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Saudi manufactured and developed cruise missile (land-sea) and (land-to-ground)

they will do very well if they dont trust in a not a single one western made electronic device.

American backstabbing to SA is a matter of time and unavoidable, just when SA cheap oil will start to running out or even before.

Iran Deal is the first step of American future backstabbing against GCC.
they will do very well if they dont trust in a not a single one western made electronic device.

American backstabbing to SA is a matter of time and unavoidable, just when SA cheap oil will start to running out or even before.

Iran Deal is the first step of American future backstabbing against GCC.

Almost all of KSA's strategic projects are done with China, not the West.

Remember that people from Saudi Arabia created some of the largest and most influential empires in history (largest and most influential in the Muslim world) and are one of the few non-European peoples to have ruled European territory for a very long time. Al-Andalus (Spain, Portugal), Crete (Greece), Sicily (Italy), Malta etc. In fact only the Arabs among all non-Europeans ever ruled Western European territory and their cousins the Phoenicians (related peoples to Arabs) whose origin lies in Eastern Arabia ironically according to ancient Greek scholars.

You as a Spaniard can attest to the incredible linguistic, architectural, genetic, culinary, musical, cultural influence that Arab culture had for almost 1000 years and continue to have in Spain, Portugal and by default the entire Latin American world. Even after the Inquisition and forceful removal of any Arab/Islamic influences it failed.

In fact most major Spanish cities have names that are of Arabic origin. Almost half of all of Spain's World UNESCO Heritage Sites were built by Arabs too. The most famous being Alhambra which is also one of the most visited places by tourists in Spain.

So they view the West as equals historically speaking albeit the West has had the upper hand for the past 500 years. This is an important physiological thing to notice among Arabs from KSA. They are not obsessed about hiding who they are, they are proud "in your face" type of people in the West (tourists) if you notice.

Anyway as I wrote strategic projects such as Saudi Arabia's own ballistic missile program is jointly developed with China, not the West, KSA's renewables push is mostly non-Western in nature, uranium extraction within KSA (China again), nuclear power/reactors once again non-West, China largest trade partner (not the West) etc.

Of course given the fact that the West is the dominating economic force and KSA having one of the most desired products (oil) it is natural for there to be economic cooperation.

The point here is that KSA is not solely reliant on West or betting on them but cleverly developing close/cordial ties with all powers out there.
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The idea behind NEOM is amazing and admirable and is intended for it to become a technological, trade and tourism hub due to its location, mild climate for most of the year and geography. KSA has the money to pull it off. We will have to see whether it will be a good or bad idea but I don't think that idiots came up with the idea.

Sometime our leader can be dumb as well, even Jokowi also have its own dumb program that AlhamduliLLAH is not proceed due to rahmat from Allah SWT and our democracy that allow people to debate their leaders decision and plan in public.

Previously Jokowi wanted to build wall around Jakarta coast like Netherland did to save Jakarta from the prediction that north Jakarta will be submerged in 2050 if there is no effort to solve Jakarta sinking problem. Then, debate going on when media keep asking other opinions coming from experts and respected universities like ITB. We also have live debate on TV that is popular on any issue happening in our republic.

After debate and discussion, it makes Jokowi doesnt do what he previously wanted to do, despite like Neon of MBS, the project is also seen as Jokowi main program when he was Jakarta Governor. Money is not a problem for Jakarta for such ambitious project since in the bank the city has around idle 7 billion USD that can be used for such an ambitious project without any financial help from Central Government.

He seems understand that his previous plan is wrong since it doesnt solve the sinking problem that exist in Jakarta which is caused by over water extraction of Jakarta ground water by its 10 million population ( during the work hours the population increases around 30 % coming from people living near Jakarta). The solution should be to stop the ground water extraction and replace it with 100 % pipe water system coverage. Similar move is also done by Tokyo in which the city suffered the same problem during 1960's.

After Jokowi become President, he then make Karian Dam in Banten province as water source for Jakarta pipe water system that currently only covers small portion of Jakartan due to lack of water source. Recently he makes another program to increase the water source for Jakarta from existing Jatiluhur dam by making another big water treatment facility, and in the start of his administration he tries to clean the rivers that become the source of Jatiluhur dam.

Karian Dam project, Banten province


I am one of Jokowi supporters, but I am not a fanatic supporter of him, any of his plan and program should be debated and discussed, as our leader could possibly make some wrong and dumb decision due to his lack of knowledge on particular issue ( as no men is perfect and knows every thing) and that decision can go through if there is lack of debate in public and if our leader is stubborn. See also Zero Covid Policy in China which is pretty dumb policy but due to lack of democracy there, that dumb policy can still go on and on until now.
Sometime our leader can be dumb as well, even Jokowi also have its own dumb program that AlhamduliLLAH is not proceed due to rahmat from Allah SWT and our democracy that allow people to debate their leaders decision and plan in public.

Previously Jokowi wanted to build wall around Jakarta coast like Netherland did to save Jakarta from the prediction that north Jakarta will be submerged in 2050 if there is no effort to solve Jakarta sinking problem. Then, debate going on when media keep asking other opinions coming from experts and respected universities like ITB. We also have live debate on TV that is popular on any issue happening in our republic.

After debate and discussion, it makes Jokowi doesnt do what he previously wanted to do, despite like Neon of MBS, the project is also seen as Jokowi main program when he was Jakarta Governor. Money is not a problem for Jakarta for such ambitious project since in the bank the city has around idle 7 billion USD that can be used for such an ambitious project without any financial help from Central Government.

He seems understand that his previous plan is wrong since it doesnt solve the sinking problem that exist in Jakarta which is caused by over water extraction of Jakarta ground water by its 10 million population ( during the work hours the population increases around 30 % coming from people living near Jakarta). The solution should be to stop the ground water extraction and replace it with 100 % pipe water system coverage. Similar move is also done by Tokyo in which the city suffered the same problem during 1960's.

After Jokowi become President, he then make Karian Dam in Banten province as water source for Jakarta pipe water system that currently only covers small portion of Jakartan due to lack of water source. Recently he makes another program to increase the water source for Jakarta from existing Jatiluhur dam by making another big water treatment facility, and in the start of his administration he tries to clean the rivers that become the source of Jatiluhur dam.

Karian Dam project, Banten province


I am one of Jokowi supporters, but I am not a fanatic supporter of him, any of his plan and program should be debated and discussed, as our leader could possibly make some wrong and dumb decision due to his lack of knowledge on particular issue ( as no men is perfect and knows every thing) and that decision can go through if there is lack of debate in public and if our leader is stubborn. See also Zero Covid Policy in China which is pretty dumb policy but due to lack of democracy there, that dumb policy can still go on and on until now.

All I am saying is that the ambition and idea of NEOM is impressive. How it will be implemented and how successful it will become is guesswork.

This works both ways. The public and the average person are prone to being stupid (majority) in most countries of the world. We see this time and time again in democratic elections across the world were incompetent and corrupt rulers are chosen by the majority. Choosing the right leader or project is not an exact science. Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not irrespective of system of governance.

Look at China and compare it with "democratic" India. The comparison is a joke. Pakistan is another example of "democracy" at work and the electorate being retarded by large.
Almost all of KSA's strategic projects are done with China, not the West.

Remember that people from Saudi Arabia created some of the largest and most influential empires in history (largest and most influential in the Muslim world) and are one of the few non-European peoples to have ruled European territory for a very long time. Al-Andalus (Spain, Portugal), Crete (Greece), Sicily (Italy), Malta etc. In fact only the Arabs among all non-Europeans ever ruled Western European territory and their cousins the Phoenicians (related peoples to Arabs) whose origin lies in Eastern Arabia ironically according to ancient Greek scholars.

You as a Spaniard can attest to the incredible linguistic, architectural, genetic, culinary, musical, cultural influence that Arab culture had for almost 1000 years and continue to have in Spain, Portugal and by default the entire Latin American world. Even after the Inquisition and forceful removal of any Arab/Islamic influences it failed.

In fact most major Spanish cities have names that are of Arabic origin. Almost half of all of Spain's World UNESCO Heritage Sites were built by Arabs too. The most famous being Alhambra which is also one of the most visited places by tourists in Spain.

So they view the West as equals historically speaking albeit the West has had the upper hand for the past 500 years. This is an important physiological thing to notice among Arabs from KSA. They are not obsessed about hiding who they are, they are proud "in your face" type of people in the West (tourists) if you notice.

Anyway as I wrote strategic projects such as Saudi Arabia's own ballistic missile program is jointly developed with China, not the West, KSA's renewables push is mostly non-Western in nature, uranium extraction within KSA (China again), nuclear power/reactors once again non-West, China largest trade partner (not the West) etc.

Of course given the fact that the West is the dominating economic force and KSA having one of the most desired products (oil) it is natural for there to be economic cooperation.

The point here is that KSA is not solely reliant on West or betting on them but cleverly developing close/cordial ties with all powers out there.

You're right, my home town and province have names of arabic origin (Alicante, Al-icante).

But that was in the golden age of Islam, centuries ago, also a lot of ancient buildings of Arabic origin still exists nowadays in Spain.

Now times have changed, USA is the main empire in the world and a important Saudi Arabia economic partner.

I think you can't trust your security in foreign countries, no matter if USA or China, they have differents interests than Saudi Arabia.

I think the correct path is Iran path, self-home-made missiles program (a cheap alternative that can avoid a first attack against your country).
You're right, my home town and province have names of arabic origin (Alicante, Al-icante).

But that was in the golden age of Islam, centuries ago, also a lot of ancient buildings of Arabic origin still exists nowadays in Spain.

Now times have changed, USA is the main empire in the world and a important Saudi Arabia economic partner.

I think you can't trust your security in foreign countries, no matter if USA or China, they have differents interests than Saudi Arabia.

I think the correct path is Iran path, self-home-made missiles program (a cheap alternative that can avoid a first attack against your country).

Speaking about Spain, KSA seems to have rather close military ties with Spain, in particular Navantia is helping KSA build a powerful navy with local manufacturing done in KSA by locals. I think that the relations are only growing and there is mutual ancient/old ties/history involved.

The high-speed railways in KSA were also built by a a Spanish company.
Speaking about Spain, KSA seems to have rather close military ties with Spain, in particular Navantia is helping KSA build a powerful navy with local manufacturing done in KSA by locals. I think that the relations are only growing and there is mutual ancient/old ties/history involved.

The high-speed railways in KSA were also built by a a Spanish company.

Former Spanish king had a lot of troubles due to that railways deal. Most people criticize him, without thinking the large amount of richness meant for Spain.

Navantia build great warships but military electronic is by USA, that in my opinion is like give the control to USA in the case of a serious war (electronic backdoors to remote control).

By the other side, Arabic legacy is everywhere in south of Spain and even in the Spanish language, but people are not always aware of that.

In Spanish language we have a lot of pair of words with exactly the same meaning, one from Arabic origin and one from Latin origin. e.g: Scorpion can be said "Alacrán" (Arabic origin word) or "Escorpión" (Latin origin word). "Olive" can be said "Aceituna" (Arabic origin word) or "Oliva" (Latin origin word), and you can even guess the history of a zone of Spain due to the kind of words the people use, zones with more Arabic rule past use more Arabic origin words.
Former Spanish king had a lot of troubles due to that railways deal. Most people criticize him, without thinking the large amount of richness meant for Spain.

Navantia build great warships but military electronic is by USA, that in my opinion is like give the control to USA in the case of a serious war (electronic backdoors to remote control).

By the other side, Arabic legacy is everywhere in south of Spain and even in the Spanish language, but people are not always aware of that.

In Spanish language we have a lot of pair of words with exactly the same meaning, one from Arabic origin and one from Latin origin. e.g: Scorpion can be said "Alacrán" (Arabic origin word) or "Escorpión" (Latin origin word). "Olive" can be said "Aceituna" (Arabic origin word) or "Oliva" (Latin origin word), and you can even guess the history of a zone of Spain due to the kind of words the people use, zones with more Arabic rule past use more Arabic origin words.

I agree but KSA has to start somewhere in order to continue to develop their indigenous naval sector. Spain is a reliable partner for KSA and there is a very old connection too as discussed.
The two countries have cordial ties and do a lot of mutually beneficial business.

I even read that the Spanish helped set up/increase the largest olive farm in the world in KSA.

How is the Spanish military sector nowadays? Any new projects in sight?

As far as Spanish language goes, I once read that there are 1000's of Spanish words of Arabic origin but many 1000's have also been changed a bit so they have a slightly different meaning.

I think that the mixture of ancient local Iberian peoples and cultures, Phoneician (Semitic peoples and relatives of Arabs), Greek, Roman, Germanic, Celtic, Arab, Berber, Austrian (Habsburg), Jewish etc. influences is what makes Spain such a unique and interesting country in Europe.
I agree but KSA has to start somewhere in order to continue to develop their indigenous naval sector. Spain is a reliable partner for KSA and there is a very old connection too as discussed.
The two countries have cordial ties and do a lot of mutually beneficial business.

I even read that the Spanish helped set up/increase the largest olive farm in the world in KSA.

How is the Spanish military sector nowadays? Any new projects in sight?

As far as Spanish language goes, I once read that there are 1000's of Spanish words of Arabic origin but many 1000's have also been changed a bit so they have a slightly different meaning.

I think that the mixture of ancient local Iberian peoples and cultures, Phoneician (Semitic peoples and relatives of Arabs), Greek, Roman, Germanic, Celtic, Arab, Berber, Austrian (Habsburg), Jewish etc. influences is what makes Spain such a unique and interesting country in Europe.

There is a civilian project (with a possible double use militarily), that I dont know so much about it, but it's awesome.

A home-made rocket to put satellite in space.

(news from days ago).
Some fools and ignorant people scoff, whether Turkish or otherwise. I want to tell him that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has the strongest universities in the Middle East, ahead of Israel, Turkey and Iran. The kingdom holds a strong position in patents and scientific research, as well as the largest project to send hundreds of thousands of Saudis to study around the best universities and colleges world.
If you say so it must be true even in the face of total absence of any observable saudi contribution to advancements to science.

You pay for others to develop things for you. Dont get me wrong there is nothing at all wrong with that.

KSA has the best ranked universities in the entire Muslim world, KSA is spending the most on education of all Muslim countries (top 5% in the world too - almost 10% of the annual GDP is spent on education) those universities receive the most funding of any in the Muslim world, KSA has the highest per capita scientific citations in the Muslim world of any country with a sizable local population (not including small native populations like in UAE and Qatar where there is barely any industry - Qatar in particular).

KSA is one of the richest countries in the world when it comes to mineral wealth. They have all the mineral components needed at home. As well as all the infrastructure in the form of machines and production facilities.

They have had a domestic ballistic missile program for ages so designing and manufacturing a cruise missile with a small range is not that difficult.

I only see one ignorant donkey here and that is you, I am afraid. Anyway are you not the same gora worshipper that was spamming the forum of how the UK is capable of invading both China and Russia and defeating them?:lol:

I think so as well. I was shocked to learn from another user here on PDF, that the visit to KSA by Xi Jinping will be the first foreign visit of China's president since Covid-19 began. Is that really the case?


Thats all well and good. First of all Muslim countries are not anywhere on the global radar of cutting edge research. This ranking will mean a lot more if they are even no. 20 in a global ranking in a technical field.

And what are they teaching here? Seems like they are producing useless graduates with a youth unemployment rate of 28%.

There is always more to this than meets the eye: Abu Dhabi has in theory built a satellite but pretty much only partially project managed it. All components and know how imported. If once the Iranians feel threatened by this, then we know this is real business. Israelis don't have to worry since all the shameful GCC countries made peace with them. First they sucked up to the Brits till the 70s and now the Israelis.
If you say so it must be true even in the face of total absence of any observable saudi contribution to advancements to science.

You pay for others to develop things for you. Dont get me wrong there is nothing at all wrong with that.

Not true. There are plenty of very talented Saudi Arabian professors in numerous technological areas ranging from chemistry, engineering, biology, mathematics, medicine, rocket science, NASA based in the US alone despite KSA not having much of a diaspora. You can just use Google.

And what exactly has been the modern contribution of any Muslim country to science? KSA is far better than the vast majority of Muslim countries in this regard (overall educational levels too) which all statistic confirm. All this while having less than 30 million native people.

They don't have to be ashamed of anything but rather very proud about what they have accomplished in such a short time and the rapid rate at which they are developing on all fronts. This is just the beginning for them.

Thats all well and good. First of all Muslim countries are not anywhere on the global radar of cutting edge research. This ranking will mean a lot more if they are even no. 20 in a global ranking in a technical field.

And what are they teaching here? Seems like they are producing useless graduates with a youth unemployment rate of 28%.

Now university degrees in mostly technical fields (STEM) nowadays are useless? Ok. Where is the data of 28% unemployment rate and what has unemployment rate to do with education? You are clearly completely ignorant about KSA. The reason why many local youth is unemployed (I believe the statistics are less than 12% nowadays) is due to KSA being an open market economy with a huge expat population and thus local and foreign firms can easier (they make more money) by hiring cheaper expats who are willing to work for longer hours (often expats living alone so no family and solely to work and earn money) and for a much cheaper pay. If two aspirants have the same qualifications, the expat will always win for that reason.

This is why Saudization became necessary and why many (and soon to be almost all critical sectors) will be held by locals exclusively or vast majority by locals.

There is a civilian project (with a possible double use militarily), that I dont know so much about it, but it's awesome.

A home-made rocket to put satellite in space.

(news from days ago).

Great stuff. Looking forward to more KSA-Spain cooperation.
Not true. There are plenty of very talented Saudi Arabian professors in numerous technological areas ranging from chemistry, engineering, biology, mathematics, medicine, rocket science, NASA based in the US alone despite KSA not having much of a diaspora. You can just use Google.

And what exactly has been the modern contribution of any Muslim country to science? KSA is far better than the vast majority of Muslim countries in this regard (overall educational levels too) which all statistic confirm. All this while having less than 30 million native people.

They don't have to be ashamed of anything but rather very proud about what they have accomplished in such a short time and the rapid rate at which they are developing on all fronts. This is just the beginning for them.

Now university degrees in mostly technical fields (STEM) nowadays are useless? Ok. Where is the data of 28% unemployment rate and what has unemployment rate to do with education? You are clearly completely ignorant about KSA. The reason why many local youth is unemployed (I believe the statistics are less than 12% nowadays) is due to KSA being an open market economy with a huge expat population and thus local and foreign firms can easier (they make more money) by hiring cheaper expats who are willing to work for longer hours (often expats living alone so no family and solely to work and earn money) and for a much cheaper pay. If two aspirants have the same qualifications, the expat will always win for that reason.

This is why Saudization became necessary and why many (and soon to be almost all critical sectors) will be held by locals exclusively or vast majority by locals.

Great stuff. Looking forward to more KSA-Spain cooperation.
Till Saudis build the equivalent of google , use google: World Bank figures that youth unemployment at 28%. I will trust their numbers than MBS whose gift to humanity is to let women drive, while building a useless $500bn NOEM close to Israel.

I would not share a number without any basis behind it. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SL.UEM.1524.ZS

STEM degrees are useful if people use them. Whats the point of gloating about how great the universities giving STEM degrees are if its producing unemployable graduates. Great degrees, great university, but in your logic work is being done by expats so the prowess really goes to countries that educated the imported labor.

Its okay for you to be proud of where you live/work and where your income comes from. But stop touting as if Saudi Arabia has arrived on the super power scene. It takes the prize for running the world's most incompetent intelligence operation in killing a dissident in its own consulate. The military failure in Yemen and then running to Uncle Sam for protection with Patriots when ARAMCO got hit, while having the 4th largest defense budget in the world.

All that aside, I am keen to learn (and I am not being sarcastic) about the top professors from Saudi Arabia and the papers/patents they have accomplished. I hope its better than the STEM graduates they train who are unemployed.
Till Saudis build the equivalent of google , use google: World Bank figures that youth unemployment at 28%. I will trust their numbers than MBS whose gift to humanity is to let women drive, while building a useless $500bn NOEM close to Israel.

I would not share a number without any basis behind it. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SL.UEM.1524.ZS

STEM degrees are useful if people use them. Whats the point of gloating about how great the universities giving STEM degrees are if its producing unemployable graduates. Great degrees, great university, but in your logic work is being done by expats so the prowess really goes to countries that educated the imported labor.

Its okay for you to be proud of where you live/work and where your income comes from. But stop touting as if Saudi Arabia has arrived on the super power scene. It takes the prize for running the world's most incompetent intelligence operation in killing a dissident in its own consulate. The military failure in Yemen and then running to Uncle Sam for protection with Patriots when ARAMCO got hit, while having the 4th largest defense budget in the world.

All that aside, I am keen to learn (and I am not being sarcastic) about the top professors from Saudi Arabia and the papers/patents they have accomplished. I hope its better than the STEM graduates they train who are unemployed.

You are being incredibly dishonest. You are posting data of work for youth between 15-24 years in one of the world's foremost welfare states (KSA) with a close-knitted family culture (economic help for students besides the states official help), in a country where almost 80% of the population get a university degree and don't graduate before 24 years of age.

Overall unemployment rate in KSA is 10.1% (first quarter of 2022)

Official source:

Rest of your post is just trolling.

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