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Let me repeat what I have to keep repeating in this thread. I don't care what islam says or whether it says something in particular or not. None of my business. Never had any interest in religion and I can't bother about it now. The fact is, people believe it does and that's why they wear burqa and subsequently that would be their own choice to do so. The original point was that it was not oppressive, now whether or not islam commands it or not, wether or not people are dumbasses to believe what's (by your saying) not in the book, than that's their problem. Poor people around the world are generally dumb anyway. But as long as they are choosing to wear burqa, I or anyone else, have no right to stop them.

Stop asking me to do research on islam. I couldn't care less to read a random book just because people claim it to be holy. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism whatever. Don't care to research on them and especially don't care to argue what is in those books and not or if they are true or not. My initial argument was the fact that just by wearing burqa, women don't become oppressed. I was never intending on arguing about what a religion is about or what's in it.

Congratulations to Bangladesh for step forwards to explore space - IMO Bangladesh's success will positively impact the region.
Quantum leaps are very very rare else we have to achieve targets step by step on the path of success.
India also achieved today's milestones thru same phenomenon but some Indian member's behaviour is inappropriate.
Again whoever cursory launders whatever 5th rate BBS spouts/claims is on them.

When BD's appear anywhere else (developed institutionally, wealthy, 3rd party, much lower corruption) and have no BBS to shield them, guess what ends up happening:





Such great female equality performance by BD people right?

You really ought to not be sewering your own Satellite thread like this. Let the fugly cycle macson thing do that, one does not expect any better from it.
I don't believe comparing a group from one area to another really holds. Especially given the difference in lifestyle among people that live in a high income country to a lower middle income country. For example, most Black British Africans are from West African countries like Ghana, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. All 3 have a fertility rate above 4. Yet the TFR of Black Brits are much lower than that.


Now doing the same thing for this wiki page sourced by @boxer_B , whenever your kind develops a little threshold IQ, please do click on the sources or search them up if broken links etc, not hard to do (or maybe it IS terribly difficult for you?):


Go have a read there.

The exact paper that references the sentence in question:


View attachment 462629

Do read the rest of the paper, plenty of nasty stuff in there about BD men w.r.t rape culture and prevalence.
I agree gender based violence is also something that needs to be addressed as well. But the Global Gender Gap report looks primarily at health, education, economy and politics. Domestic abuse would most likely fall in health and that would be weaker parts compared to everything else that's holds together stronger.

When you are finished, you can read the rest of the papers about it too compiled there.

THEN you can decide if you lot have some iota of credibility when demeaning others/whole countries on this subject and giving yourself a big ole pat on the back.

The same kind of shameless pieces of LDC swamp crap that tried covering/justifying/denying this incident (just read all the replies at your leisure):


Don't forget the uncomfortable follow up that exposes this BD STRONK, BD BIG TIME CREDIBLE lot:




@Joe Shearer @Ashes @Aung Zaya
IIRC at least one member of the security force was put on hold, but that's about it. Interestingly enough, a member of the security forces did post pictures of victims on his facebook but removed it after some backlash.

None the less, given India's Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act which gives them immunity in conflict zones I don't think either of us can claim we're any better in this regard.
What the fuk are you on about? Who is going by the words? You first said burqa is sign of oppression. Then when I reply it's because most here are muslim and they choose to do so. And that choice isn't oppression. Also the misplaces fact that not many people wear burqa in BD anyway.

Then you divert your question to where islam says that and I say it doesn't matter because they believe islam says and so they follow. And that I personally do not care to read any holy book. I even said I am an atheist, do you even know what atheist mean? Why would I need to read the Quran to not be a sheep? I am not muslim, why would I care about it's holy book?

You are an utter moron. Keep diverting questions. Funny because at the end of the day, fact is even with your proudly measured method of few people wearing skirts, India is in there with Pakistan and Sri Lanka on women empowerment while Bangladesh is FAR FAR ahead. How about reply to that fact instead of spouting random nonsense that has nothing to do with anything and are just speculative assumptions.

Yes we are ahead. More percentage of females aged 15-24 get education than males. More percentage of women in political power than almost all the countries (ranks 7th). They have higher participation in major political decisions. Girls in BD have a lot of government assisted specific advantage that the boys don't get which helps them get even or ahead in many areas.

Bhartis measured at the bottom of the barrel as far as Inclusive Development Index thanks to Chaiwala's lip-service and Sanghi delusion. I just created the thread and the report is in it.

  • These Sanghis can scream like monkeys-in-heat but doesn't change the fact that Northern Indian people's mentality is more or less very back-dated about the role of women in society and far behind Bangladesh (which is the reason why rapes which happen in India can happen and why such behavior is tolerated and Indians sometimes 'blame the victim' for wearing revealing clothing.).
  • A few people wearing mini-skirts in the city does not measure the emancipation of women. I will mention _ONE_ program. It's called Grameen Bank. There is no equivalent like this in India for making women self sufficient in their incomes at a grassroots level and this was introduced two decades ago. 'Shining India' indeed. If the Sanghis are such 'do-gooders' then where is their equivalent, even for satee-sadbhi Hindu women? Bunch of dhokeybaaj brain-farting idiots.
  • It is unfathomable to ignorant Sanghis that a liberal Bengali Muslim country like Bangladesh can have
a) longstanding leaders and prime ministers who are women,
b) more women in positions of power.
  • We accord more respect to women and their education. It's all in the UN IDI report in the new thread. Sanghis read it and weep.
  • Bangladeshi women may wear hijaabs but that is a choice they make as Muslims, no one (including men) is forcing them to do so.
  • We also understand we are custodians of womens' 'izzat'. Everyone has women in their families.
  • Rape carries stiff penalties in Bangladesh (in most cases up to lifetime imprisonment) and subsequent ostracization by society. Your life will become hell.
  • Even accused rapes sometime cause sad situations like people moving away from area and starting new life somewhere else.
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I don't believe comparing a group from one area to another really holds.

We can look at some trends and come up with a confidence margin overall on what is the likelihood of the accuracy of the home population data...especially if that data is completely 180 reverse of the globalised trend prediction (in which case we need actual analysis of the why and how....which is catch 22 if the data is compromised politically in first place).

Especially given the difference in lifestyle among people that live in a high income country to a lower middle income country.

One would expect being in a high income/development country surrounding to have better socio-economic statistics than back home (if its low income/development).

For example, most Black British Africans are from West African countries like Ghana, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. All 3 have a fertility rate above 4. Yet the TFR of Black Brits are much lower than that.

This is exactly what I am saying. Every ethnic group in the world does a lot better when put in a foreign higher development setting and allowed to permeate there sustainably...african, asian, latin american etc. Everyone except the BD people apparently.

Why is the BD population group having a much higher TFR in the UK compared to the claim back home by BBS? The BD people in the UK have much better income, development, education (lacking as they are relative to other groups in the UK), etc than their fellow BD people back in BD.....yet their TFR is much higher in the UK (by almost a full kid per woman, maybe around 0.5ish now) and their female labour participation rate is also much much lower as well compared to the same BBS claim on that....just to name two things. Obviously BBS/BD govt + atmosphere of corruption+political propaganda is the most likely issue here if you think about it. I remember in this very forum quite some time ago (when there was more lively anti-BAL crowd)...a bunch of them exposed BAL literally lieing about UNESCO statistics on one of their pamphlets. I am sure there would be lot more since if those members were still sticking around here.

None the less, given India's Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act which gives them immunity in conflict zones I don't think either of us can claim we're any better in this regard.

That's my point, if no one is better, why is there a BDeshi dragging this part of the convo in first place to act morally superior....and why is that roach getting thumbs up all over the place for it too. This emotional reactionary nonsense has to go away first thing from BD members if they want this subforum to get better and actually have credibility (which their BBS certainly doesnt) when they try to criticize or demean others on OT blah blah.
We can look at some trends and come up with a confidence margin overall on what is the likelihood of the accuracy of the home population data...especially if that data is completely 180 reverse of the globalised trend prediction (in which case we need actual analysis of the why and how....which is catch 22 if the data is compromised politically in first place).

One would expect being in a high income/development country surrounding to have better socio-economic statistics than back home (if its low income/development).

This is exactly what I am saying. Every ethnic group in the world does a lot better when put in a foreign higher development setting and allowed to permeate there sustainably...african, asian, latin american etc. Everyone except the BD people apparently.

Why is the BD population group having a much higher TFR in the UK compared to the claim back home by BBS? The BD people in the UK have much better income, development, education (lacking as they are relative to other groups in the UK), etc than their fellow BD people back in BD.....yet their TFR is much higher in the UK (by almost a full kid per woman, maybe around 0.5ish now) and their female labour participation rate is also much much lower as well compared to the same BBS claim on that....just to name two things. Obviously BBS/BD govt + atmosphere of corruption+political propaganda is the most likely issue here if you think about it. I remember in this very forum quite some time ago (when there was more lively anti-BAL crowd)...a bunch of them exposed BAL literally lieing about UNESCO statistics on one of their pamphlets. I am sure there would be lot more since if those members were still sticking around here.
I don't really know much about the UK Bangladeshi diaspora. From what I hear is that they tend to be more religious and devout and patriarchal. That might be a role. I wouldn't trust whatever the BNP/Jamaat crowd says. It's their group that started and didn't improve the corruption status. At least with AL we did see some improvement, even if it was little. Can't say anything further than that.

That's my point, if no one is better, why is there a BDeshi dragging this part of the convo in first place to act morally superior....and why is that roach getting thumbs up all over the place for it too. This emotional reactionary nonsense has to go away first thing from BD members if they want this subforum to get better and actually have credibility (which their BBS certainly doesnt) when they try to criticize or demean others on OT blah blah.

Which one? And whatever they say it's probably far more moderate than whatever the BNP/Jamaati groups will say. None the less, your concern in this topic is welcomed criticism.
I don't really know much about the UK Bangladeshi diaspora. From what I hear is that they tend to be more religious and devout and patriarchal. That might be a role.

This has been brought up before w.r.t Sylhetis in UK etc. But with the level of the surrounding environment and the elapsed time, I don't think it really holds well (esp if you look at say religious Pakistani groups who still have far lower fertility rate than their equivalents back in their home country). Like is there a noticeable higher Sylheti birth rate/fertility rate inside BD? To me occam's razor suggests something flawed inside BD's own census data (not entirely by its own fault tho, there are migration patterns that can affect this).

I wouldn't trust whatever the BNP/Jamaat crowd says. It's their group that started and didn't improve the corruption status. At least with AL we did see some improvement, even if it was little. Can't say anything further than that.

Well its not really which side is more trustworthy etc, its one side silencing the voice of the other. That automatically lends a dynamic credence to the one being silenced. This has been self defeating to any genuine debate that is supposed to take place here....but maybe given the polarisation to begin with, it was futile anyway. But it was interesting to note much respect and deference given in another thread to the BNP finance minister Saifur Rahman.

Also neither does lieing/corrupting X - Y% of the time/level compared to a previous X% of time/level justify the lieing/corrupting thats taking place esp if the forms may have also evolved....and its still ridiculously high and isnt significantly changing anyway (Y being small etc).

The only way to genuinely do this is to not silence debate, but to have full open debate.

Which one?

That cycle macson guy. Like I get it was starting to get derailed around when sakra popped up to do the usual triggering around post 3....and then the usual banter continues for the next few posts...but then post number 9 it takes a turn because of the words/labels being used....no longer on personal level, but a full perceived moniker (and frankly one of the worst and hypocritical levels as I showed later) country level....and then that recycled back to personal level in post 11. This behaviour (and this is a generic behaviour in multiple threads from this particular poster) is what really is affecting BD subforum these days. There ought to only be proportional replies to the original instigation for the OT stuff to a topic (anywhere in the forum). I said the exact same in the BD navy thead.....I dunno why same old ppl are in the business of escalating this tbh and allowed to get away with it....it leads to nowhere good and their own country optics comes crashing down in the end by the fact checking....so we all just want a full on cesspool to feel better?

@waz @Jungibaaz @

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