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Saudi Arabian man ‘divorces wife for driving’

nothing to do with religion or restriction. He needed a change so he changed his wife
How stupid!!! The very fact that such shit of tradition over religion crawls in their mind is disgusting!!

I never understood how it is fine for a woman to sit in a taxi with a non mahram as ok and acceptable but god forbid she drives!! :unsure:

Very soon Saudi Arabia will allow females to drive cars. Saudi Arabia is changing very fast.
How stupid!!! The very fact that such shit of tradition over religion crawls in their mind is disgusting!!

I never understood how it is fine for a woman to sit in a taxi with a non mahram as ok and acceptable but god forbid she drives!! :unsure:

Their minds? Who are these people?

This guy is ultra-conservative who won't hesitate a second to harass his females for one reason or another - doesn't have to be religious but their mentality is complicated -
No point judging others. Its their country, their laws and only Saudis have the right to criticize.
Typical. When the king himself has had more than 30 wives (must have divorced as many) what do you expect from the common folks.
Driving another man is understood but for driving a car!!!! lol...
Typical. When the king himself has had more than 30 wives (must have divorced as many) what do you expect from the common folks.

He can't keep more than four wives at one time. Secondly, we have no clear cut detail about their marital lives. The rest is just the stories.
Still waiting for America's "Operation Saudi Freedom".

Don't wait for 'Operation Saudi Freedom', Saudi's themselves are ready to open everything. Soon you will see Saudi women on the cover pages of magazines, driving cars, working at the front desks, and in short dresses.
Al salol are funny with their najdi church priests and rabbis
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