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Saudi Intelligence backed by Saudi Special Forces Free Abducted council in Yemen

He was not released, an operation took place, similar to the one that rescued President Hadi in Yemen from captivity and into Aden.
So what SF too part any news of that yet ?
I was thinking if an apache was involved then it was either close to saudi borders or the apache flew from a navy ship.
and i wasnt expecting helicopters honestly. im guessing they dropped special forces there in a far safe location.. when special forces on the ground made the first move then helicopters and back up was close by. cuz they are loud!
again just guessing how it went. it would be great if they released some footage from helmet cameras. something for the ppl to be proud of. but i highly doubt it
anyway hamdulelah thats the 3rd operation that we know of took place in yemen by saudi intelligence. 1st the german family second was hadi and now this. im sure there are many more brave stories by our brave men that we dont know about.





Confirmed, GIP Special Forces carried out the operation by the ministry of foreign affairs spokesman.

وقد أكد لـ "عكاظ" نائب وزير الخارجية الأمير عبدالعزيز بن عبدالله أن عملية تحرير نائب القنصل السعودي عبدالله الخالدي تمت بقوة استخباراتية سعودية بحتة ونفخر بإنجازهم

صحيفة عكاظصحيفة عكاظ | شؤون الوطن | ولي ولي العهد يستقبل الدبلوماسي المختطف عبدالله الخالدي
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according to this source prince khalid started the operation.
anyways obviously it didnt happen just like that. its a long and difficult process that took some time.
but knowing that prince khalid was the commander of the land forces sounds like actions he would take

according to this source prince khalid started the operation.
anyways obviously it didnt happen just like that. its a long and difficult process that took some time.
but knowing that prince khalid was the commander of the land forces sounds like actions he would take

No it wasn't prince Khalid. It wasn't him at all, this is a picture of Mohammed bin Naïf.
No it wasn't prince Khalid. It wasn't him at all, this is a picture of Mohammed bin Naïf.

yes true. it could be.. that was my first thought. specially that the head of GIP was mbahith.

the GIP special forces, if im not mistaken, were trained under the supervision of khalid bin bandar and fahad bin turki few years ago when megren was head of GIP and abdulaziz bin bandar, khaled's younger brother, was VP of GIP. abdulaziz was running the show during that time. hes a very smart man.
the guy who tweeted this is close to the MoI circle more than GIP.
so thats how im connecting the dots and saying it also might be khalid.
Well this operation will give a massive boost to morale of Saudi Armed Forces and this can encourage them to do operations likes this even far away from Saudi Arabia
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