It's a natural step and move. Are those useless Turkish soap operas watched in say UK, France or Italy (countries with well-known cinema productions)? Are they watched in China? In the US (Hollywood)? Better, are useless Arab soap operas watched in Turkey?
Why should Arabs watch something that we have the equivalents of back home and have had for almost 100 years? Especially if it gives a fake and distorted image and brings nothing good or useless?
As for indigenous industry, building operas, opening art museums, supporting local artists and a local cinema sector (once again like in the old times) is a wise step. Because in KSA such garbage would be regulated in order to protect the society and although I do not agree with censorship I agree with such steps as you can brainwash the brain of youth, just like Western nonsense in this regard, has done it. I don't need to tell you about the effects of *ornography on males (not lacking personally in this department btw but I have read about it) or such useless soap operas whether Arab or Turkish one that indirectly and sometimes directly encourage cheating, superficial behavior and give a fake picture of the reality.
Also have in mind that some producers, especially if state-sponsored are using such dramas, movies and tv series to create their version of history. Often distortion is used. Hollywood is famous for this. No need to mention anything more as a person from the Middle East. You as a Iranian should know what I am referring to here.
In general, regardless of origin, such soap operas (99% of them) are useless. Once ago, this was not the case. See my and @SALMAN F discussion. At least our own Arab soap operas. Not sure with others.
Idiotic troll talking about "civilization" in the context of the Arab world when the
Arab world is the cradle of civilization. As for oppression, I suggest taking a look at freedom of speech, living standards, happiness index of numerous countries and compare it with Turkey. You will be surprised in not a positive way. Rest assured that nobody looks at Turkey as something "shining" that needs to be copied on all fronts. There are 100's of other countries to look towards to in this regard before Turkey. With all due respect. It's not like your country has been moving in the right way under the, now 15 year old long rule of Erdogan when it comes to those "freedoms" that you pride yourself on. Just ask Turkish journalists, scholars or the brain-drain that your country suffers from.
Meanwhile (without comparing) a country like KSA is moving in the right direction as per all international rankings.