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Saudi football team fail to line up for minute's silence in honour of London terror attack victims

We did not do anything wrong, why should we condemn death of whites ? You are killing us muslims and want us to feel sorry for you.

Have a slice of pork too.
If you look at my profile closely you will realise that I am a muslim. And i am supporting you by calling whites hypocrites !
Get your eye tested. Hindus & nazis uses different symbols though many can't comprehend same in emboldened hatred they harbour for too long.

Swastik are not used just by Hindus alone.

Btw nazis were not Hindus if you have read the history from good source & certainty not from green religious institutions.

Use same logic for how a masjid goers & sermon listeners in developed part are fighting for ISIS... Any cue needed?

read carefully to apprehend what did I say.
That is your bigotery speaking.

As I explained I am touched less about the accident on Scandinavian Star, where Swedes die
than the accident on Estonia where other Swedes die.
Has nothing to do with colour of the skin.

You also equate "care less" with "don't care", which is wrong.

As for the colour of my skin, not white - more pink.

View attachment 402796

And You still owe us an answer how You can claim high ground...

lol- I thought only Turkish people used that hand sign.

Everyone brace for saif-al arab and his 800 accounts, he will start his copy paste documents about the great arab climate, arab dishes, 500 million arabs etc.

Cant wait for it.
2 white dies we have 2 minute of silence.
At same time 50+ Muslims dies in Iran, noboday cares.

Hypocrisy at its finest !

One beef burger please, with extra fries!
One more cartoon of sand dweller.
read carefully to apprehend what did I say.
That means you got the right drift.

@horsuUOTE="utraash, post: 9561976, member: 38445"]One more cartoon of sand dweller.


You don't need to quote me. There is report option.

Btw what did offend you here ?
I didn't say anything bad about someone?
Are not Saud is sand zone?
No the article clearly says:

Read again.

Did they also explain why their football federation officials rejected Australia's officials request to take part in this tribute?

Holding statement from the Saudi Arabian Football Federation regarding the one minute silence in Australia game

9 /6/ 2017

The Saudi Arabian Football Federation deeply regrets and unreservedly apologises for any offence caused by the failure of some members of the representative team of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to formally observe the one minute's silence in memory of the victims of the London terrorist attack on 3 June 2017, prior to the World Cup Qualifying match against Australia in Adelaide.
The players did not intend any disrespect to the memories of the victims or to cause upset to their families, friends or any individual affected by the atrocity
The Saudi Arabian Football Federation condemns all acts of terrorism and extremism and extends its sincerest condolences to the families of all the victims and to the Government and people of the United Kingdom
Holding statement from the Saudi Arabian Football Federation regarding the one minute silence in Australia game

9 /6/ 2017

The Saudi Arabian Football Federation deeply regrets and unreservedly apologises for any offence caused by the failure of some members of the representative team of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to formally observe the one minute's silence in memory of the victims of the London terrorist attack on 3 June 2017, prior to the World Cup Qualifying match against Australia in Adelaide.
The players did not intend any disrespect to the memories of the victims or to cause upset to their families, friends or any individual affected by the atrocity
The Saudi Arabian Football Federation condemns all acts of terrorism and extremism and extends its sincerest condolences to the families of all the victims and to the Government and people of the United Kingdom
Lol OK.
They didn't address the main point why their officials refused to take part in the tribute, probably because they know it was very deliberate act. No mistakes or misunderstanding there. I'm not even blaming them though, I'm just saying they should have been more honest and consistent by standing up for their decision, instead of backing off from that decision due to media coverage/questioning. :)

lol- I thought only Turkish people used that hand sign.

Everyone brace for saif-al arab and his 800 accounts, he will start his copy paste documents about the great arab climate, arab dishes, 500 million arabs etc.

Cant wait for it.

2 white dies we have 2 minute of silence.
At same time 50+ Muslims dies in Iran, noboday cares.

Hypocrisy at its finest
Have you people held a tribute to your people who died in a terror attack in a football stadium and we refused to respect that or take part?
Why blame us if you don't hold a tribute for your people who were killed? You want us to force you to do that? What kind of logic is that?
The match was in Australia, as such they should have respected the rules there. If we cone to your country we are also suppose to respect your laws or any tribute you might want to dedicate to your martyrs,v victims or whoever, there is no argument there.
So I don't understand what's your point about "whites hypocrisy" or whatever.
Thank you, Saudi Arabia for showing these western fools of there hypocrisy.

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