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Saudi Arabia’s new mirrored city looks like a huge dystopian wall in the desert


Dec 14, 2008
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United Kingdom
The great line of KSA:-

Saudi Arabia’s new mirrored city looks like a huge dystopian wall in the desert​

Have a good gawk at Saudia Arabia’s plans for a ‘linear city’
By James Vincent Jul 26, 2022, 10:28am EDT

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The structure is supposed to be 500 meters tall — 50 meters higher than the Empire State Building. Image: Neom

Often, on the internet, completely deranged CGI infrastructure concepts cooked up by bored design students go mildly viral, like those public transit “discs” that ride above traffic on stilts or that idea for a nuclear-powered “flying hotel.” Very rarely these half-baked renders are backed by one of the wealthiest sovereign wealth funds in the world. But such is the case with Saudi Arabia’s plan to build what looks like a huge mirrored wall in the desert.
If you’ve not been following this saga, let me get you up to speed. Saudi Arabia has a lot of money, and Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), has a lot of ambition. In order to leave his mark on the world, MBS plans to develop a huge city in the desert named Neom, which will incorporate pretty much every futuristic technology you can think of, from the merely ambitious (like vertical farms and cloud seeding) to the sci-fi fantastical (like robot cage fights and a fake moon for some reason???).
The whole thing has been strongly criticized, with reports revealing problems from vast over-spending to oppressive treatment of local tribes (who have been forcibly relocated for the project). But MBS has reportedly declared the project “my pyramids,” and so work forges on. The latest twist is a newly revealed design for The Line: a “vertical city” some 500 meters tall, 170 kilometers in length, and — for some reason — covered in mirrors.


How the COVID-19 pandemic has expedited digital transformation across the globe.
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Just look at the promo video below and try to convince me this is not the result of some very excitable marketing execs and a fortnight of all-nighters in Blender:

And just look at these renders. I mean just look at them. Do these look like realistic visions of the future to you? They look like that meme of an unimaginably utopian future. Which I guess is the point.

Although it looks like a wall, The Line is actually supposed to be comprised of two huge parallel buildings, connected via walkways and divided into neighborhoods that are supposed to offer all the amenities of city life within a five-minute walking distance.
The Wall Street Journal has some extra details on the project based on internal documents, but they read like unimaginative world-building notes for a new Netflix sci-fi show. Vegetables will be “autonomously harvested and bundled” from community farms; “a high-speed train will run under the mirrored buildings”; the Line will include a stadium “up to 1,000 feet above the ground,” and there’ll be a marina for yachts under an arch between the buildings.
I’m not saying The Line (or something like it) won’t eventually get built. MBS has reportedly budgeted $500 billion for the project and seems determined to spend it. But we’ve seen similar mega-projects come and go, like The World island development in nearby Dubai. In that case, the islands were constructed, but only a few are now open, and most are sinking back into the ocean. We’ll see how long it is before the sheen rubs off The Line’s mirrors.


Amazon’s robot is just an Alexa on wheels​


Amazon Astro is a household robot that will cost $1499.99 when it goes on sale (you can request an invite to test it for $1,000 right now). Designed mainly as a mobile camera for home security, it’s also an Alexa smart speaker on wheels. While an innovative concept, without any arms there’s really not a lot this robot can do.
Not good plan if you want to need to do guerrilla warfare, someone can carpet bomb that place in a single file line.

Must always keep defence in mind, haha.

Looks cool though. This whole NEOM can be his pyramid as he says, without much use or it can be a great investment with great returns for the Saudis. Yet to be seen what happens.
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Are they getting the Houthis to pay for it?

Saudis will pay the money. Pyramid of the pharaohs were built by the slaves, pyramid of MBS will be built with the sweat, blood and lives of desis. Good deal through and through.
Saudis will pay the money. Pyramid of the pharaohs were built by the slaves, pyramid of MBS will be built with the sweat, blood and lives of desis. Good deal through and through.

My original post was a joke on the Trump wall -- "I'm gonna build a war and Mexico will pay for it".
The great line of KSA:-

Saudi Arabia’s new mirrored city looks like a huge dystopian wall in the desert​

Have a good gawk at Saudia Arabia’s plans for a ‘linear city’
By James Vincent Jul 26, 2022, 10:28am EDT

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The structure is supposed to be 500 meters tall — 50 meters higher than the Empire State Building. Image: Neom

Often, on the internet, completely deranged CGI infrastructure concepts cooked up by bored design students go mildly viral, like those public transit “discs” that ride above traffic on stilts or that idea for a nuclear-powered “flying hotel.” Very rarely these half-baked renders are backed by one of the wealthiest sovereign wealth funds in the world. But such is the case with Saudi Arabia’s plan to build what looks like a huge mirrored wall in the desert.
If you’ve not been following this saga, let me get you up to speed. Saudi Arabia has a lot of money, and Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), has a lot of ambition. In order to leave his mark on the world, MBS plans to develop a huge city in the desert named Neom, which will incorporate pretty much every futuristic technology you can think of, from the merely ambitious (like vertical farms and cloud seeding) to the sci-fi fantastical (like robot cage fights and a fake moon for some reason???).
The whole thing has been strongly criticized, with reports revealing problems from vast over-spending to oppressive treatment of local tribes (who have been forcibly relocated for the project). But MBS has reportedly declared the project “my pyramids,” and so work forges on. The latest twist is a newly revealed design for The Line: a “vertical city” some 500 meters tall, 170 kilometers in length, and — for some reason — covered in mirrors.


How the COVID-19 pandemic has expedited digital transformation across the globe.
AdAryaka NetworksView Site

Just look at the promo video below and try to convince me this is not the result of some very excitable marketing execs and a fortnight of all-nighters in Blender:

And just look at these renders. I mean just look at them. Do these look like realistic visions of the future to you? They look like that meme of an unimaginably utopian future. Which I guess is the point.

Although it looks like a wall, The Line is actually supposed to be comprised of two huge parallel buildings, connected via walkways and divided into neighborhoods that are supposed to offer all the amenities of city life within a five-minute walking distance.
The Wall Street Journal has some extra details on the project based on internal documents, but they read like unimaginative world-building notes for a new Netflix sci-fi show. Vegetables will be “autonomously harvested and bundled” from community farms; “a high-speed train will run under the mirrored buildings”; the Line will include a stadium “up to 1,000 feet above the ground,” and there’ll be a marina for yachts under an arch between the buildings.
I’m not saying The Line (or something like it) won’t eventually get built. MBS has reportedly budgeted $500 billion for the project and seems determined to spend it. But we’ve seen similar mega-projects come and go, like The World island development in nearby Dubai. In that case, the islands were constructed, but only a few are now open, and most are sinking back into the ocean. We’ll see how long it is before the sheen rubs off The Line’s mirrors.


Amazon’s robot is just an Alexa on wheels​


Amazon Astro is a household robot that will cost $1499.99 when it goes on sale (you can request an invite to test it for $1,000 right now). Designed mainly as a mobile camera for home security, it’s also an Alexa smart speaker on wheels. While an innovative concept, without any arms there’s really not a lot this robot can do.
My original post was a joke on the Trump wall -- "I'm gonna build a war and Mexico will pay for it".
This is
Saudis will pay the money. Pyramid of the pharaohs were built by the slaves, pyramid of MBS will be built with the sweat, blood and lives of desis. Good deal through and through.
In reality the people who built the pyramids were no slaves but workers. They actually were unionised and used to moan a lot very much like modern Egyptians lol.
In reality the people who built the pyramids were no slaves but workers. They actually were unionised and used to moan a lot very much like modern Egyptians lol.

Egyptian pyramid builders were not salves and unionized? Are you ok mate?
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