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Saudi king appoints half brother as heir to throne

Bubblegum Crisis

Feb 4, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates

Prince Muqrin meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama in 2010 Nuclear Security Summit.

Muqrin bin Abdulaziz is considered to be one of the King Abdullah's long-time allies and a ‘liberal’ pure strain like King Abdullah.

Education :

Prince Muqrin studied at the Riyadh Model Institute. He, then, went to Britain's RAF College in Cranwell and graduated with a degree in aeronautics at the rank of flight lieutenant in 1968.He also received a diploma, equivalent to a master's degree, from the General Staff course in the US in 1974.

Career :

Muqrin bin Abdulaziz was an air force pilot. In 1964, he joined the Saudi royal air force (RSAF). He was named commander of the RSAF's 2nd air squadron in 1970. He had served in several positions in the RSAF from 1973 to 1977 before being appointed the adjutant to the director of air operations. He then was elevated to president of operations and planning for the RSAF.

Quote 1 :

Saudi king appoints half brother as heir to throne

POSTED: 28 mars 2014 04:03

Saudi Arabia's 90-year-old King Abdullah on Thursday appointed his half-brother Moqren, 69, as the next heir to the throne of the world's largest exporter of crude oil.

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia's 90-year-old King Abdullah on Thursday appointed his half-brother Moqren, 69, as the next heir to the throne of the world's largest exporter of crude oil.

The decision, announced in a royal decree, comes as a source close to the circle of power told AFP that current Crown Prince Salman, 79, was sick and "may decide not to claim the throne" because of his ill health.

The decree did not mention Prince Salman, who is also defence minister of the strategic Gulf state.

Under the rules of succession in Saudi Arabia, power passes from brother to brother under the right of primogeniture among the sons of Abdul Aziz bin Saud, the kingdom's founder.

The king made public his decision on the eve of a visit by US President Barack Obama, who is expected in Riyadh late on Friday afternoon.

Under Thursday's decree, Prince Moqren, currently second deputy prime minister, is named the next crown prince.

Prince Moqren will be proclaimed sovereign "if the posts of crown prince and king become vacant," according to the decision taken by "more than three-quarters" of the 34-member Board of Succession, the princes of the royal family.

The decision is irrevocable, the decree said, stipulating that "nobody can change this decision" which takes effect from Thursday.

"King Abdullah wants to assure a smooth succession by this internal reorganisation of power" within the family, another source told AFP, adding that the decision had been "taken in agreement with Crown Prince Salman".

"It was passed by 27 of the 34 members. Others had reservations or abstained in the vote," the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity and without elaborating.

The Board of Succession is supposed to designate the future heir.

A source close to royal circles in Riyadh told AFP King Abdullah had met the board and asked it to approve his decision to appoint Moqren crown prince "in case of the accession to the throne of Crown Prince Salman, or his absence."

The same source said the king also informed the board of his intention to appoint his son Mitab as second deputy premier.

In addition to that post, Moqren also headed the kingdom's intelligence services until July 2012.

"About two-thirds of the board members approved" the appointment of Mitab, according to the same source.

He added that Prince Salman asked that support be given to his son, Prince Mohammed, to be appointed to the defence portfolio.

King Abdullah established the board in 2006 to institutionalise the process of transition, which would normally exercise its prerogatives after the monarch's death.

Analysts believe that the ageing Al-Saud dynasty should consider moving to the next generation within the ruling family for the succession.

Channel NewsAsia

See Link : Allegiance Council

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Saudi Arabia Boosts Its National Guard


Quote 2 :

Same-Day Analysis

New appointment clarifies line of succession in Saudi Arabia

Published: 2/4/2013

The appointment of Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz al-Saud as second deputy prime minister provides further clarification to the order of succession in Saudi Arabia.

IHS Global Insight perspective

Significance : King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud appointed his half-brother Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz al-Saud second deputy prime minister on Friday (1 February) – the unofficial second in line to the throne.

Implications : Prince Muqrin's promotion brings to a close speculation that the king may seek to transfer power to the following third generation in the near future. Given the health concerns surrounding both the king and crown prince, Prince Muqrin will be called upon to govern the kingdom should both be absent through illness in the near future.

Outlook : Third generation Saudi royals will continue to gradually be afforded more power, but the pace of the transition will not be rushed.

Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz al-Saud was appointed second deputy prime minister on Friday (1 February). The position marks the unofficial second in line for the throne and has been vacant since October 2011, when the former incumbent, Prince Nayef bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, was appointed crown prince. King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud issued a royal decree on Friday appointing Prince Muqrin, who was then sworn in to office in Riyadh yesterday (3 February).

Unexpected developments

The elevation of Prince Muqrin took most observers by surprise. Nevertheless, it appears a pragmatic appointment. As one of the youngest remaining sons of the founder of the modern Saudi state, King Ibn Saud, the 67-year-old prince is believed to be untroubled by the health issues that blight his eldest brothers' days; both the king and Crown Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud are unable to work for lengthy periods. Furthermore, he has a wealth of experience in the higher echelons of the kingdom's political apparatus. He served for nearly twenty years as the governor of Hail province, before being elevated to the more prestigious governorship of Medina province in 1999. In 2005, he was named director for general intelligence, heading up the General Intelligence Presidency (GIP). During this period, the intelligence and security services waged a successful battle against internal Islamist militants.

Despite this pedigree, Prince Muqrin's removal from the GIP in July 2012 appeared to damage his promotion prospects (see Saudi Arabia: 23 July 2012: Former Ambassador to US Appointed Saudi Intelligence Chief). Although he had attracted plaudits for his role in expelling Islamist militants from the country, Prince Muqrin was increasingly criticised in public by Saudi citizens prior to his departure, which had all the appearances of an ignominious dismissal. In the light of the latest developments however, the seemingly token advisory position to the king he was awarded appears to have been more influential than was believed.

At 67, Prince Muqrin largely bridges the gap between the remaining sons of Ibn Saud and his most prominent grandchildren. The most likely members of that cohort to challenge for the leadership include Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Nayef al-Saud, and the head of the Saudi Arabian National Guard (SANG), Prince Miteb bin Abdullah al-Saud – who are aged 53 and 60, respectively. Arguably the most important task of his rule will be to complete the process, largely initiated by King Abdullah, of bringing these individuals through into positions of greater authority and ensuring that there exists a stable transitional path.

Stability over all

This appointment clearly emphasises one thing above all else; the value placed on stability by King Abdullah. Although he has made great strides in promoting third generation royals during the last 12 months, the time has not yet come for one to assume the ruling mantle. Although cognisant of the imperative need to inject relative youth and vitality into Saudi Arabia's ruling clique, this does not yet extend to the very highest levels. In this most-conservative of kingdoms, many of the remaining sons of Ibn Saud are not prepared to accept being overlooked for one of their nephews.

Crucially Prince Muqrin's elevation allays concerns over the uncertainty surrounding succession in the kingdom. Serious concerns exist over King Abdullah's health, and rumours surrounding the extent of this were ever-present when he underwent surgery last year (see Saudi Arabia: 30 August 2012: Recently Appointed Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Temporarily Running Kingdom). Crown Prince Salman fares little better. It is not beyond the bounds of imagination that sometime in 2013 both will be incapacitated over health issues, in which case, Prince Muqrin will step in to temporarily run the kingdom.

Prior to Friday's announcement, under the worst case scenario, both King Abdullah and Crown Prince Salman could have died before the end of 2013 with no appointed successor – resulting in a potentially destabilising scramble for power by the potential heirs. This scenario has been avoided. Although the Allegiance Council established by King Abdullah in 2006 was designed to facilitate the succession process, it has subsequently been sidelined and played no role in the appointment of the two previous crown princes. Furthermore, the vested interests of its members ensure that it is inherently flawed, and it remains uncertain that it will even survive beyond Abdullah's reign. It is unlikely to have been capable of smoothly resolving such a crisis.

What should not be overlooked is that none of Prince Muqrin's sons are sufficiently high profile to be regarded as potential future monarchs. As a neutral arbiter, his choice of successor is therefore likely to be meritocratic rather than tainted by accusations of patronage, increasing prospects for a smooth succession.

A respected operator

While many diplomats in the west may secretly have harboured hopes that Saudi Arabia would accelerate the transition to the next generation, they will not be dismayed by the prospects of dealing with a future King Muqrin. His experience of the West formed by studying at RAF Cranwell in the United Kingdom will certainly reassure many. He is well regarded as a capable operator – despite this being somewhat tarnished by the last part of his stint heading the GIP.

Although more circumspect than some of his siblings in displaying his views, he is a relatively liberal figure. As with his brothers, he is intrinsically suspicious of neighbouring Shia Iran, and overall he is likely to maintain a similar foreign policy agenda to his predecessors.

As the inevitable generational transition looms ever closer, one of Prince Muqrin's main challenges will be to balance the interests of his most ambitious nephews. To ensure internal stability, he will have to work closely with both Prince Miteb and Prince Mohammed bin-Nayef, who each control one of the key pillars of domestic security – the SANG and interior ministry respectively. Nevertheless, he will be wary that each will become increasingly entrenched in the coming years and may seek to use their respective power-bases to press their claims.

Outlook and implications

Although not officially guaranteeing Prince Muqrin's future ascension to the throne, his appointment as second deputy prime minister makes him the leading contender. King Abdullah previously held the position, as did the previous two crown princes. In the meantime, Prince Muqrin will assume an increasingly significant role in running the kingdom, stepping in for the ailing king and crown prince when they are absent or infirm. In the eventuality that he does become king, he is likely to be the last of Ibn Saud's sons to inherit the throne. Having been overlooked in favour of a younger sibling, none of his elder brothers are likely to be appointed his successor – such a decision would be unprecedented in the kingdom.

The most important aspect of the appointment was that it was made at all, rather than who was appointed. From the prospect of a potentially destabilising succession crisis in the near future, Saudi Arabia has bought itself a few more years of regime stability. Prince Muqrin's task will be to steady the ship and ensure that the next generational transition progresses as smoothly.


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Mate, some summary intel on the dude. What's his bearing vis-a-vis terrorism (export variety), Iran / Syria relations (hawk or a dove), Qatar view (if push comes to shove, will he get the fat fvk's son assassinated and annex the territory), Bahrain (pro intervention and annexation), Pakistan stand, USA stand?

P.S. Above and beyond all, does he enjoy Najdi Sheep steak? o_O

@Yzd Khalifa
Mate, some summary intel on the dude. What's his bearing vis-a-vis terrorism (export variety), Iran / Syria relations (hawk or a dove), Qatar view (if push comes to shove, will he get the fat fvk's son assassinated and annex the territory), Bahrain (pro intervention and annexation), Pakistan stand, USA stand?

P.S. Above and beyond all, does he enjoy Najdi Sheep steak? o_O

@Yzd Khalifa

I had these questions as well and I want to know his stance towards the I/P conflict.

WTF obama where is pam?,,, :rofl:i
....And I thought he was gonna appoint me. So what if I am not his half-brother, I am his Muslim brother...!!!:D "Muslim brother" "ummah":yes4:

Disappointed in my "Muslim brother" King Abdullah.
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Maybe Abdullah will going to quit he is no longer a king???!!
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