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Saudi Arabia to install oil refinery in Gwadar supplying Pakistan, Cent Asia & China

Pakistan is indeed pitching the idea of importing products to China. Hopefully, we can convince China and secure their investments for rail and pipeline links.

I think a rail and pipeline link will definitely be a game changer for Pakistan.

However, building that physical link will be huge endeavor and will need significant will from both sides on completing it.
Pak military has decisively shown all investments in Pak remain safe and sound by HIS permission....

Thanks to Modi/RSS/BJP/Hindutva/Israil etc. for giving this opportunity.....
Great news but it will take years to build. I mentioned in another post that any extra production should be exported. Turkey, China, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia and U.A.E. are big importers of refined fuels, organic chemicals and plastics. Pakistan's proximity to the gulf oil reserves, cheap labor and weak currency should give us competitive pricing.
Great news but it will take years to build. I mentioned in another post that any extra production should be exported. Turkey, China, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia and U.A.E. are big importers of refined fuels, organic chemicals and plastics. Pakistan's proximity to the gulf oil reserves, cheap labor and weak currency should give us competitive pricing.

oil refining does not require much labor and is capital intensive
it does not look like a suitable choice
oil refining does not require much labor and is capital intensive
it does not look like a suitable choice

I agree its capital intensive and not labor intensive but the capital is being provided by the Saudi's. Petrochemicals are a bulk commodity that can be widely exported with out too much care where it came from. Many Pakistan friendly/neutral countries are petrochemical importers. Plus it can be tied into CPEC. Its an easy way to get export income. Someday (hopefully not that distant), when Pakistan develops its domestic shale and offshore oil fields it wont even need to import the oil. Its potentially a big export boon.
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