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Saudi Cleric Issues Fatwa Allowing Jihadis to Rape Syrian Women

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what is mutah marriage?:undecided:

Every Indian who go to Iran do this marriage as first thing on arrival.

There are 50 weekly flights bringing indians to Iran and yet you do not know this¨!
Dude, I don't want the Caliphate either because my Caliph died in '48 & I would never accept another. Nor do I want one big Islamic Country from the shores of Tunisia to the jungles of Indonesia; a union of sorts modeled around the EU & the NATO - Yes ! We've got more inherent potential for such a union then the West ever did but it isn't gonna happen in my life time or that of my immediate descendants so I'm not loosing much sleep over it !

In the meantime - Keep your Royalty & their decadence & extravagance but for godsake stop funding religious seminaries all over the world including Pakistan ! Our Government is a prostitute to the highest bidder & it will look the other way for any crazy arsed trinket but do your part too - Clamp down on the funding that these bearded bufooons get in my country from KSA & stop fighting this ideological war with Iran in my backyard !

I'd appeal the same to Iran - Take your sh*t & spar with each other in your own lands !

You are right, they used to finance building mosques in Pakistan and spread religious teachings, however, it's stopped now, and I know that donations without government monitor is prohibited, and this specific cleric Mohammed Al-Oraifi was detained for calling for donations for Syrians without sate permission. All, I know is that KSA and other GCC donate for building infrastructural buildings for people's good.
That's the spirit I like :D

Muslim brotherhood is only a lie that these non-Pakistanis use so you back them, in reality, it's everyone for themselves.

Pallys hate you, Arabs look down upon you, Afghanis don't want your help. So screw them.:pakistan:

Screw you ! :angry:

I checked my notification & it said 'RedBull' had quoted you. So I come here to find you posting ! And I think to myself - Hmmn maybe I missed looking at the notification so I look at it again & do that twice back & forth before I see your 'nick' ! :rofl:

Sleep Deprivation isn't a very nice thing ! :fie:

Maybe I should hit the sack ! :undecided:

@Hyperion : He asked the Afghans to be screwed - Are you going to let him off the hook so easily when you beat me up till I turned blue ! :cry:
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Screw you ! :angry:

I checked my notification & it said 'RedBull' had quoted you. So I come here to find you posting ! And I think to myself - Hmmn maybe I missed looking at the notification so I look at it again & do that twice back & forth before I see your 'nick' ! :rofl:

Sleep Deprivation isn't a very nice thing ! :fie:

Maybe I should hit the sack ! :undecided:

@Hyperion : He screwed the Afghans...does that constitute as Bacha-Bazi or does that happen only if its a Pashtun ! :what:

Webby changed my name in 2 mins, last time it took 2 days :lol:

PS: These afghans were definitely in their 20's.
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WTF is that cleric is he stupid or what marriage for few hours to subdue the sexual desires what a lame joker are all sheikhs like that ???
This is haram and jahiliyyah.

Even kids would tell you this.. the person quoted in video has rejected the fake video, made by bunch of hell bound $hit heads.
Propaganda farts by Fagot Assad regime. :coffee:

Is that because you are against the rejecting of his debile fetwa?
Just recently,

After the assassinat attempt on the Saoudi interieur minister, by bearded one who placed the explosive in his rectum, a fetwa was enacted authorizing the terroristes to enlarge their rectum using their follow terroriste manhood.

recently after encouraging married man to have the breast of their wifes sucked by their friends to ovoid sexual desires of the laters on the hostess when they visit, muslim married man to have sex with his dead wife, banned bananas from the table of womens, there is no telling what these psychotic imams are going to come with...
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