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Saudi Arabia pushes for Storm Shadow integration with Typhoon

why arab countries are not purchasing weapons from muslim countries like pakistan and turkey

I don't know why Arab nations are not purchasing Pakistan's weapons, but KSA does, Pakistan is a friend of ours, we bought ~30 training Aircrafts from Pakistan, KSA purchased Pakistani-made missiles, among other equipments, but tbqh, I don't know what these equipments are. Most of KSA's arm sales from Pakistan haven't been announced publicly, it's more like of a secrecy :|. I don't think you will find any info online.

But hey, I worked for the Saudi National Guard last semester, and I saw a bunch of Al-Khalid tanks, and when I asked what are these tanks for I was told that these tanks are being tested by them. The Saudi National Guard is considering building their own AirForce, and there has been a speculation that they might go after the JF-17, but nothing came out officially yet. If It was on me, I will order above a 100 JF-17s :devil: ..
Hey man? 'Sup?

I don't agree with you bro, I firmly believe that Pakistan's weapon industries do make wide range of varieties which attracted many nations worldwide. The JF-17s stole the show during Dubai's air show

Indeed :angel: the JF-17s attracted many countries

Potential customers

But that isn't just it. Pakistan also builds parts for Turkey's drones.


Their defense industry is growing up annually, I don't think we should call it crappy :/

Turkey's defense industries is on the raise as well :azn: but it could be higher than Pakistan's ;)

Why would a country buy crap just because it comes from a Muslim country?
If a muslim country wants to sell their products to a fellow Muslim country it should be based on the quality of that product not common religion.
Only thing that can influence the purchase other then quality is good relations with the seller and even then the quality has to be good.

And now you be honest. How much products you got in your house that does not come from a Muslim country? I assume many.
Why did you not buy only products of Muslim countries?
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Hey man? 'Sup?

I don't agree with you bro, I firmly believe that Pakistan's weapon industries do make wide range of varieties which attracted many nations worldwide. The JF-17s stole the show during Dubai's air show

Indeed :angel: the JF-17s attracted many countries

Potential customers

But that isn't just it. Pakistan also builds parts for Turkey's drones.


Their defense industry is growing up annually, I don't think we should call it crappy :/

Turkey's defense industries is on the raise as well :azn: but it could be higher than Pakistan's ;)

Now wait a minute.

İ did not call Pakistani or Turkish arms industry crap. (otherwise İ'll get flamed by my Pakistani and Turkish brothers :) )

İ only tried to point out that nations should try to buy the best equipment available, instead of buying low quality equipment just for the sake of that the seller is Muslim.
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Great ;)

Maybe that's way Turkey will introduce the Ataly in 2016. They wanted to make a magical piece!
Now wait a minute.

İ did not call Pakistani or Turkish arms industry crap. (otherwise İ'll get flamed by my Pakistani and Turkish brothers :) )

İ only tried to point out that nations should try to buy the best equipment available, instead of buying low quality equipment just for the sake of that the seller is Muslim.
Great ;)

Maybe that's way Turkey will introduce the Ataly in 2016. They wanted to make a magical piece!

Exactly that was the point İ was trying to make.

İnstead of expecting Muslim countries to buy from Muslim countries whether the product is qualitative good or not.

We should expect Muslim countries to make qualitative products. So that other Muslim countries will gladly buy from them knowing they are buying fine equipments.

Glad to talk to you mate.
Rafale's Scalp EG (Storm Shadow) strike on Al Jufra airbase (lybia) in 2011.

Source : Air&Cosmos, March 23, Scalp over Lybia (2012)

TAURUS KEPD 350 cruise missile (Similar to ‘Storm Shadow cruise missile’)

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