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Saudi prince discusses kingdom's Iran problem


Jun 19, 2011
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Saudi prince discusses kingdom's Iran problem


Prince Turki al-Faisal, Saudi Arabia's former head of general intelligence, was on a panel to assess the whole concept of globalization at the World Economic Forum here, but we sat down with him to talk very specifically about his region.
"Two hundred dollars a barrel oil is not going to benefit anyone," he said, talking about the standoff with Iran and the fallout that could come from the sanctions recently placed on its oil sector. "What we need to do is get away from the hyperbole and threatening stances."

The prince once worked as a diplomat for the kingdom, but now that he no longer wears that hat, he is free to express what he feels about his particularly troublesome neighbor, Iran. Beyond resolving the nuclear problem, I asked, what would Saudi Arabia like from Iran?
"We want to see them stop interfering in our affairs,” he said. “They interfere in Iraq, they interfere in Syria, they interfere in Bahrain, they interfere in Saudi Arabia, they occupy the islands of the UAE. And then they tell us to come and talk with them. How are we going to talk if they do these things?"
But the prince believes Iran is feeling singled out in the whole nuclear story and that a “weapons of mass destruction free zone” in the Middle East is the way forward. He would like to see the United Nations Security Council vote on a resolution guaranteeing:
-- a security umbrella for all the countries in the Middle East and Gulf region;
-- economic aid available to those countries that want to pursue a peaceful nuclear energy program;
-- economic and diplomatic sanctions placed upon countries that do not sign on to a deal;
-- military sanctions (i.e. missile strikes) against any country seen to be developing a nuclear weapon, so they can expect dire consequences if they go after a bomb.
The bottom line, he believes, is that Iran has called for a nuclear-weapons-free Middle East, and if Israel gets rid of its weapons, Iran will fall into line.
"We have a saying, 'Follow the liar to his doorstep,'” he said.
In other words, call Iran's bluff on this one. The prince says he thinks there has to be a level playing field and Iran shouldn't feel it is being treated differently from everyone else. And nobody would be happier than the powers in Riyadh to see this all resolved.
"We don't want to be sandwiched between a nuclear state, which is Israel, and a potential nuclear state, which is Iran," he said. The prince said he would love for things to be good with the Saudis’ Persian neighbors.
"Geography is the ruler here. They are our neighbors. We would love to have good relations with them. Imagine the wonderful things that could happen. The cross-Gulf culture and trade. What benefit it could bring to the area!"
World leaders are assembled in Davos to talk about saving the euro, the currency of a union that is meant to guarantee peace on the continent. In the same way, Israel could in theory be part of a powerful Arab-Persian regional economic block. The prince says he doesn't agree, but he doesn't necessarily disagree, either.
"With our brain power, and Jewish wealth,” he says, “we can do wonders."

Saudi Prince Discusses Kingdom's Iran Problem | Fox News
I just highlight and answer the interesting parts:

Saudi prince discusses kingdom's Iran problem
"We want to see them stop interfering in our affairs,” he said. “They interfere in Iraq, they interfere in Syria, they interfere in Bahrain, they interfere in Saudi Arabia, they occupy the islands of the UAE. And then they tell us to come and talk with them. How are we going to talk if they do these things?"

First he accuses Iran of interfering in their affairs, now if you tell me about what affairs he means I'll say things that are related to Saudi Arabia, but what is his response? "They interfere in Iraq, they interfere in Syria, they interfere in Bahrain". So what he's saying here, and probably he's very unwise not to notice this, is that we want to have a bolder role in those countries but Iran's power in those countries is bothering us. Saudi Arabia has no right to consider the affairs of those countries as her own affairs, that's interference in the region. If Saudi Arabia believes that Iraq, Syria and Bahrain are her affairs, then it says that Saudi Arabia likes to interfere in the region. And it's height of hypocrisy to say we want to interfere in the region's affairs but Iran can't.
He is also bringing up the issue of the UAE claims on 3 Iranian islands. This is an unwise move and should be condemned. He is in no position to talk about those 3 Islands. This is a dispute between Iran and the UAE and Saudi Arabia is not welcomed to but-t in. Iran believes, and has historic documents that these 3 Islands have always been a part of Iran's territory and even if Iran is lying, we should keep in mind that the country today we know as UAE approved its constitution 3 days after Iran's so-called seizure of these Islands. the UAE, as she has threatened, can bring the case up in an international court. Once they tried to do this in the UN but they failed. I see no reason why Saudi Arabia should side with any country in this case if they believe that countries should not interfere in other countries' affairs.

He would like to see the United Nations Security Council vote on a resolution guaranteeing:
-- a security umbrella for all the countries in the Middle East and Gulf region;
-- economic aid available to those countries that want to pursue a peaceful nuclear energy program;
-- economic and diplomatic sanctions placed upon countries that do not sign on to a deal;
-- military sanctions (i.e. missile strikes) against any country seen to be developing a nuclear weapon, so they can expect dire consequences if they go after a bomb.
Each of these statements show how deeply he is ignorant. The USA is already giving a security umbrella for all the countries in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf region except Iran. the USA has numerous bases in all of our neighbors, without exception in all of our Arab neighbors. The second statement shows that the prince doesn't know about the NPT. And even a 7 year old child today knows that the 3rd and 4th statements are what we're witnessing in Iran's case unfairly.

In the same way, Israel could in theory be part of a powerful Arab-Persian regional economic block. The prince says he doesn't agree, but he doesn't necessarily disagree, either.
"With our brain power, and Jewish wealth,” he says, “we can do wonders."
Saudi Arabia has to clear its stance on Israel. Once they say that Israel and Iran don't deserve to exist. That says Saudis believe Israel is an illegitimate country in our region and is not welcomed in the region. Now this guys is saying that the kingdom believes Israel is a legitimate country in our region and should be welcomed too. It's hard to tell what stance Saudi Arabia wants to take about Israel.
I just highlight and answer the interesting parts:

First he accuses Iran of interfering in their affairs, now if you tell me about what affairs he means I'll say things that are related to Saudi Arabia, but what is his response? "They interfere in Iraq, they interfere in Syria, they interfere in Bahrain". So what he's saying here, and probably he's very unwise not to notice this, is that we want to have a bolder role in those countries but Iran's power in those countries is bothering us. Saudi Arabia has no right to consider the affairs of those countries as her own affairs, that's interference in the region. If Saudi Arabia believes that Iraq, Syria and Bahrain are her affairs, then it says that Saudi Arabia likes to interfere in the region. And it's height of hypocrisy to say we want to interfere in the region's affairs but Iran can't.
He is also bringing up the issue of the UAE claims on 3 Iranian islands. This is an unwise move and should be condemned. He is in no position to talk about those 3 Islands. This is a dispute between Iran and the UAE and Saudi Arabia is not welcomed to but-t in. Iran believes, and has historic documents that these 3 Islands have always been a part of Iran's territory and even if Iran is lying, we should keep in mind that the country today we know as UAE approved its constitution 3 days after Iran's so-called seizure of these Islands. the UAE, as she has threatened, can bring the case up in an international court. Once they tried to do this in the UN but they failed. I see no reason why Saudi Arabia should side with any country in this case if they believe that countries should not interfere in other countries' affairs.

Each of these statements show how deeply he is ignorant. The USA is already giving a security umbrella for all the countries in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf region except Iran. the USA has numerous bases in all of our neighbors, without exception. The second statement shows that the prince doesn't know about the NPT and even a 7 year old child today knows that the 3rd and 4th statements are what we're witnessing in Iran's case unfairly.

Saudi Arabia has to clear its stance on Israel. Once they say that Israel and Iran don't deserve to exist. That says Saudis believe Israel is an illegitimate country in our region and is not welcomed in the region. Now this guys is saying that the kingdom believes Israel is a legitimate country in our region and should be welcomed too. It's hard to tell what stance Saudi Arabia wants to take about Israel.

Iran IS meddling in all of these countries affairs. And doing so undermine our security. All of these countries are part of Sub-Unions which KSA is a part of and Iran isn't so it directly effects us.

KSA and UAE will be one entity soon in a single union. Meaning UAE affairs are OUR affairs as well. Just like as a Saudi citizen I can go to UAE and be treated as an Emarati citizen and vice-versa.

And he is ignorant?? And you are wise?? You are saying you have more knowledge than the previous head of an Intelligence Agency??

Regarding Israel. It is a perplexing situation. You have Palestinian demands that must be met. And you have the entire world standing behind Israel. We never said they don't deserve to exist I firmly believe Israel to be intruders in our region and they don't belong here. However if by reaching an agreement which is good for the Palestinians like compensations for the refugees or the right to return then what more can we do about it? It is after all the Palestinian cause first and foremost.
Iran IS meddling in all of these countries affairs. And doing so undermine our security. All of these countries are part of Sub-Unions which KSA is a part of and Iran isn't so it directly effects us.
Eeven IF Iran is meddling in all of those countries affairs, It's still not related to Saudi Arabia directly. Needless to say that Saudi Arabia is also interfering in Iran as well. What I hear from this prince is that he's whining about Iran limiting their interference in the affairs of regional countries. Iraq is not part of any important sub-unions which KSA is a part of and the Iraqi government has decided to be closer to Iran than KSA and the Iraqi people don't feel they are linked to the Saudi people in anyway.
The regional countries affairs are their affairs. If you reserve the right of interference in those countries for yourself but you deny Iran the right of being concerned about regional developments around it then you're being completely irrational, unrealistic and hypocritical.

KSA and UAE will be one entity soon in a single union. Meaning UAE affairs are OUR affairs as well. Just like as a Saudi citizen I can go to UAE and be treated as an Emarati citizen and vice-versa.
Even if that happens soon, it has not happened yet. So, for now, their affairs are their affairs and your affairs are your affairs and you have no right to meddle in in the case of the 3 Islands. Many people, as citizens of any countries, can go to UAE and be treated as Emarati citizens. More than 60% of the people living in UAE are actually non-locals.

And he is ignorant?? And you are wise?? You are saying you have more knowledge than the previous head of an Intelligence Agency??
I'm really sorry that such an unwise person has held a high position in your system. Maybe it explains why Saudi Arabia is contributing negatively to the region, maybe it was due to the lack of correct intelligence? I reiterate what I said before:
1- US has military bases, actually numerous military bases, in all of our neighboring Arab countries and most of our neighbors. I think the USA has no military bases only in Armenia. In all other neighboring countries of Iran they have multiple military bases and have multiple military contracts with the respective countries.
2- The NPT, which is a 'treaty', clearly states that the sovereign states which seek peaceful nuclear programs should be supported and be given economic and technical aids to have peaceful civilian nuclear programs. That's why Iran joined the NPT in 1974. The NPT is not an international law or anything of the sort, it's a treaty between nuclear states and non-nuclear states that the nuclear powers should help other countries to have peaceful civilian programs and non-nuclear states should abide from seeking nuclear weapons and help non-proliferation. Read about the NPT please Mosa.
The 3rd and 4th statements are exactly what we're witnessing right now in Iran's case and because it's excessively reported on the media everyone knows about them.

Regarding Israel. It is a perplexing situation. You have Palestinian demands that must be met. And you have the entire world standing behind Israel. We never said they don't deserve to exist I firmly believe Israel to be intruders in our region and they don't belong here. However if by reaching an agreement which is good for the Palestinians like compensations for the refugees or the right to return then what more can we do about it? It is after all the Palestinian cause first and foremost.
Your King, the highest authority, has said that "Israel and Iran don't deserve to exist".
So you're saying that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, who seeks to be the leader of Muslims and Arabs, believe that the Palestinian crisis is after all the problem of the Palestinians?
What if Palestinians don't want to reach an agreement with Israel. Why Saudi Arabia thinks that Palestinians want to reach an agreement with Israelis?
-- a security umbrella for all the countries in the Middle East and Gulf region;
-- economic aid available to those countries that want to pursue a peaceful nuclear energy program;
-- economic and diplomatic sanctions placed upon countries that do not sign on to a deal;
-- military sanctions (i.e. missile strikes) against any country seen to be developing a nuclear weapon, so they can expect dire consequences if they go after a bomb.

What a pathetic baboon!

Just because the Arab countries have no capability to be self-sufficient and pursue scientific research, he wants to make sure no one else can. Like a true slave, he wants to depend on others for his country's safety, rather than strive for self-reliance.

And you have the entire world standing behind Israel.

The whole world is behind Israel because the Arabs/Turks/Iranians can't get their act together. How long do you think the Western bravado would last if the Arabs had stopped oil supplies and supported Iran against the recent Israeli-instigated Western blackmail?
i think that turki guy got the order mixed up....it should have been..with Jewish brain power and our wealth we can do wonders.....:lol:

That was what I wanted to say, but I thought Mosa would think that I meant Arabs were not mentally capable enough to do wonders. I didn't want to be misunderstood, so I stayed silent :lol
That was what I wanted to say, but I thought Mosa would think that I meant Arabs were not mentally capable enough to do wonders. I didn't want to be misunderstood, so I stayed silent :lol

it is not meant as an insult...but we should also not shy away from facing the truth..lets face it..while israel produces some of the world's best avionics, satellites, weapons...arabs, at present, afaik cant even build a car...
it is not meant as an insult...but we should also not shy away from facing the truth..lets face it..while israel produces some of the world's best avionics, satellites, weapons...arabs, at present, afaik cant even build a car...

With democracy and the proper environment, the Egyptians or Lebanese can easily become world class. However, the oil rich Arabs have a major cultural problem: over decades of easy money, they have developed a culture of superiority and entitlement where menial things like hard work are for lowly foreigners. Look at what this prince is proposing: Given that Israel already has nuclear weapons, and since he knows his country is pathetically unable to produce ANYTHING, he wants to make sure no one else in the region gets powerful. He is actually advocating Western massacre of fellow Muslims.
saudis' paramount interest in maintaining its relations with u.s. and the readiness with which it is willing to increase oil production in parallel with the american push to get east asians off iranian oils (and the readiness with which it may one day yield to american pressure to turn off the tap to asians) should be the reason for china not to pay serious attention to their concerns about iran.

china should adhere to the stated policy that all middle eastern nations (arabic, israeli, persian) should give up nuclear ambitions, but it should not count on the unreliable saudi friendship in managing its oil diplomacy with iran when that friendship is subject to american blackmail and political rent-seeking.
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