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Saudi Terror & Executions - World Leaders Too Scared To Act For Humanity

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Our Bangladeshi workers are beaten by this Saudi cult racists every day. Even recently there were news of Saudis torturing Bangladeshis like dogs. Its really embarrassing to see some BDeshis on PDF lick Saudi Arabia 24/7 like Kalu_Miah. Shameless.
Then don't go to Saudi Arabia.
Then don't go to Saudi Arabia.

There have been 3-4 highly publicized and unacceptable incidents and all those caught misbehaving have been punished and such behavior was sharply criticized on social media, in the media and by ordinary people. Me included and all Saudi Arabian users on PDF when it emerged.

99% of all Bengalis do not suffer from anything and are working in KSA and sending remittances back to Bangladesh as do other migrant workers from Africa or South Asia and other Arab countries. All that money is keeping some Bangladeshi villages afloat.

But indeed nobody is forcing anybody to go to KSA.

Saudi Arabians that have been behind crimes against migrants have been executed in the past just like migrants misbehaving against locals have been executed.
Then don't go to Saudi Arabia.

You know, we are poor nation. Not extremely poor but still poor even though our economy is better than Pakistan by recent statistics and we are ahead of Pakistan in many criterias but most of our illiterate / half literate workers go to Saudi Arabia for domestic work mainly. These racist Saudi wahabi cult treats them as if these Bangladeshis are dogs to them. Saudi Arabia just has oil and nothing else. No brain resource. No contribution of any Saudi in world peace. We are the largest contributor in UN peace mission. We have way more resources than Saudis but our politicians are corrupted hence still we send workers to Saudi.

Saudi Arabia, the hell of migrant workers


By Giovanni Giacalone

The victims include skilled and unskilled workers of different religion and nationality, mainly from Asia. Christians, Hindus, Muslims, from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines, Indonesia. Young adults leaving their home countries to look for a better future abroad; men and women often with children to support back home.

In Saudi Arabia these workers are willing to take those jobs that are considered "low" or "humiliating" by the Saudi population. The men deliver dairy products, clean hospitals, repair pipes, collect garbage while the women often work as maids, they clean, cook, take care of children. They are an essential working force for Saudi Arabia since without them such jobs would probably remain uncovered even if, paradoxically, the youth unemployment rate in the Kingdom is approaching 30%.

The words of Dr. Abdul Wahid bin Khalid al-Humaid, vice-Minister of Labour give a clear picture of the situation:

"We have a young population. We need to generate 6.5 million jobs. At the moment we have jobs that people don't like to do. So either we create jobs that people like, or we try to convince people to accept the jobs that are available".


According to Human Rights Watch more than 8 million migrant workers are employed in service jobs in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, giving it the highest population of foreign workers among the nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council and yet the organization notes that in 2011 Asian embassies alone recorded thousands of complaints from employees forced to work 140-hour weeks with no days off, in many cases without being paid a salary and that is not enough; in fact many of these workers have to face systematic abuses carried out on a daily base by their employers.

Human rights organizations have strongly criticized Saudi Arabia's sponsorship system, which requires all expatriates to have a Saudi citizen as sponsor, usually the employer, who is responsible for their visa and legal status, as an enabler of worker exploitation. It is not uncommon for employers to take possession of workers' passports, and many of them have been known to refuse workers' requests to return to their home countries for visits and deny requests to change jobs.

Excessive hours or work in extreme conditions without being paid is not the only problematic. In fact a worrying number of rapes and other abuses have been reported among domestic workers in the country by different human rights organizations. A study by the Committee on Philipinos Overseas found that 70 percent of Philipino domestic workers reported physical and psychological abuse.

In October 2012, Al-Watan reported that an Indonesian maid died after 18 months in hospital as a consequence of severe beating at the hands of her Saudi sponsor's son. Although the young Saudi man was allegedly responsible for the worker's death, he faced no legal consequences.

Frequent reports of rape from Nepalese workers in Saudi Arabia were a contributing factor in Nepal banning women younger than 30 from working in the Gulf states last year.

Many mistreated workers were refused medical assistance and some were in such dramatic conditions that they resorted to suicide, as it occurred with an Ethiopian maid who hanged herself in her employer's home in December 2012.

Saudi Arabia abolished slavery in 1962 but the conditions of these workers are still extremely worrying; it was only in August 2013 that the Saudi government passed a draft law criminalizing domestic abuse, a purely theoretical measure since it doesn't specify the details to ensure prompt investigations on the abuses.

As pointed out by Human Rights Watch director Joe Stork, Saudi Arabia has finally banned domestic abuse, but has yet to say which agencies will implement the new law and without effective mechanisms to punish domestic abuse, this law is merely ink on paper.

Abuses are still taking place daily as shown by a recent video where a Saudi man is repeatedly beaten and whipped after being accused of talking to the attacker's wife. The video has triggered public anger and pushed many human rights organizations to follow the case.

In 2011 another video published online showed a Saudi young man beating a garbage collector for no reason while in another one published by Live Leak a Saudi is humiliating, spitting and beating a Bangladeshi taxi driver.


These abuses were caught on camera and brought to the public, but they are only a few of the many cases that target on a daily base expats in the Saudi Kingdom.

The new draft law has been passed by the government but without doubt Saudi Arabia has still a long way to go in relation to the rights of foreign workers.

Giovanni Giacalone

Saudi Arabia, the hell of migrant workers - English pravda.ru
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Really though? You have to admit KSA is biased against Indians or Bangladeshis. Nearly every execution I've seen was a migrant worker. I've seen some videos of Saudi men beating the **** out of some Africans with tools (think they were Sudanese) and police didn't do much.

If you're not rich, or from a well-off country. KSA is not a good country for you. Just my opinion.

But again, it's their fault. You know this happens in KSA, don't go there.
Really though? You have to admit KSA is biased against Indians or Bangladeshis. Nearly every execution I've seen was a migrant worker. I've seen some videos of Saudi men beating the **** out of some Africans with tools (think they were Sudanese) and police didn't do much.

If you're not rich, or from a well-off country. KSA is not a good country for you. Just my opinion.

But again, it's their fault. You know this happens in KSA, don't go there.

How so? Do you have any proofs of such claims or are you just guessing based on propaganda?

There is no racism against any Afro-Arabs. They are part of our society now and take part in every aspect.

Yet 4-5 millions migrant workers work and live in KSA and only about 1% ever face any major problems. They keep coming again and again also the educated ones. Strange.

@IamBengali keep swallowing that whitening cream. Your tiny country do not have more resources than one of the most resourceful and rich countries in the world (KSA). By any means. Already long before oil and gas was found we had the biggest gold mine in the ME. Our strategical position in the ancient ME and the crossroads of the world says it all as well.

Your small country is at risk of going underwater in a few decades if the water levels keep increasing.

Mahd adh Dhahab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Used for 5000 years.

Keep posting the same 3 (only ones) videos of which 1 is not even from KSA.

@Yzd Khalifa please take care of that Awami servant 7abibi. Have to go.:coffee:
The funny thing about arabs on this forum is how over sensitive they are to any kind of criticism especially from "outsiders". One should remind them that this is a forum and not an arab monarchy where all dissidents can be silenced and migrants have no rights. @al-Hasani son racism does not suit you. I cannot take racism from arabs seriously. It just makes me laugh. Notice how I never made any racist comment on this thread whereas you resorted to racism in your very first response.
I symphatize and appreciate the efforts of @IamBengali , however his countrymen should have abided by his side rather than licking this Saudis boot .
He sure is deluded to hell and justifices the act of beheading children and women .
The funny thing about arabs on this forum is how over sensitive they are to any kind of criticism especially from "outsiders". One should remind them that this is a forum and not an arab monarchy where all dissidents can be silenced and migrants have no rights. @al-Hasani son racism does not suit you. I cannot take racism from arabs seriously. It just makes me laugh. Notice how I never made any racist comment on this thread whereas you resorted to racism in your very first response.

There is absolutely no such thing as critical thinking in Arab culture, especially in Saudi Arabia and the other little despotic Gulf Kingdoms.
if the arabs kick out indians from the Middle East, india will collapse :laugh:

imagine indians packing their bags and leaving dubai, riyadh, kuwait
There is absolutely no such thing as critical thinking in Arab culture, especially in Saudi Arabia and the other little despotic Gulf Kingdoms.

It reflects poorly on them. Most of the world despises Arabs much more than Indians. Like I said, I can never be offended by an Arab. Their racism amuses me but that's about it. However, I won't be racist back because we know only uncivilized people indulge in it.
Really though? You have to admit KSA is biased against Indians or Bangladeshis. Nearly every execution I've seen was a migrant worker. I've seen some videos of Saudi men beating the **** out of some Africans with tools (think they were Sudanese) and police didn't do much.

If you're not rich, or from a well-off country. KSA is not a good country for you. Just my opinion.

But again, it's their fault. You know this happens in KSA, don't go there.

This is one of the peculiarity of Arabs in general. They are highly class conscious.If you are men of title or diplomat, they you treat you much much better than even your home country but if you are a nobody, they would treat you worse than their goats.This is one of the reason that you would rarely find non Muslim South Asians in middle management job in Saudi even though pay is good.

I know of lot of anecdotal instances of them treating even diplomats like kings and of treating even highly qualified Engineers like cretins. This is in sharp contrast to US where a diplomat tag would earn you passive aggressive hostility.
Saudi Arabia did maximum damage to peace and harmony in the world. Also due to Saudi Arabia there are many Jamaati militants in my country Bangladesh. In 1980's these wahabi cult Saudis came to Bangladesh and trained poor Bangladeshis from rural areas for 'Jihad' and used them for Afghan war. Our Govt. during that time was Ershad, a military dictator. Many poor Bangladeshis influenced by Saudis participated in Afghan war and were killed and sent back to their homes.

আমরা অনেকেই হয়তো এখন ভুলে গেছি যে সৌদি আরবের প্রতিষ্ঠাতা আবদুল আজিজ আল সৌদকে পুরো আরব উপদ্বীপের প্রধান শাসকের ক্ষমতায় অধিষ্ঠিত করেছিল ব্রিটিশ সাম্রাজ্যবাদীরা। দ্বিতীয় বিশ্বযুদ্ধের পর মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র যখন বিশ্বের প্রধান সাম্রাজ্যবাদী পরাশক্তিতে পরিণত হয়, তখন সৌদি আরবের শাসক পরিবারের ওপর একচ্ছত্র আধিপত্য বিস্তার করে মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র।

যুক্তরাষ্ট্র ও পাকিস্তান পরিচালিত আফগান যুদ্ধে বাংলাদেশ থেকে যে শত শত ‘মুজাহিদ’ পাঠানো হয়, তাতে এখানকার ধর্মীয় সংগঠনগুলোর সক্রিয় ভূমিকা ছিল। কক্সবাজার ও টেকনাফের রোহিঙ্গা শরণার্থী শিবিরগুলোকেও জামায়াত-শিবির জঙ্গি প্রশিক্ষণের ক্যাম্প হিসেবে পুরো আশির দশকে ব্যবহার করেছে। যেহেতু সৌদি আরবের বিভিন্ন জঙ্গিবাদী গোষ্ঠীর প্রত্যক্ষ অর্থায়নে মুজাহিদ সংগ্রহের ওই কর্মসূচি পরিচালিত হয়েছিল, তাই বাংলাদেশ সরকার জামায়াত-শিবিরের সেসব প্রশিক্ষণ কর্মসূচির বিরুদ্ধে কোনো পদক্ষেপ নেয়নি।

জামায়াতের ‘গৃহযুদ্ধ’ ও জাওয়াহিরির হুংকার
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Says an Indian and Hindu of all people. You people do not belong to the ancient ME the cradle of civilizations nor can you claim the ancient civilizations that we Semitic people created. Arabs never had any inferiority like your people nor were we servants of others. Our people created 3 of the 11 largest empires in world history. More than any other ethnic group in the top 15. While you were busy cleaning the boots of your British colonials.
Ever wondered why you speak English and follow English systems on every field?

Go eat some whitening cream and drink some cow piss and worry about your own business - that of cleaning toilets. Maybe stop the highest number of poor people in the world and all the rapes that happen on every street corner.

oh here comes the little mullah defending everything. No doubt Saudis are one of the bunch of insane people who are a dark stain on the sheet of humanity. Still living in stone age and following seventh century barbarian laws.Leave this fucking internet and raise your arse 5 times in a day farting towards mecca to make Pedophile happy.
if the arabs kick out indians from the Middle East, india will collapse :laugh:

imagine indians packing their bags and leaving dubai, riyadh, kuwait
imagine a sharia governed pakistan .....SWEET :)

Says an Indian and Hindu of all people. You people do not belong to the ancient ME the cradle of civilizations nor can you claim the ancient civilizations that we Semitic people created. Arabs never had any inferiority like your people nor were we servants of others. Our people created 3 of the 11 largest empires in world history. More than any other ethnic group in the top 15. While you were busy cleaning the boots of your British colonials.
Ever wondered why you speak English and follow English systems on every field?

Go eat some whitening cream and drink some cow piss and worry about your own business - that of cleaning toilets. Maybe stop the highest number of poor people in the world and all the rapes that happen on every street corner.
"Says an Indian and Hindu of all people" - You could not think of a better abuse did you? Your post reeks of superiority complex. :hitwall:
"Our people created 3 of the 11 largest empires in world history. More than any other ethnic group in the top 15."
Let's not get into who conquered more and enslaved more(not a good metric to determine 'civilization'), but the numbers that you used in the sentence should give you a hint.
"Go eat some whitening cream " - Wow! Talk about being a blunt racist :coffee:
"While you were busy cleaning the boots of your British colonials." - Did the Arabs rule over Istanbul?
"and drink some cow piss" - Excellent! Bigotry as well :tup:
"that of cleaning toilets" - Another one. Keep 'em coming :P
"Maybe stop the highest number of poor people in the world and all the rapes that happen on every street corner" - Every street corner? Sure - while coming to office I crossed 4 intersections and saw people doing that - on 4 occasions. :sarcastic:

Rarely have I seen such a sick post that is so heavily loaded with racism, bigotry and hate. Good work. :(

@Aeronaut @Oscar @SpArK @jaibi @WebMaster
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