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Sanctions led to delay in Light Combat Aircraft project: DRDO chief

Sanctions from US is for Indian 1998 nuclear test, and stoped now, only a temporary sanction, but compared with other countries, India is the only country face with lest sanctions; Even a well position than US, Russia and EU, something they never sell to each other, but will all sell to India, If India want then can buy anything from the world

How many top companies of world put hand on LCA??
British BAE , French Dassault, the German MBB, US Lear Siegler, Bendix, Northrop,Ericsson,。。。。

You are confusing several different things here. None of the companies you mentioned have helped to design tejas. Yes, they have supplied components and sub-components that go into the tejas. GE with its engine, ELTA (possibly, not sure) with the radar and so on.

But the entire process of designing the aircraft was done in house by India. The FBW system was supposed to be designed with the help of lockmart, and way into that exercise, when we did the nuclear tests, Lockmart booted out all the scientists from USA, and kept the blueprints. This set back the Tejas program by several years. Then we had to design the entire digital quad redundant FBW system ourselves, which was not envisaged initially. And this is where a delay of a few years happened.

However, we did design the FBW system successfully. So successfully in fact, that the same was used later on an F-16 (VISTA) testbed, and performed much better than the original used on the F-16.

So this person is right in saying that sanctions delayed the LCA program. But the fact is that the program has still suffered from unacceptable delays, and unkept promises. Not all the delays can be attributed to the post-pokhran sanctions.

Frankly, the LCA saga has taken India the right amount of time that a reasonable person would have expected, for a country with no aerospace experience. All the heartburn happened due to the fact that HAL kept promising unrealistic timeframes, and adopting a bite-off-more-than-you-can-chew attitude, by trying to develop a 4th multirole gen fighter in house from scratch. They should have lowered their ambitions initially, and gotten a few squadrons of not-so-capable LCAs into service, and progressively upgraded them. If they had done that, the IAF would not be facing the desperate squadron shortage that it is facing today, and a lot of money could have been saved.

But then, hindsight is always 20/20. I am glad that despite all the delays, India has produced a world class light fighter that can compare with any 4th gen light fighter, and created an ecosystem of aerospace experience in the country. The foundations for a competitive aerospace industry has been built now. If the program is managed well from now on, the IAF can still have hundreds of home grown fighters in its arsenal, saving precious forex reserves from going abroad.

Both HAL and IAF will have to be innovative in how to use this home grown baby properly, and develop different variants of them. Delayed, but very much worth it.
I will miss him announcing Agni 8 in 2014, Agni 9 in 2015, Agni 10 in 2016....
You are confusing several different things here. None of the companies you mentioned have helped to design tejas. Yes, they have supplied components and sub-components that go into the tejas. GE with its engine, ELTA (possibly, not sure) with the radar and so on.

But the entire process of designing the aircraft was done in house by India. The FBW system was supposed to be designed with the help of lockmart, and way into that exercise, when we did the nuclear tests, Lockmart booted out all the scientists from USA, and kept the blueprints. This set back the Tejas program by several years. Then we had to design the entire digital quad redundant FBW system ourselves, which was not envisaged initially. And this is where a delay of a few years happened.

However, we did design the FBW system successfully. So successfully in fact, that the same was used later on an F-16 (VISTA) testbed, and performed much better than the original used on the F-16.

So this person is right in saying that sanctions delayed the LCA program. But the fact is that the program has still suffered from unacceptable delays, and unkept promises. Not all the delays can be attributed to the post-pokhran sanctions.

Frankly, the LCA saga has taken India the right amount of time that a reasonable person would have expected, for a country with no aerospace experience. All the heartburn happened due to the fact that HAL kept promising unrealistic timeframes, and adopting a bite-off-more-than-you-can-chew attitude, by trying to develop a 4th multirole gen fighter in house from scratch. They should have lowered their ambitions initially, and gotten a few squadrons of not-so-capable LCAs into service, and progressively upgraded them. If they had done that, the IAF would not be facing the desperate squadron shortage that it is facing today, and a lot of money could have been saved.

But then, hindsight is always 20/20. I am glad that despite all the delays, India has produced a world class light fighter that can compare with any 4th gen light fighter, and created an ecosystem of aerospace experience in the country. The foundations for a competitive aerospace industry has been built now. If the program is managed well from now on, the IAF can still have hundreds of home grown fighters in its arsenal, saving precious forex reserves from going abroad.

Both HAL and IAF will have to be innovative in how to use this home grown baby properly, and develop different variants of them. Delayed, but very much worth it.

Spot on @janon!

I wish there was a way of thanking you 100 times for this excellent post!

Btw any links/sources for this:

However, we did design the FBW system successfully. So successfully in fact, that the same was used later on an F-16 (VISTA) testbed, and performed much better than the original used on the F-16.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...craft-project-drdo-chief-2.html#ixzz2UyOdbMMq

Never heard about this- would be interesting to read up on it.
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Saraswat is making this claim now is because Anthony is going after DRDO for failed to get LCA ready. This is his response to Anthony. The good part of the show is coming up. Watch out for Anthony to purge the Sarawat faction now that Sarawat is retired.
Typical propaganda against the DRDO/LCA project that I've tried to dispel again and again. 35 years???!! Really?! So you think the LCA project was started in 1978?! Please. The project team wasn't formed and funding weren't released until the mid-1990s with the first flight occurring not many years later- not bad really. Now if you look at the time from project initiation to operational service (2014/15) we are only talking about 20-25 years when you factor in India started from ZERO expertise and with no technical base, incredible paucity of funding, little outside help and sanctions on top of all this, India has done a VERY good job to set up a broad and capable base on which to build on.

These delays everyone harps on about are only considered delays because the time exceeded some arbritaey timeline some DRDO managers came up with in the early 90s who could not foresee the impending sanctions and the scale of the mountain of work that lay in front of the project. Going by any other industry timeline the LCA's is just about average. Look up how long it took to design,devlop and operationalise the EFT, Rafale, F-22, T-50 etc etc

The LCA may not be the F-22, but for a first try it is very impressive and features many ingenious and innovative design characteristics.

The trajectory is only skyward from here!!
IAF generated Air Staff Requirements (ASR) for LCA in October 1985.

Government allocated Rs. 575 Crores for the LCA programme.

Programme to develop an indigenous power plant (engine)- Kaveri was launched at GTRE.

No idea where your 20-25 years coming from when the founding were released in 86.

I can only laugh at your comparisons with the likes of F-22, t-50 etc.

A more valid comparison will be against Gripen, J-17 and J10 with similar role and belong to the same generation.
LCA was designed as a replacement for Mig-21, I mean common 27 years and counting. Tsk tsk.
Btw any links/sources for this:

Never heard about this- would be interesting to read up on it.

Tejas - Featured Interview - Dr. Kota Harinarayana

One was to work on the control laws. We tested on a modified F16 aircraft in USA. One of the comments of the test pilot from the Pentagon was that the F16 flies better with LCA control laws.

what's the Tejas' fundamental problem?

FWIW, the Tejas FBW was considered to be such that even the F-16 VISTA that flew with LCA FBW software actually performed better with it in some flight regimes, than with the F-16's own FBW, a comment that irked some LM gentlemen.

It was a quote by the father of the tejas program (first link), and has been reproduced across several forums. There were also statements by Lockmart officials to the same effect that I remember reading.
I fully understand all of this but FFS this machine is yet to get IOC -II ?? Isn't that appalling ?

You can't have understood my post if you are still asking this mate.
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