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Salman's Sentence Upheld


Feb 6, 2006
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Bollywood star's sentence upheld​

A court in India has upheld the sentencing of Bollywood star Salman Khan in a case of poaching.
Khan had asked the court to set aside a five-year jail term, issued in April 2006 for hunting a protected gazelle on a trip to Rajasthan in 1998.

Khan, one of Bollywood's top actors, was not present in the court in Rajasthan's Jodhpur city when the judge upheld the sentence.

The court said that the actor should be sent to prison immediately.

Khan's lawyers told reporters that the actor would appeal against the sentence in a higher court.

The court had found Khan guilty of killing a gazelle in September 1998 while he was shooting a film in the area.

Khan was sentenced by the same court in February last year to one year for killing two protected black buck antelopes during a separate hunting trip in 1998.

The poaching cases are not Salman Khan's only brush with the law.

He is also facing trial in Mumbai (Bombay) in a 2002 hit-and-run case.

One person was killed and three others injured when Khan allegedly drove into a group of homeless people sleeping on a pavement.

Khan faces 10 charges, including causing death by negligent driving which carries two years in prison. He has pleaded not guilty on all counts.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Bollywood star's sentence upheld
It looks like a pretty bad year of bollywood. Two of the best bet actors are send behind bars,
what the hell is wrong with them? does it make you feel like a man by killing defenceless animals ?
stress I guess.took out their frustration on the animals maybe.anyway,isn't this section of the forum only about Indian military affairs?
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