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Salam’s face blackened


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Salam’s face blackened

Pervez HoodbhoyUpdated 07 Nov 2020

The writer is an Islamabad-based physicist and writer.

WHEN our prime minister lectures Europe about Islamophobia, the world snickers. Forced conversions? Lynching by enraged mobs? Having to curse another religion’s founder prior to applying for a Pakistani passport? Discrimination is built into our laws: Pakistan’s Constitution explicitly excludes non-Muslims from full citizenship. For multiple reasons every human rights listing puts Pakistan close to the bottom.
Very recently a group of abuse-yelling young men in Gujranwala chose to video-record themselves while spraying black paint onto a poster of Prof Abdus Salam. An Ahmadi and Pakistan’s sole science Nobel Prize winner who died 25 years ago, Salam is the only Pakistani who has seriously impacted the world of science. That the posted video went viral with tens of thousands of views — and that it received high approval — speaks of raw mediaeval hatreds boiling over from time to time with or without an excuse.
The video is that of ordinary people — at least those in Punjab — and was not officially ordered. But what of governments? Do national leaders acknowledge that scientific merit must be disentangled from matters of faith? And how has the military establishment seen things? These questions are important not just because of some particular individual but because government, industry and academia function properly only if there are layered meritocracies built upon recognition of individual ability and competence. Salam’s case is a litmus test.
The world rightly ignores complaints of Islamophobia from a country that mistreats its religious minorities.
Gen Ayub Khan could not have cared less about Salam being an Ahmadi and appointed him as scientific adviser; Zulfikar Ali Bhutto thought similarly even as he surrendered his principles for political gain in 1974; Ziaul Haq was ideologically charged and very wary of Ahmadis but was also politically savvy and so awarded Salam the Nishan-i-Imtiaz in 1980.
Then things started changing. Benazir Bhutto stayed totally clear of Salam and so did Mian Nawaz Sharif. During his first tenure as prime minister, while speaking at Government College Lahore in 1992, Nawaz Sharif read out a long list of distinguished alumni and faculty but conspicuously omitted Salam’s name.
Quite miraculously, Nawaz Sharif eventually recognised Salam’s importance as a scientist. While touring CERN (European Nuclear Research Centre) in 2016 to cement the Pak-CERN collaboration, one hears he was much impressed to learn that major parts of CERN’s research — including the successful search for the Higgs boson — revolved around certain discoveries of Abdus Salam and Steven Weinberg. He was also taken for a drive on Rue de Salam, a road in Geneva named after Salam.
It was but natural that someone should then have asked Pakistan’s prime minister a basic question: why did Salam’s home country have no significant institution named after him? The natural candidate was the National Centre for Physics located on the campus of Quaid-i-Azam University, a public university. NCP was conceived in the 1980s jointly by Salam and his former PhD student Riazuddin (1930-2013), a respected theoretical physicist who also became NCP’s founding director. Though hopelessly underfunded, it started off in 1999 on borrowed premises on the QAU campus.
NCP’s original goal was to become a mini ICTP (International Centre for Theoretical Physics). Founded by Salam in the Italian city of Trieste, the ICTP (now renamed Abdus Salam-ICTP) has hosted thousands of researchers from around the world to work in a cordial and intellectually vibrant atmosphere on cutting-edge scientific problems. It is an established model for international cooperation and the openness of scientific inquiry.
Days after Salam’s 20th death anniversary, the then prime minister Nawaz Sharif moved to change NCP’s name. He failed. To remind readers of how that happened, I will repeat some details from my Dawn article of 2018.
On Dec 29, 2016, the president of Pakistan, on the summary advice of the prime minister of Pakistan, put his signature upon a document titled, Proposal to Rename NCP at QAU as Professor Abdus Salam Centre for Physics. Earlier, the summary had been vetted on Dec 26, 2016, by the minister of state for education and professional training. It was then sent to QAU for necessary action as per proper procedure.
The official order for renaming NCP — duly signed by the Pakistani state’s highest executives, both the president and the prime minister — was received at QAU and conveyed onward to NCP. It was ignored. For a modern state to have subordinate officials deliberately and openly defying lawful authority is rare but this is precisely what happened. Direct orders from the sitting prime minister and president went into the wastebasket and NCP’s name remained unchanged. Religious prejudice was just too deep.
I think what the political leadership did not fully understand was how much the character of NCP had changed. Now funded by the Strategic Plans Division of the Pakistan Army, NCP is a parking lot for retired officers from high security institutions. Living the good life in plush residences at the foot of the Margalla Hills, they are answerable only to themselves and not to any government. In a fortress bristling with barbed wire and armed guards, no high-thinking physicist pondering on the nature of the universe is likely to be found there.
Once again Salam had been cheated of the respect he deserves for his scientific work. He may be the starkest example but is not alone. Pakistan does not own any son of the soil who happens to be a non-Muslim. Har Gobind Khorana (1922-2011) was born in Multan, earned his MSc degree from Government College Lahore in 1946 and went on to earn the Nobel Prize in physiology in 1968 for his work in protein synthesis via nucleotides. In 1983 another Lahori, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1910-1995), became a Nobel Laureate in physics after his definitive work on the death of stars. Nasa’s satellite, named Chandra, is presently searching the skies for black holes and other astronomical objects.
Prejudice poisons the well of knowledge, making its water too toxic for science and inquiry to grow. As with Salam, nothing in Lahore acknowledges the existence of either Khorana or Chandrasekhar. Nevertheless they must still be considered fortunate. At least they have been spared the abuse and vilification that the long-dead Salam must continue to endure.
The writer is an Islamabad-based physicist and writer.
Published in Dawn, November 7th, 2020

Chandrasekhar was born on 19 October 1910 in Lahore, Punjab, British India (now Pakistan) in a Tamil Brahmin family,[9] to Sita Balakrishnan (1891–1931) and Chandrasekhara Subrahmanya Ayyar (1885–1960)[10] who was stationed in Lahore as Deputy Auditor General of the Northwestern Railways at the time of Chandrasekhar's birth. He had two elder sisters, Rajalakshmi and Balaparvathi, three younger brothers, Vishwanathan, Balakrishnan, and Ramanathan and four younger sisters, Sarada, Vidya, Savitri, and Sundari. His paternal uncle was the Indian physicist and Nobel laureate C. V. Raman. His mother was devoted to intellectual pursuits, had translated Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House into Tamil and is credited with arousing Chandra's intellectual curiosity at an early age.[11] The family moved from Lahore to Allahabad in 1916, and finally settled in Madras in 1918.

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar FRS (About this soundpronunciation) (19 October 1910 – 21 August 1995)[3] was an Indian-American astrophysicist who spent his professional life in the United States.[4] He was awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize for Physics with William A. Fowler for "...theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars". His mathematical treatment of stellar evolution yielded many of the current theoretical models of the later evolutionary stages of massive stars and black holes.[5][6] The Chandrasekhar limit is named after him.

looks like Pakistani people and the government has confined itself to muslims and islam only, there is no place for non muslim heroes
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Salam’s face blackened

Pervez HoodbhoyUpdated 07 Nov 2020

The writer is an Islamabad-based physicist and writer.

WHEN our prime minister lectures Europe about Islamophobia, the world snickers. Forced conversions? Lynching by enraged mobs? Having to curse another religion’s founder prior to applying for a Pakistani passport? Discrimination is built into our laws: Pakistan’s Constitution explicitly excludes non-Muslims from full citizenship. For multiple reasons every human rights listing puts Pakistan close to the bottom.
Very recently a group of abuse-yelling young men in Gujranwala chose to video-record themselves while spraying black paint onto a poster of Prof Abdus Salam. An Ahmadi and Pakistan’s sole science Nobel Prize winner who died 25 years ago, Salam is the only Pakistani who has seriously impacted the world of science. That the posted video went viral with tens of thousands of views — and that it received high approval — speaks of raw mediaeval hatreds boiling over from time to time with or without an excuse.
The video is that of ordinary people — at least those in Punjab — and was not officially ordered. But what of governments? Do national leaders acknowledge that scientific merit must be disentangled from matters of faith? And how has the military establishment seen things? These questions are important not just because of some particular individual but because government, industry and academia function properly only if there are layered meritocracies built upon recognition of individual ability and competence. Salam’s case is a litmus test.

Gen Ayub Khan could not have cared less about Salam being an Ahmadi and appointed him as scientific adviser; Zulfikar Ali Bhutto thought similarly even as he surrendered his principles for political gain in 1974; Ziaul Haq was ideologically charged and very wary of Ahmadis but was also politically savvy and so awarded Salam the Nishan-i-Imtiaz in 1980.
Then things started changing. Benazir Bhutto stayed totally clear of Salam and so did Mian Nawaz Sharif. During his first tenure as prime minister, while speaking at Government College Lahore in 1992, Nawaz Sharif read out a long list of distinguished alumni and faculty but conspicuously omitted Salam’s name.
Quite miraculously, Nawaz Sharif eventually recognised Salam’s importance as a scientist. While touring CERN (European Nuclear Research Centre) in 2016 to cement the Pak-CERN collaboration, one hears he was much impressed to learn that major parts of CERN’s research — including the successful search for the Higgs boson — revolved around certain discoveries of Abdus Salam and Steven Weinberg. He was also taken for a drive on Rue de Salam, a road in Geneva named after Salam.
It was but natural that someone should then have asked Pakistan’s prime minister a basic question: why did Salam’s home country have no significant institution named after him? The natural candidate was the National Centre for Physics located on the campus of Quaid-i-Azam University, a public university. NCP was conceived in the 1980s jointly by Salam and his former PhD student Riazuddin (1930-2013), a respected theoretical physicist who also became NCP’s founding director. Though hopelessly underfunded, it started off in 1999 on borrowed premises on the QAU campus.
NCP’s original goal was to become a mini ICTP (International Centre for Theoretical Physics). Founded by Salam in the Italian city of Trieste, the ICTP (now renamed Abdus Salam-ICTP) has hosted thousands of researchers from around the world to work in a cordial and intellectually vibrant atmosphere on cutting-edge scientific problems. It is an established model for international cooperation and the openness of scientific inquiry.
Days after Salam’s 20th death anniversary, the then prime minister Nawaz Sharif moved to change NCP’s name. He failed. To remind readers of how that happened, I will repeat some details from my Dawn article of 2018.
On Dec 29, 2016, the president of Pakistan, on the summary advice of the prime minister of Pakistan, put his signature upon a document titled, Proposal to Rename NCP at QAU as Professor Abdus Salam Centre for Physics. Earlier, the summary had been vetted on Dec 26, 2016, by the minister of state for education and professional training. It was then sent to QAU for necessary action as per proper procedure.
The official order for renaming NCP — duly signed by the Pakistani state’s highest executives, both the president and the prime minister — was received at QAU and conveyed onward to NCP. It was ignored. For a modern state to have subordinate officials deliberately and openly defying lawful authority is rare but this is precisely what happened. Direct orders from the sitting prime minister and president went into the wastebasket and NCP’s name remained unchanged. Religious prejudice was just too deep.
I think what the political leadership did not fully understand was how much the character of NCP had changed. Now funded by the Strategic Plans Division of the Pakistan Army, NCP is a parking lot for retired officers from high security institutions. Living the good life in plush residences at the foot of the Margalla Hills, they are answerable only to themselves and not to any government. In a fortress bristling with barbed wire and armed guards, no high-thinking physicist pondering on the nature of the universe is likely to be found there.
Once again Salam had been cheated of the respect he deserves for his scientific work. He may be the starkest example but is not alone. Pakistan does not own any son of the soil who happens to be a non-Muslim. Har Gobind Khorana (1922-2011) was born in Multan, earned his MSc degree from Government College Lahore in 1946 and went on to earn the Nobel Prize in physiology in 1968 for his work in protein synthesis via nucleotides. In 1983 another Lahori, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1910-1995), became a Nobel Laureate in physics after his definitive work on the death of stars. Nasa’s satellite, named Chandra, is presently searching the skies for black holes and other astronomical objects.
Prejudice poisons the well of knowledge, making its water too toxic for science and inquiry to grow. As with Salam, nothing in Lahore acknowledges the existence of either Khorana or Chandrasekhar. Nevertheless they must still be considered fortunate. At least they have been spared the abuse and vilification that the long-dead Salam must continue to endure.
The writer is an Islamabad-based physicist and writer.
Published in Dawn, November 7th, 2020

Chandrasekhar was born on 19 October 1910 in Lahore, Punjab, British India (now Pakistan) in a Tamil Brahmin family,[9] to Sita Balakrishnan (1891–1931) and Chandrasekhara Subrahmanya Ayyar (1885–1960)[10] who was stationed in Lahore as Deputy Auditor General of the Northwestern Railways at the time of Chandrasekhar's birth. He had two elder sisters, Rajalakshmi and Balaparvathi, three younger brothers, Vishwanathan, Balakrishnan, and Ramanathan and four younger sisters, Sarada, Vidya, Savitri, and Sundari. His paternal uncle was the Indian physicist and Nobel laureate C. V. Raman. His mother was devoted to intellectual pursuits, had translated Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House into Tamil and is credited with arousing Chandra's intellectual curiosity at an early age.[11] The family moved from Lahore to Allahabad in 1916, and finally settled in Madras in 1918.

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar FRS (About this soundpronunciation) (19 October 1910 – 21 August 1995)[3] was an Indian-American astrophysicist who spent his professional life in the United States.[4] He was awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize for Physics with William A. Fowler for "...theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars". His mathematical treatment of stellar evolution yielded many of the current theoretical models of the later evolutionary stages of massive stars and black holes.[5][6] The Chandrasekhar limit is named after him.

looks like Pakistani people and the government has confined itself to muslims and islam only there is no place for non muslim heroes

I never understood this mindset, yet these loud minority are first to shout of how East, West or North is not giving equal rights to Pakistanis abroad or marginalising their rights.
They will never consider that the constitution of Pakistan is inherently biased towards Muslims.
A non-muslim cannot become the Premier or President of the country. Not that there is a non-Muslim person who is famous enough or will get enough votes to one day take that position. This relegates all non-Muslims as second tier citizens and automatically condemns them to be marginalised and not treated as equal citizens.

I am glad people are talking about this issue, it highlights the need for change. The damage Zia has done to Pakistan - I don't think that change will be in my lifetime but there is always hope.
A Picture is worth a Thousand Words :


A Picture is worth a Thousand Words :


What is the bit that rubbed out on the second image? Edit: I checked the link and now know what it says. Thanks.
Ask your non-Muslim heroes to accept that they are non Muslims and Constitution of Pakistan first,
forced them in exile
like ch zafarullah and other muslim league leaders forced our first hindu law minister in exile after Jinnah
forced them in exile
like ch zafarullah and other muslim league leaders forced our first hindu law minister in exile after Jinnah

Can you please share name? I like to research these figures as official history is so doctored. His story seems to resembles that of Dewan Bahadur Singha.
Can you please share name? I like to research these figures as official history is so doctored. His story seems to resembles that of Dewan Bahadur Singha.
In 1950, Mandal came back to India after submitting his resignation to Liaquat Ali Khan, the then Prime Minister of Pakistan, citing the perceived anti-Hindu bias of the Pakistani administration.[2][3][4] He mentioned incidents related to social injustice and biased attitude towards non-Muslim minorities in his resignation letter.[10] He died on 5 October 1968 in his home state of West Bengal after living an anonymous life after his return from Pakistan.

In 1950, Mandal came back to India after submitting his resignation to Liaquat Ali Khan, the then Prime Minister of Pakistan, citing the perceived anti-Hindu bias of the Pakistani administration.[2][3][4] He mentioned incidents related to social injustice and biased attitude towards non-Muslim minorities in his resignation letter.[10] He died on 5 October 1968 in his home state of West Bengal after living an anonymous life after his return from Pakistan.


Oh this hoodwinked idiot again!! It's amusing how he uses a qadiani kafir to argue his case about Pakistan being discriminating toward non-Muslims. A hindu, Christian, Sikh or Zoroastrian is and ought to be respected member of non-Muslim Pakistani. Their places of worship are and ought to be respected and full rights given, since they are declared non-Muslims, who are devout to their faith. As a Muslim Pakistani, it is our duty to respect non-Muslims, their faith and their places of worship.

A qadiani however, is NOT.

Why? Because unlike non-Muslims who have their own faith, their own places of worship, their own rituals and their own identity. These qadianis (another disease created by the evil british empire), are impostors, liars and ones who attack Islam itself. Hindus don't identify with Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, Christians don't worship in the direction of the Kaabah and Zoroastrians don't call themselves Muslims and declare that they have a Prophet of God, succeeding Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam.

You see, these qadianis have a built-in mechanism which is in direct conflict with Islam, by being an impostor, a liar, a deceiver and one with actual and present malicious intent to hurt Muslims and strike at them from within. A qadiani is NOT a Muslim, because if you want to be identified as a Muslim, then you qadianis have to officially, publicly and unambiguously declare that they do NOT follow mirza ghulam ahmad (a documented Kafir) who claims to be a Prophet of God. Since Islam declares Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam as "Khatim-un-Nabiyyeen", that defacto puts qadianis in the category of being Kafir, one who is in direct conflict with Islam.

Sure one can argue that Christians (Catholics) also do not believe that Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam as a Prophet of Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah. But that doesn't validate qadianis, since Christians aren't claiming to be Muslim, or trying to visit Makkah, or declaring themselves as true Muslims. So Christians, apart from being people of the Heavenly Books, are people whom Muslims should engage with, any day over qadianis. Because Christians are NOT lying to be Muslims or attacking Islam from within.

Same goes for Hindus and Zoroastrians. These non-Muslims of Pakistan are regarded as people with integrity, who claim to be who they really are, not impostors, liars and ones with malicious intent against Islam.

As qadianis go, till the day they continue to behave as they have been, as impostors, liars, deceivers and product of one of the most evil empires in history (british). There can be no acceptance of them into Pakistani society. They have brought this upon themselves, Pakistanis don't hate qadianis, what Pakistanis hate is their malicious, sadistic intent to attack Islam from within.

Once Pakistanis fall into the trap of feeling sorry for these scum, and begin to accept them into our society. Watch how they will creep into the corridors of power (as they have in the past with PPP) and attempt to change the narrative on Islam, corrupting Pakistan's mindset on our identity, which is Islam.

Hoodbhouy, you really need stick to what you do best, physics. Talking about things your incomplete intellect doesn't comprehend with, is called stupidity of a retard.
Salam’s face blackened

Pervez HoodbhoyUpdated 07 Nov 2020

The writer is an Islamabad-based physicist and writer.

WHEN our prime minister lectures Europe about Islamophobia, the world snickers. Forced conversions? Lynching by enraged mobs? Having to curse another religion’s founder prior to applying for a Pakistani passport? Discrimination is built into our laws: Pakistan’s Constitution explicitly excludes non-Muslims from full citizenship. For multiple reasons every human rights listing puts Pakistan close to the bottom.
Very recently a group of abuse-yelling young men in Gujranwala chose to video-record themselves while spraying black paint onto a poster of Prof Abdus Salam. An Ahmadi and Pakistan’s sole science Nobel Prize winner who died 25 years ago, Salam is the only Pakistani who has seriously impacted the world of science. That the posted video went viral with tens of thousands of views — and that it received high approval — speaks of raw mediaeval hatreds boiling over from time to time with or without an excuse.
The video is that of ordinary people — at least those in Punjab — and was not officially ordered. But what of governments? Do national leaders acknowledge that scientific merit must be disentangled from matters of faith? And how has the military establishment seen things? These questions are important not just because of some particular individual but because government, industry and academia function properly only if there are layered meritocracies built upon recognition of individual ability and competence. Salam’s case is a litmus test.

Gen Ayub Khan could not have cared less about Salam being an Ahmadi and appointed him as scientific adviser; Zulfikar Ali Bhutto thought similarly even as he surrendered his principles for political gain in 1974; Ziaul Haq was ideologically charged and very wary of Ahmadis but was also politically savvy and so awarded Salam the Nishan-i-Imtiaz in 1980.
Then things started changing. Benazir Bhutto stayed totally clear of Salam and so did Mian Nawaz Sharif. During his first tenure as prime minister, while speaking at Government College Lahore in 1992, Nawaz Sharif read out a long list of distinguished alumni and faculty but conspicuously omitted Salam’s name.
Quite miraculously, Nawaz Sharif eventually recognised Salam’s importance as a scientist. While touring CERN (European Nuclear Research Centre) in 2016 to cement the Pak-CERN collaboration, one hears he was much impressed to learn that major parts of CERN’s research — including the successful search for the Higgs boson — revolved around certain discoveries of Abdus Salam and Steven Weinberg. He was also taken for a drive on Rue de Salam, a road in Geneva named after Salam.
It was but natural that someone should then have asked Pakistan’s prime minister a basic question: why did Salam’s home country have no significant institution named after him? The natural candidate was the National Centre for Physics located on the campus of Quaid-i-Azam University, a public university. NCP was conceived in the 1980s jointly by Salam and his former PhD student Riazuddin (1930-2013), a respected theoretical physicist who also became NCP’s founding director. Though hopelessly underfunded, it started off in 1999 on borrowed premises on the QAU campus.
NCP’s original goal was to become a mini ICTP (International Centre for Theoretical Physics). Founded by Salam in the Italian city of Trieste, the ICTP (now renamed Abdus Salam-ICTP) has hosted thousands of researchers from around the world to work in a cordial and intellectually vibrant atmosphere on cutting-edge scientific problems. It is an established model for international cooperation and the openness of scientific inquiry.
Days after Salam’s 20th death anniversary, the then prime minister Nawaz Sharif moved to change NCP’s name. He failed. To remind readers of how that happened, I will repeat some details from my Dawn article of 2018.
On Dec 29, 2016, the president of Pakistan, on the summary advice of the prime minister of Pakistan, put his signature upon a document titled, Proposal to Rename NCP at QAU as Professor Abdus Salam Centre for Physics. Earlier, the summary had been vetted on Dec 26, 2016, by the minister of state for education and professional training. It was then sent to QAU for necessary action as per proper procedure.
The official order for renaming NCP — duly signed by the Pakistani state’s highest executives, both the president and the prime minister — was received at QAU and conveyed onward to NCP. It was ignored. For a modern state to have subordinate officials deliberately and openly defying lawful authority is rare but this is precisely what happened. Direct orders from the sitting prime minister and president went into the wastebasket and NCP’s name remained unchanged. Religious prejudice was just too deep.
I think what the political leadership did not fully understand was how much the character of NCP had changed. Now funded by the Strategic Plans Division of the Pakistan Army, NCP is a parking lot for retired officers from high security institutions. Living the good life in plush residences at the foot of the Margalla Hills, they are answerable only to themselves and not to any government. In a fortress bristling with barbed wire and armed guards, no high-thinking physicist pondering on the nature of the universe is likely to be found there.
Once again Salam had been cheated of the respect he deserves for his scientific work. He may be the starkest example but is not alone. Pakistan does not own any son of the soil who happens to be a non-Muslim. Har Gobind Khorana (1922-2011) was born in Multan, earned his MSc degree from Government College Lahore in 1946 and went on to earn the Nobel Prize in physiology in 1968 for his work in protein synthesis via nucleotides. In 1983 another Lahori, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1910-1995), became a Nobel Laureate in physics after his definitive work on the death of stars. Nasa’s satellite, named Chandra, is presently searching the skies for black holes and other astronomical objects.
Prejudice poisons the well of knowledge, making its water too toxic for science and inquiry to grow. As with Salam, nothing in Lahore acknowledges the existence of either Khorana or Chandrasekhar. Nevertheless they must still be considered fortunate. At least they have been spared the abuse and vilification that the long-dead Salam must continue to endure.
The writer is an Islamabad-based physicist and writer.
Published in Dawn, November 7th, 2020

Chandrasekhar was born on 19 October 1910 in Lahore, Punjab, British India (now Pakistan) in a Tamil Brahmin family,[9] to Sita Balakrishnan (1891–1931) and Chandrasekhara Subrahmanya Ayyar (1885–1960)[10] who was stationed in Lahore as Deputy Auditor General of the Northwestern Railways at the time of Chandrasekhar's birth. He had two elder sisters, Rajalakshmi and Balaparvathi, three younger brothers, Vishwanathan, Balakrishnan, and Ramanathan and four younger sisters, Sarada, Vidya, Savitri, and Sundari. His paternal uncle was the Indian physicist and Nobel laureate C. V. Raman. His mother was devoted to intellectual pursuits, had translated Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House into Tamil and is credited with arousing Chandra's intellectual curiosity at an early age.[11] The family moved from Lahore to Allahabad in 1916, and finally settled in Madras in 1918.

Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar FRS (About this soundpronunciation) (19 October 1910 – 21 August 1995)[3] was an Indian-American astrophysicist who spent his professional life in the United States.[4] He was awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize for Physics with William A. Fowler for "...theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of the stars". His mathematical treatment of stellar evolution yielded many of the current theoretical models of the later evolutionary stages of massive stars and black holes.[5][6] The Chandrasekhar limit is named after him.

looks like Pakistani people and the government has confined itself to muslims and islam only, there is no place for non muslim heroes

Abdus Salam is well respected within many circles. Even those that hate him know of his accomplishments. I don't see what you're trying to get at.

You posting hoodbhoy's article is out of taste. This guy is known for talking on everything but his field of study and I am very skeptical about his "credentials".

If this is a measuring contest between who's the bigger hypocrite, let me tell you, you ain't seen anything and neither has this boy.

If this is to recognize Abdus Salam and others like him, well they are. If you're asking for more representation then my list of Pakistani Muslims will always be bigger than yours. Abdus Salam wasn't the only one who didn't get the limelight (as much as you want) so I don't see what there is to cry about. And all this boy does is cry. Nothing constructive. His Islamophobic narrative is quite obvious.

He would have found a good place in France if his credentials were as good as he thought. :lol:
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