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Saudi King Throw away Imminent

@Mosamania How is the Saudi sentiment towards people belonging to other countries and practicing other religion ?
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well said. Quality Point if it applies to the Arabian King.

Mr. Point is some regimes are easy to hijack and some are not!

Saudi Arabia is going through reforms... from a society which was being run by very pro US King.

Today, the King is very balanced in all of its approach.

Today, i feel it is not an individual but a system and council, which is handling state affairs... which are quite unchallengeable, given the age, we are living in.

At the same time... Saudis understand it and there is not much outsiders can do without buying some traitors from the top lot.

@Mosamania How is the Saudi sentiment towards people belonging to other countries and practicing other religion ?

People from other countries are just fine, and practice their religions in side the walls, nothing is allowed at streets.
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@Mosamania How is the Saudi sentiment towards people belonging to other countries and practicing other religion ?

10 years ago people were pretty xenophobic in general. Not so much now, the culture of tolerance have sat in quite nicely now. Of course there are people who are still stuck in the past but eventually they will be overwhelmed and driven out, already intolerant people are looked at with disdain.

Sad fully the religious police which belongs to the group of people who are about to become extent are still active, but again we are very patient people, and their time to end up in the dust pins of history is close at hand.
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My friend.. I have been through that article & all the answers are pretty much there in that article itself.

Nevertheless, revolutionary change in the Kingdom would be a disaster for American interests across the board. As the world’s swing oil producer, prolonged instability in Saudi Arabia would cause havoc in global oil markets, setting back economic recovery in the West and disrupting economic growth in the East. Saudi Arabia is also America’s oldest ally in the Middle East, a partnership that dates back to 1945; the overthrow of the monarchy would represent a severe setback to America’s position in the region and provide a dramatic strategic windfall for Iran. The small oilrich monarchies of the Gulf would be endangered, as would the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Stability of lot many other countries around the region depends on the survival of Saudi kingdom. To say that the fall of monarchy is IMMINENT, is bit too far fetched wishful thinking.
My friend.. I have been through that article & all the answers are pretty much there in that article itself.

Stability of lot many other countries around the region depends on the survival of Saudi kingdom. To say that the fall of monarchy is IMMINENT, is bit too far fetched wishful thinking.

In Iran there is a media hype about some revolution going on in KSA, again public consumption is the rule of law here.
10 years ago people were pretty xenophobic in general. Not so much now, the culture of tolerance have sat in quite nicely now. Of course there are people who are still stuck in the past but eventually they will be overwhelmed and driven out, already intolerant people are looked at with disdain.

Sad fully the religious police which belongs to the group of people who are about to become extent are still active, but again we are very patient people, and their time to end up in the dust pins of history is close at hand.
You see,he reason I ask you this is because,recently,I had an assignment that would have required me to go to Saudi Arabia.I was advised by my family members against it.No offence to you and your country,its a very beautiful country with very high standards of living.Its just that my family members were worried about the religious intolerance part,dont know how much of truth is in it.KSA,has always been very closed.You see,I am a Hindu.I finally decided not to give them a headache,and stepped out of the project.
The structure of Saudi society is drastically different even from other GCC sheikdoms. Majority of the people are religious and will not go to the bloodshed way like other countries of MENA.

majority of the People are positive with the boom of economic development in the Kingdom.

They are happy with the improvement in their quality of life.

The Royal family is it self a huge community and fully embedded in the Saudi society.
Although the change is inevitable an will defiantly come yet in my view it will come from within the Royal family.
You see,he reason I ask you this is because,recently,I had an assignment that would have required me to go to Saudi Arabia.I was advised by my family members against it.No offence to you and your country,its a very beautiful country with very high standards of living.Its just that my family members were worried about the religious intolerance part,dont know how much of truth is in it.KSA,has always been very closed.You see,I am a Hindu.I finally decided not to give them a headache,and stepped out of the project.

Yeah I got that vibe from you. Very commendable action by your family to worry about you so. Regarding the mentality of the locals depends in what area your assignment would put you. If it was in urban areas then you have no reason to worry. If it is in rural areas expect people to be a bit stiff.

But I guess that is true for most of the world anyways. Personally I don't care if you are Hindu, atheist or part of the spaghetti monster church. Your religion is your concern it is none of mine.
Yeah I got that vibe from you. Very commendable action by your family to worry about you so. Regarding the mentality of the locals depends in what area your assignment would put you. If it was in urban areas then you have no reason to worry. If it is in rural areas expect people to be a bit stiff.

But I guess that is true for most of the world anyways. Personally I don't care if you are Hindu, atheist or part of the spaghetti monster church. Your religion is your concern it is none of mine.

No Offense mate, It has everything to do with Islam!
How did you come up with this response to what I said?? Just wondering.

What you said is your opinion exclusively.

Islam itself is obsessed to much with the Kuffars, If we see anything to go by the how the Converts behave here, can only imagine How it would be in the Land of Mohammed!
What you said is your opinion exclusively.

Islam itself is obsessed to much with the Kuffars, If we see anything to go by the how the Converts behave here, can only imagine How it would be in the Land of Mohammed!

And your point is?? Trying to reassert your imagination?
No Offense mate, It has everything to do with Islam!

You are Wrong,

{{Say, "O disbelievers, [1] I do not worship that which you worship, [2] nor do you worship the One whom I worship. [3] And neither I am going to worship that which you have worshipped, [4] nor will you worship the One whom I worship. [5] For you is your faith, and for me, my faith." [6]}} Holy Quran.

It's always good to educate yourself about the matter you discussing before you make a fool of yourself.
Yeah I got that vibe from you. Very commendable action by your family to worry about you so. Regarding the mentality of the locals depends in what area your assignment would put you. If it was in urban areas then you have no reason to worry. If it is in rural areas expect people to be a bit stiff.

But I guess that is true for most of the world anyways. Personally I don't care if you are Hindu, atheist or part of the spaghetti monster church. Your religion is your concern it is none of mine.

Oh come on thats plain offensive ! :disagree:

Pizza or Lasagne should have been the better choice ! :kiss:
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