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Salman Khan Said both countries havign same problem



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Dec 23, 2008
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I am very happy to see and it need a lot of guts to say what he said.

Listen but listen specailay After 4 minutes, he clearly said terrorists didnt came from Pakistan :

Shabash Salman at least your eyes are open and you can see We Pakistani are more victims of Terrorisme then anyone else in this whole world

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Exactly my point jeypore. Let me share it with you........ have you noticed that indian members on this forum have toned down their rhetoric a little after the initial " teaching a lesson to war... to surgical strike to last option to diplomatic offensive..... either they are tired of propaganda or they have seen the gaps in indian drama or they have been told to tone it down a little.
I mean, i see the same in your media as well and the same thing is also reflected in the statement of your politicians including naive PM and bellicose FM. why all of sudden this change????? Suddenly media is being criticized for warmongering and some pseudo journalistic organizations criticizing the media whereas media was only the work horse in implementing government agenda and so are some of the indian members here. Have you noticed such a thing????????

Never mind Salman Khan.... he should be more worried about Shiv Sena finding something offensive in this clip.... he may loose all his stardom alongwith his life...... doesn't seem to be a true patriot, may be he has a soft corner for Pakistan??????
Exactly my point jeypore. Let me share it with you........ have you noticed that indian members on this forum have toned down their rhetoric a little after the initial " teaching a lesson to war... to surgical strike to last option to diplomatic offensive..... either they are tired of propaganda or they have seen the gaps in indian drama or they have been told to tone it down a little.
I mean, i see the same in your media as well and the same thing is also reflected in the statement of your politicians including naive PM and bellicose FM. why all of sudden this change????? Suddenly media is being criticized for warmongering and some pseudo journalistic organizations criticizing the media whereas media was only the work horse in implementing government agenda and so are some of the indian members here. Have you noticed such a thing????????

Never mind Salman Khan.... he should be more worried about Shiv Sena finding something offensive in this clip.... he may loose all his stardom alongwith his life...... doesn't seem to be a true patriot, may be he has a soft corner for Pakistan??????

Well today in the news the gov't was blaming the media for the hipe, but that's what media does. They exploit the situation for there benefit, it takes a senseable person to read between the lines.

Regarding Salman Khan and Shiv Sena, I can answer this argument very well. Salman khan brother Arbas Khan is my brother best friend. Infact in majority of his movies Arbas Khan takes the name of Vishal (if you have notice). That is my brother name. While they were classmates they never had to worried about Shiv Sena attacking them or any other conversation of how Shiv Sena is affecting there lives. India is a multi-cultural society and it does have it's weakness, but how this forum protraites it, is very amazing. That people are persucated and prejudice daily.

And your last question of how patriotic is Salman Khan, who knows. There are many Indian and Pakistani disporia that are still very patriotic to there countries, but still living in foreign lands. There is saying for these people, One should never spit on the hand that feeds you. This i believe of people who are patriotic to there country, but living in foreign land. Mind you i also do fit that discription (Freudian honesty).
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i guess salman must be trying to gain some popularity for his new movi dabangg......and dats y he opend his mouth...

he is an actor and should stick to acting.....no need to get involved in politics
Salman khan is non state actor. .so no credibility what he says . . .
I dont see what the point is. He is clearly saying that go after the trainers and organisers of the attack and that this is not part of Islam.

It is a sad reflection that Pakistanis based organisations perform terrorists acts in India in the name of Islam and Indians have to come out and defend Islam from these fanatics who ofcourse as Salman said do not represent the average Pakistani but are still using Pakistan as a launchpad.
But hand it to the "brasstacks" people to twist this comnedable effort by titling his defence of the common man, condemnation of the attacks and dissociation of Islam with terrorism as "speaking on mumbai drama". As if the death of 160+ people 30+ of whom where muslims; is a drama. Shame it seems does not exist in their dictionary.

Even now Pakistani scholars are afraid to categorically condemns suicide bombings and the concept of "Jihad in Kashmir".

Also this was a month after 26/11, since then there is overwhelming evidence that has provided extensive info on who is behind the attacks including names.
I don't see anything wrong in Salman's statement also. He might have not been very politically correct, but hey he's Salman Khan after all!
Salman Khan is an actor and he acts all the time....he is not a civil servant.....nobody gives a damn to what he said in India....so Pakistan should not take his comments seriously.....it was yet another publicity stunt from him
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