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Salman Rushdie on Pakistan

Yeah, in his views.
Because he gave good justification too, it cant be termed as exaggerated statement that pakistan sucks.
Yeah, in his views.
Because he gave good justification too, it cant be termed as exaggerated statement that pakistan sucks.

His justification was one sided with no proof, just statements.

Come to Pakistan and then see it for yourself.

For him may be Pakistan sucks as he can't come here, but not for us or the ones living here and those who come here.

Just a few of his lies, we don't have a 100% segregated community, we have co-education too and in offices men and women work together, we have women entrepreneurs, as well as politicians and executives, we have female models as well as artists, females roaming around in tight jeans with no veils etc etc, had we sucked, women would have been in burqas the way we saw in Afghanistan or other places.

May be he mistook Pakistan for Afghanistan to be the heaven for production of drugs, heroin and other stuff. Pakistan is not the drug production heaven.

Just explaining the 2 lies he said, others can very well be refuted too, but since you are an Indian, it will be useless.

So enjoy Rushdie as he is a hypocrite.
The Sindis don't like Punjabis ,nobody likes the balochis everybody hates the North west frontier....


Culture airlessness....gigantic drug culture.....because it's world major producer of opium and heroine.

oh come on.........He's talking about Afghanistan..... Can't you people understand......:lol:.....Atleast give the old man some sort of an excuse.
(We have got one of the richest culture in the world,full of colors and passion.)

Economic corruption so great that 75% is beleived to be black economy rather than the overt white economy.

We all accept there is corruption.We all criticize it everyday on media..... with a free media and legal system every politician and soldier is questionable.Interesting stats i guess he's the only person on earth who knows these statistics.:lol:.....ok i can believe him but i'll like to see a reliable source.

Women an men are segregated.Exploding Aids problem which is not looked at.....Muslim don't get Aids.
People are not allowed to do what they think they aren't allowed to do what they like...

This is not Guantanamo bay.........:P
Well he's famous for saying all this stuff for long.I'll like to say that take it lightly....And enjoy...:P
he is exaggerating and playing to the audience of course. to my dismay, india isn't a whole lot safer for blasphemers either (taslima nasrin?).
I hope you know that he is Muslim himself.

Muslim first belief is Allah Is one and Prophet Muhammad Is last Messenger and servant of God.

Now do i need to tell you his Anti Prophet statements and books which is banned in India too......

When he don't respect Prophet from which angel is he muslim. Ohh I got it. He is muslim for Indian hindus.
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