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Saudi Arabia requires Bride's age for Marrige [HR groups welcome the move.]

Two points.

1. Any girl who attain puberty can be of marriageable age.

2. This practice is going on in many countries in some some are going on without solemnizing the marriage and some without it......

BB and Jana, I have noticed you two stressing so hard on the first point (bold part) in almost all your posts.

Do you two seriously think that marriage is about nothing but sex?

Esp BB, you, when each time someone talks about Hazrat Aisha, you do not miss a breath in mentioning a fact (only known to you) that these days children take time to become adults. We all know what happened 1500 years ago, and it is not the point of debate here. The point to debate upon is what is happening in present times.

Well, before talking about the puberty thing again, you two keep in mind the fact that it is not the puberty that is the main criterion for marriage. Marriage is more about responsibility in starting a family, than about sex.

A girl can reach puberty even at 10, and (as Jana posted a news article, I suppose in support of having child mothers) may even be fit to bear a child, but will never be fit to hold a responsibility of a mother.

In fact, even at 18, girls are rarely mature enough to start a family, no matter how grown up they become physically.

It means only one thing - Someone who is fit to have sex, may not necessarily be fit to start a family.
^ Well pointed bushy and welcome back too :)
There are many sick people in this world.
There are many sick people in this world.

Say it open cobber:D
^ Well pointed bushy and welcome back too :)

Yeah man, in fact more than a law, we need educated parents who very naturally influence the choices/marriages of their children. This problem knows no international boundaries, I have seen this happening in India/Pakistan/China/Russia/Germany/USA/Netherlands... irrespective of the laws of the country.

The sole cause being uneducated/ill-informed parents, that can't be stopped by the law.

@BB, thanks for welcoming me brother, and for noticing that I needed to mention your name in pushing my point across.:tup:
Saudis may have some weird cultures & practices but their actions are no different then western hypocrites

13 year old dad & 15 year old mother, getting married or not, giving birth at this age has severe repercussions for the baby's future those who can't understand this point are probably the ones who were raised in their homes by their parents. this boy & girl probably wont even stay together & then what about the baby? if an underage girl is married to a mature man then at least the baby's life is not ruined like that of a love child who has to live in foster homes & never get to see the parents together.
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Saudis may have some weird cultures & practices but their actions are no different then western hypocrites

YouTube - Dad at 13 Boy Alfie Patten 13 becomes father of baby girl Maisie with girlfriend Chantelle Steadman 15 The Sun News
13 year old dad & 15 year old mother, getting married or not, giving birth at this age has severe repercussions for the baby's future those who can't understand this point are probably the ones who were raised in their homes by their parents. this boy & girl probably wont even stay together & then what about the baby? if an underage girl is married to a mature man then at least the baby's life is not ruined like that of a love child who has to live in foster homes & never get to see the parents together.

The difference is that it's illegal in the "west" and legal in Saudi Arabia.

In the "west", that is not the culture. But in Saudi Arabia it is.

In the "west", people speak out against that stuff with passion. But in Saudi Arabia, they hardly ever do.
Chinese girl, 9, becomes one of world's youngest mothers ...

Youngest mother "reported" was 5 year old... & she was one who got pregnant,,, actual rate of relationships in so-called under-age group is obviously much much higher in west than in Saudi Arabia or muslim world,,,


Two points.
1. Any girl who attain puberty can be of marriageable age.Exactly
2. This practice is going on in many countries in some some are going on without solemnizing the marriage and some without it.
The bottom line is it depends on the parties involved how they see it.AGREED
Though its good that there should be a law fixing the age for the marriage BUT again the point is in how many countries this law is applied in letter and spirit ?:tup:
My take is that Instead of fixing age limit AGREEDWe should have strict Laws to stop Forced Marriages which is one of the reason for child marriages too.
The difference is that it's illegal in the "west" and legal in Saudi Arabia.

In the "west", that is not the culture. But in Saudi Arabia it is.

In the "west", people speak out against that stuff with passion. But in Saudi Arabia, they hardly ever do.
This is funny & oblivious, Probably u walk around with ur eyes closed...

I give u some stats of number of "births" u might wanna project these to calculate magnitude of "relationships" going on.... Still it's NOT a culture there...!!!

Source"In 2000, the total number of teen pregnancies in the United States was 821,810 (84 pregnancies per 1,000 people)."

& if someone insists, teens can be upto 18 which would be OK-age for relations then how about pregnancies-under-age-of-14...

http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/USTPtrends.pdf (go to page 10)

average 17/1000 girls UNDER-14 getting pregnant each year in USA(figure out the rate of under-14 intercourses going on),,, still it's NOT a culture there??? Rate has been falling over past some years neither coz of decreasing rate of under-14-relationships NOR because "In the "west", people speak out against that stuff with passion" rather coz of better contraceptive measures,,,

At least Saudi "culture" involves "marriage",,, yet Saudi's nag people more than what's going around in west,,,
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It seems human is still not evolved yet. :tsk:
ok one question US some states allow a 16 year to drive!!

while some states 18!

same goes for juvenile jails!

now how can you distinguish the "ideal" age for marriage? it must be 16 or 18.
Weldone Saudis,

I think this system should be introduced all over the world. Girls under the age of 18 must not be married and their marriage certificate must write down their age of marriage. The father of the girl must provide valid Birth certificate for authentication before the Maulvi saab can issue a Marriage certificate to them
ok one question US some states allow a 16 year to drive!!

while some states 18!

same goes for juvenile jails!

now how can you distinguish the "ideal" age for marriage? it must be 16 or 18.

come on man, how can you not condemn the marriage of 12 years old girl to a 80 year old man? forget about the west, lets look at ourselves. even if you consider 16 or 18, they are old enough to make their decisions, but how about 12? unless the freaking parents force the poor kid to marry tha old man.
Good inclusion to save young girl. This new law may reduce abouse.

Side note: Islam allow men to have more than one wife but there are few strong pre condtion must Fulfill for 2nd, 3rd... marriage however pervert of our time has abouse this humanitarian and novel act in the name of Islam. So it is a good decision to stop ill headed pervert.
That was like one thousand five hundred years ago , grow up.

So u r implying that decision by our Prophet (SAWW) and Hazrat Abu-Bakar Sidique (RA) was irrational or amount's to nauzobillah child abuse.

As my friend before me said, that there is no limit on girls age in islam, as soon as a girl reach's puberty, she can be married away.

And yes when it come's to following my religion which came 14 hundred year's back, I DONT WANT TO GROW UP, PERIOD
As i said before the age of Hazrat Aisha is disputed, the shias and sunnis differ on this matter although in Bukhari it has been menioned to be 12(i believe), but still it is disputed. i have heard from some mullahs and they gave me the chronology of the events which put her age well above 16 or 17. so dont always bring this issue.

if somebody marries a child of 12 , it is totally wrong today and we must make it illegal simple as that.
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