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Saudi Arabia: Minerals Geological Storage Exceeds $1.3 Trillion

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Monday, 9 July, 2018 - 09:30


Saudi King Salman (C) attends the inauguration ceremony of several energy projects in Ras Al Khair, Saudi Arabia, November 29, 2016. Saudi Press Agency/Handout via REUTERS

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources in Saudi Arabia announced Sunday the completion of the adjusted mining investment system that allows investors and public sector to benefit from the promising investment opportunities in this vital sector in the country.

Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Faleh stressed the importance of mineral wealth as one of the most important activities for achieving Saudi Vision 2030 in addition to what it includes from promising future chances that contribute to diversifying the income sources and reinforcing the national economy, not to mention supporting the goals related to developing domestic industry through providing raw material that represents the foundation of any advanced industrial economy.

The geologic storage of minerals in Saudi Arabia exceeds SAR4.9 trillion (USD1.3 trillion), said Faleh.

He added that this strategy seeks to increase minerals production to reach the double of domestic production and to make the mining sector the third pillar for the Saudi industry in addition to petroleum, gas and petrochemical industries.

The adjusted mining investment system is anticipated to increase investment in mining field and reinforce the working environment as well as activate the private sector role and facilitate procedures of getting licenses of discovering and mining within a period that is similar to the best international standards.

The ministry called on those interested to get to know the adjusted system and express their remarks regarding the project starting Sunday and for a period of one month through the website.

The ministry added that it is still available for investors and entrepreneurs to invest good opportunities offered by Saudi Vision 2030 in the mining sector.

Monday, 9 July, 2018 - 09:30


Saudi King Salman (C) attends the inauguration ceremony of several energy projects in Ras Al Khair, Saudi Arabia, November 29, 2016. Saudi Press Agency/Handout via REUTERS

Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources in Saudi Arabia announced Sunday the completion of the adjusted mining investment system that allows investors and public sector to benefit from the promising investment opportunities in this vital sector in the country.

Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Faleh stressed the importance of mineral wealth as one of the most important activities for achieving Saudi Vision 2030 in addition to what it includes from promising future chances that contribute to diversifying the income sources and reinforcing the national economy, not to mention supporting the goals related to developing domestic industry through providing raw material that represents the foundation of any advanced industrial economy.

The geologic storage of minerals in Saudi Arabia exceeds SAR4.9 trillion (USD1.3 trillion), said Faleh.

He added that this strategy seeks to increase minerals production to reach the double of domestic production and to make the mining sector the third pillar for the Saudi industry in addition to petroleum, gas and petrochemical industries.

The adjusted mining investment system is anticipated to increase investment in mining field and reinforce the working environment as well as activate the private sector role and facilitate procedures of getting licenses of discovering and mining within a period that is similar to the best international standards.

The ministry called on those interested to get to know the adjusted system and express their remarks regarding the project starting Sunday and for a period of one month through the website.

The ministry added that it is still available for investors and entrepreneurs to invest good opportunities offered by Saudi Vision 2030 in the mining sector.


It's only a few select minerals (gold, zinc, copper, tin-tungsten,phosphate, gypsum etc.) that have been studied (where surveys have been conducted) so this staggering number (1.3 trillion USD) is not the totality.



BTW the uranium reserves globally, KSA is estimated to be home to 5-10% of all uranium reserves.

Speaking about minerals.

Mahd adh Dhahab

Mahd adh Dhahab gold deposit geologic map

Mahd adh Dhahab gold mining cross section

The Mahd adh-Dhahab (Arabic: مَـهـد الـذّهـب‎, "Cradle of (the) Gold"), is the leading gold mining area in the Arabian Peninsula. It is located in the Province of Al-Madinah, in the Hejazi region of Saudi Arabia.

Gold was first mined in Arabia c. 3,000 BC. A second period of activity was during the Islamic Abbasid period between 750 and 1258 AD. The latest activities by Saudi Arabian Mining Syndicate began in 1936 using both open-pit and underground mines at Mahd adh-Dhahab. The Saudi Arabian Directorate General of Mineral Resources carried out further gold exploration in the 1970s, following the 1971 suspension of the US$-gold exchange rate and the consequent rise in value of the metal. Gold mining is done today by the Saudi Arabian Mining Company.

There is a possibility that the Cradle of Gold is mentioned in the Biblical story of the Garden of Edenin The Book of Genesis. - "And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pishon: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone." Research by archaeologists Juris Zarins of Missouri State University and Farouk El-Baz of Boston University indicates that the Pishon River may be the now dried up river bed that once flowed 600 miles north east from the Mahd adh-Dhahab area of the Hejaz c. 3000 BC.[1]

The site has also been identified with "King Solomon's Gold Mine."[2] Geologists have found a vast abandoned gold mine. Among their finds are huge quantities of waste rock, an estimated million tons, left by the ancient miners, still containing traces of gold. Thousands of stone hammers and grindstones used to extract the gold from the ore litter the mine slopes. Robert W. Luce said: "Our investigations have now confirmed that the old mine could have been as rich as described in biblical accounts."

  1. Jump up ^ C.A. Salabach at Focus Magazine Archived 2012-06-25 at the Wayback Machine.
  2. Jump up ^ https://news.google.com/newspapers?...,1026966&dq=saudi+arabia+cradle+of+gold&hl=en


A report from 1976:

Solomon’s Gold Mine Believed Found

A mine in western Saudi Arabia is now believed to have been the principal producer of King Solomon’s gold, according to a new study by scientists of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Department of the Interior, working with their counterparts in the Saudi Arabian Directorate General of Mineral Resources (DGMR).

Although many mines scattered throughout the region may have contributed gold to King Solomon’s treasuries, the principal producer and most likely candidate to be the fabled biblical Ophir is the Mahd adh Dhahab (Cradle of Gold) mine, located about midway between Mecca and Madina, the scientists believe.

The conclusion was reached after a four-year (1972–75) detailed geologic, geochemical, and geophysical investigation of the Mahd adh Dhahab mining district by the USGS-DGMR team that also found indications of additional gold-bearing zones.

Dr. Robert W. Luce, geologist, USGS National Center, Reston, Va., and member of the U.S.-Saudia Arabian study team, said, “Mining engineers who operated the Mahd adh Dhahab gold-silver mine during 1939–54 in Saudi Arabia suspected that it was the site of biblical Ophir. Our investigations have now confirmed that the old mine could have been as rich as described in biblical accounts and, indeed, is a logical candidate to be the lost Ophir.

“In fact, we believe that the mining district still contains workable deposits of gold, silver, and other metals,” Luce said. “Our geochemical sampling, for example, indicates that the mineralized zones continue into an area that has not been productive in the past. Shallow diamond drilling in this new area has outlined a mineralized zone with a potential gold resource equal in size and grade to the ore bodies mined during the period 1939–54.”

BSP 5:4 (Autumn 1976) p. 114


Map of the Near East showing the location of Mahd adh Dhahab.

Luce and USGS scientists Ralph J. Roberts, Ronald G. Worl, Richard H. Blank, and Mark E. Gettings, worked in collaboration with Abdulaziz Bagdady, Habib Merghelani, and Abdul-Rahman Gazzaz of the DGMR.

A prominent mining company has expressed interest in conducting further exploration in this area and has applied to the Saudi Arabian government for an exploration license.

One of the intriguing questions is how this fabulously rich area was “lost” in the first place. The Bible reports that King Solomon brought to Jerusalem from Ophir a total of 1,086 talents of gold (1 Kings 9:26–28 and 10:14


Diamonds were discovered not that long ago in Hijaz as well.

Gem of a find: KSA may have diamond mines | Front Page | Saudi Gazette
all this will go in u.s and israel pockets soon
The faster this Saudi monarchy and backwards country falls, the better for the entire world. The Saudis are the main exporters of terrorism to the world and I can’t wait till their country gets wiped off the Earth
The faster this Saudi monarchy and backwards country falls, the better for the entire world. The Saudis are the main exporters of terrorism to the world and I can’t wait till their country gets wiped off the Earth
But they are the biggest supporters of Pakistan also you can't wish death and destruction to saudi citizen because of their government action
all this will go in u.s and israel pockets soon

You mean the same USA that KSA has had a trade surplus with for decades? Google is your friend. Intelligent stuff from you.

The faster this Saudi monarchy and backwards country falls, the better for the entire world. The Saudis are the main exporters of terrorism to the world and I can’t wait till their country gets wiped off the Earth

I can’t wait until low IQ idiots like you will perish so this earth will become a more intelligent, useful and better place. Keep hallucinating and dreaming, dear Swiss person.:rofl:
All Pakistani shia are waiting... so you too, be patient.

They will have to wait forever. Unfortunately for them their greatest "influence" is barking on the internet. It will remain as such.

It's strange, you know. Shia Islam originates from modern-day KSA. All their holy personalities are from modern-day KSA. Unlike Sunni theology, Shia theology is almost 100% dominated by Arab scholars (many from modern-day KSA), their holy sites are located in modern-day KSA etc.

Meanwhile Shias in Saudi Arabia are living better than Shias practically everywhere else. It's a very strange but funny world.

Moderators sleeping as usual. I remember reporting this idiotic low IQ troll post ages ago a few times before replying but nothing happened. Still the case to this day. Then they wonder why there are hardly any Arab users left! If you reply to such unmotivated hostile posts aimed at 500 million Arabs, 20 + Arab countries, KSA etc. in the same manner you receive a ban. When reporting, nothing happens. The trolls behavior remains the same. Tragicomical stuff.

Imagine an Arab user here calling for the extermination of an entire country on PDF?
Last edited:
Imagine an Arab user here calling for the extermination of an entire country on PDF?

It's possible, only.... if you change your religion, than you can even bomb us (Pakistan) and your bombs would be declared blessings.
As so much else in the world, the first wide-scale mining of gold and use of other precious minerals in general as a commodity used for trade and as decoration occurred in the Arab world and the Mahd adh Dhahab mine in KSA might be the oldest operating gold mine in the world.


Speaking about minerals. Just in a few days ago.

Saudi Ad-Dawadimi unlock new excavations of minerals dating 1200 years

The excavation team responsible for the first phase of the exploration project at Halit archaeological site in Ad-Dawadimi in Riyadh. (SPA)ince

Staff writer, Al Arabiya English
Saturday, 4 August 2018

The Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage revealed on Saturday that new discoveries unearthed in Ad-Dawadimi town, in Riyadh province, showing that it was a mining area from where minerals were exported from 1,200 years ago.

The town which is home to more than 35 archaeological sites including rocks’ engraving of different kind of animals and historical writings, has attracted since the late 70s, archaeologists who showed immense interest in the area which underwent scanning and excavations in Masel site which is known by the name Jabal al-Jamah, 40 km southeast of Ad-Dawadimi.

Historical events about the region referred to its being famous for minerals like gold and silver especially in the northern part of the Jabal al-Soodah in southwest the region.

Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage said the new archaeological discoveries of the first phase of the exploration project at Halit archaeological site in Ad-Dawadimi in Riyadh province proved its importance from the unearthed different architectural remnants in the area.

The head of the excavation team and the manager of the national heritage department in the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage in Riyadh area Ajab al-Outaibi said that the excavations reveal the existence of a mosque similar to mosques built during the early Islamic period, in the middle of a settlement of what used to be houses with yards and storage with ovens for metal melting.

Also it included other findings like Glass and other ceramic implements, and precision tools such as beads and glass beads, which give an initial impression of economic and commercial mobility in the settlement

Al-Outaibi pointed out that a number of inscriptions and Islamic writings were documented around the site, pointing out that these writings give a new dimension to the history of the region and its civilization during the early Islamic period.

He went on to say that the pottery that was discovered on the site was studied and classified and it emerged from the preliminary results that it can be dated to the early Umayyad era The Abbasid.

Al-Outaibi said that the exploration project at Halit site in Ad-Dawadmi province focuses on the excavation work in the fenced area of the archaeological site which is 600 m in 100 m, indicating that the objective of the project is to verify the density of archaeological findings and uncover the tools and means associated with the mining work.

With SPA


http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/6483/1/Mining in Al-Baha region SW-Saudi Arabia.Phd2014.pdf

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