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KSA is known to world for oil and strict laws..it will require lot of efforts in branding and image make over to become a tourist destination for non muslims..
All Arab countries except Egypt are worst for terrorism.

Only Egypt has something for tourism, otherwise only stupid will go in desert countries.
Even in UAE, you have to go from Air Conditioned Hotels, to Beach in AC Car and then return back. Still some people go there.

Hajj, Umrah can be called religious duties for Muslims, not tourism.
If they try to do massive tourism then alcohol, drugs and prostitution will follow.
On the other hand it is not bad thing to open land in well controled way to non muslims, that would help to brake lot of stereotypes.
Saudi has a genuine problem. They want to wean away from oil . they want to do science and technology, business etc.

They got rich the easy way and now its going to be really hard for them .

Their youngsters aren't interested in STEM, when they go abroad they mostly do easy business courses or English language courses
or at most finance. Very few try to do nanotechnology or robotics . even medicine , there are Saudi women who are interested in medicine but most young men don't want to study that hard ...and why should they....when they can make a lot of money and have a lot of fun without the hard work.

Other Arab countries are not like that - look at Iraqis in the US, so many of them doing tough courses at good universities, same with Iranians. Never seen a Saudi yet doing anything other than BBA.

Nothing they do to modernize Saudi is going to work without a huge change in mindset and that will be painful.

I guess what they are trying to do here is use their capital and outsource all the actual work to keep an income but that will cause changes in society and friction with the religious parties.
In my personal opnion most if not all of these natural attractions are in Egypt some are better + the Ancient history behind it BUT what matters most is how it is operated and priced and most importantly theres no scammers in every single corner you go lol. I hope for a better KSA in the future.
Honestly I think it's exaddurated

I have heard that Saudis dislike and are racist to Pakistanis?
You heard wrong. Our community in KSA would not be the largest Pakistani diaspora in the world if that was the case. Saudi Arabians are some of the most hospitable, warm and funny people out there when you get to know them.
There are bad apples everywhere. I can only talk about myself but I grew up in KSA along with 100’s of Pakistanis of every origin and from every part of Pakistan and almost all of us only had great things to say about the country and people.

Some of the laws are bad though but that is another discussion not much different from our own idiotic laws on some fronts.

BTW there are many Pakistanis based in KSA on PDF that I had the plessure to talk to here, you should also go ask them.

Watch this and judge.

Check this video:

another one:

The natural beauty of the country, amazing hospitality (well-known Arabian hospitality), many ancient historical sites and food is worth a visit. Let alone the beaches and many amazing islands. Excellent infrastructure and one of the most safe countries out there to visit.

KSA is a far better travel destination than most countries in the world. The problem is that it is not very well-known by outsiders due to a very weak PR and past stupid policies. For instance it was harder for a foreigner to get a KSA tourist visa than a visa to North Korea not long ago!
Now the country is opening up and tourist numbers are increasing.

Put it short, it is an amazing country and a hidden gem.

Anyway I am not surprised by your reaction, this is what Western propaganda/PR does to countries.

Nothing wrong with having goals or ambitions. KSA was already the most visited country of West Asia after Turkey which has decades more experience in terms of tourism and a tourism sector.

KSA could easily become one of the most visited countries in the world (it already is) by Hajj and Umrah numbers alone.

If those 30 million hajis by 2030 is correct, that alone is more foreign visitors than 99% of all countries receive on an annual basis.

Of course numbers are one thing, another thing is to actually reach them!
I can't believe they target 30 millions visitor from hajj alone. It will be good if it is true, but I am assuming 30 millions visitors from hajj AND umrah.
I can't believe they target 30 millions visitor from hajj alone. It will be good if it is true, but I am assuming 30 millions visitors from hajj AND umrah.

Correct, for Hajj, it will likely between 2-3 million a year. Nonsense 30 million on Hajj alone
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