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Saudi beheads 7th Pakistani on drugs charges in one month

LOL, you were the one that got butthurt and started insulting because I just stated the truth and cold hard facts that you did not like.:lol:

Sure, keep telling yourself that, LOL. Not going to post any videos shattering that deluded view though. Your accent is identical to the one that your Indian, Sri Lankan and Bengali brothers are speaking. Once again you were the one that started talking about accent and also the one insulting. I am just answering you and I am not even warmed up yet. Due to this being a Pakistan forum you have privileges that foreigners do not have. Remember that and don't delude yourself.

Who said anything about anyone being "saints" other than yourself? I showed you a statistic of homicides in KSA that showed that almost 66,6% of the homicides were committed by expats.

They know. In fact those threads were made on PDF. Whenever a Saudi Arabian farts it becomes front page news on PDF and pretty much elsewhere.:lol:

LOL. A Pakistani that escaped his country talking abut illiteracy. You do know that South Asia is the number 1 place in the world when it comes to illiteracy? What is the literacy rate in Pakistan again compared to KSA? You make the math.

Stop embarrassing yourself and if you don't like the bakery then you are free to go back to Pakistan or go migrate elsewhere.

I got no problem with migrants as they are doing jobs that many locals don't want to do and they are needed now due to women (very retarded) still being a small percentage of the overall workforce, economic reforms not yet fully implemented etc. What I won't accept are ungrateful foreigners though, criminal foreigners or illegal migrants.

Who cares about what you (A Turkish migrant in Germany) or anyone else think is cruel or not? Nobody in KSA. Decapitations in KSA take 1 second and are known to be almost painless and very quick. Cheap and Islamic too.

No it is not and it is done in Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, China, Mullahstan and dozens of other countries that have a zero tolerance for hard drugs.

There is nothing wrong with executions either. The 3 most populous countries use it and dozens of others.

KSA has its own laws and that will remain the case. No penal system is perfect but our works in most cases and KSA remains one of the most safe countries in terms of crime and that's quite a big achievement in the ME and when speaking about a country that host millions of foreigners from all over the world and from different cultural backgrounds.

Why do you even care what I think about the barbaric constitution of your country? The brain can live up to 20 seconds after the decapitation anyway. Beheading is morally wrong and you haven't any morals in my eyes if you sugarcoat beheadings.

It's your own opinion if you find the death sentence for drug smuggling justified. For me it isn't right

Wow, the absolute monarchy Saudi Arabia is so progressive with the corrupt Saud family. Religious freedom is non-exist anyway and we don't want to talk about woman rights
As Washington orates about the so-called War on Drugs, Afghan opium production rose in 2013 from $2 billion to $3 billion. The UN says over 500,000 acres of land in Afghanistan are now devoted to the opium poppy – right under the eyes of the US garrison.

While US-installed rulers in Kabul pay lip service to opium eradication, the rural warlords who support them, and receive stipends from CIA, continue to grow rich on the opium trade. Trying to blame Taliban for the scourge of opium is dishonest: when Taliban was in power it eradicated almost all of the nation’s opium production, reported he UN Drug Agency, except in the region controlled by the Communist Northern Alliance – which today shares power in Kabul.

When the full history of the Afghan war is finally written, CIA’s involvement in that nation’s drug trade will become a notorious episode. French intelligence became deeply involved in the Laotian opium trade to pay its Lao mercenaries. The US was up to its ears with its Contra allies in the Central American cocaine trade.

Now, US intelligence has besmirched its name once again aiding and abetting Afghan drug lords so as to supposedly wage war on “terrorists.” In dirt-poor Afghanistan, there are only two sources of income: money from Washington, and from narcotics. The collusion of senior members of government, military and police is necessary to export tons of opium to either Pakistan, Central Asia or Russia – where morphine addiction is now a major epidemic.

Adding to this shameful record, the US Congressional auditor for Special Reconstruction of Afghanistan just reported that much of the $104 billion appropriated for Afghan “reconstruction” has to no surprise been wasted or stolen. Some of it has been used to irrigate opium poppy fields. Spare parts are unavailable for Russian helicopters bought by the US for use in battling Taliban and supposed opium fighting. Why? Because the US-imposed trade sanctions on Russia bars the US from buying the spare part. Catch-22.


And I believe some rich arab countries have the hand in it. And other hand they punish people whom they fund for this.
No, they cannot.:lol:

Is that why thousands are doing such works? Do you even know anything about the realities of numerous provinces in KSA such as for instance Najran just to make one example. The answer is zero. Most expats like you are clueless and are not even able to count to 10 in Arabic after years of residence despite Arabic being a world language and in the top 5 of most spoken languages in the world and one of the most important aside from being the lingua franca of Islam.

Haha, now you are talking about accent. Shall I try to make fun of your girly Indian accent? Comedians have made fun of that for an eternity by now.

The fact is that many expects are an economic burden to the society and most of the crime is done by expats. Those are simple facts. You can cry about it all day long.

Better leave KSA and return back to your paradise were laziness is uncommon. After all Pakistan is the most successful country on the planet!:lol:

Yes, 7 Pakistani criminals were executed in 1 month. All smugglers of heroin. Keep trying to pretend that your people are not involved in crimes and are saints.

Keep living in your fantasy world while KSA prospers on all levels.

Well, thankfully you are just a resident that can be kicked out any moment. So learn to respect those that are feeding your ungrateful mouth and if you don't like the smell in the bakery I can pay for your ticket back home.
top 5 spoken language? sure?
KSA is not a charity although our sometimes moronic government is very good at wasting money for ungrateful countries and people.

The drug trade is a relatively small problem in KSA compared to many other countries in the nearby region. For instance Uran or the two countries that you have mentioned.

People who are smuggling heroin into a foreign country and trying to create mischief, corruption, addiction, death and rapture of families are unwelcome and nobody should cry for them either. All those excuses of them not having another option is pure nonsense. There is ALWAYS another way other than crime.

This is the responsibility of Pakistan. Not KSA in any way. Pakistan or any other countries can do what they want to do with KSA nationals that are smuggling heroin or other Arabs for all I care. Execute them as well.
e you kidding? saudi behading? you can enjoy hospitality , feel free to marry as many time as you wish, hunt as many houbara bustards as you like.. party.... enjoy....
What I wrote is the reality. Pakistan is a poor country and engulfed currently in terrorism, corruption, lack of progress and the country also has a higher illiteracy (much higher in fact) rate than KSA. This is something that is written by you Pakistanis yourself all the time on PDF. Why can I not point that out after the insults that @JonAsad threw at me and my country for no reason? Speaking about those exact things in the context of KSA while being in a much worse position.
You can mention whoever you want to. Why should I care? I am only representing myself here and countering trolling in the same fashion.
Just like dozens of Arab countries suffer from the same problems.

Anyway you are one of those KSA/Arab/Sunni Muslim-obsessed trolls so keep crying.

I will Answer your post with your words

(Pakistan 2.0 without natural resources. A failed state, piss poor, bankrupt, engulfed in terrorism, sectarianism, ethnic tensions and migrating everywhere).
Islam respects justice and we do same. Take actions against the bad people present in any religion.
Well my friend....anta kharijul Islam, wajibul qatl
I wonder why you are not known of a common impression about Saudis among fellow Arabs yet. Shall I tell ya?
Huh...Saudis are talking high now :lol:

We were debating on a serious issue with occasional off topic profanities just to keep things interesting-
The aces are still up the sleeves- it never came to that-
Anyway @JonAsad there is no point for us to continue the silly insults and I for once would like to apologize but I must say that I was very surprised by your hostile reaction to my second post in this thread. I already clearly stated in this thread and always that my problem is with illegal migrants, criminal migrants and ungrateful migrants. Whether they are South Asians, Africans or fellow Arabs.

Also I want more locals to have jobs (read women) and that is why I am against too many expats in KSA and the GCC. You can read my arguments in this thread.

difference of opinion is Ok- and a heated debate on it is Ok as well-
No need for apologies- this is what why we are here for-
I will Answer your post with your words

(Pakistan 2.0 without natural resources. A failed state, piss poor, bankrupt, engulfed in terrorism, sectarianism, ethnic tensions and migrating everywhere).
did you justsaythat?
Probably just a network that they caught.
I have asked this question before and did not get a proper answer. So asking it again. What kind of trial do these guys get? Do they get a defense lawyer? What if some guy was just part of a group that got caught but he was not smuggling drugs himself?

Still no answer to my question. @al-Hasani ?
I will Answer your post with your words

(Pakistan 2.0 without natural resources. A failed state, piss poor, bankrupt, engulfed in terrorism, sectarianism, ethnic tensions and migrating everywhere).
okay i read the whole thread. those venonous words were not yours, it was a guest from another country.
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