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Saudi ‘gift’ of 20 bullet-proof vehicles for Sharifs

=Armstrong;4140374]Riyadh authorizes them.....ahhmmm ! :blink:

Even a two yr old child in pakistan knows where the financing for these groups comes from
What purpose would that serve exactly for Saudi Arabia ?

When was the last time Sharifs brothers was attacked by terrorist living in the heart of Raiwind(Experts say that the congregation of Raiwind provides ideological and cultural impetus to many extremist Islamist groups and organizations, including the Taliban.) driving around in ordinary cars? Never. These cars arent meant to stop terrorist attacks are they now? Who else wants Riyadh pets out of the way that they are sending these to protect?So whats the purpose of this out right interference by Riyadh in pakistani politics.

Pakistan's former PM Nawaz Sharif (center) regularly visits the Raiwind congregation
Saudi has always been close to the Sharif's. Wahabism has been promoted in Pakistan by the same Sharif family. Rana Sanaullah has pictures with SSP chief Ludhianvi. Terrorism is basically an industry for a number of political parties. Even PPP is involved in supporting terror as they had an alliance with LEJ in 2008 elections.

Sharif's links to Saudi Arabia are a huge problem. Saudi itself has a very unreasonable policy towards shias and there are reports that LEJ gets its funding from Saudi donors.
Sir, the bottom line is that people are still talking and negotiating. There is no final signed contract as of yet.

Bahi Ji, baaqi di vi khabar shamil karya karo na. These are just on going small agreements that will go on even after the pipeline is pumping gas.

... “In the final round of negotiations with Tadbir Energy on March 16 and 17 in Tehran, a Pakistani team told the Iranians that the finance ministry had finally approved the term sheet, paving the way for the award of contract,”[/COLOR] an official said.

Initial agreement has already been reached with Tadbir Energy, but final accord is awaited. [The cabinet has waived Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) rules to award the contract directly to the Iranian firm.[/COLOR]

Pakistani public sector firm Interstate Gas Systems (ISGS) and Tadbir Energy inked the initial contract in Tehran.[/COLOR] Though western governments have imposed sanctions on Iran, Tadbir Energy does not fall within their ambit. It is controlled by the Imam Khomeini Foundation, one of Iran’s largest charitable groups.

Tadbir Energy will undertake all engineering, procurement and construction work on the first phase of the pipeline, starting from the Pak-Iran border, costing around $250 million.

In the second phase, the financing facility will be increased by up to $250 million, depending on discussions regarding the involvement of Tadbir Energy in gas distribution in Pakistan. It will act as the lead contractor along with local subcontractors. ...

Gas pipeline: Pakistan, Iran to meet to finalise construction contract – The Express Tribune

Sir, like I said before, and the rest of the post indicates, there is NO FINAL CONTRACT as of yet. If and when it gets signed, then we can talk further about how that contract is going to be financed. Where is that money coming from? A signed contract without a pile of dollars to push it will only sit on a desk.
What a mess our country is in!!! Open interference form a foreign government and the 'lion' is accepting it rather happily.
@Zarvan Just have a look here , and reconsider your views about PTI . . @Yzd Khalifa Not worth of replying , just a part of political campaign of a political party against
PML N , but still If you think of replying then do reply but not a necessary place.
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Thanks for giving me such attitude.
I know Saudis and their allies in pakistan don't believe Book called Qua-ran but for rest of us this is what it says.

"Qullu nafsin iza iqatul maut" meaning 'Everything that lives shall taste death!'
Al-Qur'an Surah Al-Imran Verse 185

20 or even 50 bullet proof cars wont save them when the time comes just like Zia was blown out of the sky(who ever did it Thank you) .As far as bullet proof cars is concerned terrorist attacking Sharifs cars is not going to happen, unless Riyadh authorize its ASWJ, LJ or TTP terrorist in pakistan to carry out the attacks.
@Zarvan Just have a look here , and reconsider your views about PTI . . @Yzd Khalifa Not worth of replying , just a part of political campaign of a political party against
PML N , but still If you think of replying then do reply but not a necessary place.
sharifs have been supported by Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia has helped Pakistan a lot but Sharif family is corrupt and a mafia so Saudi Arabia will have to STP supporting this family but still Saudi Arabia have always stood with Pakistan and Saudi Arabia don't fund sectarian parties
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sharifs have been supported by Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia has helped Pakistan a lot but Sharif family is corrupt and a mafia so Saudi Arabia will have to STP supporting this family but still Saudi Arabia have always stood with Pakistan and Saudi Arabia don't fund sectarian parties
Zaru ! PTI itself consist of members of that mafia . Does that acceptable for you ? many of old Thugs and militant groups indirectly supports PTI just for their own needs . Many of corrupts elements of Pakistani society are also part of PTI . Isn't that would be declared a mafia ? Well , here matter is not Arabia or Sharifs , here matter is the people whom you are siding up with are the people who have always criticizes the religious community , not just criticized but also always sided up with those who killed your people . Are you satisfied to team up with those peoples. Imran itself is a better person but what about his party ? Would you let your vote and support for them?
Zaru ! PTI itself consist of members of that mafia . Does that acceptable for you ? many of old Thugs and militant groups indirectly supports PTI just for their own needs . Many of corrupts elements of Pakistani society are also part of PTI . Isn't that would be declared a mafia ? Well , here matter is not Arabia or Sharifs , here matter is the people whom you are siding up with are the people who have always the criticizes the religious community , not just criticized but also always sided up with those who killed your people . Are you satisfied to team up with those peoples. Imran itself is a better person but what about his party ? Would you let your vote and support for them?
Mostly those who have joined PTI don't have corruption charges on them and what happened to Imran Khan family when it came to tickets every one knows it so its not Mafia unlike Nawaz family and PPP where whole tickets are almost given to political families in PTI around 70 & tickets are being given to new people and Nawaz is himself corrupt and master of corruption Imran is not and most in his parties are not Mr
Mostly those who have joined PTI don't have corruption charges on them and what happened to Imran Khan family when it came to tickets every one knows it so its not Mafia unlike Nawaz family and PPP where whole tickets are almost given to political families in PTI around 70 & tickets are being given to new people and Nawaz is himself corrupt and master of corruption Imran is not and most in his parties are not Mr
Corruption ? Who is not corrupt here ? Saint Imran ? and who told you that ? anchors and fanboys ? Seriously Zarvan , You need to visit karachi just to understand term "Mafia" that you are using.
say no to Slaves of Saudis who are slaves of Amreekis :D

Corruption ? Who is not corrupt here ? Saint Imran ? and who told you that ? anchors and fanboys ? Seriously Zarvan , You need to visit karachi just to understand term "Mafia" that you are using.

yar who is not corrupt in our society at least PTI doesnt have i high level ****** leadership like PML N and other parties have so point is Imran khan is not corrupt while whole PML N leadership from top to ground level is corrupt their MNA's looted Billions of rupees on the name of Development Funds :D

Trade Marks/Brands HME
Company Info.: Steel scrap, Shredded steel, Billet Plant (under construction) Special Steel (very soon).
966 2 6359000 Fax: 966 2 6085494
Website: Hill Metals Est.
Year Established:
2005 Number of Employees: 385
Tons of steel/year:
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 104086
Location Khumrah Industrial Area
City/ZIP, Country: JEDDAH/21331, Saudi Arabia
Owners: Hussain Nawaz Sharif
Managing Director: Hussain Nawaz Sharif Tel: 0096626092172 Mobile: 00966503616877


Awam ka paisa Saudia mai steel mill ki suurat mai :woot: now PML N supporters will say Saudia mai PML N k leaders ki mill k steel se bari gari gift ki hai is mai galat kia hai :omghaha:
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