining Arab world and its civilizations, as great, well-known and ancient as they are. Similarly I don't claim to be an expert on the history of the Pashtun-inhabited areas in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Nor do I go around and state the obvious by creating threads showing village life 100 years ago in some desert in Afghanistan or isolated mountain village or of people living in caves or whatever as representatives of anything.
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What an idiotic thread by this obsessed Pashtun. He might take a look at the wonderful state of his native lands today and their equally "wonderful" state 100 years ago.

You are making a thread about KSA before oil was discovered and in order to do so you are posting black and white photos of a one of the few people who lived/live in the Rub' al-Khali (empty Quarter) in the Southernmost part of KSA (Najran)? Afro-Arabs mostly. How is that remotely representative?

Here are some photos of the isolated (historically too) and impoverished Pashtun inhabited areas of mighty Afghanistan and Northwestern Pakistan.


Mind you my post shows Peshawar (largest Pashtun city back then too) and not a bunch of nomads in the Rub' al Khali.

I could post some 100 year old photos of Pashtun Kuchi nomads (if they even exist) but I can do with recent ones instead to prove the point.

You are trying to belittle people who created 3 of the 11 largest empires (more than any other ethic group in the top 15) who hailed from modern-day KSA and Arabia, who ruled most of the Muslim world for 800 years and whose linguistic, religious, cultural, architectural, military etc. influence is only rivaled by that of very few other peoples.

As for wealth, Arabia was one of the richest areas of the planet millennia before oil was even discovered.


You are also trying to portray Arabia, the second longest inhabited place on planet earth and home to some of the oldest recorded civilizations and cities, and to almost 20 World UNESCO Heritage Sites alone, as the equivalent of your native lands (Pashtun inhabited lands of Afghanistan and Northwestern Pakistan).

But yes, most of modern-day KSA was poor and survived on agriculture, livestock, sea trade etc. and sparsely populated compared to today but which region of the Middle East and Muslim world was not that? You can find such photos and worse in each country of the region and Muslim world back then. Be it Albania or Indonesia.

Those obsessive clowns think that Arab history began 100 years ago so in order to somehow "prove" that, contrary to logic, history, facts and everything else, they nitpick by posting black and white photos of mostly Afro-Arabs living on the edge of the Rub' al-Khali. What this is supposed to proof nobody knows but I don't think it is should be a surprise that what is modern-day KSA and all of the Muslim world 100 years ago, especially on the countryside or when nomadic peoples are used as an example whatever their ethnicity, was mostly poor agricultural/livestock based economies and that most people, especially villagers, lived simple lives.

At least there were no famines in what is modern-day KSA, people were independent (not under foreign rule) and they somehow survived rather effortlessly compared to many other regions of the Muslim world back then. Moreover that time period was one of the worst in Middle Eastern history.

A few examples:

Killed 3 million people:



Killed as many as 8-10 million people (over 50% of the population)

I wonder how it was back then for such a thing to occur. Probably everyone else in the Muslim world lived as people do in Dubai too.
What does his point got to do anything with Pashtun history? The photos you've posted are of Kuchis who're nomads: the type of people who would rent or sell their lands and travel throughout Pashtun areas at different seasons. They weren't poor, they were in fact known as one of the richest Pashtuns who CHOOSE life as travellers.

Besides, Peshawar, Kabul and Kandahar were once known as capitals of Pashtun civilisation. Their head in charge used to be civilised and forward thinking, whereas the tribals were at forefront of any foreign invasion. Let me share just a few photos of about a century ago:

Did you not read post 56 and post 58? I thought that you as an man in his 50's born and breed in the UK would understand English.

This Bertram Thomas, whoever he is, travelled mostly in the Empty Quarter (Rub al-Khali) where no human beings live expect for a few Bedouin tribes and Afro-Arabs vanished to those areas or working on farmlands on the edge of the Rub' al Khali in Najran (southernmost of KSA).

That is by no means any representation of how live was in KSA 100 years ago. For that you need to read and see post 56 and 58.

Let me quote myself again:

Everything is explained in detail. Some diplomatically, some less diplomatic but sometimes this is needed when the messenger has dug a hole in the ground that he cannot escape from. Or something about stones, glass houses etc.

I really don't want to insult an people (Pashtuns) due to 1 idiot with complexes and weird obsessions but I think I told you the ground reality a while ago but due to this being a Pakistani forum I was banned but had I written it anywhere else everyone else would have agreed with me.

Please don't compare Arabs and our history and achievements with your people, Pashtuns. Just stop as it is embarrassing. Such a comparison makes no sense and is unfair for Pashtuns quite frankly. If you asked any historian and objective person they would confirm. And trust me on my mother's life, I have nothing against Pashtuns but when a representative of them keeps trolling against Arabs when no Arab user bothers him or even interacts with him, I at one point, am forced to employ the same rhetoric and then it gets ugly. In such discussions I have nothing to "fear".

Look, I don't know you and I frankly don't care how you look at Arabs or me but please stop trying to get my attention far too often. Whatever is your problem I am not responsible for. Nor am I interested in "replying" anything in a similar manner as I simply do not care about such "discussions". Nor do I have any problem with Pashtuns for me to constantly belittle them which you face enough from already from your compatriot of other ethnicities in both Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Kaptaan is a Pakistani who presents Pakistan on this forum, not Pashtuns. And who are you to ridicule Pashtuns? Of the thread maker is in the wrong then you prove so with your, and better, sources. Counter attacking Pashtuns doesn't help you cause and only proves that thread maker right about his judgement of Saudis. And Pashtuns being belittled by Pakistanis and Afghans? First of all, Pashtun treat all people with respect and they value Islamic values very much. That is the reason why on personal levels you CANNOT be compared with Pashtuns, because humanity wise they're much higher up. And no, small section under Taliban do NOT represent 50+ million Pashtuns and their way of life.

Pashtuns are respected in Pakistan, and in Afghanistan they've written history all over their places. Pashtuns in general are known for protecting their lands, culture and religious believe against foreign invasion. And this goes for ANY foreign invasion. No one was comparing Saudis with Pakistanis or Pashtuns here, but as ridiculous you've shown yourself to be, have proven yourself much more bigot and racist which you ironically claim your people are not.

Nor do I go around and state the obvious by creating threads showing village life 100 years ago in some desert in Afghanistan or isolated mountain village or of people living in caves or whatever as representatives of anything.
You just contradicted yourself. On one hand you claim Pashtuns don't have any history to speak of, on other hand you give in by saying you're no expert on their history. Have you heard of Khilji dynasty? Hotak dynasty? Abdali? Suri? And what their dynasties have done for their land? Why their land is called the land of unbeatable? There's a history behind it, and a very rich one too.

The thread maker didn't compare Saudis with anyone, but you went on a rampage against Pashtuns for no obvious reason. Should you get banned for this then rightly so. See ya.


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What does his point got to do anything with Pashtun history? The photos you've posted are of Kuchis who're nomads: the type of people who would rent or sell their lands and travel throughout Pashtun areas at different seasons. They weren't poor, they were in fact known as one of the richest Pashtuns who CHOOSE life as travellers.

Besides, Peshawar, Kabul and Kandahar were once known as capitals of Pashtun civilisation. Their head in charge used to be civilised and forward thinking, whereas the tribals were at forefront of any foreign invasion. Let me share just a few photos of about a century ago:

Kaptaan is a Pakistani who presents Pakistan on this forum, not Pashtuns. And who are you to ridicule Pashtuns? Of the thread maker is in the wrong then you prove so with your, and better, sources. Counter attacking Pashtuns doesn't help you cause and only proves that thread maker right about his judgement of Saudis. And Pashtuns being belittled by Pakistanis and Afghans? First of all, Pashtun treat all people with respect and they value Islamic values very much. That is the reason why on personal levels you CANNOT be compared with Pashtuns, because humanity wise they're much higher up. And no, small section under Taliban do NOT represent 50+ million Pashtuns and their way of life.

Pashtuns are respected in Pakistan, and in Afghanistan they've written history all over their places. Pashtuns in general are known for protecting their lands, culture and religious believe against foreign invasion. And this goes for ANY foreign invasion. No one was comparing Saudis with Pakistanis or Pashtuns here, but as ridiculous you've shown yourself to be, have proven yourself much more bigot and racist which you ironically claim your people are not.

You just contradicted yourself. On one hand you claim Pashtuns don't have any history to speak of, on other hand you give in by saying you're no expert on their history. Have you heard of Khilji dynasty? Hotak dynasty? Abdali? Suri? And what their dynasties have done for their land? Why their land is called the land of unbeatable? There's a history behind it, and a very rich one too.

The thread maker didn't compare Saudis with anyone, but you went on a rampage against Pashtuns for no obvious reason. Should you get banned for this then rightly so. See ya.

What are you blabbering about exactly?

I never said that Pashtuns have no history but that their legacy cannot be compared to the legacy of Arabs in any form or shape. This is an objective opinion that 99,9% of all historians would agree with.

You see I don't look at anti-Arabs and their trolling rightly and pretentious superiority claims when they have less to show for.

What "Pashtun" civilization are you talking about exactly?

The first Pashtun literature (recorded) originates from the early 1700's. Barely 300 years old.

Those dynasties that you talk about what is their legacy exactly and their role in world history? What territory did they rule and for how long? Most of those dynasties seem local and rather short-lived.

I can mention local Arab dynasties and kingdoms that are almost 3000 years old.

Undefeted? Are you joking or what? My ancestors conquered your ancestral lands and you are telling me that you are "undefeated"? What about all the other conquerors?

You talk about racism and arrogance but I have rarely seen a people this arrogant as many Pashtun users here who have so little to show for this grandeur.

To be brutally honest with you, most people in the world do not even have an idea what a Pashtun is.

Also I cannot take your posts and crying seriously when you cannot even realize that this thread is incredibly unrepresentative and an attempt at trolling. Some talk about Bangladesh that Arabs have noting in common with genetically (you guys have more in common with the average Bangaldeshi genetically, culturally, linguistically) and other nonsense.

So if it is racism to state the obvious, that Arab history and legacy cannot be compared to Pashtun (that does not mean that Pashtuns have no history) is racism then so be it. I am a racist then. I share this in common with your Pashtun compatriot who created this thread then. Small world, ah?

And yes, you are also better Muslims. I will give you a medal for that claim. Especially those that stone women in broad daylight (not Taliban but human masses) because she showed her face to a stranger or whatever stories we hear far to often from that region of the world.

That was in Kabul of all places. The capital. Want me to post photos of similar stuff from isolated mountain villages in the tribal areas or elsewhere?

So congratulations with your Islamic superiority. Next you guys will claim to know the Qur'an better and Classical Arabic.

Uh, a ban. What horror! Please ban me and parrot the usual lies and nonsense about Arabs. Go ahead. In fact write to the Webmaster that Arabs should be banned from this forum completely. Maybe this will wake up some of our ignorants among us who respect and support people that apparently hate them.
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The first Arabian railroad track was in 1951 , and the first University in Saudi Arabia was in 1957.

Does anyone have any pics other than the ones on the internet ? I noticed one Saudi here claiming only a few lived in tents in the pre-1950 era.

Is there any pic or pics before 1950 with large buildings or monuments ? I just never saw any.
The first Arabian railroad track was in 1951 , and the first University in Saudi Arabia was in 1957.

Does anyone have any pics other than the ones on the internet ? I noticed one Saudi here claiming only a few lived in tents in the pre-1950 era.

Is there any pic or pics before 1950 with large buildings or monuments ? I just never saw any.

That was because we did not have Western colonialists who could built this Western technology (fairly recent one at that too) for us or in our name using cheap local slave labour as was done in South Asia during Imperial British rule. Is this a sign of pride for you? I have seen South Asians here take pride in their ancestors (grandparents etc.) serving the Brits during WW1, WW2 and other wars. Strange kind of pride.
Nor was there a need for a railroad track as KSA had a fairly strong road net for the time period and for the needs back then. Also good luck building advanced railroad tracks in a country the size of Western Europe with some of the most challenging geography (mountains and deserts) and extreme distances. A young country that was a confederation of previous states, often competing, that came together after 1 challenger became supreme (Al-Saud) after 30 years of internal war, although small-scale conflicts.

Also this is factually wrong. The Hijazi Railway (German engineering) would disagree with you.


Islamic Universities have existed since Islam emerged in modern-day KSA and in pre-Islamic times as well (if you knew your Islamic history you would realize that this is even mentioned specifically in many Islamic sources) although they taught religion mostly but non-religious suspects were also taught in every single one of them.

The first Western university that is. In Iran next door the first Western university was built in 1934. Barely 23 years earlier.


Could it have something to do with KSA and Iran not being Western colonies?

That is your problem. Maybe a visit to this thread below would open your eyes or if you took a look at some of my previous posts in this thread.



BTW speaking about universities did you know that an Arab women originally from Hijaz (modern-day KSA) built the first university in the world (according to Guinness World Records) in Morocco?



"The University of al-Qarawiyyin, also written Al Quaraouiyine or Al-Karaouine (Arabic: جامعة القرويين‎‎; Berber: ⵜⵉⵎⵣⴳⵉⴷⴰ ⵏ ⵍⵇⴰⵕⴰⵡⵉⵢⵢⵉⵏ; French: Université Al Quaraouiyine), is a university located in Fes, Morocco. It is the oldest existing, continually operating and the first degree awarding educational institution in the world according to UNESCO and Guinness World Records[5][6] and is sometimes referred to as the oldest university.[7]"

So if the Brits had chosen to conquer KSA/Iran at the same time that they conquered South Asia, we could take "pride" in what many of you seem to take pride in. Got it?
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