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Salafists clash with security forces in S Lebanon, 3 soldiers killed

The majos are right guys, it was all over my news feed from the Lebanese. Even the Lebanese army is an Iranian stooge.
Wait and see what will happen, the pro FSA Lebanese said today they will fight inside against Hz and the Lebanese army.
[Sarcasm] Formula: Muslims - Salafists = Iranian stooges [/Sarcasm]
There are some Shia brigades in the Lebanese army since Hezballah joined the government. It could be those who were attacked were shia troops with affiliation with Hezballah. Though it might as well be a move against the Lebanese army.

I don't know that the Lebanese government see Hezballah as an illegal organization in Lebanon (or rather it's military wing).
Any source on that? I don't have clear memory on the subject.
There are some Shia brigades in the Lebanese army since Hezballah joined the government. It could be those who were attacked were shia troops with affiliation with Hezballah. Though it might as well be a move against the Lebanese army.

I don't know that the Lebanese government see Hezballah as an illegal organization in Lebanon (or rather it's military wing).
Any source on that? I don't have clear memory on the subject.

one of the slain soldiers had a christian surname ********.com - Lebanese terrorist Ahmed al-Assir calling for LAF defections & violence all over Lebanon
This could be trouble as Lebanon is very fragile.

Yet another KSA vs Iran proxy war.
There are some Shia brigades in the Lebanese army since Hezballah joined the government. It could be those who were attacked were shia troops with affiliation with Hezballah. Though it might as well be a move against the Lebanese army.

I don't know that the Lebanese government see Hezballah as an illegal organization in Lebanon (or rather it's military wing).
Any source on that? I don't have clear memory on the subject.


As far as our knowledge is concerned, we all know as a matter of fact that Hezbollah controls Southern Lebanon, which means they must have been behind these clashes.

If what you are saying is true, then this will have a very negative impact on Lebanon itself.

This could be trouble as Lebanon is very fragile.

Yet another KSA vs Iran proxy war.

KSA doesn't support Al-Assir. In fact, we denied him an entry once along with Lebanese Shias.

I don't know what you are talking about though.

up to 10 soldiers dead, the cleric better flee to saudi arabia or his days are numbered. In Lebanon, as many as 10 soldiers are killed as violence spills over from Syria war - The Washington Post

If he turned to us, we will shoot him along with Hezbollah terrorists.
Its impossible to tell who is Shia or Sunni when wearing Lebanese Army uniform. So I dont think that is what fueled this clash.
Fact of the matter is, that the Lebanese Army is still a separate entity from Hezbollah.
Lebanon has extremely bad feelings and memories of the civil war they went through. The Salafists will loose a lot of public support over this, also among Sunni Lebanese that dont want another civil war.
The Lebanese Army directorate mourned on Monday morning six new Army martyrs who died while fulfilling their duties and preserving security and stability in Sidon.

The names of the martyrs are mentioned hereafter:

First Sergeant Tony Joseph Alhazori, Sergeant Omar Haysam Youssef, Corporal Abdul Karim Kabalan Teimy, soldier Johnny Antoine Nicolas, soldier Wassim Saleh Hamdan and the soldier Bilal Abdallah Idris.

National News Agency - Army mourns six new martyrs
“What happened today in Sidon went beyond all expectations,” the army said in a harshly worded statement. “The army was targeted in a cold-blooded and deliberate attack.”

It said six soldiers, including three officers, had been killed in the attack, with 19 others injured. The statement evoked comparisons to Lebanon in 1975, the year of a fishermen’s strike in Sidon that is considered by many to have been a key incident in setting the fuse for civil war. The National News Agency, which said rocket-propelled grenades and mortars were fired in the clashes, later increased the army death toll to 10, with 35 soldiers injured.

The army said Sunday’s fighting began when supporters of Assir launched an unprovoked attack on one of its checkpoints in the city’s Abra suburb. Assir said in a statement that soldiers at the checkpoint had beaten up two of his supporters before opening fire on others who went to their assistance. The army later besieged his mosque with heavy artillery, he said.

The clashes caused panic in the normally sleepy southern city, sending residents fleeing for safety. The army had surrounded Assir’s mosque in the early hours Monday morning, with the cleric believed to be holed up inside. Two Sunni gunmen also were killed in the fighting.

Assir posted a video online Sunday saying he was under attack from the army and called for Sunni soldiers to defect. He lambasted the armed forces as working at the behest of the Iranians and Hezbollah and urged Sunnis to block roads in solidarity.

Lebanese President Michel Suleiman called for an emergency meeting with ministers and security officials Monday to discuss how to contain the violence. He said Assir’s calls for “jihad” against the military served only Lebanon’s enemies.

In Lebanon, as many as 10 soldiers are killed as violence spills over from Syria war - The Washington Post
This is a good development.

Hezbollah will benefit from this. Members have already said it. Christians and Shias in Lebanon already support HZ. With these kinds of developments, the avg secular and nationalist sunni will start getting on the side of HZ as well.

From time to time I go to this Leb forum to read people's responses. It's interesting how a lot of these christian, shia and even sunni members are so in favour of hezbollah.

The Orange Room - Lebanon's number one discussion forums

specific thread about this development
Lebanese army clashes with terrorists - 23 Jun 2013
The Lebanese Army directorate mourned on Monday morning six new Army martyrs who died while fulfilling their duties and preserving security and stability in Sidon.

The names of the martyrs are mentioned hereafter:

First Sergeant Tony Joseph Alhazori, Sergeant Omar Haysam Youssef, Corporal Abdul Karim Kabalan Teimy, soldier Johnny Antoine Nicolas, soldier Wassim Saleh Hamdan and the soldier Bilal Abdallah Idris.

National News Agency - Army mourns six new martyrs

Looks like many are Christians and Sunni Lebanese. Watch Wahhabi terrorist supporters will still claim they are all Shias Hezbollah!

Just like they do in Syria, when they kill Syrian Army, they claim all of them are Alawites.

Looks like many are Christians and Sunni Lebanese. Watch Wahhabi terrorist supporters will still claim they are all Shias Hezbollah!

Just like they do in Syria, when they kill Syrian Army, they claim all of them are Alawites.


those terrorists know nothing but to kill, no matter what you are, and what is worse, is that they have governments and people supporting those terrorists...
This is also how it started in Syria. Assad did not randomly start to shoot unarmed demonstrators, like some western and gulf propaganda proclaims.
From the very beginning there was a violent and radical element that started to shoot at Syrian soldiers, in order to ignite wider war and uprising.

SAA actually tried their best not to shoot back, and instead contain violence. But the killings from the terrorsists continued. In the end it was impossible to contain, and there was no other choice but to eradicate all the terrorists. Same like Hafez al Assad did in 1982. The terrorists never learm and they cant be reasoned with.
It didn't need such violence against protestors.
And no , West didn't make propaganda . they are the Syrians who said what happened.
You remember the famous story of the beginning of revolt when young guys were tortured:
read the story here:
It is impossible to say how things might have turned out had the Assad government taken a more accommodating stance toward the protest. Activists from Dara’a still insist that the pressures could have been contained, compromises reached, even after years of violent repression. Any such hope quickly passed as the deaths began to mount.

“People became uncontrollable,” the father said.
salafi/wahhabism is khawarij...........dog from hell like prophet say...............

Evil Horn Will Come From najd..........................may Allah send them all all into hellfire...........
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