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While you make fun of Indian culture that empowers women to wear shorts in full public view, you choose to ignore the two finger test, 95% non conviction rate and hiding your women in burqua.

Hero alom, why are you worried that you hide your women in burqua? Let them wear jeans and fancy tops, forget about shorts.

Infact any women wearing burqua in your country means that all of you are rapists. It's an outright admission when you caged your women.

First of all I would clear up some misinformation.

1. Two finger tests are banned in BD.
2. Male doctors are banned form Medical examinations of rape victims.
3. Your info about that conviction rate is completely made up. I would claim in counter 95% of the criminals are behind bars without even facing trial for years. I would ask you of your sources too.

4. You are talking about a country where the highest punishment for crime against women and children is Death.

And for the rest I would like to refer this post to members here.
@waz @Joe Shearer @jamahir @Khafee Your comments will be appreciated.

And also @Divergent @Levina friends how would you think of someone telling you to or 'approving' you of wearing shorts or burqa? Also how would think of someone telling you not to wear burqa if you want to?
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Of course, this is what all Indians would say. After all we are not that country in South Asia with 5% conviction rate for rape...
We don't care about your culture... :rofl:

In India?

Well, in Bangladesh its Abaya NOT Burkha...:D


They do. Under the Abaya... :D

You are free to think whatever you like. We don't care...:enjoy:

Likewise. I guess Muslim women wear burqua coz its black color acts as solar panels to recharge batteries. Of course who wouldn't wanna wear burqua at 40 degree Celsius?

It's like traveling on two boats, indigenous language with foreign religion which is spread through the method that you despise the most!

Not sure where you get all these BS's from. You seem to think only male Bangladeshis are muslim and not the females. Only males agree with islam's burqa and not the females. If they wear burqa, it can't be because they themselves choose to do it, but because they are oppressed.

Have you ever been to BD? Where do you even see all these burqas? I see more hijabs in Malaysia then I do in Bangladesh let alone whole burqa. My family doesn't wear burqa and neither does most of my cousins. Yeah, many of my uncles and aunties do and for obvious reasons as they are more conservative minded (both sexes).

If someone has preferences for women who don't wear skirts than that's their personal choice. People date or marry people who agree with their views and similar minded. But who is stopping random Bangladeshi women from wearing skirts in this forum? I don't care if my family does it, partly because I am an atheist but none of my college friends would give a rats arse if any random person decided to wear skirts in public.

There are of course the social pressure in BD to not wear jeans and skirts in almost all parts of BD. But if you want to compare ANY country in South Asia with Bangladesh as to which is most progressive when it comes to women empowerment, it isn't even comparable. Bangladesh stomps every other country.

This year in the gender inequality and women empowerment index Bangladesh attained 47th (25 spot improvement) rank while India over 110 (India managed to do worse than the previous year). In terms of region, South Asia barely managed to be 2nd last beating sub-saharan Africa only because of Bangladesh pulling all the weight.

LoL, first cite sources for your claims. Second, you don't even find DNA tests admissible in court of law for rape, forget women empowerment. Third, What has burqua, an alien dress code, has to do with sub-continent conservative dress?
And even then you associate it with your grandparents. Why equate Hijab with Burqua? It's like comparing a handkerchief with a tent.
BTW don't forget that it was Indian woman PM that enabled your freedom against USN 7th Fleet. That's called EMPOWERMENT.
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First of all I would clear up some misinformation.

1. Two finger tests are banned in BD.
2. Male doctors are banned form Medical examinations of rape victims.
3. Your info about that conviction rate is completely made up. I would claim in counter 95% of the criminals are behind bars without even facing trial for years. I would ask you of yoir sources too.
4. You are talking about a country where the highest punishment for crime against women and children is Death.

And for the rest I would like to refer this post to members here.
@waz @Joe Shearer @jamahir @Khafee Your comments will be appreciated.

And also @Divergent @Levina friends how would you think of someone telling you or 'approving you to wear shorts or burqa? Also how would think of someone telling you not to wear burqa if you want to?

Cite your sources. Wikipedia says the same and no one updated it.


Obviously! You are the Rape capital of the world :rofl:

Yup that's why so many expats live in Bangladesh and it has ten times more foreign tourists than India.

Come to your senses and don't badmouth your conversion process otherwise you might never attain Jannat.
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Obviously! You are the Rape capital of the world :rofl:

Really ? Thanks @Nilgiri



Ahh... Wikipedia.... What would become of humanity without this heavenly texts, The holi grail of information. :rolleyes:

There are citations provided. Read that too.

Yup that's why so many expats live in Bangladesh and it has ten times more foreign tourists than India.

It's far higher than that...10 million vs 120,000.
Likewise. I guess Muslim women wear burqua coz its black color acts as solar panels to recharge batteries. Of course who wouldn't wanna wear burqua at 40 degree Celsius?
Yah, you got any problem with this nigga?
It's like traveling on two boats, indigenous language with foreign religion which is spread through the method that you despise the most!
LOL, we know who we are and our history. We don't give flying fak about your thoughts. OK?
LoL, first cite sources for your claims. Second, you don't even find DNA tests admissible in court of law for rape, forget women empowerment. Third, What has burqua, an alien dress code, has to do with sub-continent conservative dress?
And even then you associate it with your grandparents. Why equate Hijab with Burqua? It's like comparing a handkerchief with a tent.
BTW don't forget that it was Indian woman PM that enabled your freedom against USN 7th Fleet. That's called EMPOWERMENT.
That's a whole lot of verbal diarrhoea coming out of you. All based on assumption and nothing based on facts. Burqa isn't related to subcontinent but with islam which is what 90% of BD people follow. And compare Hijab with Burqa? Do you have reading comprehension problem or what? I said Malaysia has more people wearing hijab than Bangladeshis let alone burqa meaning there's less people in BD wearing burqa.

As for the facts, you are asking for source. Here they are
Source: https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-global-gender-gap-report-2017
Direct Report Link: http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GGGR_2017.pdf

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Rest of the south asians are having party at the bottom while BD at the top.

Bangladesh tops South Asia in gender equality
  • Tribune Desk
  • Published at 01:58 PM November 03, 2017
  • Last updated at 06:07 PM November 03, 2017

File photo: Women entrepreneurs at a discussion meeting on the need of a separate bank to promote women entrepreneurial activities Rajib Dhar/Dhaka Tribune
Bangladesh ranked 72nd last year
  • 6.2K
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  • 6.2KSHARES
Bangladesh has again topped South Asia in terms of gender equality, said the World Economic Forum.

Bangladesh jumped 25 notches to 47th place in the Global Gender Gap ranking 2017, closing the gender gap by 72%, said the study published on Thursday.

According to the report, Bangladesh scored 0.719 on the gender parity index and was ranked the highest among South Asian nations. Maldives was the second highest ranked South Asian nation at 106th place.

India slipped down the rankings by 21 places and ranked 108th while Sri Lanka ranked 109th, Nepal 111th, Bhutan 124th and Pakistan 143rd.

Bangladesh ranked 7th among 155 countries in the political empowerment category, and performed the worst in the economic participation and opportunity category, in which it ranked 129th.

Bangladesh ranked 72nd last year.

Through the Global Gender Gap Report, the World Economic Forum quantifies the magnitude of gender disparity in various countries and tracks their progress in addressing the issue over time, with a specific focus on the relative gaps between women and men across four key areas: health, education, economy and politics.

The 2017 Report covers 144 countries.

Source: http://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2017/11/03/225503/

India slipped down the rankings by 21 places
India did much worse than I thought. What a disgrace, slipping 21 rankings.
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Please cite a verse in Holy Quaran that mentions Burqua.
I don't know arabic or how to read the Quran. Neither do I care, I am an atheist. Fact of the matter is, people believe islam says burqa should be worn and that's what they abide by. Whether or not that's in a holy book, doesn't matter.

That's quick slide by the way. Ignoring everything that you yourself asked and I answered, instead of replying to any of that, you went and now asking a random irrelevant question.

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