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Saudi Arabian gets 8 years for Twitter protest call


Feb 11, 2013
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Saudi Arabia sentenced a person to eight years for inciting protests, mocking King Abdullah and coming out in criticism against the security services on Twitter, AFP reported.

The unidentified defendant was convicted of inciting "families of those arrested for security reasons to protest by publishing Tweets and videos on YouTube,” the the official SPA news agency cited justice ministry spokesman Fahd bin Abdullah al-Bakran as saying.

In addition, the defendant was found guilty of "mocking" the monarch, the judiciary and religious scholars and of criticizing the security services over arrests of "promoters of extremist ideology."

The court also handed the defendant an eight-year travel ban, and and banned them from posting on social media, AFP reported.

The defendant had been arrested on similar charges in the past, but was freed by security forces after signing a declaration that they would refrain from such activities in the future.

Two days prior to the sentencing, the Saudi interior ministry released a list of groups it deems as terrorist,including the Muslim Brotherhood, the Nusra Front , Hezbollah and the Syria-based Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

The ministry said that people who back these groups "financially or morally," or who promote them on social media or the mainstream media, will be prosecuted. The Saudi ministry also forbids “participation in, calling for, or incitement to fighting in conflict zones in other countries" as well as calling people to demonstrate or taking part in them, AFP said.

Last month, King Abdullah decreed it a crime for Saudi nationals to fight in foreign conflicts. The move was largely aimed at curbing extremist Saudis fighting alongside Syrian rebels. Volunteers from across the Sunni Muslim world have joined Syrian rebel groups, in particular an Al-Qaida breakaway faction.

Last week, a Saudi Arabian court sentenced three men to death and jailed two others for up to 17 years for their part in a series of militant attacks including the deadly bombing of a foreign housing compound in 2003.

SPA said that, among other charges, a man identified by the court as "suspect number one" was convicted of involvement in the bombing of the al-Muhaya compound, where expatriates lived, in the capital Riyadh, one of a series of Al-Qaida attacks in the kingdom.

Saudi Arabia faced a militant insurgency from 2003 to 2006 in which Al-Qaida targeted residential compounds for foreign workers and Saudi government facilities, killing dozens of people. The country set up terrorism courts in 2011 to try dozens of Saudi nationals and foreigners suspected of involvement.

Saudi Arabian gets 8 years for Twitter protest call - Middle East Israel News | Haaretz
The defendant had been arrested on similar charges in the past, but was freed by security forces after signing a declaration that they would refrain from such activities in the future.

Silly boy.
He violated the anti cyber crime law in the country twice. I thought people would learn from their mistakes instead of recommitting the same again. 8 years isn't that a bit harsh, the law says four years max if i'm not mistaken.
He violated the anti cyber crime law in the country twice. I thought people would learn from their mistakes instead of recommitting the same again. 8 years isn't that a bit harsh, the law says four years max if i'm not mistaken.
Do you have that law in Saudi whereby the family can make a payment to reduce sentence or free him?
So for inciting terrorism, which he did before but which he escaped scotch free from, and for inciting rebellion and violence he only gets 8 years?

The thread title makes it sound like he was just using twitter in a mocking way which is not the case if you read this article. Anyway I am not sure what the local newspapers report about this case and time is also only going to tell how this new and much harsher anti-terrorism law will function in reality.
Any sympathy or verbal support to any of the groups declared as terrorist organization by Saudi Arabia will put the violators behind bars.
That's not such an extreme law.

In the UK we have a "glorifying terrorism" law - but sadly it's hardly ever enforced properly and is usually only a fine. Pathetic.
While I do have some reservations here, I must say that this is not the right time for political activism. We are in the middle of a cold war with our eternal enemy "Persia".

And also correct me if I am wrong, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are all censored in Iran. Right? The Iranian regime is also putting Zahra Rahnavard (Mousavi’s wife) under house arrest along with her husband for his fault of winning the 2009 election. She is about 68 years old lady.
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While I do have some reservations here, I must say that this is not the right time for political activism. We are in the middle of a cold war with our eternal enemy "Persia".

And also correct me if I am wrong, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are censored in Iran. Right? The Iranian regime is also putting Zahra Rahnavard (Mousavi’s wife) under house arrest along with her husband for his fault of winning the 2009 election.

If that guy was in Iran he would have been executed or hand amputated by now. LoL.
We are in the middle of a cold war with our eternal enemy "Persia".


Are you referring to Qisas and Diyya?

For instance if you by accident (car accident for instance) kill a person and then if the victims family accepts it you can pay an amount of money to be spared from a punishment (execution for instance).

I think that this system is a good system obviously.
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