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Saudi woman fights cops for painted nails

I don't know anyone that likes the religious police over here. I am glad that this lady stood up for her rights. :tup:

:woot: You can ridicule any group of people you want. No nation, race, or ethnicity has any special privileges in Islam. All humans are created equally. However as a Muslim, you shouldn't be racist & you shouldn't ridicule any race pointlessly, nor should you ever mock God, or His messengers & books.

Makkah & Madinah are the 2 sacred cities of Saudi Arabia, I don't recall the rest of the country being sacred. There are 3 sacred or holy cities in Islam; Makkah, Madinah, & Jerusalem.
Obviously I meant that we shouldn't ridicule anyone, but people specifically like to ridicule the Saudis when they hear about these matters - so the distinction should be made. (And yes nobody is superior over another regardless of race)
Obviously I meant that we shouldn't ridicule anyone, but people specifically like to ridicule the Saudis when they hear about these matters - so the distinction should be made. (And yes nobody is superior over another regardless of race)

A distinction between who? You said, & I quote; "The Prophet himself has said to not ridicule the people of Saudi Arabia (or was it Medina? - someone provide a reference or hadith) regardless of what ideologies they adopt over there".

This is completely false, no race has special privileges in Islam. Remember, you shouldn't misuse the Prophet's name either, & whenever you do make a reference to him; ensure that your reference is true.
Misleading title... the girl was not abused; all what happened was asking her nicely to leave and change her cloths as she was wearing indecent cloths...

Saudis haters and Ignorants call it women abuse.. to justify their hate.

Muslims who know their religion well call it spreading the awarness of the islamic teaching as ordered by allah in the Quran in chapter Al-Omran: 110

"كُنْتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ وَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَلَوْ آمَنَ أَهْلُ الْكِتَابِ لَكَانَ خَيْرًا لَهُمْ مِنْهُمُ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ وَأَكْثَرُهُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ

Many scholars interpret this as this is the main difference between us and the Jewish people as they didn't condemn the wrong doing against their religion where the Muslims were ordered to do it ... proudly, saudi arabia is the only country who does this.
condemn the wrong actions is one thing but there is no word in qurain said to force people to be good
and there is also
من شاء فليئمن ومن شاء فليكفر
لكم دينكم و لى دين
و لو كنت فظا غليظ القلب لانفضو من حولك
and many more
No wonder it would be too hard for you guys to comprehend - there's so many gods (some even believe up to 330 million) available for worship. I can choose any animal to worship - whether cow, donkey, goat or mouse, and I'll be on my way to divine eternity. :rofl:

Didn't some one just say that the deep concepts of Dharmic religions is just out of mental ability of Abrahamics. You just proved it.
It's so sad that instead realizing the wrongs in their society, instead of furthering liberty and thereby strengthening idea of faith, many of so called Saudi ( proud of belonging to a family, devoid of citizenship or a constitution), these people are reduced to pointing to Quranic verses (without context) essentially arguing that the gates of heaven be filled by force.

This is what I was pointing to when I suggested that the quality of ideas in Arabia do not experience critical review, merely choosing some verses while leaving others, to justify what is essentially misogyny; most regrettable.
It's so sad that instead realizing the wrongs in their society, instead of furthering liberty and thereby strengthening idea of faith, many of so called Saudi ( proud of belonging to a family, devoid of citizenship or a constitution), these people are reduced to pointing to Quranic verses (without context) essentially arguing that the gates of heaven be filled by force.

This is what I was pointing to when I suggested that the quality of ideas in Arabia do not experience critical review, merely choosing some verses while leaving others, to justify what is essentially misogyny; most regrettable.

It is more than regrettable. When they use their oil money to propagate in the form of religion their message which essentially is just to keep one family in power at cost of all else
It's not that Saudi are disgusting - it's the kinds of ideas that animate their lives, the kinds of ideas they justify barbarism with that is disgusting. Apparently the beloved prophet did not have painted nails ---- and he was not a woman - so, I guess all woman kind are less then human
What an ignorant thing to generalize an entire society based on a gossip story. If I was that ignorant I would say that Pakistani ideas are disgusting because what they consider justice is for 70 men to gang rape a women. That's a million times more disgusting.
No wonder it would be too hard for you guys to comprehend - there's so many gods (some even believe up to 330 million) available for worship. I can choose any animal to worship - whether cow, donkey, goat or mouse, and I'll be on my way to divine eternity. :rofl:

Lets assume there are many gods (hindus will like to challenge that, but for the sake of argument), but how does it affect anyone's rights or bother anyone else? If not, then its the same as what color underwear i wear, why should it bother anyone??? why should it bother me that your path is through exercises five times a day, someone else's through using an animal as a medium??? Some believe in a flying monkey some in a flying angel, same difference, but bothers noone eh? divine if u belive, downright stupid if you don't.

But if i said hinduism says oppress lower castes (again hindus would like to challenge that, but for the sake of argument), then that does become a human issue no?

But you are here just to parade your religious hatred, rather than comment on the topic at hand. Even many saudis are debating it, but you are stuck in splashing your hatred.

As I read the comments of the so called "Saudi" - I'm shocked that these people are essentially, well, essentially, they just don't know the relationship between liberty and faith -- that which is freely, voluntarily arrived at and the difference between what is forced upon people == BTW note how close the relations with the US and these tyrannies, it is not a coincidence --

And I think most everyone on the forum would agree with you about using money and violence to force the confessional chance.

As I read the comments of the so called "Saudi" - I'm shocked that these people are essentially, well, essentially, they just don't know the relationship between liberty and faith -- that which is freely, voluntarily arrived at and the difference between what is forced upon people == BTW note how close the relations with the US and these tyrannies, it is not a coincidence --

And I think most everyone on the forum would agree with you about using money and violence to force the confessional chance.

I agree let me give you an example.

A Jew is left with 30 mill US dollars. He buys media and try's to win hearts and minds. Uses propaganda etc. subliminal adverts through movies etc

Give 30 million US dollars to a Saudi who has had standard texts by Mr Waheb at school. He arranges to have an attack on the twin towers thereby killing thousands of innocent people.

Therein lies the difference one is force and the other hearts and minds. One works one does not
these stories coming out of Saudi are not one off's we hear a new one similar to this every other day
As I said they are a million times better than the tribal gang rape stories we hear from Pakistan. So disgusting:bad:
You forgot the blondes and the scotch -- apparently there are verses in which the Brinces may uses their private jets to import both
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