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Salman got bail beacuse he is a Khan: BJP MP Sadhvi Prachi


Sep 20, 2014
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New Delhi: Despite being chided by theBharatiya Janata Partyfor making comments derisive of Muslims, Sadhvi Prachi, one of the party leaders in Uttar Pradesh, said on Friday thatSalman Khangot bail in2002 hit-and-run casebecause he is a Muslim.

“Had Salman Khan not been a Muslim, justice would have been granted to poor victims,” said Sadhvi Prachi, who had been asked by the BJP in the past to show some restraint in making controversial statements.

Notably, the Bombay High Court on Friday suspended Salman's sentence and granted him bail, in a huge relief to one of the reigning superstars of Bollywood.

Salman Khan will not have to go to jail pending disposal of his appeal against conviction in the 2002 hit-and-run case.

A trial court had on Wednesday awarded five-year jail sentence to Salman Khan.

A man was killed and four others were wounded when Khan's Toyota Land Cruiser ran over them while they were asleep on a pavement outside a bakery in suburban Bandra on September 28, 2002.

Sadhvi Prachi had created a furore earlier this year when at a VHP event in Badayun she said that she had done no wrong by asking Hindu women to mother four children as she was not asking them to "give birth to 30-40 pups like others".

Prachi had also dared state Urban Development Minister Mohd Azam Khan to embrace Hinduism.

She had also announced rewards for all Hindu women who give birth to more than four children.

Salman got bail beacuse he is a Khan: Sadhvi Prachi | Zee News
All the victims were Poor Muslims and Salman's Sisters married with Hindus,so its a flawed statement

He got Bail bcZ his Lawyer was Harish Salve.
Contempt of court, I sometimes wish the courts were a bit more unforgiving about such remarks.
All the victims were Poor Muslims and Salman's Sisters married with Hindus,so its a flawed statement

He got Bail bcZ his Lawyer was Harish Salve.
No in any case person convicted under 7 years will automatically get a bail till its trial in court.
Only matter here was speed of trial.
LoL then why isnt sadhvi Pragya and Colonel Purohit, didn't get bail even though there is no case against them since past 6 years?Why are they languishing in jails when they are not even convicted?
See the hypocrisy if a person is convicted under 7 years will automatically get a bail tills its trial in court.
What about when there is no case at all for the people i mentioned above,why are they still in jail without a bail?
The pussy meows yet again.. Such people are best ignored..
Contempt of court, I sometimes wish the courts were a bit more unforgiving about such remarks.

Well True...... Very rarely they act on these politicians...... Last month one of our CPM leader was put behind bar for using derogatory terms towards court......

I dont understand why the leaders of BJP is not doing anything to stop this nonsense....... It gives a sense that they also support these idiotic statements.....
Well True...... Very rarely they act on these politicians...... Last month one of our CPM leader was put behind bar for using derogatory terms towards court......

I dont understand why the leaders of BJP is not doing anything to stop this nonsense....... It gives a sense that they also support these idiotic statements.....

What can BJP do she is a VHP leader you can't expect anything better from VHP folks
Salman have got bail because people like you sitting in parliament and not in Judiciary. The judge who granted bail is a learned man not like you sudhu and sadhvis who embarked on religious grounds and now sitting in Parliament sitting deciding our fate...
What can BJP do she is a VHP leader you can't expect anything better from VHP folks

She sounds like our very own "Sasikala" teacher...... Btw Is she an MP?
Salman have got bail because people like you sitting in parliament and not in Judiciary. The judge who granted bail is a learned man not like you sudhu and sadhvis who embarked on religious grounds and now sitting in Parliament sitting deciding our fate...
You sure She is a member of parliament?
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