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Saudi Aramco has begun exploring oil fields in Syria’s northeastern province of Deir ez-Zor


Mar 2, 2018
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Saudi Aramco has begun exploring oil fields in Syria’s northeastern province of Deir ez-Zor, and the company’s official delegates have just visited the areas formally located in the zone of responsibility*(occupied by) of the United States.

Experts interviewed by Nezavisimaya Gazeta believe that potential presence of Saudi business in Syria’s northeastern region can serve as a positive factor. Riyadh has repeatedly provided active (unlawful production) assistance there.

Currently, the oil wells in that part of Syria need specialized upgrading and maintenance. Many were damaged either as a result of hostilities, or intentionally during the retreat of IS (or may be with coalition air strikes and theirs bandits isis or pkk whatever...) and its cohorts.

“Saudi presence in the form of material assistance, which includes the military component, is a reality for the Deir ez-Zor region(We are doing our best to disintegrate Syria, under US and Israeli supervision.) and the entire east of Syria,” Professor of the Department of Modern East, Department of History, Political Science and Law in RSUH Grigory Kosach told the newspaper.

“In this regard, an additional factor related to the activities of Saudi Aramco in this territory, of course, will be perceived positively at the local level,(We spent so much money and we were so greedy that we couldn't take it anymore.) because earlier this assistance has become a significant help to the population’s survival. I must say that this aid was not limited to the Arab tribes who live there, the Kurds were also included( in DeyriZor? Yes believe us this city has 20k years of kurdish history) ,” he added.

The expert(Payed field agents) believes that the alleged arrival of the company will create jobs(Subsidy of arms expenditure) in the northeastern regions of Syria, where there is enormous unemployment.(we are paying salaries to foreign mercenaries and terrorists with dollars.) “So I believe that this (possible investment from the Saudi company) will be perceived quite positively by the local population,” said Kosach.

“Aramco, before starting its activity anywhere, always conducts a preliminary study of the place where it is going to work. If the reports by Aramco’s interest are true, then relevant studies have already been carried out, and bridges with the local population have been established.(Terrorism is funded under the US protection shield.) I think in this case we are not talking about an operation associated with a huge share of risk, but, on the contrary, about a well-thought-out operation,(Please don't talk about the AQ)” he added.
@dBSPL 'occupied by the United States' so its run by the ypg/pkk since its ypg/pkk controlled territory right?
@The Eagle please check the insulting of this famous deluded troll. He certainly abuses the culture, lifestyle, tradition of Turkish people with the word “arabized” like things.
Nothing like take over the wealth of a country which you helped destabilize. How can any Muslims defend such atrocious action of the Saudis?
@ArabianEmpires&Caliphates no need for insults please.

Not a single insult other than the factual statement of Arabized. This individual is trolling 24/7 against Arabs and in particular KSA.

He is crying to moderators about me breaking rules (no such thing from my part unless the factual statement Arabized is an insult, it is not by any means) while he himself is ALTERING the article (from a very dubious source) and writing his own troll comments which is against forum rules indeed.

Nothing like take over the wealth of a country which you helped destabilize. How can any Muslims defend such atrocious action of the Saudis?

First of all Syria is a fellow Arab country. KSA shares 1 billion times more things with Syria than Turkey does (the real occupier of a tiny part of Syria). We share millennia old people to people and civilizational ties, genetics, geography, language, religion, tribes, clans, culture etc. Most of the people of Eastern Syria are of Hijazi and Najdi extraction with every close clan and tribal ties to KSA.

KSA is helping the local population and at the same time making amends with Al-Assad since years ago. This area needs help (preferably from fellow Arabs) and the locals welcome it greatly.

IF this news is true.

BTW Turkey is the one that is not respecting Syrian sovereignty, not KSA, so save the tears for the actual culprit.
Every time you get angry, you're trolling the whole forum with your stupid claims which you have no idea and people you don't know.

And you're using it to attack the opposite view on issues that have nothing to do with each time. Off-topic or "whataboutist" or directly attack to members are prohibited according to forum rules.

This is a typical troll behavior. Or adolescent child behavior. And I don't have the bone to throw at you. Sorry.

Btw my genealogy is based on the Karamanlı and a member of a Oghuz tribe whose entire family tree is well known.
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I bet those nationalistic arabs can even even find excuses for that.. like they made lebnan non arabic when it fits them..

now syrians are no real arabs? :)

but hey I know they would begin to blame whom? the turks? or the iranians?

trolling the whole forum with your stupid claims

what do you wait to see good from such a guy:


now he comes and tries to bait ppl with his pseudo islamic speech.. but he can never hide , his temper shows who he really is.. a person without manners and character..

The gurds are getting oil from another Arab help..

Look ther is no Erdogan in the game but one of the 500 million Arab.
When Gulf Arab tourists came to Turkey, they look around like they are in a different universe but Acc to this troll, Turks are Arabized. That is an open insult to our culture and tradition. First of all, I personally advice you to accept women as human-being who is equal to men before claiming your failed Arabic fairy tales about Turks. Anyway!

Gulf Arabs are the biggest sponsor of jihadi terrorists all around this region. UN and West blame them but they always blame others for their sins.

They are the biggest butcher of their own race by sponsoring wars. they are good at motivating their masters with $$ to make them attack other Muslim states they dislike. In those last years, They are busy with licking their biggest enemy Israel behind the closed doors but they always play victim while accusing others like siding west to kill Muslims.

If World people hate Muslims, Saud dictators are the number one sponsor of this comprehension. Those people are spreading such a dirty image about our religion that We Turk can not change what you did to Islam. Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan and some other Muslim states arrange Islamofobia summits to overcome the bad perception about Muslims but It will take time.

They are trying to play big boy games by taking support of US in region but when Yemen, supported by Iran, put them into hole by showing some teeth, They start telling “targetting Islam”, “interfering own affair” stories as if they didn’t destroy whole country, and/or UN didn’t accuse them to commit warcrime and/or they don’t proceed to threaten other countries who object to their dark-age official ideology.

That is the summary of whole story about Arabian puppets in this region. The member who put Israeli flag in his avatar image is spreading empty words decorated with fancy Islamic words in almost all threads. When I see the people like him, I understand Why Gulf Arabs are in their current positions. They don’t have anything to talk out of their fancy buildings, wealth and oils.
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