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Saudi woman fights cops for painted nails

As I said they are a million times better than the tribal gang rape stories we hear from Pakistan. So disgusting:

Tribal gang rape and all manner of ills find our condemnation, not the use of Quranic verses to justify them.

Please don't become defensive, if you think the fact that we must force beople to act in accord with some sects sense of propriety and the use of Quranic verses is condemnable, just say so -
{you who have believed, let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may be better than them}(49:11)

Read the remainder of my post below:

However as a Muslim, you shouldn't be racist & you shouldn't ridicule any race pointlessly, nor should you ever mock God, or His messengers & books.

In any case while ridiculing & mocking others is a bad thing, people still tend to ridicule others all the time. You must have witnessed it yourself browsing through this forum.

In the verse you quoted, God says that "perhaps they may be better than them". In that case, whenever I am sure I am better than other people; I shall ridicule them haha. :P
I lov it. this Banu does the usual Quranic verses and then blows his whole point by ridiculing Bakistani tribals.

Banu - Won't you agree that all tribals need to be brought into the spirit and ethic of our times?
The people that are attacking KSA in this thread are the highest order of hypocrites. They also know this.
I lov it. this Banu does the usual Quranic verses and then blows his whole point by ridiculing Bakistani tribals.

Banu - Won't you agree that all tribals need to be brought into the spirit and ethic of our times?
I would have to know what you mean by "spirit and ethic of our times" first. If you mean secularism then no.
If you mean get rid of social problems or more appropriately "pathologies" like bother a women for nail polish or gang rape for nothing, then yes. However, I would refrain from calling other societies disgusting given the few problems I have myself.
The people that are attacking KSA in this thread are the highest order of hypocrites. They also know this.

how so mate?

Guys I am off to bed. But I look forward to some interesting discussions with Sauds on the forum now that Muse is back lol
However, I would refrain from calling other societies disgusting given the few problems I have myself.

You just said tribal stuff in Pakistan was worse - were you suggesting that Pakistani society is not disgusting for allowing such things to occur? Or were you suggesting that Pakistani is in fact disgusting for allowing such things to happen? Please clarify your position.

Do you think it's appropriate to Force people into the gates of heaven??
You just said tribal stuff in Pakistan was worse - were you suggesting that Pakistani society is not disgusting for allowing such things to occur? Or were you suggesting that Pakistani is in fact disgusting for allowing such things to happen? Please clarify your position.

Do you think it's appropriate to Force people into the gates of heaven??
If you read my post I said "If I was ignorant I would say..."
No, you can't force someone into the gates of heaven.
Do you think it's appropriate to Force people into the gates of heaven??
No, but it's a service to mankind and humanity to lead and guide people there. In the end, it's their choice.

I would like to know where in Saudi Arabia this incident occurred...if it was Mecca or Medina I understand, I doubt it was in Jeddah.

"We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings and warning them (against sin), but most men understand not."
If you read my post I said "If I was ignorant I would say..."
No, you can't force someone into the gates of heaven.

Then what do you have to say about religious police, about forcing people into Masajid?

I think I know that you would strongly abhor these as well - if you want us as your friends be honest with us, you know us as well as we know you and what harms you harms us - there is no need to be defensive with us - which doe snot mean that we will stop pointing out these kinds of things -- see, these kinds of things make us less Muslim, they demean us, so lets identify them and in this way make a change in the understanding of society .
I don't understand why some ignorant people on this thread are being so critical of this incident.

The chick was dressed like a harlot, and the religious police told her to leave the mall.

She said no, and ended up getting her way.

From what I saw, Saudi society is changing even If it is one step at a time.
Then what do you have to say about religious police, about forcing people into Masajid?

I think I know that you would strongly abhor these as well - if you want us as your friends be honest with us, you know us as well as we know you and what harms you harms us - there is no need to be defensive with us - which doe snot mean that we will stop pointing out these kinds of things -- see, these kinds of things make us less Muslim, they demean us, so lets identify them and in this way make a change in the understanding of society .

Religious zealots of Saudi Arabia don't understand that they can't and won't be able to force everyone to follow them. They are the reason people stereotype the Saudi Arabians and generalize and ridicule them.
Then what do you have to say about religious police, about forcing people into Masajid?

I think I know that you would strongly abhor these as well - if you want us as your friends be honest with us, you know us as well as we know you and what harms you harms us - there is no need to be defensive with us - which doe snot mean that we will stop pointing out these kinds of things -- see, these kinds of things make us less Muslim, they demean us, so lets identify them and in this way make a change in the understanding of society .
Religious police are prison graduates. In SA if your crime isn't against someone else and you memorize the Qur'an your prison time could be halved and more so if you decide to join religious police.
That being said, we rather not discuss our problems in unfriendly forums. Just gives more ammunition to enemies.
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