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Saudi Imam offers $450,000 Reward for Killing Assad

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Before giving or carrying out a sentence, a trial is a necessity. Especially when giving out a death sentence, as this scholar has apparently given. Even a beginner at law school can tell you that. You can't just have people assassinated, this scholar should have offered a reward for his capture instead.

So I am a member of the FSA, and I see Bashar in front of me. You're saying you can't kill him, he hasn't been given a fair trial yet! but the bastard is killing hundreds of people everyday!
Based on what you say its necessary? why go through this kangaroo trial? so people can say oh your so fair! what a just person you are!
How about the Saudi "scholar" (scholar of what btw? Suicide bombing and wife beating?) use this money to buy sacks of grain for some poor African village or build a hospital for some Yemenise town up North??

If they actually cared about saving lives, the million saudi princes and princesses wouldn't be buying gold plated cars and palaces while their own people had third world living conditions.
So I am a member of the FSA, and I see Bashar in front of me. You're saying you can't kill him, he hasn't been given a fair trial yet! but the bastard is killing hundreds of people everyday!
Based on what you say its necessary? why go through this kangaroo trial? so people can say oh your so fair! what a just person you are!

Haha, before talking about how just I am, try to understand the context of what I said. I was not talking about the Free Syrian Army. The army is free to kill him while fighting him & his forces of course. In such a scenario killing him is fine upon sight or capture. Some people may wan't to have a trial even then. That is up to the FSA to decide. This scholar however can't give out a death sentence to anyone. Only a judge may sentence someone to death. This imam isn't a soldier or a member of the FSA, & neither is he a judge.
Here's the reality of what is happening in Syria - Mercenaries, actually terrorists in the pay of the Saudi and Qatari with support of NATO, are inciting rebellion, insurrection and sectarian hatred -- is it sad that innocents are killed , sure, but the real criminals are the Saudi, Qatari and NATO regimes - Assad or any other leadership is duty bound to secure the state and nation of Syria.
Here's the reality of what is happening in Syria - Mercenaries, actually terrorists in the pay of the Saudi and Qatari with support of NATO, are inciting rebellion, insurrection and sectarian hatred -- is it sad that innocents are killed , sure, but the real criminals are the Saudi, Qatari and NATO regimes - Assad or any other leadership is duty bound to secure the state and nation of Syria.
Well, I can guarantee you one thing, he will fail in this duty.
Saudis will make sure of that;)
If you see god in all living things then both me and the donkey are your god

i see god in all living things..... but not in someone whose conscience is "DEAD".

If you see god in all living things then both me and the donkey are your god

i see god in all living things..... but not in someone whose conscience is "DEAD".
Here's the reality of what is happening in Syria - Mercenaries, actually terrorists in the pay of the Saudi and Qatari with support of NATO, are inciting rebellion, insurrection and sectarian hatred -- is it sad that innocents are killed , sure, but the real criminals are the Saudi, Qatari and NATO regimes - Assad or any other leadership is duty bound to secure the state and nation of Syria.

This is what the Saudi told me, he said you better leave and go to Lebanon because we SALAFIES will control Syria, and we will make you a third class citizen.
Banu Umayyah is that the freedom your asking for? hahaha what a democracy
Well, I can guarantee you one thing, he will fail in this duty.
Saudis will make sure of that;)
You've been saying that for the past year
you know that saying "you have to do everything yourself"? Well, time to strap the belt and go kaboom.
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