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Saudi Arabia, angered over Mideast, declines Security Council seat


Dec 14, 2008
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Saudi Arabia, angered over Mideast, declines Security Council seat

By Angus McDowall

RIYADH | Fri Oct 18, 2013 6:58am EDT

(Reuters) - Saudi Arabia, in an unprecedented show of anger at the failure of the international community to end the war in Syria and act on other Middle East issues, said on Friday it would not take up its seat on the United Nations Security Council.

The kingdom condemned what it called international double standards on the Middle East and demanded reforms in the Security Council.

Riyadh's frustration is mostly directed at Washington, its oldest international ally, which has pursued policies since the Arab Spring that Saudi rulers have bitterly opposed and which have severely damaged relations with the United States, Saudi analysts have said.

Saudi Arabia has also been angered by a rapprochement between Iran, its old regional foe, and the United States, which has taken root since President Barack Obama spoke by telephone last month to the new Iranian President, Hassan Rouhani, in the highest-level contact between the two countries in more than three decades.

Citing the Security Council's failure to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, take steps to end Syria's civil war and to stop nuclear proliferation in the region, Riyadh said the body had instead perpetuated conflicts and grievances.

"Saudi Arabia ... is refraining from taking membership of the U.N. Security Council until it has reformed so it can effectively and practically perform its duties and discharge its responsibilities in maintaining international security and peace," said a Foreign Ministry statement issued on state media.

The conservative Islamic kingdom has traditionally avoided big political statements, preferring to wield its influence as world's top oil exporter, birthplace of Islam and chief Arab ally of the United States behind closed doors.


However, its anger at the international response to Arab issues, particularly the Syrian conflict, boiled over after Syria's President, Bashar al-Assad, escaped U.S.-led military strikes in response to a poison gas attack in Damascus by agreeing to give up his chemical arsenal.

It is the second time this month that Saudi Arabia has made a public gesture over what it sees as the Security Council's failure to take action to stop the civil war in Syria that has killed more than 100,000 people.

Earlier this month, the Saudi foreign minister cancelled a speech at the U.N. General Assembly in frustration over the international inaction on Syria and the Palestinian issue, a diplomatic source said.

"The kingdom sees that the method and work mechanism and the double standards in the Security Council prevent it from properly shouldering its responsibilities towards world peace," the foreign ministry said in a statement carried by the state news agency, SPA.

Saudi anger coincides with a rift between another Washington and another of its key Middle East allies, Egypt. Egypt's Foreign Minister said relations were in "turmoil" after Washington moved to curtail military aid to Cairo in a row over the way the army overthrew President Mohamed Morsi of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood.

Saudi Arabia was one of five countries elected by the U.N. General Assembly on Thursday to serve a two-year term on the 15-member U.N. Security Council.

The body, which has powers to authorize military action, impose sanctions and set up peacekeeping operations, has 10 rotating members. The U.S., China, Russia, France and Britain are permanent members which wield a veto.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry said it was unable to take its seat until reforms were introduced that would allow the body to resolve Middle East issues.

U.S.-allied Saudi Arabia has been angry over what it says is the failure of the international community to help either Syrian rebels fighting to topple Assad or Palestinians seeking an end to more than four decades of Israeli occupation.

The Security Council has been split on how to handle the civil war in Syria, with Western powers pushing for stronger sanctions against Assad and Russia vetoing resolutions to that end. Saudi Arabia has backed the rebels in that conflict.

The Saudis, along with other Arab states, have also often criticized the United States for blocking international action to end the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands seized in the 1967 Middle East war.

Saudi Arabia, angered over Mideast, declines Security Council seat | Reuters
I wonder if those big time analyists managed to get into our minds to see how " angry " we are :lol:

Actually they did and here is gist of it says behind all huff and puff Saudi regime has little or no choice but fall in line. Essentially Saudi regime has to correct its course and Bandar "Bush" Sultan has to go to oblivion otherwise Saudis has much more to suffer.

What to Make of Saudi Hand-Wringing


In addition, Saudi Arabia may find that the so-called Sunni front it is leading against Iran is becoming increasingly diluted. In fact, consensus among the Gulf states about Iran, the Arab uprisings, and the regional order has always been more elusive and fractured than outside appearances imply. Competition and crosscutting policies have been the norm, whether in the form of Qatari-Emirati rivalry during Libya’s revolution, Qatari-Saudi competition in Syria, Kuwait’s abstention from meaningfully contributing to the Gulf’s Peninsula Shield forces that deployed to Bahrain to quell the uprising there, or Oman’s deviating from the norm by maintaining good relations with Iran.

This absence of clear unanimity in the Gulf, combined with the momentum of U.S.-Iranian talks, leave Riyadh few options. Moving forward, it is likely to follow in the broad wake of U.S. policy, but with a greater preference for hedging. It may pursue multiple, overlapping policy initiatives as a form of insurance, some of which may clash with U.S. strategies and goals. This is evident most recently in Syria with Riyadh’s sponsorship of the Army of Islam, which is intended to undercut al-Qaeda but which also weakens Washington’s favored clients in the Syrian rebel joint military command, the Higher Military Council.

Saudi Arabia may actually be spurred to pursue its own unilateral initiative toward forging greater ties with Iran in the wake of Rouhani’s professed desire for better relations and moves toward dialogue with Washington. Despite the common assumption of an immutable and primordial rivalry based on sectarian and geopolitical differences, Riyadh and Tehran have shown the propensity to temper sectarian tensions and cooperate on areas of shared interest. Conflict regulation between the two sides has emerged in areas where both governments have realized that continued confrontation harms their respective national interests and economies. Lebanon in the aftermath of the 2006 war was one such instance; there are signs that the two sides may eventually reach similar exhaustion over Syria. Yet, even under the most favorable outcomes, there are still limits to just how far a warming can go because of Saudi domestic politics, the power of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, and the fragmented state of the Middle East regional order.

Full article
Regions/Western Europe - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
I wonder if those big time analyists managed to get into our minds to see how " angry " we are :lol:

You know, they have to tell that you are angry. To divert attention from why Saudis declined. To them 5 countries hold more power than the rest of the world is logical but not your reaction.

Hypocrisy of the West at it again.
You know, they have to tell that you are angry. To divert attention from why Saudis declined. To them 5 countries hold more power than the rest of the world is logical but not your reaction.

Hypocrisy of the West at it again.

Principally UNSC needs reform but that is not the REAL issue here, Saudi regime just using it as shield for their REAL frustration - relegated to a lesser entity. If Saudi regime logic was to be true there were N number of UNSC resolution against Israeli atrocities, attack on Iraq and in Libya. There were no such Saudi huff and puff and Saudi regime hollow screaming is just for spectacle. No one in the power centers of the world are loosing sleep over this.

That being said, what Saudi regime can do? They have invested their wealth in west and lived under western protection. If tomorrow US and west withdraw their support for the regimes and block their wealth, what house of Saud will do? Stop oil export?
Principally UNSC needs reform but that is not the REAL issue here, Saudi regime just using it as shield for their REAL frustration - relegated to a lesser entity.

You sounded as if you were suggesting that the Saudis are trying to trick the whole world by underestimating the importance of the UN. Then again, you are suggesting that the intl. community is allowing " the Saudis " to get away with everything they did. Please try to put your eggs in one basket! Otherwise no one is going to take your point seriously.

If Saudi regime logic was to be true there were N number of UNSC resolution against Israeli atrocities, attack on Iraq and in Libya.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict was one of the reasons which led the Saudis to reject the UN seat.

As for Iraq, Both of Turkey and Saudi Arabia opposed the invasion of Iraq maybe @Sinan can elaborate on that.

In Libya the issue was different then we chose not to get involved in anything since our relations with the former regime had been a bad marriage. We realized that the moment the Russians and Chinese chose to abstain from voting was the moment for Ghadafi to bite the dust. I guess you should unleash your tantrum at the Russians and the Chinese, after all Saudi isn't a permanent member of the UN.

There were no such Saudi huff and puff and Saudi regime hollow screaming is just for spectacle. No one in the power centers of the world are loosing sleep over this.

The same screams we heard when we supplied the opposition with weapons :lol: Your understanding and wishful thinking never ceased to make me laugh.

You might need to do some research on that to find out whether the Saudis acted out accordingly or not. The way you tend to look to the Syrian issue is also one-sided. The crimes the Assad's regime committed wasn't that far form the evil crimes of Nazi Germany.

That being said, what Saudi regime can do?

The first thing we should do is to cut off all aids to Awami league :lol:

There are wide range of options the Saudis may implement. Now Turkey had made very positive remarks on this as well as France, Egypt and the UAE, which means that the Saudis didn't do a thing to isolate them from the rest of the world.

They have invested their wealth in west and lived under western protection

I'm sorry but you are being delusional :lol: We have been investing in South Asian countries and none Western states already, please don't tell us we asked them for protection too :lol:

If tomorrow US and west withdraw their support for the regimes and block their wealth

If someone wants to freeze our investments, the first thing they will have to do is to sacrifice for it :lol: In other word, the investments the Saudis run here and there are partially shared by other investors. Can they shoot themselves in the foot? I hardly think they can.

what house of Saud will do? Stop oil export?

We did pose an embargo once and things got ugly, but I don't think we should use the same tactic now. It's too early.

Principally UNSC needs reform but that is not the REAL issue here, Saudi regime just using it as shield for their REAL frustration - relegated to a lesser entity. If Saudi regime logic was to be true there were N number of UNSC resolution against Israeli atrocities, attack on Iraq and in Libya. There were no such Saudi huff and puff and Saudi regime hollow screaming is just for spectacle. No one in the power centers of the world are loosing sleep over this.

That being said, what Saudi regime can do? They have invested their wealth in west and lived under western protection. If tomorrow US and west withdraw their support for the regimes and block their wealth, what house of Saud will do? Stop oil export?
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There are wide range of options the Saudis may implement. Now Turkey had made very positive remarks on this as well as France, Egypt and the UAE, which means that the Saudis didn't do a thing to isolate them from the rest of the world.

It was statement made by Gul a known Saudi sympathizer inside Turkish govt, Turkish govt also made statement against Saudi instigation and sponsored massacre in Egypt. What happened? Nothing, nada, zip. Fact is Turkey realized a course correction needed and moving on from Saudi terror project throughout middle east.

Egyptian genocidal regime funded by Saudi money, even Egyptian don't listen to these killers, let alone anyone else.

And good old UAE, they don't register as anything when it comes to geo politics.

Oh about France, that remind us Les Misérables financed and played by house of saud and directed by France; for what else, arms contract/money.

too bad there is nothing better for house of saud to hang on to other than temper tantrum.

we did pose an embargo once and things got ugly, but I don't think we should use the same tactic now. It's too early.

That was ancient history, Saudi Arab then led by principal and real leaders. Does house of saud allow history lesson in the country to understand how Saudi Arab was deduced to US and zioinist puppet? Or it is just been throwing money whenever there is sign of disapproval among population?
It was statement made by Gul a known Saudi sympathizer inside Turkish govt,

^^ This wrong. The whole government have good relations with KSA not only Gul.

Turkish govt also made statement against Saudi instigation and sponsored massacre in Egypt. What happened? Nothing, nada, zip. Fact is Turkey realized a course correction needed and moving on from Saudi terror project throughout middle east.

That was one incident. Let's not describe the whole Turkish-Saudi relationship with one incident.

Egyptian genocidal regime funded by Saudi money, even Egyptian don't listen to these killers, let alone anyone else.

And good old UAE, they don't register as anything when it comes to geo politics.

Oh about France, that remind us Les Misérables financed and played by house of saud and directed by France; for what else, arms contract/money.

too bad there is nothing better for house of saud to hang on to other than temper tantrum.

That was ancient history, Saudi Arab then led by principal and real leaders. Does house of saud allow history lesson in the country to understand how Saudi Arab was deduced to US and zioinist puppet? Or it is just been throwing money whenever there is sign of disapproval among population?

Than i read the rest of your post....... Kind of reminded me why i left ME section... :disagree:
Oh please @Sinan @T-1234567 @Arabian Legend @Yzd Khalifa @al-Hasani the Saudis declined for one reason & one reason alone - The Security Council didn't allow them to bring their mascot in for a victory celebration ! :P

Otherwise @BLACKEAGLE does a killer-victory dance :

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@Yzd Khalifa bro, what I don't get is why and from where some random Bangladeshi develop this hatred for some people.

Well, someday I will solve these mysterious happenings among my countrymen hopefully and will be able to tell you the reason behind and the background story.
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You know, they have to tell that you are angry. To divert attention from why Saudis declined. To them 5 countries hold more power than the rest of the world is logical but not your reaction.

Hypocrisy of the West at it again.

This same guy accused me of being a western stooge and now he is using Western narrative to bash Saudi Arabia. He is also the same guy who has consistently cheered on Assad's killing spree from the beginning.
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