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SAFMA VS Zaid Hamid


Sep 10, 2011
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Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid [Official] | Facebook

Allahu Akbar!!!!

Today, we have filed a Petition in the Supreme Court against SAFMA for High Treason against Pak Sarzameen, its sacred ideology, its beloved founding fathers and waging a war against Pak Sarzameen, armed forces and our freedom on behalf of the enemies.

We have demanded Death Panelty under article 6 High Treason law for All SAFMA leaders, members and supporters like Imtiaz Alam, Marvi Sermed, Najam Sethi, Hamid Mir, Asma Jahangir, Hasan Nisar, Khaled Ahmed, Beena Aarwar, Nusrat Javed and Ali Chishti! Now these snakes will be dragged to the court and confronted with their crimes against Pak Sarzameen InshAllah.

Thusands of Pakistanis have joined hands alhamdolillah to expose and confront these snakes and now the Petition has been filed in the Supreme Court! By Allah, we will defend our Medina e Sani, its sacred ideology, its geography, its armed forces and our freedom!

For the first time in Pakistan history, media has been dragged to the court for treason and attacking the Islamic clauses of the Cosntitution and staging subversion and sabtage of the stage on behalf of the enemies in these times of war.

Now there will be no neutrals! Either you are with SAFMA snakes or you are with patriots! We will add more names to the list of traitors as the case progresses, InshAllah! The battle has now gone to the new levels! Let the snakes burn in hell!

Barring the spelling mistakes (And death penalty), I think it's a petition that should have been filed long ago against the media. Nowadays, watching Geo TV is like watching Zee News after two hours after 26/11, in which by the way, ZN found the culprit and interviewed him (Oh and later when the culprit was found, he was different, so blatant lies from ZN). Still what do you guys think? I applaud his decision, SAFMA should be controlled. Besides, it's blatantly funded by RAW
Ding Dong!!!

It is really fun to read or hear him .

He is too funny ! Man he is better than Raju srivastav.

I love this chap !:D
From here
Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid [Official] | Facebook

Barring the spelling mistakes (And death penalty), I think it's a petition that should have been filed long ago against the media. Nowadays, watching Geo TV is like watching Zee News after two hours after 26/11, in which by the way, ZN found the culprit and interviewed him (Oh and later when the culprit was found, he was different, so blatant lies from ZN). Still what do you guys think? I applaud his decision, SAFMA should be controlled. Besides, it's blatantly funded by RAW

Isn't it a old trick, who is disagree with your view is a traitor. Be it religion or region?
From here
Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid [Official] | Facebook

Barring the spelling mistakes (And death penalty), I think it's a petition that should have been filed long ago against the media. Nowadays, watching Geo TV is like watching Zee News after two hours after 26/11, in which by the way, ZN found the culprit and interviewed him (Oh and later when the culprit was found, he was different, so blatant lies from ZN). Still what do you guys think? I applaud his decision, SAFMA should be controlled. Besides, it's blatantly funded by RAW
SAFMA have messed up with really wrong Guy they can never understand this guy and with ISI also angry with media they are going to face hell in court because ISI have lot of proof of Secret meetings of these guys with Indian Intelligence and other peopl they asked for war and now the are going to get it
Isn't it a old trick, who is disagree with your view is a traitor. Be it religion or region?
Actually, that's not why I disagree with SAFMA at all. They question the existence of Pakistan and have blatantly stated that they want to merge India and Pakistan. You understand the wars? You understand the tension? You realise that if they are allowed to spread this propaganda, sooner or later, people will agree. You agree that this would be a disaster. You agree that, since 1947, both nations have taken diverging paths. You realise that, for this reason, merging would be a disaster for both sides. Yet, if one side readily agrees to this, the other side can just subdue them with ease. You realise that they even question the nuclear bomb. You realise that they spread Indian sponsored propaganda along with American sponsored propaganda. You understand this, which is why you took the time to defame Zaid Hamid and post an irrelevant one-liner.
Another irrelevant one liner about the great man. Proof needed please!

1) Didn't you hear he calling Afia Siddique as a neurologist( who was actually "PhD in education" for helping "Deaf & Dumb Students" as conceded by her own sister), he created story of hypothetical research paper of her and she was harassed by Hindu colleagues at Bagram Airbase only to be proved wrong by her sister.

It is obvious that he will lie, opening his mouth too much cost him a court case.

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