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Saudi broadcaster MBC takes all of its Turkish TV programmes off the air

That's not the fault of those soap operas...

Are you gonna blame... The knife...when it's used in a murder?
Ofcourse not but if nobody translated them or dubbed them no one would know about these garbage anyway because before these soap opras and erdogan nobody heard of turkey in the arab world unlike America for example or israel
Look, i agree fully with your post. But that doesn't change the fact that this is our point of view.

Females just like to watch stupid soap operas for the handsome guys, beautiful women, and nice scenery. If a stupid serial like "Gümüş" becomes a a hit in the Arab world with over 80 million views, Arab women's taste is not much different.

I highly suspect that they will prefer camel races over stupid serials.

Those numbers are false (made up) to begin with. Simple maths and logic dictate that. Plastic dolls (artificial by large) are not beautiful. Useless soap operas that are fake (distorted reality) and serve no educational purpose (not even historical due to being distorted or outright fantasy) are useless. Watching a race whether horse, camel or motor sports is much more useful. At least you are out in the fresh air and socializing with people. Not sitting behind a tv screen.

Anyway great decision to limit this trash.

BTW camel and horse races are million big industries. Certainly 99% of the Turkish population would not afford to be involved in such endeavors.

What has one unintended and isolated freak accident to do with this thread? What do you want me to say? Parrot the idiotic comments made by ignorants on that thread? Not interested. So the next time a Pakistani expat worker murders a local or does something similar, I shall claim that all Pakistanis are murderers? Or just because Pakistani criminals are overrepresented compared to Filipinos, that Filipinos are better people than Pakistanis?

I watched an episode of Turkish history Drama about Sultan Murad (bcoz my younger bother was watching it) it shows Emperor Shah Jahan who used to rule richest empire of the world bowing to Ottoman King Murad IV.. and i was like :hitwall:

Fake history and distortion of history. Explained in post 63.

They are stupid because of these garbage soap operas many families were ruined and the divorces were in rise they can't just understand it's fantasy and not reality and the real world there is not such thing as perfect lover

Apparently he does not understand that certain countries and societies have different standards let alone individuals. What was done is not a crime. It's objectively speaking the right thing to do. See post 63.

They are trying to show that the ottomans were superiors and considered rulers of the Muslims

Shah jahan never met the sultan personally he sent an envoy to the ottomans

Also during the battle of baghdad they show that the Safavid commander is being killed in battle while in reality he wasn't killed

In this erdoganstani garbage propaganda shows that it was the ottomans who made the war between Spain and America and the jews are behind the fall of the Ottoman Empire it supposed to be historical show but instead it's propagand with fantasies and fictions

Nothing new. Saw this being mentioned once on Arab forums and how surprised people where at the historical distortion. You can expect it from Hollywood (especially in the past) but I think most people (educated) were surprised. Apparently that was the case.

Anyway as I said, there are plenty of Arab soap operas. Focus should be on the local industry (if there is a market and people want to waste their time) and to try to emulate some of our own old classics and even improve them. Not copying distorted foreign trash (by large).
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They are stupid because of these garbage soap operas many families were ruined and the divorces were in rise they can't just understand it's fantasy and not reality and the real world there is not such thing as perfect lover

Many families ruined because of some serials in the TV ??? I mean are you aware that how stupid this sounds. I highly doubt that if this is true.
Why do South Americans love Turkish TV?

Dubbed into Spanish and Portuguese, it has been a big hit across South America over the past year. In Argentina alone, episodes are viewed by more than 12 million people.

In Chile for example, a Turkish series called 1,001 Nights was the most viewed programme in 2014.

But why are television programmes from Turkey so popular thousands of miles away in South America?

Although Turkey is quite far away, I found our cultures to be quite similar," says Marcela.

"And the Turkish productions are very high quality and don't have the Hollywood cliches and stereotypes.

She says that they are easier for her to connect to than US television series and that she likes the way Turkish shows focus more on old fashioned romance instead of what she sees as Hollywood's over-sexualisation.

"When I started to watch these dramas, I realised how tired I was with all the violence and sex of American TV."

Turkish TV dramas are now watched by more than 400 million people in more than 140 countries.

They are trying to show that the ottomans were superiors and considered rulers of the Muslims

Shah jahan never met the sultan personally he sent an envoy to the ottomans

Also during the battle of baghdad they show that the Safavid commander is being killed in battle while in reality he wasn't killed

In this erdoganstani garbage propaganda shows that it was the ottomans who made the war between Spain and America and the jews are behind the fall of the Ottoman Empire it supposed to be historical show but instead it's propagand with fantasies and fictions

This serial is pure garbage.

You are right in saying "erdoganstani garbage propaganda " Sultan Abdülhamit was a pure traitor to the Turkish people. Worst Sultan ever whom lost the most land in his reign and destroyed the empire. Yet, they do try to show him like hero.
In this erdoganstani garbage propaganda shows that it was the ottomans who made the war between Spain and America and the jews are behind the fall of the Ottoman Empire it supposed to be historical show but instead it's propagand with fantasies and fictions

Well i never expected drama and films to reflect true history, but i also never expect them to go so over and fake..

Shah jahan never met the sultan personally he sent an envoy to the ottomans

Also during the battle of baghdad they show that the Safavid commander is being killed in battle while in reality he wasn't killed

true, not a single Mughal emperor met with Ottoman Sultans, That's why i was like WTF..
Ofcourse not but if nobody translated them or dubbed them no one would know about these garbage anyway because before these soap opras and erdogan nobody heard of turkey in the arab world unlike America for example or israel
Dubbing Turkish soap operas didn't came from nowhere...
It's an answer to a request from the public...
Turkish soap operas... started by being subbed on the Internet back in the days... and then Broadcaster saw a "potential" and "money" to be made of...

Whatever it's good or bad content...that's not the problem... neither the subject... Since Arab soap ones are not better... the same problematic is showed... but with a different "view"... that most "Arab" viewers don't like anymore...

It's just biz and politics... simple as that...nothing to do with the 'type' of content or history...

YOu can read about "Korean wave" "Manga/Anime" "US/EU series"... when they begun to impose their "views"... every side..;did use the same "excuse" of content etc... but in the End... Those who answered to the desire of the viewers...did win his audience...

Taking out Turkish soap operas out of MBC mean nothing...since nowadays, many arab countries are dubbing Turkish ones in their "Dialect"... and many "Channels" do show them...

So...Till each countries do not give an "answer" to a problem... or a wish...they will stay around for a long time...
Many families ruined because of some serials in the TV ??? I mean are you aware that how stupid this sounds. I highly doubt that if this is true.
Well for turks I think it's normal thing but for some silly arabs they are obsessed with foreigners and they try to copy them even if these foreigners knew that the soap operas are just fantasies some people like to live in fantasy and make it reality

This comedy play for example it's just a show but because of it many schools in Egypt and arab world were ruined students started to not like schools and disrespecting the teachers

Dubbing Turkish soap operas didn't came from nowhere...
It's an answer to a request from the public...
Turkish soap operas... started by being subbed on the Internet back in the days... and then Broadcaster saw a "potential" and "money" to be made of...

Whatever it's good or bad content...that's not the problem... neither the subject... Since Arab soap ones are not better... the same problematic is showed... but with a different "view"... that most "Arab" viewers don't like anymore...

It's just biz and politics... simple as that...nothing to do with the 'type' of content or history...

YOu can read about "Korean wave" "Manga/Anime" "US/EU series"... when they begun to impose their "views"... every side..;did use the same "excuse" of content etc... but in the End... Those who answered to the desire of the viewers...did win his audience...

Taking out Turkish soap operas out of MBC mean nothing...since nowadays, many arab countries are dubbing Turkish ones in their "Dialect"... and many "Channels" do show them...

So...Till each countries do not give an "answer" to a problem... or a wish...they will stay around for a long time...

MBC is the largest Arab broadcaster by far. So this is no small step.

Comparing Arab classics (which we are talking about here not the new ones which are the same trash as all Arab users have mentioned in this thread) with the new trash, is like comparing an original Da Vinci painting with a new shining fake copy. It makes no sense.

There is also a market for prostitution, drugs, terrorism (among an extremely tiny but vocal minority), crime etc. but that does not make it right. Yes, there is no direct comparison here but the same applies.

Fast food trash being popular (although luckily declining as more people become more health-concerned) after the invasion of it in the early 1990's, does not mean that fast food trash (in this case US trash) is a good thing for the individual or the wider society.

Drifting, due to outside influences (Western movies like Fast Furious or what that series is called) is not a good thing either just because it is popular among some Saudi Arabian teenagers in an around Riyadh that want their few minutes of "rebelling" each week or even day, until caught or until killing themselves and others in the process (innocent bystanders or drivers).

Well for turks I think it's normal thing but for some silly arabs they are obsessed with foreigners and they try to copy them even if these foreigners knew that the soap operas are just fantasies some people like to live in fantasy and make it reality

This comedy play for example it's just a show but because of it many schools in Egypt and arab world were ruined students started to not like schools and disrespecting the teachers

The uneducated lot (main consumer) and teenagers. The same lot that watch local, other Arab or foreign trash to begin with. Education is needed here.
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MBC is the largest Arab broadcaster by far. So this is no small step.

Comparing Arab classics (which we are talking about here not the new ones which are the same trash as all Arab users have mentioned in this thread) with the new trash, is like comparing an original Da Vinci painting with a new shining fake copy. It makes no sense.

There is also a market for prostitution, drugs, terrorism (among an extremely tiny but vocal minority), crime etc. but that does not make it right. Yes, there is no direct comparison here but the same applies.

Fast food trash being popular (although luckily declining as more people become more health-concerned) after the invasion of it in the early 1990's, does not mean that fast food trash (in this case US trash) is a good thing for the individual or the wider society.

Quality content...is not the subject. Since taking them out or stopping them is not the reason for such "decision" by MBC...

Ofc as any soap opera... it's not the right place to "learn" anything...that apply to any sopa AROUND the world...
But Broadcasters are businessman... they follow money... and The reality is here... There is an audience for such content... and therefore money to be made...Simple as that.

And MBC (or the likes of it, like Rotana etc...) is not what it was... NAtional/local channels are already taking back those "viewers"... and give similar content, Dubbed in the local Dialect and most of time not censored or way less than on MBC per exemple.
And National channels are buying those "Program abroad" and work with it nowadays... Like top chef, Top chef Kids, US/EU talshow, the millionaire etc...

Take per exemple Tunisia... In 2005-2009, It's was 50-50 almost btw "Arab channels" and" Local ones" but Nowadays... I hardly see someone watching Arab channels, at the exception of some programs, like few Turkish soap, The Voice, Arab got talents and the likes of it when they are aired...
Quality content...is not the subject. Since taking them out or stopping them is not the reason for such "decision" by MBC...

Ofc as any soap opera... it's not the right place to "learn" anything...that apply to any sopa AROUND the world...
But Broadcasters are businessman... they follow money... and The reality is here... There is an audience for such content... and therefore money to be made...Simple as that.

And MBC (or the likes of it, like Rotana etc...) is not what it was... NAtional/local channels are already taking back those "viewers"... and give similar content, Dubbed in the local Dialect and most of time not censored or way less than on MBC per exemple.
And National channels are buying those "Program abroad" and work with it nowadays... Like top chef, Top chef Kids, US/EU talshow, the millionaire etc...

Take per exemple Tunisia... In 2005-2009, It's was 50-50 almost btw "Arab channels" and" Local ones" but Nowadays... I hardly see someone watching Arab channels, at the exception of some programs, like few Turkish soap, The Voice, Arab got talents and the likes of it when they are aired...

No, it is to prevent historical distortions and to potentially prevent a tiny but vocal minority of turning into Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah drones which is something that tiny Southern Lebanon and parts of Iraqi (luckily declining) suffer from to the detriment of themselves and the wider Arab world. This creates pointless disagreements between brothers and sisters. No sane Arab would want to see that.

Not what it was is a personal opinion and does not change the fact that they are the main broadcasters in the Arab world. Nothing is really close.

People can do what they want to privately. Nowadays most interactions occur online. TV is an outdated media to begin with. Today the most popular Arab shows online are watched from Morocco to Oman and here the GCC are doing well.

And personally I will always prefer local trash rather than foreign trash especially if the foreign trash has an underlining agenda.

Just like I prefer a shitty shawarma or falafel over an shitty burger from a US fast food chain.
No, it is to prevent historical distortions and to potentially prevent a tiny but vocal minority of turning into Wilayat al-Faqih Mullah drones which is something that tiny Southern Lebanon and parts of Iraqi (luckily declining) suffer from to the detriment of themselves and the wider Arab world. This creates pointless disagreements between brothers and sisters. No sane Arab would want to see that.

Not what it was is a personal opinion and does not change the fact that they are the main broadcasters in the Arab world. Nothing is really close.

People can do what they want to privately. Nowadays most interactions occur online. TV is an outdated media to begin with. Today the most popular Arab shows online are watched from Morocco to Oman and here the GCC are doing well.

And personally I will always prefer local trash rather than foreign trash especially if the foreign trash has an underlining agenda.

Just like I prefer a shitty shawarma or falafel over an shitty burger from a US fast food chain.

Well..; Like I said... Will you blame the knife for a murder...
If Viewers can't differentiate btw Fiction/Sopa and Reality... it's a matter of National insanity... And that's the work of the Gov...

But... that's the paradox in the Arab world... They don't draw that Fantasy/reality line when the source is made by "Muslims/Arab/Locals etc..." But do so..;when it's an US/EU one...
That's say a lot about them... a lot...
And one of it...is how awful some may see those series... They do show " a Reality" of their society...
They are trying to show that the ottomans were superiors and considered rulers of the Muslims

Shah jahan never met the sultan personally he sent an envoy to the ottomans

Also during the battle of baghdad they show that the Safavid commander is being killed in battle while in reality he wasn't killed

In this erdoganstani garbage propaganda shows that it was the ottomans who made the war between Spain and America and the jews are behind the fall of the Ottoman Empire it supposed to be historical show but instead it's propagand with fantasies and fictions

Dude I told in my previous post about the disgusting face of their serials
In general we can divide their serials to two parts
1. neo osman serials which want to show fake history to people and introduce Erdogan as Erdogan1 new caliph

2. their serials to destroy families in Islamic countries. Many families in Iran collapsed b/c of their serials and what they teach to people in their serials
Well..; Like I said... Will you blame the knife for a murder...
If Viewers can't differentiate btw Fiction/Sopa and Reality... it's a matter of National insanity... And that's the work of the Gov...

But... that's the paradox in the Arab world... They don't draw that Fantasy/reality line when the source is made by "Muslims/Arab/Locals etc..." But do so..;when it's an US/EU one...
That's say a lot about them... a lot...
And one of it...is how awful some may see those series... They do show " a Reality" of their society...

Yes, if those producing the knifes or selling the knifes are selling it to criminals or murderers well-knowing what their intentions are.

Are you honestly this gullible not to understand what those fake and distorted "historical" Turkish tv dramas that are aimed at the Arab and Muslim audience or those idiotic soap operas (less so here the goal is just profit and to show Turkey in a similarly distorted way - anyone familiar with the majority of the Turkish diaspora in Europe or even how the average Anatolian villager acts - are in for a shock) are trying to do? Do you think that Turkey would not do similar? Of course they would. Is it Arabs that try to influence Turkey or is it vice versa? Just asking here as the answer is clear.

I am personally (by principle) against censorship but sometimes it is necessary for the well-being of the society. For instance I am in favor of banning all similar trash soap dramas regardless of origin (LOCAL included as I have always been saying as well as all other Arab users in this thread maybe with the exception of one) just like I would ban US trash fast food.

Instead of giving airtime to foreign trash, I would strengthen the local movie industry.

Because the US nor the EU has the same deluded dreams that Erdogan has. Let's be honest here. Also you cannot compare a giant like the West (Western entertainment) with the Turkish one. It's a tiny dwarf in comparison. Galaxies apart IMO. With all due respect. Some recent successful tv dramas (commercially - does not mean that it is good entertainment - hence my fast food reference) will not change this.

A reality of maybe 0,01% of the society. Might as well make a fiction about the relations of Martians among each other.

Anyway I have noticed that you are pro-Erdogan-ruled Turkey (you have never argued why that is) so I understand your opinion. It's your right. We don't have to agree here. Just like I accept that SOME people watch those trash soap dramas regardless of origin.

And if you noticed, I wrote in one of my first posts (if not the first one - can't remember) that I share the EXACT same views about certain Hollywood productions throughout the ages (mostly long ago due to certain Western standards but not only obviously as there have been more recent ones as well) that distort the image of Arabs, Muslims etc. and our region. Or serve an underlying agenda.

You don't look at this aspect or take it seriously (millions of Arabs do it not most educated/informed ones regardless of country) because you are personally in favor of this due to sympathy whatever. Just like I am naturally against certain Iranian Mullah policies (foreign policy) in the Arab world. Or both of us not being big fans of the Al-Assad regime (to put it mildly).

As I said we don't have to agree with everything but you cannot ignore what I have raised and just brush it aside.
Yes, if those producing the knifes or selling the knifes are selling it to criminals or murderers well-knowing what their intentions are.

Are you honestly this gullible not to understand what those fake and distorted "historical" Turkish tv dramas that are aimed at the Arab and Muslim audience or those idiotic soap operas (less so here the goal is just profit and to show Turkey in a similarly distorted way - anyone familiar with the majority of the Turkish diaspora in Europe or even how the average Anatolian villager acts - are in for a shock) are trying to do? Do you think that Turkey would not do similar? Of course they would.

I am personally (by principle) against censorship but sometimes it is necessary for the well-being of the society. For instance I am in favor of banning all similar trash soap dramas regardless of origin (LOCAL included as I have always been saying as well as all other Arab users in this thread maybe with the exception of one) just like I would ban US trash fast food.

Instead of giving airtime to foreign trash, I would strengthen the local movie industry.

Because the US nor the EU has the same deluded dreams that Erdogan has. Let's be honest here. Also you cannot compare a giant like the West (Western entertainment) with the Turkish one. It's a tiny dwarf in comparison. Galaxies apart IMO. With all due respect. Some recent successful tv dramas (commercially - does not mean that it is good entertainment - hence my fast food reference) will not change this.

A reality of maybe 0,01% of the society. Might as well make a fiction about the relations of Martians among each other.

Anyway I have noticed that you are pro-Erdogan-ruled Turkey (you have never argued why that is) so I understand your opinion. It's your right. We don't have to agree here. Just like I accept that SOME people watch those trash soap dramas regardless of origin.

And if you noticed, I wrote in one of my first posts (if not the first one - can't remember) that I share the EXACT same views about certain Hollywood productions throughout the ages (mostly long ago due to certain Western standards but not only obviously as there have been more recent ones as well) that distort the image of Arabs, Muslims etc. and our region. Or serve an underlying agenda.

I Think, as ppl may like such or such thing...no one should force upon others their view of what they think as "Good or bad"...
There is ppl who may like watching it... other don't... It's a Choice.
Not everyone seek to "learn".

Whatever Turkey push an agenda or not... I don't really care... and same for Censoring... If a Country don't want X series , it's their right to do so.

As for Distortion of reality for X purpose..; EVERY Entertaining industry use this soft power..; EVERYONE... including the US/EU/Korea and so on..; it's part of the tools to do so...
BUT putting all of them in this "category" is also wrong... Not every sopa/series etc...is made with the mind of pushing a "Political" agenda... but some does, that's a fact...

As your last Comment about my "Alleged" "Erdogan mania"...please refrain in the future to make such opinion on myself.

Best regards,
As you said, let's end it here, if jumping on personal "affiliation" is used.
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