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Saudi Arabia: South Korean K2 tanks can be a potential candidate

I think you mean Russian tanks. Also, any type of fire-and-forget top attack missile will destroy an Altay no doubt. If Greece got Javelins you can expect a tank graveyard because APS systems have not been tested against top-attack missiles before.

I quote Wikipedia here.
Top attack ATGMs like FGM-148 Javelin (USA) and Trigat (Germany) attack the tank turret's top, requiring the active protection system to attack nearly vertically, for which turret might have not been designed. The same is true for an RPG being fired in a steep downward angle from an elevated location at a target below"

Akkor will be effective against top attack missiles including kynetic energy munitions. Less time remained to introduce Akkor. It will be standard protection system for not only Altay but also IFV and Wheled armored vehicles as well.

Akkor will be effective against top attack missiles including kynetic energy munitions. Less time remained to introduce Akkor. It will be standard protection system for not only Altay but also IFV and Wheled armored vehicles as well.

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If you say so, but knowing the U.S. they will find a way to bypass APS from R&D into new technology. I wonder how APS will work once shoulder launched hyper velocity missiles are put into service because something going mach 6.5 will be hard to intercept.

I didn't notice this but it looks like there are only 4 intercept missiles. Why so measly?
Having a top attack flight trajectory is not enough to defeat akkor. Akkor system protects the vehicle with an 360-degrees coverage thanks to very high resolution MMW radar. This radar allows operators to automatically track coming missiles/projectiles without being effected from bad wheather conditions.

Most other hard-kill active protection systems detect an incoming threat, calculate its trajectory, find out when it will arrive at a certain point in space, and then fire a bunch of projectiles toward general direction with hoping that at least one of the steel balls will hit the threat and destroy it before it can make contact with the main platform. This technique doesn’t protect against the newer generation variable-velocity rockets and missiles that are designed to trick an active protection system into firing too early or too late, and consequently missing.

On the other hand, AKKOR goes one step further. First, just like other active protection system, it detects a threat, calculates its trajectory and aims towards a point in its path to intercept it. Then, instead of firing a swarm of steel balls like its other competition, AKKOR launches a single smart interceptor with its own on-board sensor, jointly developed by TUBITAK SAGE. Sensor and explosive warhead is jointly developed by Tübitak SAGE and Aselsan. Once interceptor launched, it continuously measures the distance between itself and the incoming threat, detonates the high explosive warhead when it determines that it’s closest to the threat and effectively destroys it. This method ensures the highest hit probability and effectiveness against both older and the newest generation anti-tank rockets and missiles.

Besides, Akkor with less than 1/15sn of a second reaction time allowing system to be effectively defend the platforms against rockets and missiles to be fired from a distance less than 50m in urban fights.
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wonder how APS will work once shoulder launched hyper velocity missiles are put into service because something going mach 6.5 will be hard to intercept.

I do not suppose a hyper velocity missile system will be operational in near future. Until HVM get matured, the reaction times of hard-kill protection systems will also get matured in further blocks.
Having a top attack flight trajectory is not enough to defeat akkor. Akkor system protects the vehicle with an 360-degrees coverage thanks to very high resolution MMW radar. This radar allows operators to automatically track coming missiles/projectiles without being effected from bad wheather conditions.

Most other hard-kill active protection systems detect an incoming threat, calculate its trajectory, find out when it will arrive at a certain point in space, and then fire a bunch of projectiles toward general direction with hoping that at least one of the steel balls will hit the threat and destroy it before it can make contact with the main platform. This technique doesn’t protect against the newer generation variable-velocity rockets and missiles that are designed to trick an active protection system into firing too early or too late, and consequently missing.

AKKOR, on the other hand, goes one step further. First, just like a legacy active protection system, it detects a threat, calculates its trajectory and aims towards a point in its path to intercept it. Then, instead of firing a swarm of steel balls like its other competition, AKKOR launches a single smart interceptor with its own on-board sensor, jointly developed by TUBITAK SAGE and a high explosive warhead. Once launched, the interceptor continuously measures the distance between itself and the incoming threat, detonates the high explosive warhead when it determines that it’s closest to the threat and effectively destroys it. This method ensures the highest hit probability and effectiveness against both older and the newest generation anti-tank rockets and missiles.

Besides, Akkor with less than 1/15sn of a second reaction time allowing system to be effectively defend the platforms against rockets and missiles to be fired from a distance less than 50m in urban fights.
Well, if I was the leader of Greece I would develop laser/GPS guided artillery with a shaped charge which is really hard to actually throw off target when it coming towards you even with an independent missile system the projector will most likely stay the same because of its speed and the size of the warhead.

Also, one well detonated NNEMP all the electrical systems in tanks will go offline. Knowing Russia they would most likely use an NNEMP or even an EMP if desperate enough on tank, and armored vehicle formations which would make any electrical systems fried and with the NNEMP will contain the detonation to a certain area.
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We can't underrate K2 tank. It is going neck to neck with American tanks in competition.
We can't underrate K2 tank. It is going neck to neck with American tanks in competition.
For now. In the future when America replaces their Abrams the new vehicle will dominate the modern battlefield. Unpopular opinion but even the newer Abrams models that are unreleased will be better than the K2.
I'm for certain, if Musharraf was here,

Dude why cant you get over things?

The defence minister should atleast answer these questions on some sort of a forum. Most countries develop three times faster in war but we are not even making a dent.

Mass disinformation tactics were employed to downplay the Jf17 kill as well.

Somewhere some people are not very amused with how things are being run in Pakistan.
Dude why cant you get over things?

The defence minister should atleast answer these questions on some sort of a forum. Most countries develop three times faster in war but we are not even making a dent.

Mass disinformation tactics were employed to downplay the Jf17 kill as well.

Somewhere some people are not very amused with how things are being run in Pakistan.
Thanks to India stuffs from Pak get little bit known....
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