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SAFIR-4 space launch vehicle

Aug 10, 2017
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SAFIR-4 space launch vehicle

Sarir is Safir-3, Soroush is Safir-4.

Soroush will be completed by 2029 (1407)

Publish Date: 10 February 1398-07:35 (2020)

The head of the Iranian space agency said: We are developing the third generation of Iranian space launchers, with the Sarir that should be able to put thousands of kg in 600 kilometers orbit.
According to plan, we decided to complete the development of the third phase by 2024 (1402 Persian calendar).
The fourth phase, with Soroush, will be completed by 2029 (1407).

Official: Iran Plans to Send 1-ton Satellite into Orbit by 2024

Mon Feb 03, 2020 11:43

TEHRAN (FNA)- Head of the Iran Space Agency (ISA) Morteza Barari announced plans to orbit satellites which weigh 1,000kg by 2024.

"We will be able to send 1,000-kg satellites to the orbit from 2022 to 2024," Barari said in an interview with the state TV on Sunday night.

He also revealed plans to send satellites into geostationary orbit, which is a circular orbit around 36,000 kilometers (22,320 miles) above the Earth's equator, noting that they will be carried by home-made Soroush satellite carrier.

"This step will start on 2024 and we hope to accomplish it by 2026," Barari said.


4th February 2020

Spoke with Iran Space Agency chief @barari_ir about new SLV projects.
Sarir: can carry an over 500kg payload & deliver it at 1000km altitude - length: 35m, diameter: 2.4m
Soroush: can carry an over 1000kg payload & deliver it at 36000km altitude — liquid-propellant, diameter: 4m


4th February 2020

Geosynchronous orbit space launcher 'Soroush' is the fourth phase in the country's space program


This means Soroush is the first of the Safir-4 family.

Therefore: Soroush SLV, should be able to place some ~2'000 kg to GTO, and ~ 4'000 to LEO: enough for the 'E1' single seater manned orbital capsule.


http://archive.ph/5q1F3/384e9473d6906c5bdc4ef3900e0d6dc4926d49e1.jpg ; https://archive.ph/5q1F3/f919bfce759c1b86edabb67685d2fa339ab0c8fa/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200204114950/https://i.imgur.com/8GaxK4b.jpg
1. Soroush SLV speculation. As of 4th February 2020.

This is a model of the future Iranian space launch vehicle displayed in an exhibition showcasing Iran's aerospace technological achievements that is currently underway at Amirkabir University in Tehran.

Presumably the Soroush, with a measured core booster diameter of ~36 pixels.

The measured strap-on booster diameter is ~20 pixels.

The measured total maximum diameter is ~77 pixels.

This means a core booster diameter to total maximum diameter ratio of some 1:2.13

• If diameter of core booster is 2.4 meter then total diameter is 5.13 meters, and strap-on booster diameter is 1.3 meter.

• If diameter of core booster is 4 meter then total diameter is 8.52 meters, and strap-on booster diameter is 2.2 meter.


http://archive.is/1KiIt/56b5b1ecf44dfbec5f3e81e68756ed7201d80063.jpg ; https://archive.is/1KiIt/b2cf8278890cf9d2a623b7e8372630ead9d738bd/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200206114153/https://media.mehrnews.com/d/2020/02/05/4/3372837.jpg ; http://en.mehrnews.com/photo/155339/Exhibition-of-aerospace-technological-achievements-in-Tehran ; http://archive.ph/4ShKy
2. Model of future Iranian Soroush space launch vehicle with 4 strap-on boosters. TEHRAN, Feb. 06 (MNA) – An exhibition showcasing Iran's aerospace technological achievements is currently underway at Amirkabir University in Tehran, on the sidelines of the 18th International Conference of Iranian Aerospace Society.

Notice that there is clearly 3 stages, indicated by the external feed lines for the liquid propellant. The 4th stage of the Soroush can't be seen, as it might be the upper stage for GEO transfert, inside the fairing.

• Also according to the external feed line's length, the strap-on boosters are as long as the first stage, probably some ~20 meters.

All 4 strap-on boosters are also of liquid propellant type.

• Second stage might be ~20 meters long.

• Third stage ~ 5 meters long.

• Upper stage less than 5 meters long.

In this case, the payload capacity is estimated to range ~3 tons in GTO. More than 6 tons in LEO. Can easily place the 3 seaters or Iranian 'Soyuz' manned spacecraft in LEO.


http://archive.ph/jLzcV/74395f1b7b465bd0be005cefd3213ca3afa852f4.jpg ; https://archive.ph/jLzcV/77c86264083b9020fcb69ff2e66741d200c390ce/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200209140541/https://i.imgur.com/MeR37G0.jpg
3. Old drawings found in Iranian forum.

• First stage might be ~21 meters long.

• Second stage might be ~21 meters long.

Slightly short of 60 meters long. Note that this would match the size of the Chinese CZ-2F & family. Indeed that makes more sense.

How about a nice bright pink colour?

Or for Uzi do it in the Israeli flag's colour scheme.

Coincidence? I think not!



http://archive.is/Niz3N/d77f7f62b227ecddcbbc36bc852baf0e640e2039.jpg ; https://archive.is/Niz3N/caf2442ef373cd749dc8f0b55b9775a9b8e0781c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200209135856/https://i.imgur.com/FzyjwiL.jpg
4. Safir SLV family speculation, as of February 2020.

Alas, some confusion at the source in Iranian media.

Take Tasnimnews's representation of the Sarir and Soroush launchers. First illustration from author Fatherland9 dated from 3rd February 2020:


http://archive.is/zo6HN/140b83fc9cdc05285ec0c766c240d76c488d94de.jpg ; https://archive.is/zo6HN/02e72e22a5fc6c362559e233a09f7a3af5d8bdd2/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200203084417/https://cdn.mashreghnews.ir/d/2020/02/03/4/2708604.jpg ; https://cdn.mashreghnews.ir/d/2020/02/03/4/2708604.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200203...ان-برای-دستیابی-به-مدار-ژئو-چابهار-سکوی-پرتاب ; http://archive.ph/2Ul5z
5. Safir SLV family 3rd February 2020: Soroush, Sarir, Simorgh, Safir.

Then benefiting from the mandatory worldwide COVID-19 lockdown and the associated rest, they seemed to come to their senses, though belatedly, with a revised new drawing on 29th March 2020:


http://archive.vn/OpAeb/c1bab9d609942ee5a6f0d1fdcab976713d98d8e4.jpg ; https://archive.vn/OpAeb/32ee370b0e05a67172ef0289b21df02f335781c3/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200418211102/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EUL-3dOWAAA8uE5?format=jpg&name=900x900 ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200418...والجناح-ماهواره-برهای-ایرانی-را-بیشتر-بشناسید ; http://archive.vn/XNxkq ; https://www.tasnimnews.com/fa/news/...والجناح-ماهواره-برهای-ایرانی-را-بیشتر-بشناسید
6. Safir SLV family 29th March 2020: Soroush, Sarir, Simorgh, Safir.

But obviously inspired [plagiarized] by the illustration (from a North Korean source) first published here on 9th February 2020, while still omitting the external main engine's nozzles... and of course the color schemes!

Conclusion, always take all the official media's informations with a pinch of salt, and draw your own models, that can't be worse.


Chabahar satellite launch center

9 February 2020

The head of the Iranian space agency pointing to the launch of two telecom satellites in 99 said:
These satellites have been in the final stages and we have begun designing the Chabahar satellite launch center, and the satellite will be launched by Sarir and Soroush SLV from Chabahar SLC.


For GEO and manned missions, the Safir-4 SLV should head toward the equator Southeastward off the Indian coast.


https://archive.vn/vjAVw/a8a413d97d69c3ea132484a6ae1545f35a828044.jpg ; https://archive.vn/vjAVw/af25fc69f31b39526c43771b15a3d1c2f0e582bc/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200929...age/1399/01/09/13990109133612468200058010.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200329...والجناح-ماهواره-برهای-ایرانی-را-بیشتر-بشناسید ; https://archive.vn/XNxkq
7. Chabahar SLC suitable for both various inclined orbits, SSO and GEO launches!


Safir-4's Engines: First Cryogenic Rocket Engine of Iran

The Amirkabir University's exposition model reveals several first stage's external feed lines, consistent with the use of cryogenic engines.

These are even visible on the 4 strap-on boosters! These external feed lines are similar to the Korean KSLV-II SLV itself derived from the Angara SLV, both fitted with high thrust cryogenic engine burning a mixture of Liquid Oxygen & Kerosene (RP-1/LOX).


https://archive.is/FCObw/f364ae865fe3004cbca3140df1d0963740f4d645.jpg ; https://archive.is/FCObw/ad0f51eacfce501e912fa34e2e2e756aba7f1070/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20201023043110/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EV7L5IPUYAEmwt4?format=jpg&name=large ; https://twitter.com/Kor_Spaceflight/status/1251661938980876289/photo/1
8. KSLV-II SLV with 4 external feed lines on the first stage.


https://archive.vn/oUsxk/d5c53ba7aa1e89f373a36e0487ab6c56537131e2.jpg ; https://archive.vn/oUsxk/aaa159846754d95cc526a508a8b7a3182767b637/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200728....com/images/rockets/angara/urm1/cutaway_1.jpg
9. The first-stage booster, URM-1, of the Angara family, with an external feed line.

The reasons for internal feedlines are: Less turns and bends in the lines, the Major drawbacks are assembly complexity and insulation issues.

Besides Atlas throughout the ages and N-1 many other launch vehicles have used external feed or fill/feed lines including the U.S. Space Shuttle External Tank, Saturn S-II, Saturn S-IVB, Delta-IV. The list goes on...

Most vehicles use external feedlines because they are less complicated and thus less expensive than internal ones. The aerodynamic penalty is often less of a concern than the economically painful alternative.

One of the ducts handles a cryogenic fluid and has to deal with insulation/heat transfer issues.

If the upper tank feed line is to be external, then the insulation and pumping considerations would favor RP-1 on the top. This would be the simplest design, both for the LOX system and the upper tank feed line.

If confirmed this would mark the first use of cryogenic engines in Iran!



Soroush-1 and Soroush-2 as presented in Iranian TV program. Inaccurate renderings though!


https://archive.ph/kIEyI/1916704d05255c3e15fd503e4e5fac6087b0ace9.jpg ; https://archive.ph/kIEyI/e96c9b0b02b7683e5370e98677df654b1e580e7c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210313172041/http://gallery.military.ir/albums/userpics/10314/EtJ0PsyXEAkumZX.jpg
1. Soroush-1 and Soroush-2 SLV. February 2021.

Soroush-2 first stage said to use cryogenic engines.


https://archive.ph/NTpo2/990a766f12d1399d5042a193a31462731246fdac.jpg ; https://archive.ph/NTpo2/cbd153365eae908ec7d6f0c78dedffaf0a5dfd0e/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210313173631/https://instagram.fqls2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t51.2885-15/e35/144774413_3600035006777960_6302884122516745662_n.jpg?tp=1&_nc_ht=instagram.fqls2-1.fna.fbcdn.net&_nc_cat=108&_nc_ohc=eMWcLys7JukAX99BVzs&oh=dada9bd9d4da8b46263bbf87f520394a&oe=60771B4D ; https://www.instagram.com/p/CKtclRUFp7d/ ; https://www.instagram.com/p/CKn7YBEJfdv/ ; https://ischallenge.ir/
2. Soroush-2 first stage said to use cryogenic engines. Engine will be named "Bahman". February 2021.

Inaccurate rendering though!

Obviously an image of the Russian RD-181 semi-cryogenic engine.

In 2014, the Russian rocket industry reached a deal with a US company to supply a modified version of the RD-191 engine. The RD-191 engine was originally developed for Russia's new-generation Angara family of rockets and was already modified under name RD-151 to propel the South-Korean KSLV-1 launcher. The US-Russian agreement put another upgrade of the engine, designated RD-181, on the first stage of the Antares rocket developed by the Orbital Sciences Corporation, OSC, based in the United States.


https://archive.ph/E48Yp/a29e65a8498780c77c6c175483a653b029d60de1.jpg ; https://archive.ph/E48Yp/81a4c7acd0baf65df27ad5e72bdae2112849fd45/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200604001931/http://www.russianspaceweb.com/images/rockets/engines/rd181/silo_1.jpg ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200806034927/http://www.russianspaceweb.com/rd181.html ; https://archive.ph/vPFFN ; https://archive.ph/vPFFN/a614999d981574774ebb4caacb2630e4ed3d1879/scr.png
3. Obviously an image of the Russian RD-181 semi-cryogenic engine.

How about a nice bright pink colour?

Or for Uzi do it in the Israeli flag's colour scheme.

Coincidence? I think not!



https://archive.is/8FGLt/f87c8bc88d490c7a4bc455782d5c76f46f291349.jpg ; https://archive.is/8FGLt/2e3fbe2d1215c8c0a8dbbe9fce2fd52c586ae356/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210313170732/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EwWzLlMWUAE3DSY?format=jpg&name=large ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210313170755/https://twitter.com/AJ_FI/status/1370698948818657280 ; https://archive.ph/wdG9r ; https://archive.ph/wdG9r/5f1f6a1017a3c2a04024e601a2c56dbb35ee52fc/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210313170854/https://www.sohu.com/a/455516359_100016644 ; https://archive.ph/bNFNy
4. Darwin-1 (达尔文一号) rocket that uses semi-cryogenic methalox engines.

Look at this Darwin-1 (达尔文一号) rocket that uses semi-cryogenic methalox engines: the global orange color paint and the external feed lines match those of the Soroush SLV!

Conclusion, Soroush SLV should have semi-cryogenic kerolox or methalox engines, and not hydrolox engines. :smart:



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