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Saffron Terror and Hindutva Ideology


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Saffron Terror and Hindutva Ideology
29 Oct 2021
By Dr Seema Khan
Party flags of Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) and Shiv Sena on display in Mumbai. Source: Al Jazeera English https://bit.ly/3ErXjPu

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There are few states where a person or community’s right to exist within a state’s territorial boundaries hinges on religious beliefs. In today’s India, minorities are increasingly forced to chant “Jai Shri Ram” or face violent consequences.
Samuel Huntington’s ideas may have seemed far-fetched to some in 1992 when he predicted future wars to be “not between countries, but between cultures.” Religion is a key factor in the cultural identity, and religious identity has become a powerful political force in state affairs and has sparked numerous identity-based interstate and intrastate conflicts throughout history. The resurgence of the commingling of politics and religion has had serious consequences in several countries and signals a shift towards a muscular majoritarian religiously inspired nationalist movements. We have recently witnessed the phenomena of religious nationalism in the Rohingya genocide, which is a series of persecutions of Muslims by the Myanmar military. Due to their distinct religious identity, over a million Rohingya people have been forced to escape their homeland and seek refuge in other countries. Similarly, in today’s “shining” India—the world’s “largest democracy”—inter-communal clashes over religion continue.
In recent history, a genocide perpetrated against minorities in India has been overshadowed by crimes against humanity elsewhere in the world. The major global powers appear to ignore the violence in India against minorities because of their strategic interests in the region and more importantly, India’s significant economic potential. Political violence in Kashmir, Assam, Gujarat, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, and Sikkim illustrates the state’s worst repressive approaches towards minorities. The introduction of India’s New Citizenship Policy is blatant discrimination against the 172 million Muslims who constitute almost 14.6 percent of the population. Other minorities such as Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, people from the scheduled castes – the lowest, including Dalits – and Adivasis – the Indigenous people of India – also live under constant fear.
India, Minorities, and RSS
The dramatic rise of religious nationalism in India is buttressed the right-wing extremist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Hindu nationalist movement. RSS, which literally means “national volunteer organization,” was founded on 27 September 1925 in Nagpur, India during the Hindu renaissance. The sevaks or volunteers of RSS aim to transform social, cultural, educational, labour, developmental, and political structures into their version of Hinduism. The founding members of RSS were besotted with Benito Mussolini’s fascist ideology and aimed to implement his same approach to eliminate religious minorities in India. RSS has abandoned the Indian national tricolour in favour of the saffron flag, known as bhagwa dhwaj. Saffron colour has become linked to RSS identity, and RSS sevaks revere the saffron flag. According to RSS ideology, all religions in India other than Hinduism are considered foreign religions, and their adherents should either leave the country or convert to Hinduism in order to achieve the Hindu renaissance.
The ruling Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) acts as a political interface of RSS, which is allegedly “remaking the nation into one where some people count as more Indian than others.” As a result, violence against minorities is often referred to as state-sponsored terrorism. It is no coincidence that the persecution of minorities has increased since Narendra Modi’s ascension to the position of prime minister. Modi has been an RSS sevak and believes in the execution of Hindutva ideology – a belief that India should become an “only Hindu state.” It was Modi who allowed the Gujarat Pogrom in 2002 while he was chief minister, for which he was declared persona non grata in America and many European countries for many years until he became prime minister.
Under state patronage, saffron terror groups have become part of mainstream politics and influence national policy matters. These groups have revived Hindutva ideology in a systematic and brutal manner which has terrified India’s minorities, particularly Muslims and Christians. Advocates of Hindutva refer to themselves as Sangh Parivar, where Sangh refers to the movement and Parivar corresponds to the family. The Hindu nationalist organisations affiliated with RSS ideology identify with Sangh Parivar, including political parties like the BJP and militant religious organisations like Bajrang Dal. In today’s India, RSS sevaks regularly carry metal rods, cricket bats, and rocks to attack people in minority communities in the name of Hindutva or saffron terror.
Shining India under Saffron Terror
When minorities, particularly Muslims, are assaulted by saffron terrorists, they are often forced to recite “Jai Shri Ram,” a slogan raised for the glorification of Hindu lord Rama, or else are offered a life-or-death choice: to accept Hinduism as their religion or be killed. Such situations occur throughout India, whether in Assam’s Barpeta District or Mumbai’s crowded streets. The horrifying images of a photojournalist trampling the body of a Muslim man who had been killed by state police illustrate the state-sponsored brutality.
Even places of worship are not safe in today’s India. Many mosques, like Ayodhya which was constructed in the Mughal era, have been converted into temples. RSS militants have demolished churches or set them on fire. Union of Catholic Asian News reported that another church in Uttarakhand state was attacked by a mob of 200 radical Hindu nationalists on 10 September 2021. Even more worrisome is that this hatred transcends Indian borders. According to Amar Singh, president of Turbans 4 Australia, the whole Sikh community is concerned about increasing attacks by Hindu nationalists in Australian cities.
There are a few voices, like that of Arundhati Roy, who resist RSS fascist ideology, but the political effectiveness of Hindutva ideology has been imbued in the Indian constitution, thus leaving little space to counter RSS fascism. India has survived many challenges and serious crises since 1947. However, the rise of saffron terror and the renewed onslaught on minorities, if not checked, will prove to be far more devastating to the sovereignty of world’s largest democracy.

Dr Seema Khan has worked extensively with the government of Pakistan since 1999 and completed different tiers of academic education from three leading Australian Universities—Monash, The University of Melbourne, and Deakin. Seema holds a PhD from Deakin University in International Relations, and core areas of interests are power politics and strategic studies. Twitter: @seemashafiq71
This article is published under a Creative Commons License and may be republished with attribution.
Some years ago, the court in Greece declared the fascist party called Golden Dawn a criminal organization. Now I can't think of a political party in a major democratic country other than BJP which is affiliated with a fascist organization. What if all political parties in India and the world became like that, every party acquiring a militant wing? That would obviously be anti-democratic, defeating the purpose of democracy. Should be illegal for parties competing fairly for votes to operate under ideological, militant umbrella outside the party.
The Hindutvadis are not just against Muslims but also against Christians, farmers, Dalits and Communists. Has been so always, even before Independence in 1947. Against Dalits this has been so for the last 3000 years.

Some years ago, the court in Greece declared the fascist party called Golden Dawn a criminal organization. Now I can't think of a political party in a major democratic country other than BJP which is affiliated with a fascist organization. What if all political parties in India and the world became like that, every party acquiring a militant wing? That would obviously be anti-democratic, defeating the purpose of democracy. Should be illegal for parties competing fairly for votes to operate under ideological, militant umbrella outside the party.

Multiple political parties, voting and elections once every four years is not democracy but an illusion of democracy, a majoritarian dictatorship, a chaos. In USA is there a difference between the Democrats and the Republics ? In Uttar Pradesh in India the Hindutvadi bigot, misogynist and oppressor Yogi Adityanath was elected to chief ministership by majority vote, quite "democratically" as democracy is understood under modern Western-derived political systems.
Some years ago, the court in Greece declared the fascist party called Golden Dawn a criminal organization. Now I can't think of a political party in a major democratic country other than BJP which is affiliated with a fascist organization. What if all political parties in India and the world became like that, every party acquiring a militant wing? That would obviously be anti-democratic, defeating the purpose of democracy. Should be illegal for parties competing fairly for votes to operate under ideological, militant umbrella outside the party.
The Australian SBS just yesterday had a pretty objective segment on the fascist violent BJP thugs attacking totally marginalized and peaceful nature loving Adivasis (who number more than 50 million), the Indigenous people of India, who just respect nature and are non-violent but are now constantly attacked by Hindu armed thugs who have police and political support. Many of the Adivasis women and girls have been raped, kidnapped and sold to brothels with full government complicity. In many cases the Hindu police were committing the crimes. This Modi is an absolute scum.
The Hindutvadis are not just against Muslims but also against Christians, farmers, Dalits and Communists. Has been so always, even before Independence in 1947. Against Dalits this has been so for the last 3000 years.

Multiple political parties, voting and elections once every four years is not democracy but an illusion of democracy, a majoritarian dictatorship, a chaos. In USA is there a difference between the Democrats and the Republics ? In Uttar Pradesh in India the Hindutvadi bigot, misogynist and oppressor Yogi Adityanath was elected to chief ministership by majority vote, quite "democratically" as democracy is understood under modern Western-derived political systems.
Indeed, they are also attacking and terrorizing the native Indian Adivasis people whose beliefs are very similar to moderate Hindus and worship trees, animals etc. These BJP fascists are also extremely racist and have not spared Christians, Sikhs and even Dalits. However, Muslims are their primary target.
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Indeed, they are also attacked the native Indian Adivasis people whose beliefs are very similar to moderate Hindus. These BJP fascists are also extremely racist and have not spared Christians, Sikhs and even Dalits. However, Muslims are their primary target.

Unfortunately that is the case. In another state ruled by BJP there was a recent of a Muslim bangle seller who was almost lynched by a Hindutvadi mob who also stole his phone, his goods worth 30,000 rupees and his earning. The state's home minister instead of taking action against the identifiable people in the mob ( from phone recordings ) turned the crime on the victim himself by siding with the the mob who said that the Muslim bangle seller had come to the area with the purpose of misbehaving with Hindu women there and he had also misbehaved with the daughter of one house there. This is a small part of that almost-lynching.
Unfortunately that is the case. In another state ruled by BJP there was a recent of a Muslim bangle seller who was almost lynched by a Hindutvadi mob who also stole his phone, his goods worth 30,000 rupees and his collection. The state's home minister instead of taking action against the identifiable people in the mob ( from phone recordings ) turned the crime on the victim himself by siding with the the mob who said that the Muslim bangle seller had come to the area with the purpose of misbehaving with Hindu women there and he had also misbehaved with the daughter of one house there. This is a small part of that almost-lynching.
Only the Pakistani and Iranian media are highlighting these Hindu cowardly fascist scums atrocities and most of the so-called "Muslim world" like Saudi and UAE are propping up these Hindu murdering terrorists. Even the Turkish media has no interest. Iranian Press TV and Hezbollah's Al-Manar give prominence to these crimes. Most of the western hypocrite Jew owned media just cheers "Indian democracy" totally acquiescing in these BJP crimes as they tout India as "democratic ally against China". What a bunch of two faced hypocrites.
Only the Pakistani and Iranian media are highlighting these Hindu cowardly fascist scums atrocities and most of the so-called "Muslim world" like Saudi and UAE are propping up these Hindu murdering terrorists. Even the Turkish media has no interest. Iranian Press TV and Hezbollah's Al-Manar give prominence to these crimes. Most of the western hypocrite Jew owned media just cheers "Indian democracy" totally acquiescing in these BJP crimes as they tout India as "democratic ally against China". What a bunch of two faced hypocrites.

1. Well, not all Hindus are Hindutvadi. :) There are many sensible Hindus too including on this forum. Unfortunately their voices are often suppressed by the super loud voices of the Hindutvadis. My thread on this from some months ago :

2. I didn't know about Press TV and Al-Manar covering Hindutvadi atrocities. Thanks.

3. I dislike the GCC for its role in supporting criminals in the Libyan and Syrian wars but there was a recent thread about GCC influentials becoming aware about Hindutvadi criminality. Some people are I think calling for boycott of Indian goods. And it was last year I think when a UAE princess said about that idiot from BJP - Tejaswi Surya ( mentioned in the article linked by @Vapnope above ) - that he is no longer welcome in any Arab country because he posted a stupid tweet about Arab women.
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Multiple political parties, voting and elections once every four years is not democracy but an illusion of democracy, a majoritarian dictatorship, a chaos. In USA is there a difference between the Democrats and the Republics ? In Uttar Pradesh in India the Hindutvadi bigot, misogynist and oppressor Yogi Adityanath was elected to chief ministership by majority vote, quite "democratically" as democracy is understood under modern Western-derived political systems.
Republican and Democratic parties do not have militant wings to suppress, threaten, bully, and lynch people. It would be outlawed instantly as unconstitutional. Religious test for citizenship is unconstitutional as well. In America the constitution isn't just a piece of paper. It is extremely important for a fair system of individual rights, checks and balance in the government, and the separation of powers, all of which constitute the backbone of a democratic system. It is way better than a one party dictatorship. Parties with militant wings are obviously anti democratic. The Nazi party acquired power through democracy, yet nobody considers Nazi Germany democratic, though the Nazi party had 90% popularity at the beginning of its dictatorship.
Western countries control the Indian govt by controlling the Indian media to incite nationalism. Incitement to nationalism will inevitably lead to the victims of Muslims and ethnic minorities.
Republican and Democratic parties do not have militant wings to suppress, threaten, bully, and lynch people. It would be outlawed instantly as unconstitutional.

But the Democrats and the Republicans have the FBI, the CIA, other organs and CNN etc to internally suppress, intimidate and sabotage any progressive movement. I am sure that's what happened with the Occupy Wall Street movement from 2011. About externally, the American invasions-oriented military, that is propped up by the biggest military-industrial complex in the world, is used for immoral and anti-human things as much by the Democrats as by the Republics. So the aforesaid groupings are in effect the militant wings of the government.

Religious test for citizenship is unconstitutional as well.

Against progressive Muslim-majority countries the American military and intelligence are nothing but medieval Crusader formations so the American citizen is expected to participate in such wars.

In America the constitution isn't just a piece of paper. It is extremely important for a fair system of individual rights, checks and balance in the government, and the separation of powers, all of which constitute the backbone of a democratic system.

Can you tell me which items in the American constitution are about the rights to housing, food, healthcare, electricity, education etc ?

It is way better than a one party dictatorship.

If North Korea is a one-party dictatorship then America is a two-party dictatorship and India and Pakistan are multi-party dictatorships. Do you want to do hair-splitting ? :)

The Nazi party acquired power through democracy, yet nobody considers Nazi Germany democratic, though the Nazi party had 90% popularity at the beginning of its dictatorship.

Yes indeed. So those not voting for the Nazi party were discriminated against just because they were the minority. Was this democracy ?
But the Democrats and the Republicans have the FBI, the CIA, other organs and CNN etc to internally suppress, intimidate and sabotage any progressive movement.
They operate under the Constitution so the rest of your arguments collapse under the false premise. You are pushing preconceived notions [ideology].
Only the Pakistani and Iranian media are highlighting these Hindu cowardly fascist scums atrocities and most of the so-called "Muslim world" like Saudi and UAE are propping up these Hindu murdering terrorists. Even the Turkish media has no interest. Iranian Press TV and Hezbollah's Al-Manar give prominence to these crimes. Most of the western hypocrite Jew owned media just cheers "Indian democracy" totally acquiescing in these BJP crimes as they tout India as "democratic ally against China". What a bunch of two faced hypocrites.

It's because of $$$$$$. They are willing to look the other way because of a lucrative market and/or using India as a counterweight against China.
They operate under the Constitution so the rest of your arguments collapse under the false premise. You are pushing preconceived notions [ideology].

1. I wasn't presenting a strictly ideological argument there but was making a point that whatever "Under the constitution" pretenses they make while operating they still act against progressive American movements.

2. You didn't answer my question about those rights.
Americans in armed forces swear to defend the Constitution, not a political party.

“I, ____________________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

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