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Saudi Arabia is about to appoint an advisor for its first nuclear projects within two months

Pakistan can if it wants... Think deep and hard about this. It can even transfer to a 3rd country some war-heads. There will only be some complaints here and there nothing more really perhaps even sanctions but who cares if it was necessary
We all hope and pray a situation never persists where Holyland needs a nuclear umbrella.
10 March 2015

INVAP and TACQNIA created the joint company INVANIA

The main objective of the company called INVANIA is to develop technology, especially nuclear technology, for the important nuclear plan carried out by Saudi Arabia, on the basis of the experience and capabilities recovered by Argentina, which already has three working power plants that provide 10 percent of the energy demand. A fourth plant of heavy water and natural uranium and another one of light water and slightly enriched uranium are being planned, and the first power reactor completely developed in Argentina (CAREM) is being built.

Likewise, nuclear medicine is highly developed in Argentina which is one of the main world exporters of molybdenum 99 and has an experimental plant of enriched uranium in Pilcaniyeu.

Consequently, both countries agreed to continue with the effective cooperation and pointed out the importance of strengthening the training courses, essentially those in which the participation of Saudi students is involved as the ones run in Balseiro Institute, since their outcome have been quite satisfactory.




CAREM 100-200 and 480MWe


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Saudies if they decide they can be a nuclear power before the sunrise tomorrow..... This is the power of money.... Nothing is impossible for them.....
And Saudi Arabia is a peaceful country who have never attacked any country till date inspite of having the most advanced military in Asia comparable to Japan, SK, Israel.... they deserve to possess nuclear weapons.....
Their air force is among the very best in the world. No country other than Russia, China and Japan can match Saudi Air Force in Asia,
You can check this post 20-years later and "competition" between the interested parties will still be fierce and nothing built by then.

Saudi Arabia acquiring nuclear power is a joke of the 21st century.

Saudi Arabia has the bomb already and everybody knows this making them at home doesn't make it any different..

The last place any power would want to miscalculate against is the Qibla this will trigger an actual doomsday scenario in biblic proportions techically even if the whole world was to gather they couldn't pressure KSA they are not isolated entity like iran that can easily be bullied

Sources to CNBC Arabia: Saudi Arabia is about to appoint a consultant for its first nuclear projects within two months

Sources told CNBC Arabia that Saudi Arabia is about to decide on the winning company to provide advisory services for its first nuclear projects within the next two months, at a time when the Kingdom intends to use nuclear energy as an energy source as part of an ambitious plan to diversify the energy mix in the largest Arab economy.

The source added that the King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy, which is the government agency responsible for implementing the Saudi nuclear program, is close to finalizing its decision in choosing the winner to provide financial audit services for the project after a competition between international companies that included Deloitte, EY, HSBC, and PwC.

According to the sources, the winner will receive a 4-year contract whose work includes presenting a feasibility study for all project works and selecting the best offers from among the companies that will bid to build the Saudi nuclear reactor until the project is completely closed.

Saudi Arabia has an ambitious nuclear program through which it aims to generate energy for peaceful purposes, in which the Kingdom relied on pressurized light water reactors as an ideal option for energy-producing reactors.

The source added that the selection process may take place in the coming September or October.

While another source said that the appointment of the financial advisor for the project may be done by using the current mandate or issuing a new mandate to one of the international investment banks that will be selected later.

The Saudi government plans to build two reactors in its first nuclear projects to generate up to 2.8 gigawatts of electricity.

The source added that competition is fierce between Chinese, Russian, French and Korean companies to build the new reactors, as many companies in those countries have expressed their desire to implement the project.

The demand for electric power in Saudi Arabia is increasing annually by more than 7%, which represents an increasing demand for hydrocarbon resources, at a time when the country is seeking to transition to an economy that is not based on oil and gas.


Aain? So how Saudia has been conducting nuclear tests till now?
Simulators? 10 blasts a day. 😁
Saudies if they decide they can be a nuclear power before the sunrise tomorrow..... This is the power of money.... Nothing is impossible for them.....
And Saudi Arabia is a peaceful country who have never attacked any country till date inspite of having the most advanced military in Asia comparable to Japan, SK, Israel.... they deserve to possess nuclear weapons.....

It can happen within 24 hours..

It will happen in this decade or early next decade the atmosphere or political situation will dictate
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Saudi Arabia has the bomb already and everybody knows this making them at home doesn't make it any different..

The last place any power would want to miscalculate against is the Qibla this will trigger an actual doomsday scenario in biblic proportions techically even if the whole world was to gather they couldn't pressure KSA they are not isolated entity like iran that can easily be bullied
For your information, the Ka'bah has been rebuilt several times.

The Qarmatians even stole the Black Stone and kept it in Eastern Saudi Arabia for 23-years.
Saudi Nesma Company @NesmaPartners announces that it has obtained a contract from the French company Bouygues Travaux to carry out all construction and building works at the first #nuclear_plant in Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi nuclear reactor is the largest nuclear reactor model with a capacity of 1600 megawatts, designed by the French company Areva..


Their air force is among the very best in the world. No country other than Russia, China and Japan can match Saudi Air Force in Asia,
How about Israel and the might IAF with their 250 odd MKI's raptors of the east.
For me, every country has the right to build nuclear power plants to fullfil its energy needs. Every country. Whereas here KSA has also the additional option to produce lots of gigawatts through renewable energy, the way Egypt is going.

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