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Saudi Arabia denies consular access to Zaid Hamid

Zaid could be in hospital or injured recovering from the lashes he may have received. Zaid brought this on himself by not using common sense, spewing conspiracy theories and committing blasphemy. Hopefully Saudi Arabia will allow consular access to Zaid coming months.
This is Saudi Arabia's message to Pakistan! That, you are not arabs and still below their class. I am not being racist but what is running in their mind is clear.
This is Saudi Arabia's message to Pakistan! That, you are not arabs and still below their class. I am not being racist but what is running in their mind is clear.
Even if Zaid was Saudi national his punishment would remain same.
Every country has rules and visiting people have to follow these. whether they like or not.
They give access to Jews but not Muslims...............thatswhy they are beaten by enemies.

So they shouldn't cry in front of our Army to help them in war.
Even if Zaid was Saudi national his punishment would remain same.
Every country has rules and visiting people have to follow these. whether they like or not.
His views are ridiculous , biased , outright stupid or totally degrading.
In that case he should be thrown out of the country (Saudi Arabia). But they have no business/authority treating a citizen of another country like that.
He did not commit any heinous crime to be put in jail for 8 years. There are lot many terrorists roaming freely, making hate speeches and getting away with that. Why pick on a powerless joker ?

Pakistan as a sovereign country should demand consular access to its citizen.
Regardless of who he is, our Government is there to protect ALL Pakistanis. If they refuse, then kick out the Saudi Ambassador.

Whatever, he said outside of their country has NO bearing on him going for do Umrah. He was there as a guest and with a valid visa! If they objected with his views, they should have refused his visa and not let him in.
The embassy should be more proactive. This is not acceptable.

at the same time, ZH should have known that KSA govt (royal family) does not take kindly to dissent or criticism. Even if he was only going for religious reasons he should have known that he was putting himself in an awkward situation. He is a TV personality though and even though i dont agree with him on many things he is a patriot. The situation does piss me off, im sure some others feel the same way.

Govt. needs to confront this issue very actively.

Even if Zaid was Saudi national his punishment would remain same.
Every country has rules and visiting people have to follow these. whether they like or not.

they are very sensitive to criticism. I think in one of his talk shows he said something that was very anti royal family - so it pissed off the saudi govt.
I am not standing up for ZH, but Saudi's are being highly unreasonable and this may turn out to be the source of rift between Pakistan and KSA in the coming years. The outrage in the public opinion can be evaluated from the fact that the intended slur YAHOODI ARABIA!!! is gaining momentum on the social media.
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