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Saudi Arabia wants to join Tempest 6 generation fighter project


My take on Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE is that they are poor in human resource development. They have the luxury of petro-dollars and all the amenities it can be purchase. To be fair I do not pay attention to these things. I see Saudis studying in American universities. I do not know good a student they are

The old glorious Arab civilizations were located in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. There is little evidence of any kind of diffusion to rest of the Arab World.

Iraq is where Abraham come from. His offspring migrate to Palestine/Israel and Saudi Arabia. Through the offspring of Abraham then we know Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

The reason Iraq become center of Muslim early power is because of earlier Muslim (originated from current Saudi Arabia) expand their territory into Iraq. Their first built city is Basrah, where the military and Madinah people hold their power. In early period Muslim never dominate Iraq socially after they defeated Rome or Persian across Arab world. They stay outside the cities, this is why I said many times that Islamization of other Arabs comes naturally and without force as in Islam Quran also ban any forcing attempt in term of religion. From Basrah under Ali (Quraish tribe/Abraham offspring), Muslim then centered their power in other Levant region Syria under Umayyah (Quraish tribe/ Abraham offspring). Muslim power then come back to Iraq under Abassiyah (Quraish tribe).

Iraq has already been developed by either Rome or Persian, so this is likely the reason Baghdad (Iraq) become the center of power of early Muslim. They have better resources as well in term of water (big rivers) and this is also the reason ancient Iraq has already been quite developed under Babylonia
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Iraq is where Abraham come from. His offspring migrate to Palestine/Israel and Saudi Arabia. Through the offspring of Abraham then we know Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

The reason Iraq become center of Muslim early power is because of earlier Muslim (originated from current Saudi Arabia) expand their territory into Iraq. Their first built city is Basrah, where the military and Madinah people hold their power. In early period Muslim never dominate Iraq after they defeated Rome or Persian across Arab world. They stay outside the cities, this is why I said many times that Islamization of other Arabs comes naturally and without force as in Islam Quran also ban any forcing attempt in term of religion.

Iraq has already been developed by either Rome or Persian, so this is likely the reason Baghdad (Iraq) become the center of power of early Muslim. They have better resources as well in term of water (big rivers) and this is also the reason ancient Iraq has already been quite developed under Babylonia

Nothing changes the fact there were never centers of learning in Saudi Arabia.
No water == no civilization
Nothing changes the fact there were never centers of learning in Saudi Arabia.
No water == no civilization

That is true though during ancient period. Similar like in East Asia, the big civilizations originated from big rivers, the same thing also happen in South Asia.

Any way, now with technology human can get water from deep layers of soil. So even Saudi and other Gulf countries are lacking with rivers, they can still prosper under current modern world.

God is also Just, it ends up those with lack of rivers have huge oil and gas.
That is true though during ancient period. Similar like in East Asia, the big civilizations originated from big rivers, the same thing also happen in South Asia.

Any way, now with technology human can get water from deep layers of soil. So even Saudi and other Gulf countries are lacking with rivers, they can still prosper under current modern world.

God is also Just, it ends up those with lack of rivers have huge oil and gas.

Historically saudis have nothing in the way of civilization
Historically saudis have nothing in the way of civilization

Are you retarded? Is that why some of the oldest cities on the planet are located in KSA as well as some of the oldest civilizations and cultures?

Arabia has some of the oldest civilizations on the planet and most impressive.

Just Dilmun in Eastern KSA is older than Egypt and Sumer. The Sumerians considered Dilmun holy land and in the oldest literature in the world (Epic of Gilgamesh), Dilmun is mentioned as said holy land.

Al-Magar was a pre-historic civilization in Najd that shows some of the earliest traces of domestication of animals, the horse and some of the first cities on the planet.

Hejaz is also one of the most ancient regions of the planet with numerous ancient civilizations mentioned in several millennia old holy scriptures (Torah, Bible, Quran, ancient Arabia and Mesopotamian scriptures)

Thamud, Nabateans, Kingdom of Qedar and many more.

Don't be an ignorant troll, Mr. Pajeet.

KSA has one of the oldest and most impressive pre-histories in the entire world with some of the oldest traces of human settlement and civilization/culture.

Iraq is where Abraham come from. His offspring migrate to Palestine/Israel and Saudi Arabia. Through the offspring of Abraham then we know Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

The reason Iraq become center of Muslim early power is because of earlier Muslim (originated from current Saudi Arabia) expand their territory into Iraq. Their first built city is Basrah, where the military and Madinah people hold their power. In early period Muslim never dominate Iraq socially after they defeated Rome or Persian across Arab world. They stay outside the cities, this is why I said many times that Islamization of other Arabs comes naturally and without force as in Islam Quran also ban any forcing attempt in term of religion. From Basrah under Ali (Quraish tribe/Abraham offspring), Muslim then centered their power in other Levant region Syria under Umayyah (Quraish tribe/ Abraham offspring). Muslim power then come back to Iraq under Abassiyah (Quraish tribe).

Iraq has already been developed by either Rome or Persian, so this is likely the reason Baghdad (Iraq) become the center of power of early Muslim. They have better resources as well in term of water (big rivers) and this is also the reason ancient Iraq has already been quite developed under Babylonia

The guy is a troll. Better left ignored as his sole intention in this thread is to troll with ignorant one-liners and to derail the thread.

Nothing changes the fact there were never centers of learning in Saudi Arabia.
No water == no civilization

Is that why KSA is one of the largest agricultural exporters to this day and home to the largest palm forests in the world and numerous regions of KSA being famous for their rich agricultural production since antiquity? Coffee, a plant that requires tons of water, grows indigenously in KSA and Yemen where it was cultivated first.

KSA has 1000's of wadis, non-permanent rivers that most of the year are flowing with water except for the 4-5 summer months.

KSA just a few 1000's of years ago was one of the most fertile areas on the planet and home to some of the largest lakes and longest rivers in the world hence the many ancient civilizations and settlements.

I recall you trolling similarly in this thread below, which makes me recall our previous conversation.

Why the retarded trolling again? Did I hit a nerve, mr. Pajeet?

Here is the thread where everything was explained in great detail and with numerous sources.




Just a few 1000's of years ago, KSA had a higher concentration of rivers than river civilizations like Egypt and Mesopotamia which explains all the rich civilizations and old settlements and artifacts.

People that founded those civilizations in KSA built larger statues than contemporary civilizations in Mesopotamia and IVC so obviously it was not a wasteland or whatever your ignorant posts are implying.

The "Worshipping Servant" statue (2500 BC), above one metre (3 ft 3 in) in height, is much taller than any possible Mesopotamian or Harappan models. Photo courtesy of the National Museum of Korea.[57]

The problem for KSA is that they for far too long had been completely ignoring and downplaying their pre-Islamic civilization due to religious reasons and due to a few dinosaurs (clerics) but nowadays they are thankfully not doing that any longer but trying to celebrate their past and opening up the country for archaeologists etc. which is why KSA is one giant archaeology field in terms of treasures.

The largest open museum in the world is located in Al-Ula (KSA) due to the sheer size of it.

BTW, you can just tell that you hate/dislike Arabs, no need to try to make absurd claims that are not real and easily disproven.

As for Arabs having had a very bad time (overall) in the past 100 years and what you wrote, I ALREADY WROTE THAT MYSELF, so no idea why you are stating the obvious here if not to troll/derail threads. You are doing that with several Pakistani related threads as well as I wrote.

BTW, Arabs, aside from having the closest ties to contemporary IVC (because that is the supreme/oldest civilization in South Asia IN PAKISTAN, not India as most of you are trying to pretend and steal it from Pakistan),



also had ties to contemporary India. Read a bit about the Arabia Sea/Indian Ocean maritime trade or the fact that the oldest mosques outside of Arabia were built in Southern India. Trade ties are very ancient. In fact the oldest humans that migrated to India migrated from Arabia.



While you are at it, read up on how Indonesia became the largest Muslim country on the planet. Hint, it involves those ancient trade routes and mostly Arab seafarers/traders/businessmen.

8 million views.

You are welcome, Mr. Troll.
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The new Arab isnt the one Pakistanis have been fed the narrative for - that outmoded “cant fight or work without us” is blind fallacy Pakistanis tell themselves. Today’s Arab is smart, educated and entrepreneurial to know exactly what they are doing. Sure, arabs fund programs which the white folks use but that also means they have the highest spec system.

They are pushing for technology to be part of their culture and eventually their reliance will slow down.
Very true. Saw this across the Gulf countries, and even westerners recognize this fact and respect it. Rising power and region
Iraq is where Abraham come from. His offspring migrate to Palestine/Israel and Saudi Arabia. Through the offspring of Abraham then we know Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

The reason Iraq become center of Muslim early power is because of earlier Muslim (originated from current Saudi Arabia) expand their territory into Iraq. Their first built city is Basrah, where the military and Madinah people hold their power. In early period Muslim never dominate Iraq socially after they defeated Rome or Persian across Arab world. They stay outside the cities, this is why I said many times that Islamization of other Arabs comes naturally and without force as in Islam Quran also ban any forcing attempt in term of religion. From Basrah under Ali (Quraish tribe/Abraham offspring), Muslim then centered their power in other Levant region Syria under Umayyah (Quraish tribe/ Abraham offspring). Muslim power then come back to Iraq under Abassiyah (Quraish tribe).

Iraq has already been developed by either Rome or Persian, so this is likely the reason Baghdad (Iraq) become the center of power of early Muslim. They have better resources as well in term of water (big rivers) and this is also the reason ancient Iraq has already been quite developed under Babylonia

Babylon/Mesopotamia predates Rome and Persia by millennia. Baghdad was a newly built city (Madinat al-Salam which in Arabic means the "City of Peace") but it was built on ancient/next door to Babylon. Persia nor Rome (Rome never controlled Iraq) did not built either Babylon nor Baghdad (which was built by the Abbasid Caliph al-Masur)

Umayyad and Abbasid capitals were moved to Damascus (Umayyad), Damascus (Southern Syria at the border of Northern Arabia) which is one of the oldest cities on the planet if not the oldest continuously inhabited one, and Baghdad (newly built) because of geography (more centrally located). Makkah and Madinah retained their religious importance though.

The main cities in the Umayyad era were the above (shown on the map):



Abbasid Caliphate:


Umayyads escaped to Al-Andalus after 750.

Last Muslim rule in Western Europe (Al-Andalus) ended in 1492. The last dynasty was the Nasrid dynasty of Najdi (KSA) Arab origin.

They built many World UNESCO Heritage sites in Spain such as Alhambra (being the most famous).

Al-Andalus during its almost 800 years presence in Spain, Portugal, Gibraltar, Andorra and parts of France was ruled by most Arab dynasties but also Arabized Berber dynasties and even local convert Morisco dynasties.

Very true. Saw this across the Gulf countries, and even westerners recognize this fact and respect it. Rising power and region

Regional power for sure. Global power not. The only way Arabs can become a global power again is to unite politically and economically through some kind of EU like union by turning the Arab League into such a union. However nowadays this is unrealistic due to the internal differences, autocracies etc.

For instance, with all due respect to the smaller GCC states, I never saw the usefulness of Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait etc. existing in the first place (if not for being fiefdoms of rulers who again have pampered the few locals due to oil and gas riches etc.) and they all would be better off (long-term) uniting with KSA. Same goes for Oman and Yemen. It is the only sensible decision they can take long-term and the most natural thing given the overall few differences between them. Such a federal state (in whatever format, republic, shared monarchical federation like UAE) would for sure become the most powerful oil/gas/mineral resources country, even bigger than Russia.

Yemen, which is another Afghanistan in the making in terms of demographic boom, could serve as the manpower although it would drag the living standards down overall.

Just speculation as it is not realistic, filthy rich Qataris for instance, see no reason to unite with KSA and becoming outnumbered/losing their political power. Similarly with UAE etc.
Are you retarded? Is that why some of the oldest cities on the planet are located in KSA as well as some of the oldest civilizations and cultures?

Arabia has some of the oldest civilizations on the planet and most impressive.

Just Dilmun in Eastern KSA is older than Egypt and Sumer. The Sumerians considered Dilmun holy land and in the oldest literature in the world (Epic of Gilgamesh), Dilmun is mentioned as said holy land.

Al-Magar was a pre-historic civilization in Najd that shows some of the earliest traces of domestication of animals, the horse and some of the first cities on the planet.

Hejaz is also one of the most ancient regions of the planet with numerous ancient civilizations mentioned in several millennia old holy scriptures (Torah, Bible, Quran, ancient Arabia and Mesopotamian scriptures)

Thamud, Nabateans, Kingdom of Qedar and many more.

Don't be an ignorant troll, Mr. Pajeet.

KSA has one of the oldest and most impressive pre-histories in the entire world with some of the oldest traces of human settlement and civilization/culture.

The guy is a troll. Better left ignored as his sole intention in this thread is to troll with ignorant one-liners and to derail the thread.

Is that why KSA is one of the largest agricultural exporters to this day and home to the largest palm forests in the world and numerous regions of KSA being famous for their rich agricultural production since antiquity? Coffee, a plant that requires tons of water, grows indigenously in KSA and Yemen where it was cultivated first.

KSA has 1000's of wadis, non-permanent rivers that most of the year are flowing with water except for the 4-5 summer months.

KSA just a few 1000's of years ago was one of the most fertile areas on the planet and home to some of the largest lakes and longest rivers in the world hence the many ancient civilizations and settlements.

I recall you trolling similarly in this thread below, which makes me recall our previous conversation.

Why the retarded trolling again? Did I hit a nerve, mr. Pajeet?

Here is the thread where everything was explained in great detail and with numerous sources.




Just a few 1000's of years ago, KSA had a higher concentration of rivers than river civilizations like Egypt and Mesopotamia which explains all the rich civilizations and old settlements and artifacts.

People that founded those civilizations in KSA built larger statues than contemporary civilizations in Mesopotamia and IVC so obviously it was not a wasteland or whatever your ignorant posts are implying.

The "Worshipping Servant" statue (2500 BC), above one metre (3 ft 3 in) in height, is much taller than any possible Mesopotamian or Harappan models. Photo courtesy of the National Museum of Korea.[57]

The problem for KSA is that they for far too long had been completely ignoring and downplaying their pre-Islamic civilization due to religious reasons and due to a few dinosaurs (clerics) but nowadays they are thankfully not doing that any longer but trying to celebrate their past and opening up the country for archaeologists etc. which is why KSA is one giant archaeology field in terms of treasures.

The largest open museum in the world is located in Al-Ula (KSA) due to the sheer size of it.

BTW, you can just tell that you hate/dislike Arabs, no need to try to make absurd claims that are not real and easily disproven.

As for Arabs having had a very bad time (overall) in the past 100 years and what you wrote, I ALREADY WROTE THAT MYSELF, so no idea why you are stating the obvious here if not to troll/derail threads. You are doing that with several Pakistani related threads as well as I wrote.

BTW, Arabs, aside from having the closest ties to contemporary IVC (because that is the supreme/oldest civilization in South Asia IN PAKISTAN, not India as most of you are trying to pretend and steal it from Pakistan),

View attachment 919203


also had ties to contemporary India. Read a bit about the Arabia Sea/Indian Ocean maritime trade or the fact that the oldest mosques outside of Arabia were built in Southern India. Trade ties are very ancient. In fact the oldest humans that migrated to India migrated from Arabia.



While you are at it, read up on how Indonesia became the largest Muslim country on the planet. Hint, it involves those ancient trade routes and mostly Arab seafarers/traders/businessmen.

8 million views.

You are welcome, Mr. Troll.

You do not run civilizations without water

You can take any history book on the World. There won't be any mention about Saudi Arabia until Prophet Mohammed
The next mention comes in 20th century when oil is discovered

Saudi Arabia had less than 2 million people in 1800
You do not run civilizations without water

You can take any history book on the World. There won't be any mention about Saudi Arabia until Prophet Mohammed
The next mention comes in 20th century when oil is discovered

I ask again, are you deliberately acting retarded? Did you skip my replies to you deliberately where I posted PLENTY of evidence (actual scientific, historical etc. facts on the ground) to disprove your ignorant statements?

I mean I can also write that the earth is flat again and again like some kind of troll. Does not make it less inaccurate. That is basically your modus operandi in this thread which was/is too troll.

But anyway, what has this to do with anything or the thread title? Is this some kind of thread about the history of KSA or that of the Arabs?

Some moderators should be taking a look at your trolling/derailing in this thread. As well as you hiding under US flags as an Indian troll.

In short read post 50 and quit the moronic trolling.
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I ask again, are you deliberately acting retarded? Did you skip my replies to you deliberately where I posted PLENTY of evidence (actual scientific, historical etc. facts on the ground) to disprove your ignorant statements?

I mean I can also write that the earth is flat again and again like some kind of troll. Does not make it less inaccurate. That is basically your modus operandi in this thread which was/is too troll.

But anyway, what has this to do with anything or the thread title? Is this some kind of thread about the history of KSA or that of the Arabs?

Some moderators should be taking a look at your trolling/derailing in this thread. As well as you hiding under US flags as an Indian troll.

In short read post 50 and quit the moronic trolling.

Your statements are ignorant. There were no Arabs prior to 100 AD

The discussion is on
Saudi Arabia not the greater Arab world
on whether Saudis have the skilled talent to work on something like the Tempest 6.
Obviously the Brits would love to have Saudi $$$
Your statements are ignorant. There were no Arabs prior to 100 AD

The discussion is on
Saudi Arabia not the greater Arab world
on whether Saudis have the skilled talent to work on something like the Tempest 6.
Obviously the Brits would love to have Saudi $$$

More retardation. Arabs were mentioned for the first time by the closely related Semitic Assyrians almost 3000 years ago in what is modern-day Syria. Go do some research rather than writing nonsense. It is widely available information free for all.

Secondly Arabs are an umbrella form today, it encompasses all Arabs and every single Arab nationality is a mixture of various ancient indigenous Semitic/non-Semitic civilizations and cultures. This was written by me already earlier in the thread. Human history far predates ethnic groups. Not sure why this is even necessary to mention.

What is funny here, there was no India pre-1948 or Indians.

Lastly your bullshit about KSA having no ancient civilizations, cultures etc. is just that, bullshit, easily disproven by actual ground realities and facts as I did in post 50 and the numerous sources that I posted. In fact in the real world, what is modern-day KSA has some of the richest/oldest civilizations/cultures/ancient kingdoms and pre-historic cultures in the world. KSA has plenty of access to water (1000's of wadis as explained) and until not many millennia ago, KSA/Arabia was incredibly fertile (as my post 50 proved and shows) which made it possible for those ancient civilizations and cities to emerge and flourish. To this day KSA has tons of groundwater due to this which makes it possible for KSA to be one of the biggest agricultural exporters in the world.
Rather than admit the above, you are instead writing more bullshit.

Your trolling and derailing will be reported if you continue the derailing and writing nonsense/historical lies with the sole intent to troll.
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More retardation. Arabs were mentioned for the first time by Assyrians almost 3000 years ago in what is modern-day Syria. Go do some research rather than writing nonsense. It is widely available information free for all.

Secondly Arabs are an umbrella form today, it encompasses all Arabs and every single Arab nationality is a mixture of various ancient indigenous Semitic/non-Semitic civilizations and cultures. This was written by me already earlier in the thread. Human history far predates ethnic groups. Not sure why this is even necessary to mention.

What is funny here, there was no India pre-1948 or Indians.

Lastly your bullshit about KSA having no ancient civilizations, cultures etc. is just that, bullshit, easily disproven by actual ground realities and facts as I did in post 50 and the numerous sources that I posted. Rather than admit it, you are instead writing more bullshit.

Old Arabic does not exist prior to 100 AD. If you do not have Arabic you do not have an "Arab"
There were Sumerians, Assyrians, Phonecians, Egyptians prior to Arabs

No one is signing a Tempest deal with Libya or Yemen or Morocco. Look at the title of the thread

What did Columbus call the natives of America when he meet them ?
Obviously India in the current shape did not exist prior to 1948.
Old Arabic does not exist prior to 100 AD. If you do not have Arabic you do not have an "Arab"
There were Sumerians, Assyrians, Phonecians, Egyptians prior to Arabs

No one is signing a Tempest deal with Libya or Yemen or Morocco. Look at the title of the thread

What did Columbus call the natives of America when he meet them ?
Obviously India in the current shape did not exist prior to 1948.

@waz can you deal with this INDIAN troll that is hiding under a US flag? He is derailing this thread with nonsense posts repeatedly, troll posts containing historical lies easily disproven as I did in post 50 for all to see and now he is doing it again in the post that I quoted.

It is quite annoying as he has been trolling several Pakistani related threads as well and I believe that he has been banned several times. He does not learn.

I don't bother to correct/challenge his obvious lies/trolling repeatedly but he is polluting this thread again and again with such posts.
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@waz can you deal with this INDIAN troll that is hiding under a US flag? He is derailing this thread with nonsense posts repeatedly, troll posts containing historical lies easily disproven as I did in post 50 for all to see and now he is doing it again in the post that I quoted.

It is quite annoying as he has been trolling several Pakistani related threads as well and I believe that he has been banned several times. He does not learn.

I don't bother to correct/challenge his obvious lies/trolling but he is polluting this thread again and again with such posts.
You were the one who derailed the thread
Go back to post # 27
Thread is regarding the TEMPEST fighter - any further off topic get thread banned.
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