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Saudi Arabia: World Islamic body pushes global blasphemy law

Arabian Legend

Mar 7, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
The world Islamic body signaled on Wednesday that it will revive long-standing attempts to make insults against religions an international criminal offense.

The bid follows uproar across the Muslim world over a crude Internet video clip filmed in the United States and cartoons in a French satirical magazine that lampoon the Prophet Mohammad.

But it appears unlikely to win acceptance from Western countries determined to resist restrictions on freedom of speech and already concerned about the repressive effect of blasphemy laws in Muslim countries such as Pakistan.

Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, secretary-general of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), said the international community should "come out of hiding from behind the excuse of freedom of expression", a reference to Western arguments against a universal blasphemy law that the OIC has sought for over a decade.

He said the "deliberate, motivated and systematic abuse of this freedom" were a danger to global security and stability.

Separately, the Human Rights Commission of the OIC, which has 57 members and is based in Saudi Arabia, said "growing intolerance towards Muslims" had to be checked and called for "an international code of conduct for media and social media to disallow the dissemination of incitement material".

Western countries have long argued that such measures would run counter to the UN's core human rights declaration on freedom of expression and could even open the door to curbs on academic research.

As if to underline the point, a conference in Geneva of the World Council of Churches (WCC), which groups the world's major Protestant, Orthodox and Evangelical churches, urged Pakistan to abolish its blasphemy law, which carries a possible death penalty.

Critics say the law is widely misused to persecute non-Muslims, and cite this month's case of a Muslim cleric detained on suspicion of planting evidence suggesting that a 14-year-old girl had burned Islamic religious texts.

Pakistani Christians and Hindus at the WCC gathering said a global law against blasphemy, or "defamation of religion", would only endorse on an international scale the religious intolerance seen in Pakistan and in other Islamic countries.

But Western countries have also come under criticism for stifling free speech, with Iran previously highlighting the criminalization of doubting the Holocaust in a number of Western states.

(Reuters, Al-Akhbar)

World Islamic body pushes global blasphemy law | Al Akhbar English

The Muslim News
But this law will also prevent Arabs and Muslims from calling Jews as a nation of Pigs and Monkeys and Pakistanis from insulting Hindus.

Does this Law only apply to Sunni Muslims or every other religion in the world at large?

How about Ahmedis, Scientology and Mormonism?
The world Islamic body signaled on Wednesday that it will revive long-standing attempts to make insults against religions an international criminal offense.

The bid follows uproar across the Muslim world over a crude Internet video clip filmed in the United States and cartoons in a French satirical magazine that lampoon the Prophet Mohammad.

But it appears unlikely to win acceptance from Western countries determined to resist restrictions on freedom of speech and already concerned about the repressive effect of blasphemy laws in Muslim countries such as Pakistan.

Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, secretary-general of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), said the international community should "come out of hiding from behind the excuse of freedom of expression", a reference to Western arguments against a universal blasphemy law that the OIC has sought for over a decade.

He said the "deliberate, motivated and systematic abuse of this freedom" were a danger to global security and stability.

Separately, the Human Rights Commission of the OIC, which has 57 members and is based in Saudi Arabia, said "growing intolerance towards Muslims" had to be checked and called for "an international code of conduct for media and social media to disallow the dissemination of incitement material".

Western countries have long argued that such measures would run counter to the UN's core human rights declaration on freedom of expression and could even open the door to curbs on academic research.

As if to underline the point, a conference in Geneva of the World Council of Churches (WCC), which groups the world's major Protestant, Orthodox and Evangelical churches, urged Pakistan to abolish its blasphemy law, which carries a possible death penalty.

Critics say the law is widely misused to persecute non-Muslims, and cite this month's case of a Muslim cleric detained on suspicion of planting evidence suggesting that a 14-year-old girl had burned Islamic religious texts.

Pakistani Christians and Hindus at the WCC gathering said a global law against blasphemy, or "defamation of religion", would only endorse on an international scale the religious intolerance seen in Pakistan and in other Islamic countries.

But Western countries have also come under criticism for stifling free speech, with Iran previously highlighting the criminalization of doubting the Holocaust in a number of Western states.

(Reuters, Al-Akhbar)

World Islamic body pushes global blasphemy law | Al Akhbar English

The Muslim News

No one give a damn about SA other than it's oil. Show your blasphemy law where the sun don't shine old ''kings''. I doubt nations like Japan or Korea and PRC would care..
No one give a damn about SA other than it's oil. Show your blasphemy law where the sun don't shine old ''kings''. I doubt nations like Japan or Korea and PRC would care..
It seems you have reading comprehension issues. This law has nothing to do with Saudi Arabia, the human rights branch of OIC which has its headquarter located in Saudi Arabia has signaled to push for this law. Its like blaming the U.S for a U.N law.
BTW, I think the law(which will never pass) is stupid.
It seems you have reading comprehension issues. This law has nothing to do with Saudi Arabia, the human rights branch of OIC which has its headquarter located in Saudi Arabia has signaled to push for this law. Its like blaming the U.S for a U.N law.
BTW, I think the law(which will never pass) is stupid.

OIC is nothing but a joke....

It lost all its meaning..when 180 million muslims were excluded just because the country they come from did not Islamic leader....so all this charade of global blasphemy law will not work...
No one give a damn about SA other than it's oil. Show your blasphemy law where the sun don't shine old ''kings''. I doubt nations like Japan or Korea and PRC would care..

Oh look behind you. A Saudi is coming to get ya. Run for the hills. Hide your kids, hide your wives and hide your husbands, cuz they are Saudizing erreybody around here
A good initiative by OIC.:tup:

BTW All muslim countries should implement Blasphemy law in its true form.

No one give a damn about SA other than it's oil. Show your blasphemy law where the sun don't shine old ''kings''. I doubt nations like Japan or Korea and PRC would care..

KSA is not asking for something out of the ordinary. They are asking for something similar in lines with the anti-semitism law like in suckular germany.
Oh look behind you. A Saudi is coming to get ya. Run for the hills. Hide your kids, hide your wives and hide your husbands, cuz they are Saudizing erreybody around here
The King is quite fond of his Interfaith Dialogue Initiative, which appears to advocate mass murder if Islam is criticized : link
OIC is nothing but a joke....

It lost all its meaning..when 180 million muslims were excluded just because the country they come from did not Islamic leader....so all this charade of global blasphemy law will not work...

Well, OIC has been inactive for as long as I can remember...By the way, if a country is not a Muslim country WHY ON EARTH would it be sour for not being a member of Organisation of Islamic Cooperation?

How will a country which can not tolerate its Islamic neighbors (Pakistan and Bangladesh), mocks anything to do with Islam want sooo badly to be a part of an organisation which "attempts to be the collective voice of the Muslim world (Ummah) and attempts to safeguard the interests and ensure the progress and well-being of Muslims."

India doesn't do that! Plus it doesn't even understand why Muslims do certain things!
Personally, I don't like the idea of having a global blasphemy law, & I doubt that most nations would agree with it either. What exactly would be the cutoff point if it became an offense to insult every religion on Earth? Would someone be punished for going up to an idol worshiper & telling him that his God is a worthless inanimate object incapable of moving on its own & just so happens to be blind, deaf, & dumb? Moving on, if the purpose of this law is to simply defend Islam alone, then the most we can do is request other nations to stop their citizens from intentionally insulting Islam or other Abrahamic Prophets. Although, as I stated earlier; it's unlikely such a law would get passed any time soon.
A good initiative by OIC.:tup:

BTW All muslim countries should implement Blasphemy law in its true form.

KSA is not asking for something out of the ordinary. They are asking for something similar in lines with the anti-semitism law like in suckular germany.

You should be glad Germany and others are "secular", if not...nightly toasting mussie at the stake!
The King is quite fond of his Interfaith Dialogue Initiative, which appears to advocate mass murder if Islam is criticized : link

or maybe The US violate the Dialogue agreement.:pop:

Shujaat for joint Pak-Saudi efforts against blasphemy

ISLAMABAD: President Pakistan Muslim League (Quaid) Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain Friday sought joint efforts of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to raise voice against the blasphemous film and for the effective legislation to stop such heinous activities against the dignity and honour of the most respectable and dignified personalities.

Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain held meeting with Saudi Ambassador Abdul Aziz bin Ibrahim al Ghadeer after conclusion of the function Youm Ishq-e-Rasool (SAW) at the Prime Minister Secretariat here Friday and discussed about the blasphemous film with the ambassador.

According to sources Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain was of the opinion that the governments of both the Islamic countries should also adopt unanimous strategy in response to the protests of their people.

Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain told the Saudi ambassador that President Asif Ali Zardari will raise this issue in his address at the United Nations in which the demand will be made for the legislation against blasphemy. According to sources Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain sought support of Saudi Arabia in this regard.

Sources said that Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain few days back had asked President Asif Ali Zardari to raise the issue of global legislation against blasphemy in the United Nations and President Zardari after his suggestion directed the Foreign Ministry to put this point in the draft of his speech to be delivered in the United Nations
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