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Saudi airstrike in Yemen massacred at least 70 people in a wedding

Since Saudis did it, Muslims other than Iranians would just keep quiet--no outrage, no protests.
I'm sure Iran just fired a sejjil at the wading so they can blame KSA and tarnish the angelic face of Al-Saud . its clear its the work of safavid ,rafida , parsis ,fire worshipper mullah. Look how they killed innocent Sunnis.
Saudi Arabia, like most of the GCC countries, is a nation that was first created by both the British and the french as their puppet state in serving their interests and goals which remains true to this day. It's not surprising to see them in killing Yemenis and etc who see Iran as one of the few nations in the middle east in bringing stability and freedom from the western world and etc. Such a corrupt puppet state need no pity or mercy. They have the money of the world, and yet they only use their money in supporting Islamist terrorism in Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and etc than spending the money in helping the poor and the needy.
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Saudi has so much advance weapons i dont get it why they bomb like that
BS news first they say it was Apaches now planes.
Coalition denies hitting wedding hall in Yemen - Al Jazeera ...
Arab coalition spokesman Brigadier-General Ahmed al-Asseri said there had been no air operations in the area in the al-Mokha area for three days so "this is totally false news".
air space can be monitored worldwide so huthi propaganda never stop to amaze me.



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Islamic countries should stop fighting amongst themselves. Saudis seriously need to revise their policies. It is ill fitting of an Islamic state to be engaged in this rivalry with an Islamic state. Iran too should try and fix relations with Saudia. Its hard with them lessening Iranian casualties in haj incident and claiming fewer were killed and not taking responsibility but this is what mullah states do. Propaganda is a part of the government and military structure and Iran has a similar system-a system I believe it should get rid off to pave way for freedoms and liberty of thought.

I would like to see an Islamic state as internally liberal and democratic while being aggressive in foreign policy-particularly against US and other countries allied to it.

Arab Persian rivalry predates Islam
Arab Persian rivalry predates Islam

Not really. Most conflicts were between Iranian Empire & the Roman Empire.

The whole idea of Arab/Iranian rivalry is completely silly even after post-Islam. During Islam's Golden Age, none of this matter. That's why whenever you mention a poet or a scientist, you have today's people debating whether he was Turkish or Iranian or Arab or whatever. Back then, someone would be born in one city, go study in another city, and die in a different city, and in between all of that, ethnicity wasn't as important.
Not really. Most conflicts were between Iranian Empire & the Roman Empire.

The whole idea of Arab/Iranian rivalry is completely silly even after post-Islam. During Islam's Golden Age, none of this matter. That's why whenever you mention a poet or a scientist, you have today's people debating whether he was Turkish or Iranian or Arab or whatever. Back then, someone would be born in one city, go study in another city, and die in a different city, and in between all of that, ethnicity wasn't as important.
come on man history says otherwise. Persian allied with roman against Arab from the beginning (year 636). we conquered you and ended roman empire at the same time. roman was at war with you but Yazdgerd III king of the Sasanian Empire of Iran gifted his daughter for alliance with Emperor Heraclius of the Eastern Roman Empire. regarding ethnicity it did mater in that time but to the individual to rise to expectation laid before him.
Not really. Most conflicts were between Iranian Empire & the Roman Empire.

The whole idea of Arab/Iranian rivalry is completely silly even after post-Islam. During Islam's Golden Age, none of this matter. That's why whenever you mention a poet or a scientist, you have today's people debating whether he was Turkish or Iranian or Arab or whatever. Back then, someone would be born in one city, go study in another city, and die in a different city, and in between all of that, ethnicity wasn't as important.

History says otherwise
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