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Saudi Arabia requires Bride's age for Marrige [HR groups welcome the move.]

So u r implying that decision by our Prophet (SAWW) and Hazrat Abu-Bakar Sidique (RA) was irrational or amount's to nauzobillah child abuse.

As my friend before me said, that there is no limit on girls age in islam, as soon as a girl reach's puberty, she can be married away.

And yes when it come's to following my religion which came 14 hundred year's back, I DONT WANT TO GROW UP, PERIOD

I know many people wont like it BUT let me say it do you know the mental level of a 13 year old girl?

or may be you are implying that as soon as a girl reaches age of puberty she was must be married away to full fil the religious obligation

you need to grow up....

many things which happened 1400 years ago are not compatible with the modern standards, a man marrying a 12 year old girl according to the time in which live is indeed a Pedophilic Behavior
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Finally Emo Girl speaks up! It's about time, listen if you guys want to be successful point out the wrongs and correct them. Don't blindly follow the sheep!
I see some members mentioning their religion in regards to this topic.

I have a question to ask all muslims on this forum.

Is religion above morals and ethics?.
The difference is that it's illegal in the "west" and legal in Saudi Arabia.

In the "west", that is not the culture. But in Saudi Arabia it is.

In the "west", people speak out against that stuff with passion. But in Saudi Arabia, they hardly ever do.


do u see the parents of these British kids in jail then, if its illegal in west? and several other American teenage parents

In west its more of a status symbol to lose virginity during teenage, not to mention STD's( sexually transmitted diseases) getting married at young age is better than winding up with HIV.

In the west people only speak out their hypocrisy, It is the not the intent which matters it is the outcome, wont you agree? if we go by western standards 3 lives are ruined but what the heck since they are not married so its cool, what about the poor babies?
In the west no one is forcing young teens to be forcefully married to 80 Year old Grand Fathers.

Saudi is taking a good forward looking step and everyone has to appreciate them.

Please dont tell me that 12 Year old girl was in love with 80 Years old man to get married.
Instead of talking about the 'culture of child marriages' & Pedophiles of Saudi Arabia people have brought in the Western Hypocrisy & Western Teen Parents :rolleyes:

ohh yeah!!!

do u see the parents of these British kids in jail then, if its illegal in west? and several other American teenage parents

In west its more of a status symbol to lose virginity during teenage, not to mention STD's( sexually transmitted diseases) getting married at young age is better than winding up with HIV.

In the west people only speak out their hypocrisy, It is the not the intent which matters it is the outcome, wont you agree? if we go by western standards 3 lives are ruined but what the heck since they are not married so its cool, what about the poor babies?

your method of debating is so poor, dont be emotional and think rationaly. Do you seriosely think a 12 year old girl's marriage is right to an 80 year old man? and it is not a symbol of status to lose your virginity in the west, dont know who told you that, sexual freedom is accepted in the western socieity but by no means parents want their kids to engage in sexual activities before the required age of 16 or 18, if this sexual engagement happens, it is the kids not the parents, govs always spend money to prevent teenage pregnancies and educate the kids about the danger of having many sexual partners or sex in early age, have you ever seen a western parent to have sold his daughter or taken money over his daughter the same way saudis do? it is not only saudis, but alot of other countires as well, in my country too, instead of praising this act lets prevent it, it is for the better of our socieity and our women. and the last thing, engaging in sexual activity is something and selling somebody to someone is something eles.
So in other words the pious are admitting that the older rule was wrong and that women were forced to marry at young age to much much older women but Muslims were too busy to condpm/s Israel and forgot condom this.
I know many people wont like it BUT let me say it do you know the mental level of a 13 year old girl?

or may be you are implying that as soon as a girl reaches age of puberty she was must be married away to full fil the religious obligation

you need to grow up....

many things which happened 1400 years ago are not compatible with the modern standards, a man marrying a 12 year old girl according to the time in which live is indeed a Pedophilic Behavior[/QUOTE

Than one day all the liberal minded muslims will say, that our religion is not compatible with modern age, so lets amend it piece by piece.

I really dont want to grow up EmO, pls find pamper's for me.
Than one day all the liberal minded muslims will say, that our religion is not compatible with modern age, so lets amend it piece by piece.

I really dont want to grow up EmO, pls find pamper's for me.

I am just touching the nerve of pdeophilic behavior, can you in any way deny this this 'Pedophile Culture', marriage of 13 years old girl with a 40 year old man forces a sane person to classify him as a pedophile (no offense intended)

no matter what you do, you cannot justify marriage of a 12 year girl with a fully grown man

ask your mom for pampers, your are her responsibility
your method of debating is so poor, dont be emotional and think rationaly. Do you seriosely think a 12 year old girl's marriage is right to an 80 year old man? and it is not a symbol of status to lose your virginity in the west, dont know who told you that, sexual freedom is accepted in the western socieity but by no means parents want their kids to engage in sexual activities before the required age of 16 or 18, if this sexual engagement happens, it is the kids not the parents, govs always spend money to prevent teenage pregnancies and educate the kids about the danger of having many sexual partners or sex in early age, have you ever seen a western parent to have sold his daughter or taken money over his daughter the same way saudis do? it is not only saudis, but alot of other countires as well, in my country too, instead of praising this act lets prevent it, it is for the better of our socieity and our women. and the last thing, engaging in sexual activity is something and selling somebody to someone is something eles.
Blowing others statements out of proportion is definitely a way to argue, i didn't say anything regarding marrying a 13 year old girl to an 80 years old man or selling girls, now did i?
Just voicing my concerns that Human right groups should treat all cases of underage pregnancy & marriage equally. the Saudi's are not the only one's to have ill's in their society, hypocrisy and ignorance doesn't change the reality.
I see some members mentioning their religion in regards to this topic.

I have a question to ask all muslims on this forum.

Is religion above morals and ethics?.

Your question Is religion above morals and ethics is laughable to say the least.

All the morals and ethics came out of religion not the other way round.

I dont know what is the state of religion in USA, but from where i come from Religion is second to none.

For me Religion is first, every thing else is third.

Its the epicenter of true muslim's life.
I am just touching the nerve of pdeophilic behavior, can you in any way deny this this 'Pedophile Culture', marriage of 13 years old girl with a 40 year old man forces a sane person to classify him as a pedophile (no offense intended)

no matter what you do, you cannot justify marriage of a 12 year girl with a fully grown man

ask your mom for pampers, your are her responsibility

:rofl::rofl::rofl: sure i will ask my mom, i totally agree that 40 year old should not get 12year old, just for pleasure or lust, there should be a justification for such a marriage.

Mom pls find my pamper's................................
This is funny & oblivious, Probably u walk around with ur eyes closed...

I give u some stats of number of "births" u might wanna project these to calculate magnitude of "relationships" going on.... Still it's NOT a culture there...!!!

Source"In 2000, the total number of teen pregnancies in the United States was 821,810 (84 pregnancies per 1,000 people)."

& if someone insists, teens can be upto 18 which would be OK-age for relations then how about pregnancies-under-age-of-14...

http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/USTPtrends.pdf (go to page 10)

average 17/1000 girls UNDER-14 getting pregnant each year in USA(figure out the rate of under-14 intercourses going on),,, still it's NOT a culture there??? Rate has been falling over past some years neither coz of decreasing rate of under-14-relationships NOR because "In the "west", people speak out against that stuff with passion" rather coz of better contraceptive measures,,,

At least Saudi "culture" involves "marriage",,, yet Saudi's nag people more than what's going around in west,,,

I walk around with my eyes closed? HAHA! I live here, buddy.

There are 3 girls in my high school who are pregnant out of 1,200 students. I know 2 of them and they don't regret what they did. They take full responsibility for their actions and seek help from counselors. Teenage pregnancy is regarded as a huge social issue in the United States. In Saudi Arabia, it's not.

14 per 1000? How about the wild 38 per 1000 that's going on in Saudi Arabia. Not to mention unreported and undocumented births that number would probably be way higher.

Globalis - an interactive world map - Saudi Arabia - Births per 1000 women (15-19 ys)

The thing is, you are so blindly protecting the consequences of barbaric stone-age Sharia law that when someone attacks it, you pull out statistics about the "west" instead of at least attempting to defend or justify pedophilia in Saudi Arabia.

So, instead of turning the argument the other way around how about trying to actually notice that it is a problem instead of doing absolutely nothing. At least the "west" takes organized and mass steps to lower the issue instead of doing nothing because "Islam says it's OK."

Man, I wonder what Saudi would be like if they didn't have that oil. Probably running around beheading everyone in sight.
Blowing others statements out of proportion is definitely a way to argue, i didn't say anything regarding marrying a 13 year old girl to an 80 years old man or selling girls, now did i?
Just voicing my concerns that Human right groups should treat all cases of underage pregnancy & marriage equally. .

well, i dont know you deliberately dont want to understand me or you simply cant. first of all dont bring west in the middle, why do we have to have west in everything? underage pregnancy in the west is not forced on the teenagers and kids, they love sex and engage in casual sexual activity and some of them get pregnant, their parents dont want this, the gov dont want this, leave this my friend. on the other hand we have got a bunch of idiots who sell their daughters to alot older men, this is wrong, if you cant condmn it then i cant force you to do so.

the Saudi's are not the only one's to have ill's in their society, hypocrisy and ignorance doesn't change the reality

if i am not wrong, the saudis are the only ones who doesnt have this law about age limit of marriage, every other country does have an age limit. even afghanistan which is absolutey a broken country have this solid law about age limit which is 18.
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