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Saudi Arabia wants to buy 600-800 Leopard tanks from Germany

Asymmetric warfare means no enemy armor. Just AK and RPG ambushes maybe katyusha here and there. And a few headache inducing snipers. Your scenario calls for the M1A2S and Leos being deployed while M60s are beig used to hold grounds. And AirForce taking care of the rest. And I am speaking in the extremest layman's terms possible.

In a real war scenario you can find yourself facing both situations at once. The Americans did during Iraq war 1, but even before that the Germans were fighting the Soviets in the plains on one side while engaging them in urban environment of Stalingrad, where most of their Tanks were prone to hidden AT guns. In any given conflict, even if it is conventional, taking hold of Towns and strategically located centers is very important, even if it be urban environment.

Your scenario calls for the M1A2S and Leos being deployed while M60s are beig used to hold grounds.
Depending upon the situation, not everything goes as planned in some cases.

I did not take M1A2's into consideration since you posted the scenario with M60's and Leo's.
Today's wars are fought on the sky. The fight on the ground is just secondary in importance. Saddam thought that land first and air second... We all know what happened next.

We are modernizing our Entire armed forces from top to bottom as well as doubling our army from 250,000 soldiers to 500,000 soldiers plus reserves. As I said from 2006 to 2020 at least expect a huge shopping spree and from 2015 onwards an even bigger defense industry oriented arms policy.

We are literally restarting from scratch in regards to our army. That is why I keep saying don't talk to me at all about pre-2006 Saudi armed forces instead talk of post-2006 Saudi armed forces with the new doctrine policy and everything. Compare our army of the 1990s to our 2009 Khobah insurgency and you will see what I am talking about.

In a real war scenario you can find yourself facing both situations at once. The Americans did during Iraq war 1, but even before that the Germans were fighting the Soviets in the plains on one side while engaging them in urban environment of Stalingrad, where most of their Tanks were prone to hidden AT guns. In any given conflict, even if it is conventional, taking hold of Towns and strategically located centers is very important, even if it be urban environment.

Depending upon the situation, not everything goes as planned in some cases.

In a real war scenario you can find yourself facing both situations at once. The Americans did during Iraq war 1, but even before that the Germans were fighting the Soviets in the plains on one side while engaging them in urban environment of Stalingrad, where most of their Tanks were prone to hidden AT guns. In any given conflict, even if it is conventional, taking hold of Towns and strategically located centers is very important, even if it be urban environment.

I did not take M1A2's into consideration since you posted the scenario with M60's and Leo's.

During Iraq war 1 the american tanks were used for "Clean up". After the Air Force destroyed 80% of the tanks on the ground the American tanks moved in to hold ground and advance. There were few instances of battalion vs battalion battles but those fights got air support the moment of engagement.
Few yrs ago thier was lot of noise about al-khalid being sold in numbers to saudi Arabia.....what happened to that?

Muslim brotherhood is apparently not working?

Or is it al khalid itsef. Because despite al khalid, pakistan has imported tanks from Ukrain?
Countries like Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, India, China spend below 5% of GDP on defence. However, when i look at Saudi Arabia, they spend like 8%. I'm surprised to see this result. Who are Saudi Arabia's enemies besides Iran?
Countries like Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, India, China spend below 5% of GDP on defence. However, when i look at Saudi Arabia, they spend like 8%. I'm surprised to see this result. Who are Saudi Arabia's enemies besides Iran?

This is from our precaution and what you might call phobia and the need to be ready for anything at anytime. You see we once thought that we were surrounded by friends and the whole Muslim world will come to help us in our moment of need. We learned our lesson.

Never trust anyone or anything and always be prepared. We are sitting on the mort valuable piece of land in the world. And invading it looks like a good idea by many around us.
Few yrs ago thier was lot of noise about al-khalid being sold in numbers to saudi Arabia.....what happened to that?

Muslim brotherhood is apparently not working?

Or is it al khalid itsef. Because despite al khalid, pakistan has imported tanks from Ukrain?

Can you take off ur foolish hindu islamophobic hat and talk like a real sensible human? and no Pakistan never bought tanks after the induction of Al Khalid off which more than 600 are in PAK ARMY service... 33 something being exported to bangladesh (inferior mbt variants),... and another low cost variant in good numbers with peruvian armed forces.... and the composite tech developed by GIDS(Pak) even exported to Turkiye.

How about your arjun? only 125 on order and already ceasing its production and going for another variant? odd?
Few yrs ago thier was lot of noise about al-khalid being sold in numbers to saudi Arabia.....what happened to that?

Muslim brotherhood is apparently not working?

Or is it al khalid itsef. Because despite al khalid, pakistan has imported tanks from Ukrain?

We imported 300 T-80UD's before Al-Khalid entered production after testing stage. After that order Pakistan has never imported foreign Tanks.
Countries like Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, India, China spend below 5% of GDP on defence. However, when i look at Saudi Arabia, they spend like 8%. I'm surprised to see this result. Who are Saudi Arabia's enemies besides Iran?

'Alternative Fuel' !


P.S Mosa, don't kill me ! I was only joking...! You can even keep the Mule...! :cry:
This is from our precaution and what you might call phobia and the need to be ready for anything at anytime. You see we once thought that we were surrounded by friends and the whole Muslim world will come to help us in our moment of need. We learned our lesson.

Never trust anyone or anything and always be prepared. We are sitting on the mort valuable piece of land in the world. And invading it looks like a good idea by many around us.

When did this happen ? :blink:
I dont think anyone will try to attack a land with Mecca and Medina , every muslim country will war , if not countries Millions of muslim will be volunteer

This is from our precaution and what you might call phobia and the need to be ready for anything at anytime. You see we once thought that we were surrounded by friends and the whole Muslim world will come to help us in our moment of need. We learned our lesson.

Never trust anyone or anything and always be prepared. We are sitting on the mort valuable piece of land in the world. And invading it looks like a good idea by many around us.
This is from our precaution and what you might call phobia and the need to be ready for anything at anytime. You see we once thought that we were surrounded by friends and the whole Muslim world will come to help us in our moment of need. We learned our lesson.

Never trust anyone or anything and always be prepared. We are sitting on the mort valuable piece of land in the world. And invading it looks like a good idea by many around us.

If its for precaution then it seems to be a good idea to stockpile your weapons. The 9/11 attacks brought islamic countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, and now Syria in trouble. I like Saudi Arabia's diplomacy. They have played good cards. Though the U.S seems to be your ally, i don't think your leaders trust them from inside. When you feel you are in danger, you guys increase oil prices (i.e. Arab-Israel war). When you fear westerners maybe agents will take over your country, you guys plant strict rules and visa requirements.
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