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Saudi Arabia Plans to Acquire Nuclear Weapons


Jun 27, 2008
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Saudi Arabia Plans to Acquire Nuclear Weapons - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Saudi Arabia Plans to Acquire Nuclear Weapons

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu
First Publish: 12/6/2011, 10:38 AM

Saudi Arabia plans to obtain nuclear weapons, but its nuclear power will be only for “peaceful use,” a former intelligence official said Monday told a security conference on Monday.

"Our efforts and those of the world have failed to convince Israel to abandon its weapons of mass destruction, as well as Iran... therefore it is our duty towards our nation and people to consider all possible options, including the possession of these weapons," said Prince Turki al-Faisal, quoted by AFP.

He added, "A (nuclear) disaster befalling one of us would affect us all."

The Sunni Muslim kingdom last summer said it would build 16 nuclear reactors for energy, but Faisal’s remarks were the first indication, at least in public, that Saudi Arabia may acquire nuclear weapons.

Israel has maintained a policy of “nuclear ambiguity,” meaning it does not confirm or deny assumptions that it has nuclear weapons, perhaps as many as several hundred.

However, Saudi Arabia’s biggest worry is Iran, run by a Shi’ite Muslim regime that openly says it wants to head a new Islamic empire in the Middle East.

The Islamic Republic is on a collision course with the West – and Shi’ite Muslim Arab countries – as it proceeds towards the capability of both manufacturing and delivering a nuclear weapon.

Saudi Arabia focused on peaceful use of nuclear energy at the energy conference in the oil-rich monarchy. “Once our nuclear project is complete and we have satisfied the kingdom’s demand for electricity,” Saudi Arabia plans to export electricity, said Khalid Al-Sulaiman, vice president of renewable energy at King Abdullah City.

As the world looks for alternative energy sources, Saudi Arabia, which produces 20 percent of the world’s crude oil, is looking to a future of not being dependent on oil to keep its economy strong.
A perfect opportunity for Pakistan to exploit the open nuclear proliferation going on by the NPT signatories i.e. US & Australia.
While Pakistan is not a signatory to NPT.
Sir if the really decide to get this technology the only way they can get it is from Pakistan and when they will need it they will not ask you they will order you and you will give them and as far as I know they are getting ballistic Missiles from China
In any case our nuclear program was funded by Shah Faisal & col. M. Qadaffi
A perfect opportunity for Pakistan to exploit the open nuclear proliferation going on by the NPT signatories i.e. US & Australia.
While Pakistan is not a signatory to NPT.
and then get bombed like iraq:lol:
NO !

That means they have already done and over with it.

long long time ago.
so will it prevent strikes on paksitan??
Yes that is the only reason because of which we are not attacked like Afghanistan and Iraq or vietnam and because they know the moment they try to do this Pakistan will use all of its nuclear weapons and will hit all American Allies in our range
There you go . middle-east is set to become another nuclear flashpoint state where these things may flyoff anytime .

What with all the sunni-shia , arab- persian , jew-muslim etc. issues there .

I hope NASA finds an earth like planet ASAP .
If saudi arabia gets nuclear weapons, americans will have an excuse and attack them and exploit their oil reserves.

Anyway if iran attacks saudi arabia, americans will be the first ones to their aid
If saudi arabia gets nuclear weapons, americans will have an excuse and attack them and exploit their oil reserves.

Anyway if iran attacks saudi arabia, americans will be the first ones to their aid
America can afford to attack any Muslim Country except Saudi Arabia

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