Are you retarded? Is that why some of the oldest cities on the planet are located in KSA as well as some of the oldest civilizations and cultures?
Arabia has some of the oldest civilizations on the planet and most impressive.
Just Dilmun in Eastern KSA is older than Egypt and Sumer. The Sumerians considered Dilmun holy land and in the oldest literature in the world (Epic of Gilgamesh), Dilmun is mentioned as said holy land.
Al-Magar was a pre-historic civilization in Najd that shows some of the earliest traces of domestication of animals, the horse and some of the first cities on the planet.
Hejaz is also one of the most ancient regions of the planet with numerous ancient civilizations mentioned in several millennia old holy scriptures (Torah, Bible, Quran, ancient Arabia and Mesopotamian scriptures)
Thamud, Nabateans, Kingdom of Qedar and many more.
Don't be an ignorant troll, Mr. Pajeet.
KSA has one of the oldest and most impressive pre-histories in the entire world with some of the oldest traces of human settlement and civilization/culture.
The guy is a troll. Better left ignored as his sole intention in this thread is to troll with ignorant one-liners and to derail the thread.
Is that why KSA is one of the largest agricultural exporters to this day and home to the largest palm forests in the world and numerous regions of KSA being famous for their rich agricultural production since antiquity? Coffee, a plant that requires tons of water, grows indigenously in KSA and Yemen where it was cultivated first.
KSA has 1000's of wadis, non-permanent rivers that most of the year are flowing with water except for the 4-5 summer months.
KSA just a few 1000's of years ago was one of the most fertile areas on the planet and home to some of the largest lakes and longest rivers in the world hence the many ancient civilizations and settlements.
I recall you trolling similarly in this thread below, which makes me recall our previous conversation.
Why the retarded trolling again? Did I hit a nerve, mr. Pajeet?
Here is the thread where everything was explained in great detail and with numerous sources.
Saudi Arabia is a country without a river that was not always the case as we hade jungle in central Iran several hundred years ago or the central iran had no desert around 1-2 thousand year ago and was filled with animals . and just a millennium ago in places that today we have salt and desert...
Just a few 1000's of years ago, KSA had a higher concentration of rivers than river civilizations like Egypt and Mesopotamia which explains all the rich civilizations and old settlements and artifacts.
People that founded those civilizations in KSA built larger statues than contemporary civilizations in Mesopotamia and IVC so obviously it was not a wasteland or whatever your ignorant posts are implying.

The "Worshipping Servant" statue (2500 BC), above one metre (3 ft 3 in) in height, is much taller than any possible Mesopotamian or Harappan models. Photo courtesy of the
National Museum of Korea.
The problem for KSA is that they for far too long had been completely ignoring and downplaying their pre-Islamic civilization due to religious reasons and due to a few dinosaurs (clerics) but nowadays they are thankfully not doing that any longer but trying to celebrate their past and opening up the country for archaeologists etc. which is why KSA is one giant archaeology field in terms of treasures.
The largest open museum in the world is located in Al-Ula (KSA) due to the sheer size of it.
RIYADH: Al-Ula Governorate, situated to the northwest of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is located in an area rich with a history of living evidence and cultural...
Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is in France this week. He is meeting President Emmanuel Macron to discuss, among other things, tourism in the kingdom. Currently the country is closed…
BTW, you can just tell that you hate/dislike Arabs, no need to try to make absurd claims that are not real and easily disproven.
As for Arabs having had a very bad time (overall) in the past 100 years and what you wrote, I ALREADY WROTE THAT MYSELF, so no idea why you are stating the obvious here if not to troll/derail threads. You are doing that with several Pakistani related threads as well as I wrote.
BTW, Arabs, aside from having the closest ties to contemporary IVC (because that is the supreme/oldest civilization in South Asia IN PAKISTAN, not India as most of you are trying to pretend and steal it from Pakistan),
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also had ties to contemporary India. Read a bit about the Arabia Sea/Indian Ocean maritime trade or the fact that the oldest mosques outside of Arabia were built in Southern India. Trade ties are very ancient. In fact the oldest humans that migrated to India migrated from Arabia.
While you are at it, read up on how Indonesia became the largest Muslim country on the planet. Hint, it involves those ancient trade routes and mostly Arab seafarers/traders/businessmen.
8 million views.
You are welcome, Mr. Troll.