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Saudi Arabia Agrees to Partial Cease-Fire in War-Shattered Yemen


Jul 8, 2017
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Kingdom’s decision follows surprise move by Yemen’s Houthi rebels to declare a unilateral cease-fire days after claiming an attack on Saudi oil industry


A Yemeni Red Crescent staffer tries to pull a body from the rubble at a detention center hit by alleged Saudi-led airstrikes in Dhamar, Yemen on Sept. 1. PHOTO: YAHYA ARHAB/SHUTTERSTOCK
Dion Nissenbaum
Sept. 27, 2019 6:27 am ET

BEIRUT—Saudi Arabia has moved to impose a partial cease-fire in Yemen, say people familiar with the plans, as Riyadh and the Houthi militants the kingdom is fighting try to bring an end to the four-year war that has become a front line in the broader regional clash with Iran.

Saudi Arabia’s decision follows a surprise move by Houthi forces to declare a unilateral cease-fire in Yemen last week, just days after claiming responsibility for the Sept. 14 drone and cruise-missile strike on Saudi Arabia’s oil industry. While the Houthis fired two missiles at Saudi Arabia earlier this week, the strike wasn’t seen by Saudi leaders as a serious attack that would undermine the new cease-fire efforts.

Houthi leaders initially said they were responsible for the attack on the oil facilities, but Saudi, U.S. and European officials have dismissed the claims as a transparent attempt to obscure Iran’s role in the strike. Yemeni fighters, these officials say, have neither the weapons nor the skills to carry out such a sophisticated strike.

In the days that followed the attack, an internal Houthi rift expanded between those who want to distance themselves from Iran and those who want to strengthen ties.

How can the U.S. ensure a lasting cease-fire in Yemen? Join the conversation below.

Some Houthi leaders privately disavowed the group’s claim of responsibility for the Sept. 14 attack, according to two Saudi officials who asked not to be identified. And Houthi officials told foreign diplomats that Iran was preparing a follow-on attack, says one of these officials and other people familiar with the evolving plans.

Official Houthi spokesmen have rejected any suggestions that they disavowed their initial claim or warned Riyadh about future strikes by Iran. The group didn’t immediately respond Friday to requests for comment.

Yemen’s war has become a political and military morass for Saudi Arabia and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the country’s de facto ruler and original architect of the war plans. The war has eroded support for his country in Washington, where bipartisan opposition to the conflict has solidified.

The Houthis’ unilateral cease-fire last week has raised hopes in Riyadh and Washington that the Yemeni fighters might be willing to distance themselves from Tehran. The U.S. has accused Iran of providing the Houthis with missiles, drones and training they have used to target Saudi Arabia for years. Iran has dismissed the claims, but Tehran has moved to deepen its ties with the Houthi forces.


In response to the Houthi move, Riyadh has agreed to a limited cease-fire in four areas, including San’a, the Yemeni capital Houthi forces have controlled since 2014.

If the mutual cease-fire in these areas takes hold, the Saudis would look to broaden the truce to other parts of Yemen, according to people familiar with the discussions.

The new cease-fire faces steep odds, as similar arrangements have crumbled before. Both sides continue to carry out attacks, including a Saudi airstrike north of San’a on Tuesday that killed several civilians. The internal Houthi divisions could undermine the peace efforts, as they have in the past.

“Yemen needs to break from this vicious cycle of violence now and be safeguarded from the recent tension in the region that could risk its prospects for peace,” said Martin Griffiths, the U.N.’s special envoy for Yemen who brokered peace talks last December in Stockholm that helped defuse tensions and pave the way for new diplomatic initiatives.

Saudi Arabia has been accused of carrying out errant airstrikes that have killed thousands of civilians. Yemen is home to what the U.N. calls the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Millions are on the brink of famine, and cholera remains a constant danger. Nearly 100,000 people have died since the Houthis seized San’a, according to the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project, a nonprofit organization that tracks global violence.

The U.A.E., Saudi Arabia’s most important ally in the fight, withdrew most of its forces from Yemen earlier this year in a move that created friction between the two countries.


Excellent news. I hope Yemen will see lasting peace and prosperity. Hopefully the Saudis will pay generously to rebuild Yemen.

As to why they may be doing it - in addition to probably being tired of this war that is costing them a lot financially and politically - there may also be other reasons.

My guess they understand now that no matter how many bombs they drop on Yemen - not one Irani is getting hurt.

They have to end the conflict in Yemen so that it becomes increasingly difficult for the Iranians to attack GCC countrirs via proxies.

I doubt the Iranians would've fired these missiles directly and openly. The Saudis want to reduce chances of indirect attacks ehen they know direct attacks would be unlikely.

I think the Prince has learnt that wars - especially the type in Yemen etc - are pointless and very costly. Diplomacy is a much better option. Peace is much better for the economy.
I hope five years of killing the oppressed people of Yemen will finally end.
Khamenaist regime started a war there with aim to capture all Yemen. In 2015 Nasrallah boasted that Khamenaist won and Aden (the capital of South Yemen) is taken:

Fifth, on the ground, they said they wanted to restrain the Yemeni army and people's committees in some provinces and at Aden. But (the Houthis) reached Aden, the airport is in their hands – I am using the information from the [Saudi] channel Al Arabiya –, the port is in their hands, most of the city is in their hands, as well as most of the southern provinces... What have you then accomplished (you Saudis)?

Now Khhamenaist were pushed far from Aden and Southern provinces and even good part of North Yemen and are begging for cease fire and they are trying to present it as their victory. LOL.
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Saudis slowly realising that billions of dollars and fancy weapons cannot guarantee them safety in their luxurious harems.
Khamenaist regime started a war there with aim to capture all Yemen. In 2015 Nasrallah boasted that Khamenaist won and Aden (the capital of South Yemen) is taken:

Fifth, on the ground, they said they wanted to restrain the Yemeni army and people's committees in some provinces and at Aden. But (the Houthis) reached Aden, the airport is in their hands – I am using the information from the [Saudi] channel Al Arabiya –, the port is in their hands, most of the city is in their hands, as well as most of the southern provinces... What have you then accomplished (you Saudis)?

Now Khhamenaist were pushed far from Aden and Southern provinces and even good part of North Yemen and are begging for cease fire and they are trying to present it as their victory. LOL.
Both sides have felt the bitter taste of war, and now they are almost in stalemate position as UAE/Allies have differences with KSA in Yemen resulting in infighting of supporters/mercenaries, on other side deteriorating economic conditions of Iran and burden of Syrian war/ Hizbullah costs perhaps compelled Iran to minimize their support for Houtis.
Both sides have learned a hard lesson. Perhaps now Houtis shall get more power in future set up meanwhile reigns of Govt shall be in hands of a selected pro KSA leader.
Khamenaist regime started a war there with aim to capture all Yemen. In 2015 Nasrallah boasted that Khamenaist won and Aden (the capital of South Yemen) is taken:

Fifth, on the ground, they said they wanted to restrain the Yemeni army and people's committees in some provinces and at Aden. But (the Houthis) reached Aden, the airport is in their hands – I am using the information from the [Saudi] channel Al Arabiya –, the port is in their hands, most of the city is in their hands, as well as most of the southern provinces... What have you then accomplished (you Saudis)?

Now Khhamenaist were pushed far from Aden and Southern provinces and even good part of North Yemen and are begging for cease fire and they are trying to present it as their victory. LOL.
Lol even your daddy USA admit that Ansar-Allah throw had I out against iran advice .

Perhaps now Houtis shall get more power in future set up meanwhile reigns of Govt shall be in hands of a selected pro KSA leader.
Don't you think thats the crux of problem ?
In last decade people of yemen had to revolution and fought 4 years of war to say they want an elected government not a selected government installed by foreigners or a government for life .

By the way hope you are aware a great majority of Yemen people live in north Yemen.
So , after their massive human casualties they realized they are at lose ....
Lol even your daddy USA admit that Ansar-Allah throw had I out against iran advice .

Don't you think thats the crux of problem ?
In last decade people of yemen had to revolution and fought 4 years of war to say they want an elected government not a selected government installed by foreigners or a government for life .

By the way hope you are aware a great majority of Yemen people live in north Yemen.

Sir considering internal structures and complexities of tribal societies it is much better to implement a structured political system in Yemen where all factions get the fair share in power. One other hand Yemen may not become a launchpad for sectarian violence it is the most sane way to move forward.
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